• 제목/요약/키워드: Radiation parameter

검색결과 343건 처리시간 0.027초

Radiation mechanism of gamma-ray burst prompt emission

  • 엄정휘
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.49.3-50
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    • 2015
  • Synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons is an important radiation mechanism in many astrophysical sources. In the sources where the synchrotron cooling timescale is shorter than the dynamical timescale, electrons are cooled down below the minimum injection energy. It has been believed that such fast-cooling electrons have a power-law distribution in energy with an index -2, and their synchrotron radiation has a photon spectral index -1.5. On the other hand, in a transient expanding astrophysical source, such as a gamma-ray burst (GRB), the magnetic field strength in the emission region continuously decreases with radius. Here we study such a system, and find that in a certain parameter regime, the fast-cooling electrons can have a harder energy spectrum. We apply this new physical regime to GRBs, and suggest that the GRB prompt emission spectra whose low-energy photon spectral index has a typical value -1 could be due to synchrotron radiation in this moderately fast-cooling regime.

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대류-복사 복합 열전달을 고려한 대류 핀효율의 향상에 관한 수치적 연구 (Numerical Investigations of Enhancement of a Convective Fin Efficiency by Convection-Radiation Gonjugate Heat Transfer)

  • 이동렬;김호용;이재곤;박용국;김기대
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.146-154
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    • 2001
  • In almost all real situations, there will be a radiant interchange between adjacent fins with the base surface as well as with the external environment. In the problem of this study, a rectangular fin is attached to a based. Our concern is whether the convective fin efficiency can be increased by the radiation heat exchanged between the fin and the base surface and how much. If the fin temperature toward the tip increased by the effect of radiation, the convective heat transfer increase due to the temperature difference between the ambient temperature and the surface temperature of the fin. If this true, the efficiency of the fin due to the radiation will increase. Attention is directed toward several parameters which have major roles on getting values of the fin efficiencies in several different values of parameters. Many different cases are, therefore, to be examined to have maximum fin efficiency by varying the values of each parameter.

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기상매개변수와의 상관관계에 의한 일사예측에 관한 연구 (A Study on Estimating Solar Radiation in Relation to Meteorological Parameters)

  • 조덕기;강용혁
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2008
  • It is necessary to estimate empirical constants in order to predict the monthly mean daily global radiation on a horizontal surface in the developing areas for alternative energy. Therefore many different equations have proposed to evaluate them for certain areas. In this work a new correlation has been made to predict the solar radiation for any areas over Korea by calculating the regression models taking into account latitude, percentage of possible sunshine, and cloud cover. Results clearly demonstrates the reliability of the single linear equation for the estimation of global radiation, which is proposed by using percentage of possible sunshine method. When compared with the measured values, the average annual deviation falls between -3.1 to +0.6%.

여름철 득량만의 열속과 관련한 성층 (Stratification related to Heat Flux in Deukryang Bay during Summer)

  • 최용규;홍성근
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제6권6호
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    • pp.579-588
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    • 1997
  • In order to see the stratification related to the heat flux In Deukryang Bay, the oceanographic data on July 12, 1994 and the meteorological data of Kohung and Kwangju meteorological stations were analysed. The temperature durerences between the sea surface and the near bottom were 1~3 ton spring tide (July 12, 1994) In Deukryang Bay. The temperature anomalies were high about 3t during summer In 1994. These mean that the non mixing was not effective In destroying the stratification due to the sea surface heating by the solar radition, even though it was on spring tide. The maximum solar radiation was about 600 ly/day, which was the value of the same date of oceanographic observation. The sensible and the latent heat flux which are 0~100 ly/day were not so varied during summer. The absorbed heat flux through the sea surface was mostly lost by the back radiation. which ranges are about 0~-400 ly/day. The dimensionless mixing parameter related to the buoyancy flux was 5~150$\times$$10^{-5}$. The efficiency of tidal mixing to destroy the stratecation was 0.4~0.6%.

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육상식품 섭취경로에 의한 선량계산 모델에서 파라메터의 불확실성 및 민감도 분석 (Parameter Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis on a Dose Calculation Model for Terrestrial Food-Chain Pathway)

  • 이창우;최용호;천기정;이정호
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 1991
  • 육상 섭취 경로에 따른 내부 피폭선량 계산 모델 KFOOD의 파라메터 불착실성 및 민감도를 몬테칼로법을 사용하여 수치 분석하였다. 쌀을 통한 섭취 경로의 경우 KFOOD 코드에 의한 예측치는 아주 보수적인 값을 나타내었다 모델에서 민감도가 큰 입력변수는 방사능의 침적속도와 식물전이제수였다.

