산업활동의 부산물인 chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)와 같은 물질들의 대기권 유입으로 오존층의 파괴가 극심해짐에 따라 자외선의 지표유입량이 증가되는 추세를 보이는데, 특히 중파자외선의 증가는 DNA, 단백질, 지질 등에 의한 흡수를 통하여 생물학적 폐해를 야기할 수 있다는 점에서 주목된다. 최근 측정 결과 우리나라 동해안에서 해수표면에 도달되는 중파자외선 광량의 1%가 수심 l0 m까지 침투하는 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 해양생태계 생산성의 대부분이 해양 수심의 상위 2.5%에 해당되는 투광대에 의존한다는 점을 감안할 때 자외선에 의한 막대한 생태학적 폐해를 예견하게 해준다. 실내배양실험 연구에서 중파자외선은 대형해조류의 생장 및 광합성을 억제하고 광합성 색소를 파괴하는 등의 생물독성학적 효과를 보였다. 반면, 자외선의 피해로부터 해조류를 보호해 주는 몇 가지 기작이 밝혀진 바 있는데, 어린시기의 갈조류 다시마는 청색광에 의한 광재활성화 능력을 함유한 것으로 보이고, 한국산 녹조 구멍갈파래와 홍조 도박류에서는 자외선을 강하게 차단하는 흡수물질이 형성됨을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 이러한 적응기능들이 해조류에서 보편적으로 나타나는 것인지에 대해서는 좀 더 연구가 필요하다. 해양생태계는 대기 중 CO$x_2$를 이용하여 1년에 약 100 Gt의 유기물질을 생산해내고, 인류가 소비하는 식품의 30%를 제공한다는 점에서 자외선에 의한 생물량의 감소는 해조류 뿐만 아니라 먹이망에 의해서 복잡한 연결구조를 지닌 생태계 전체의 붕괴를 야기할 수 있는 심각한 사안이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서, 자외선에 대한 피해를 연구 평가하여 전략을 세우고 이를 예측하는 예보시스템을 개발할 필요성이 절실히 부각된다.
This study was carried out to develop salt tolerant varities of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) which can be grown in the high salty reclaimed land. The seeds of three varieties 'Naehan', 'Tammi', and 'Halla' were treated by proton ion beams and gamma rays with 0 to 2,000 Gy. For the selection of salt tolerant lines, emergence and survival rate, and growth characteristics of $M_2$ to $M_4$ generations were investigated in the Saemangeum reclaimed fields with the different salt concentrations. The lines with potential salt tolerance were selected in the $M_4$ generation and tested indoor for their growth characteristics. There was no significant changes in the soil pH for $M_4$ generation during growth period. However, soil EC was higher in early spring than sowing period (mid October). In $M_4$ generation test, the seeds of original and selected line showed high rates of emergence and survival, as determined one month after sowing. After wintering, however, the original varieties showed the significant reduction in the survival rate, while the selected lines showed a higher survival rate and good growth, leading to the completion of their life cycle. Consequently we selected 9 lines from $M_4$ generation with better performance in growth and yield. Soil EC was $2.8{\sim}4.3dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ during $M_4$ generation growth period. The laboratory test of the lines selected from $M_4$ generation was made for their salt tolerance potential. The selected lines showed higher chlorophyll and proline contents than the original varieties. There was also no significant difference in the emergence rate of seed between the original and selected varieties. In 200 mM natural sea salt, the $N{\gamma}600-21-1-641$ line derived from 'Naehan' was the highest in growth rate, leaf chlorophyll and proline contents. $T{\gamma}800-20-2-461$ line derived from 'Tammi' didn't show significant difference in growth rate compared to original variety in 200 mM and withered in 250 mM like other lines as time passed. $H{\gamma}200-7-1-740$ line showed similar growth and chlorophyll content compared to its original variety.
