Ultrasonic Evaluation of Worn Surface

초음파를 이용한 마멸표면 평가

  • 안효석 (한국과학기술연구원 트라이볼로지연구센터) ;
  • 김두인 (한국과학기술연구원 트라이볼로지연구센터)
  • Published : 2000.10.01


The feasibility of an ultrasonic technique using a pulse-echo method of normal-incident compressional waves was evaluated for its sensitivity to the worn surface and near surface damage due to wear. Worn surfaces were generated at various oscillation frequency under a given load and amplitude and these surface were in situ monitored using a ultrasonic wave detection system. Analysis of the ultrasonic waves received from the worn surface revealed a close relationship between the surface and near-surface damage and the maximum echo-amplitude of the compressional waves. The ultrasonic technique was successful in assessing the level of severity of the worn surface in real time during the wear process. It is also shown that the wear depth can be easily measured by the calculation of change of the specimen thickness based on the wave speed measured for the specimen medium.



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