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레이저빔 조사에 의한 압력용기용 강의 피로강도 향상방법 개발 (Fatigue Strength Improvement of Pressure Vessel Steel by Lasler Beam Radiation)

  • 권재도;진영준;김상태;최선호
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.519-528
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    • 1994
  • Degradation problem due to long term service in machine or structure is now one of important problems in whole industrial field. In this study, pressure vessel steel, Cr-Mo steel, which was used more than 60,000 hours, was surface-modified by laser beam radiation for the improvement of fatigue strength. To find out optimum radiation condition, hardness, residual stress measurement and fatigue tests were carried out with the specimen of different radiation conditions. Experimental results show that micro-hardness values on the surface of the radiated specimens were approximately 2.2 times higher than those of un-radiated ones. In the depth direction of the specimen, hardness on the surface showed maximum value and was decreased at the inside the specimen. Different hardness values are due to the energy density Q which was absorbed by the specimen. Fatigue tests show that fatigue life was improved by the compressive residual stress after laser beam radiation. However, some specimens with differednt conditions show the shorter fatigue life. It means that laser beam radiation with optimum parameter can improve thae fatigue strength.

정사각형 계의 전도-복사열전달에서 정반사면의 영향 (Effects of a Specularly Reflecting Wall in an Infinite Square Duct on Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer)

  • 변기홍;한동천
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제25권10호
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    • pp.1451-1458
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    • 2001
  • The effects of a specularly reflecting surface on the wall heat flux and medium temperature distribution are studied. The system is an infinite square duct enclosing an absorbing and emitting medium. The walls are opaque, and black or gray. The walls emit diffusely but reflect diffusely or speculary. Heat is transferred by the combined effect of conduction and radiation. The radiative heat transfer is analyzed using direct discrete-ordinates method. The parameters under study are conduction, to radiation parameter, optical depth, wall emissivity, and reflection characteristics. The specular reflection and diffuse reflection show sizeable differences when the conduction to radiation parameter is less than around 0.01. The differences appear only either on the side wall heat flux or on the medium temperature profiles for the range of this study. The differences on the side wall heat flux are observed for optical thickness less than around 0.1 However the differences on the medium temperate profiles are found for optical thickness greater than around 1. The difference increase with increasing reflectance. The specular reflection increases the well heat flux gradient along the side wall.

Noise reduction in low-dose positron emission tomography with adaptive parameter estimation in sinogram domain

  • Kyu Bom Kim;Yeonkyeong Kim;Kyuseok Kim;Su Hwan Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권10호
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    • pp.4127-4133
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    • 2024
  • Noise reduction in low-dose positron emission tomography (PET) is a well-researched topic aimed at reducing patient radiation doses and improving diagnosis. Software-based noise reduction mainly improves the contrast between regions by reducing the variation of the acquired image. However, it should be performed under appropriate parameters to reduce discrimination. We propose a method that derives optimal noise-reduction parameters using the multi-scale structural similarity index measure and visual information fidelity, which are metrics for image quality assessment. Simulation and experimental studies demonstrated the viability of the proposed algorithm. The contrast-to-noise ratio value of the denoised reconstruction slice, which was used as the optimal parameter, increased approximately three times compared to that of the low-dose slice while preserving the resolution. The results indicate that the proposed method successfully predicted the parameters according to the noise-reduction algorithm and PET system conditions in the sinogram domain. The proposed algorithm should help prevent misdiagnosis and provide standardized medical images for clinical application by performing appropriate noise reduction.

종관기상자료에 의한 순폭사량 추정 (Estimation of Daily Net Radiation from Synoptic Meteorological Data)

  • 이변우;김병찬;명을재
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.204-208
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    • 1991
  • Linacre(1968), Herljand(1956), 중산 등(1983), Chang(1970), Doorenbos et at.(1977)등이 보고한 5개의 순폭사량추정 모델로 추정한 순폭사량과 실측한 순폭사량을 비교하여 이들 모델에 대한 우리나라에서의 적용성을 검토하였으며, 또한 일사량, 기온, 증기압을 매개변수로하는 순폭사량 추정모델을 작성하여 추정정도를 검증하였다. 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 상기의 5개 모델의 parameter값을 그대로 이용하여 추정한 순폭사량은 평균편차로 0.86~1.64MJ/$m^2$/day, 상대평균편차로 8.75~16.64%의 큰 추정오차를 나타내었다 2. 실측 순폭사량과 기상요소들을 이용하여 이들 모델의 계수를 재추정하여, 계수추정에 이용하지 않은 독립자료를 이용하여 검증한 결과 평균편차로 0.74~0.88MJ/$m^2$/day, 상대평균편차로 7.99~9.52%의 오차를 나타내었다. 3, 일사량(Rs), 알베도($\alpha$), 기온( $T_{k}$), 증기압( $e_{a}$ )를 매개변수로 하는 다음과 같은 순폭사량 추정모델을 작성하였다. Rn=(1- $\alpha$) Rs- $\sigma$ $T_{k}$$^{4}$ (0.0103 Exp (0 .0731 Rs) -0.0475 (equation omitted) +0 .2478) ($R^2$=0.997, n=63) 4. 이 모델을 독립자료를 이용하여 검증한 결과 이 모델은 평균편차로 0.4988MJ/$m^2$/day, 상대평균편차로 5.38%의 오차를 나타내어, 상기의 기존모델중 가장 추정정도가 높았던 중산 등(1983)의 평균편차 0.7425 MJ/$m^2$/day, 상대평균편차 8.01%보다 추정오차가 적었다.적었다.

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