대두의 돌연변이육종을 함에 있어서 돌연변이기의 효율적인 선발법을 확립하기 위하여 M_1세대의 초장 및 주당종자수와 M_2세대의 돌연변이 출현과의 관계 그리고 M_1 식물체의 키메라에 대해 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 30kR의 감마선을 종자에 처리하였을 때 M_1초장의 분포는 무처리에 비해 45-68% 감소되는 개체가 전체의 63.7%를 차지하였으며 이 범위에 속하는 집단내에서 엽녹소변이는 71.4%, 가시적 형태변이가 62.3%를 차지하였다. 2. M_1주당종자수는 6-15개인 개체가 전체의 58.9%를 차지하였고 이때 엽녹소변이는 55.3%, 가시적 형태변이는 63.4%를 차지하였다. 3. M_1 집단에서 초장과 주당종자수는 통계적으로 유의한 정의 상관이 있었다. 4. M_1의 초장의 장해가 심하고 주당종자수가 적을 수록 M_2에서 가시적 형태변이의 출현율이 높았으며 반대로 엽녹소변이는 초장장해가 적고 주당종자수가 많을수록 변이출현율이 높은 경향이었다. 5. 변이가 일어난 M_2 family의 변이의 sector 크기는 M_1주당종자수 적을수록 크게 나타났다. 6. 엽녹소변이를 대상으로 M_1식물체의 꼬투리별로 돌연변이의 출리양상을 보면 식물체의 부위별로 일정한 경향이 없이 임의로 발생하였다. 7. 대두의 돌연변이육종을 효율적으로 수행하기 위해서는 종자에 고선량의 방사선을 처리할 것과 M_1의 주당종자수가 적은 개체를 수확하여 M_2에서 집단으로 양성할 것을 추천한다.
국제원자력기구(IAEA)에서 주관하는 국제비교프로그램 EMRAS-2($\underline{E}$nvironmental $\underline{M}$odelling for $\underline{RA}$diation $\underline{S}$afety, Phase 2)의 도시오염평가분과에서는 도시지역의 방사성핵종 거동 모델에 대한 평가능력의 시험과 향상을 위해 방사능사고 시나리오를 설계하였다. 모델간 예측결과의 비교를 위해 선정된 도시지역에서 방사능오염 사건이 발생한 계절(여름철, 겨울철) 및 사건이 발생한 당일의 강우조건(강우 없음, 약한 강우, 강한 강우)을 고려하였고, 각기 다른 피폭자 위치에서의 다양한 대응행위에 대한 공기중 흡수선량률의 시간에 따른 변화를 분석하였다. 국내모델 METRO-K를 사용한 예측결과가 모델간 비교를 위해 도시오염평가분과에 제출되었다. 본 논문에서는 동 시나리오에 대해 METRO-K로 예측한 결과의 일부로써 대상 도시지역에 위치한 24층 상업용 건물의 1층 실내에서의 대응행위에 따른 선량저감의 효과를 제시하고 분석하였다. 평가 결과, 방사능오염 사건이 발생한 당일의 강우강도 및 계절에 따른 대응행위별 피폭저감 효과는 분명한 차이를 나타냈다. 이는 방사성핵종의 각기 다른 표면으로의 침적량과 침적 후 거동, 적용되는 대응 행위에 대한 저감효과의 차이에 기인한 것으로 분석된다. 이러한 결과로 부터 만일의 원자력발전소 사고나 방사능분산장치의 폭발 등과 같은 불의의 사건이 발생하여 도시지역에서 방사능오염이 발생될 경우, 방사능피폭에 따른 인체위해 뿐 아니라 경제 사회적 영향을 최소화하기 위해서는 사건이 일어난 시점의 계절 및 강우조건을 고려한 대응행위의 선택이 중요한 것으로 확인되었다.
Won Seok Lee;Hae-June Lee;Ji Yeong Yang;Hye-Lim Shin;Sik-Won Choi;Jong-Ki Kim;Woo Duck Seo;Eun Ho Kim
Journal of Web Engineering
The physiological or dietary advantages of germinated grains have been the subject of numerous discussions over the past decade. Around 23 million tons of oats are consumed globally, making up a sizeable portion of the global grain market. Oat seedlings contain more protein, beta-glucan, free amino acids, and phenolic compounds than seeds. The progressive neurodegenerative disorder of Alzheimer's is accompanied by worsening memory and cognitive function. A key indicator of this disorder is the unusual buildup of amyloid-beta protein (or Aβ) in human brains. In this context, oat seedling extract (OSE) has been identified as a new therapeutic candidate for AD, due to its antioxidant activity and AD-specific mechanism of action. This study directly investigated how OSE affected AD and its impacts by examining the cognitive function and exploring the inflammatory response mechanism. The dried oat seedlings were grounded finely with a grinder, inserted with 50% fermented ethanol 10 times (w/v), and extracted by stirring for 10 h at 45 ℃. After filtering the extract by 0.22 um filter, some of it was used for UHPLC analysis. The results indicated that the treatment with OSE protects against Aβ25-35-induced cytotoxicity in BV2 cells. Tg-5Xfad AD mice had strong deposition of Aβ throughout their brains, while WT mice did not exhibit any such deposition within their brains. A drastic reduction was observed in terms of numbers, as well as the size, of Aβ plaques within Tg-5Xfad AD mice exposed to OSE. This study indicated OSE's neuroprotective impacts against neurodegeneration, synaptic dysfunction, and neuroinflammation induced by amyloid-beta. Our results suggest that OSE acts as a neuroprotective agent to combat AD-specific apoptotic cell death, neuroinflammation, amyloid-beta accumulation, as well as synaptic dysfunction in AD mice's brains. Furthermore, the study indicated that OSE treatment affects JNK/ERK/p38 MAPK signaling, with considerable inhibition in p-JNK, p-p38, and p-ERK levels seen in the brain of OSE-treated Tg-5Xfad AD mice.
Doikov, Dmytry N.;Yushchenko, Alexander V.;Jeong, Yeuncheol
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
This paper focuses on the interpretation of radiation fluxes from active galactic nuclei. The advantage of positron annihilation spectroscopy over other methods of spectral diagnostics of active galactic nuclei (therefore AGN) is demonstrated. A relationship between regular and random components in both bolometric and spectral composition of fluxes of quanta and particles generated in AGN is found. We consider their diffuse component separately and also detect radiative feedback after the passage of high-velocity cosmic rays and hard quanta through gas-and-dust aggregates surrounding massive black holes in AGN. The motion of relativistic positrons and electrons in such complex systems produces secondary radiation throughout the whole investigated region of active galactic nuclei in form of cylinder with radius R= 400-1000 pc and height H=200-400 pc, thus causing their visible luminescence across all spectral bands. We obtain radiation and electron energy distribution functions depending on the spatial distribution of the investigated bulk of matter in AGN. Radiation luminescence of the non-central part of AGN is a response to the effects of particles and quanta falling from its center created by atoms, molecules and dust of its diffuse component. The cross-sections for the single-photon annihilation of positrons of different energies with atoms in these active galactic nuclei are determined. For the first time we use the data on the change in chemical composition due to spallation reactions induced by high-energy particles. We establish or define more accurately how the energies of the incident positron, emitted ${\gamma}-quantum$ and recoiling nucleus correlate with the atomic number and weight of the target nucleus. For light elements, we provide detailed tables of all indicated parameters. A new criterion is proposed, based on the use of the ratio of the fluxes of ${\gamma}-quanta$ formed in one- and two-photon annihilation of positrons in a diffuse medium. It is concluded that, as is the case in young supernova remnants, the two-photon annihilation tends to occur in solid-state grains as a result of active loss of kinetic energy of positrons due to ionisation down to thermal energy of free electrons. The single-photon annihilation of positrons manifests itself in the gas component of active galactic nuclei. Such annihilation occurs as interaction between positrons and K-shell electrons; hence, it is suitable for identification of the chemical state of substances comprising the gas component of the investigated media. Specific physical media producing high fluxes of positrons are discussed; it allowed a significant reduction in the number of reaction channels generating positrons. We estimate the brightness distribution in the ${\gamma}-ray$ spectra of the gas-and-dust media through which positron fluxes travel with the energy range similar to that recorded by the Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) research module. Based on the results of our calculations, we analyse the reasons for such a high power of positrons to penetrate through gas-and-dust aggregates. The energy loss of positrons by ionisation is compared to the production of secondary positrons by high-energy cosmic rays in order to determine the depth of their penetration into gas-and-dust aggregations clustered in active galactic nuclei. The relationship between the energy of ${\gamma}-quanta$ emitted upon the single-photon annihilation and the energy of incident electrons is established. The obtained cross sections for positron interactions with bound electrons of the diffuse component of the non-central, peripheral AGN regions allowed us to obtain new spectroscopic characteristics of the atoms involved in single-photon annihilation.
목적 : 호흡주기에 따른 위치변동 감지센서를 이용하여 종양의 위치가 일정워치에 있을 때만 방사선을 치료하는 호흡 동기치료기구를 제작하고 일정한 호흡주기 상태에서 수행된 CT simulation과 3차원 입체조형치료계획에 따라 방사선을 치료하는 시스템을 개발하고자 하였다. 호흡유무에 따른 종양의 치료 마진(margin)을 측정하고 계획용표적체적(planning target volume:PTV)의 크기에 따른 선량체적표(dose volume histogram:DVH)와 종양억제확률(tumor control probability:NTCP), 건강조직손상확률(normal tissue complication probability:NTCP) 및 선량 통계자료를 통하여 치료성과를 평가하고 선량증강 범위를 예측하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 종양이 비교적 작고 전이가 없는(T1N0M0) 5명의 폐암환자를 선택하여 X-선 조준장치를 이용하여 횡격막의 이동거리를 측정하는 방법으로 내부장기의 운동을 평가하였다. 호흡동기치료기구는 끌어당김 센서가 부착된 허리띠 모양으로 구성되었으며 이를 흉곽 또는 복부에 부착하여 호흡주기에 의한 흉곽의 크기변동에 따라 센서의 회로가 개폐되고 이것을 선형가속기의 조종간에 연결하는 간단한 기구로서 감도와 재현성이 높았다. 호흡을 배기한 후 일시적 호흡이 정지된 상태에서 Spiral-CT (PQ-5000)로 3차원 영상을 획득하고 Virtual CT-simulator (AcQ-SIM)에 의하여 종양의 위치와 주위 장기들을 확인 도시하였으며 3차원 치료계획장치(Pinnacle, ADAC Co.)를 이용하여 3차원 입체조형치료를 계획하였다. 치료계획의 평가는 호흡동기치료기구의 사용유무에 따른 PTV의 크기에 따라 최적 선량분포를 구사하였으며 각각의 DVH, TCP, NTCP 및 선량통계자료를 도출 비교 검토하였다. 결과 : X-선 simulation에서 폐암환자의 횡격막 이동은 약 1 cm에서 2.5 cm로서 평균 1.5 cm로 측정되었고 자유호흡시 PTV는 CTV (clinical target volume)에 약 2 cm 마진을 주었으며 호흡동기치료기구를 사용하였을 때는 0.5 cm 마진이 적당한 것으로 측정되었다. 종양의 PTV는 연장 마진의 거의 자승비로 증가하였으며 TCP의 값은 마진 범위 $(0.5\~2.0\;cm)$에 관계없이 거의 일정하였고 NTCP의 값은 마진 크기에 따라 평균 $65\%$로 급속히 증가하였다. 결론 : 호흡주기에 따른 위치변동 감지센서를 이용한 호흡동기치료기구는 종양의 위치가 일정할 때만 방사선이 조사되는 간단하고 정확한 장치로서 3차원 입체조형치료 및 강도변조방사선치료에서 매우 유용한 장치임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 호흡조절 방사선입체조형치료방법의 기술과 시술절차를 확립시키고 정량적인 선량평가를 위하여 DVH, TCP, NTCP 등의 정량분석과 종양의 투여 선량 증가량(dose escalation)을 예측하는 기초자료를 제공할 수 있었다.
Daynes, Raymond A.;Chung, Hun-Taeg;Roberts, Lee K.
The experimental exposure of animals to sources of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) which emit their energy primarily in the UVB region (280-320nm) is known to result in a number of well-described changes in the recipient's immune competence. Two such changes include a depressed capacity to effectively respond immunologically to transplants of syngeneic UVR tumors and a markedly reduced responsiveness to known inducers of delayedtype (DTH) and contact hypersensitivity (CH) reactions. The results of experiments that were designed to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for UVR-induced immunomodulation have implicated: 1) an altered pattern of lymphocyte recirculation, 2) suppressor T cells(Ts), 3) deviations in systemic antigen presenting cell (APC) potential. 4) changes in the production of interleukin-1-like molecules, and 5) the functional inactivation of epidermal Langerhans cells in this process. The exposure of skin to UVR, therefore, causes a number of both local and systemic alterations to the normal host immune system. In spite of this seeming complexity and diversity of responses, our recent studies have established that each of the UVR-mediated changes is probably of equal importance to creating the UVR-induced immunocompromised state. Normal animals were exposed to low dose UVR radiation on their dorsal surfaces under conditions where a $3.0\;cm^2$ area of skin was physically protected from the light energy. Contact sensitization of these animals with DNFB, to either the irradiated or protected back skin, resulted in markedly reduced CH responses. This was observed in spite of a normal responsiveness following the skin sensitization to ventral surfaces of the UVR-exposed animals. Systemic treatment of the low dose UVR recipients with the drug indomethacin (1-3 micrograms/day) during the UVR exposures resulted in a complete reversal of the depressions observed following DNFB sensitization to "protected" dorsal skin while the altered responsiveness found in the group exposed to the skin reactive chemical through directly UVR-exposed sites was maintained. These studies implicate the importance of EC as effective APC in the skin and also suggest that some of the systemic influences caused by UVR exposure involve the production of prostaglandins. This concept was further supported by finding that indomethacin treatment was also capable of totally reversing the systemic depressions in CH responsiveness caused by high dose UVR exposure (30K joules/$m^2$) of mice. Attempts to analyze the cellular mechanisms responsible established that the spleens of all animals which demonstrated altered CH responses, regardless of whether sensitization was through a normal or an irradiated skin site, contained suppressor cells. Interestingly, we also found normal levels of T effector cells in the peripheral lymph nodes of the UVR-exposed mice that were contact sensitized through normal skin. No effector cells were found when skin sensitization took place through irradiated skin sites. In spite of such an apparent paradox, insight into the probable mechanisms responsible for these observations was provided by establishing that UVR exposure of skin results in a striking and dose-dependent blockade of the efferent lymphatic vessels in all peripheral lymph nodes. Therefore, the afferent phases of immune responses can apparently take place normally in UVR exposed animals when antigen is applied to normal skin. The final effector responses, however, appear to be inhibited in the UVR-exposed animals by an apparent block of effector cell mobility. This contrasts with findings in the normal animals. Following contact sensitization, normal animals were also found to simultaneously contain both antigen specific suppressor T cells and lymph node effector cells. However, these normal animals were fully capable of mobilizing their effector cells into the systemic circulation, thereby allowing a localization of these cells to peripheral sites of antigen challenge. Our results suggest that UVR is probably not a significant inducer of suppressor T-cell activity to topically applied antigens. Rather, UVR exposure appears to modify the normal relationship which exists between effector and regulatory immune responses in vivo. It does so by either causing a direct reduction in the skin's APC function, a situation which results in an absence of effector cell generation to antigens applied to UVR-exposed skin sites, inhibiting the capacity of effector cells to gain access to skin sites of antigen challenge or by sequestering the lymphocytes with effector cell potential into the draining peripheral lymph nodes. Each of these situations result in a similar effect on the UVR-exposed host, that being a reduced capacity to elicit a CH response. We hypothesize that altered DTH responses, altered alloresponses, and altered graft-versus-host responses, all of which have been observed in UVR exposed animals, may result from similar mechanisms.
Ansari, Mansour;Porouhan, Pezhman;Mohammadianpanah, Mohammad;Omidvari, Shapour;Mosalaei, Ahmad;Ahmadloo, Niloofar;Nasrollahi, Hamid;Hamedi, Seyed Hasan
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Nausea and vomiting are among the most serious side effects of chemotherapy, in some cases leading to treatment interruption or chemotherapy dose reduction. Ginger has long been known as an antiemetic drug, used for conditions such as motion sickness, nausea-vomiting in pregnancy, and post-operation side effects. One hundred and fifty female patients with breast cancer entered this prospective study and were randomized to receive ginger (500 mg ginger powder, twice a day for 3 days) or placebo. One hundred and nineteen patients completed the study: 57 of them received ginger and 62 received ginger for the first 3 chemotherapy cycles. Mean age in all patients was 48.6 (25-79) years. After 1st chemotherapy, mean nausea in the ginger and control arms were 1.36 (${\pm}1.31$) and 1.46 (${\pm}1.28$) with no statistically significant difference. After the $2^{nd}$ chemotherapy session, nausea score was slightly more in the ginger group (1.36 versus 1.32). After $3^{rd}$ chemotherapy, mean nausea severity in control group was less than ginger group [1.37 (${\pm}1.14$), versus 1.42 (${\pm}1.30$)]. Considering all patients, nausea was slightly more severe in ginger arm. In ginger arm mean nausea score was 1.42 (${\pm}0.96$) and in control arm it was 1.40 (${\pm}0.92$). Mean vomiting scores after chemotherapy in ginger arm were 0.719 (${\pm}1.03$), 0.68 (${\pm}1.00$) and 0.77 (${\pm}1.18$). In control arm, mean vomiting was 0.983 (${\pm}1.23$), 1.03 (${\pm}1.22$) and 1.15 (${\pm}1.27$). In all sessions, ginger decreased vomiting severity from 1.4 (${\pm}1.04$) to 0.71 (${\pm}0.86$). None of the differences were significant. In those patients who received the AC regimen, vomiting was less severe ($0.64{\pm}0.87$) comparing to those who received placebo ($1.13{\pm}1.12$), which was statistically significant (p-Value <0.05). Further and larger studies are needed to draw conclusions.
Improvement in rice grain yield has been approached by means of genetic amendment, cultural management, and environmental adaptation. Subjecting the plant during the grain filling period to an appropriate environment plays a key role in achieving a high grain yield in temperate rice. Field experiments were conducted for two consecutive years with two planting times to assess the relations among grain filling traits, loss of leaf activity during the ripening period, and the grain yield of temperate japonica rice with wide environmental variation. Higher grain yields were attained in 2017 than in 2016 and with late planting than with early planting. The high grain yield accompanied a comparatively lesser increase in grain weight at the early filling stage but more gain in grain weight occurred during the late filling stage. Final grain weight correlated positively with grain filling duration but negatively with grain filling rate. Extended grain filling duration was associated with higher cumulative temperature and cumulative solar radiation for an effective grain filling period. The reduction in SPAD value ${\times}$ leaf dry weight from heading to harvest significantly correlated with final grain dry weight in a positive manner. No significant relation was found between grain filling duration and the decrease in SPAD value ${\times}$ leaf dry weight during the grain filling period. The results suggest that grain filling duration and loss of leaf activity during ripening independently contribute to environmentally induced yield improvement in temperate japonica rice.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.