• 제목/요약/키워드: Radiation dose effect

검색결과 1,109건 처리시간 0.026초

Is it possible to treat COVID-19 pneumonia by low-dose radiation?

  • Jae Min Jeong
    • 대한방사성의약품학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2021
  • Low-dose radiotherapy has been known to have anti-inflammatory activity and been used for treatment of pneumonia together with anti-serum and sulfanilamide. However, it rapidly discontinued after the development of various antibiotics showing outstanding effect. Recently, it was re-considered to treat COVID-19 which has very limited treatment such as remdesivir and dexamethasone. So, several studies of COVID-19 therapy using low-dose radiation were reported very recently. They showed that low-dose radiation of 0.5~1.5 Gy were useful for decreasing the oxygen consumption and hospitalization period of COVID-19 patients without adverse reaction. Radiopharmaceuticals such as [99mTc]Tc-macroaggregated albumin (MAA) also might be used for low-dose radiotherapy. Administration of vitamin D having anti-inflammatory effect would also be helpful for therapy with synergistic effect.

The effect of photon energy on intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plans for prostate cancer

  • Sung, Won-Mo;Park, Jong-Min;Choi, Chang-Heon;Ha, Sung-Whan;Ye, Sung-Joon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: To evaluate the effect of common three photon energies (6-MV, 10-MV, and 15-MV) on intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plans to treat prostate cancer patients. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients with prostate cancer treated locally to 81.0 Gy were retrospectively studied. 6-MV, 10-MV, and 15-MV IMRT plans for each patient were generated using suitable planning objectives, dose constraints, and 8-field setting. The plans were analyzed in terms of dose-volume histogram for the target coverage, dose conformity, organs at risk (OAR) sparing, and normal tissue integral dose. Results: Regardless of the energies chosen at the plans, the target coverage, conformity, and homogeneity of the plans were similar. However, there was a significant dose increase in rectal wall and femoral heads for 6-MV compared to those for 10-MV and 15-MV. The $V_{20Gy}$ of rectal wall with 6-MV, 10-MV, and 15-MV were 95.6%, 88.4%, and 89.4% while the mean dose to femoral heads were 31.7, 25.9, and 26.3 Gy, respectively. Integral doses to the normal tissues in higher energy (10-MV and 15-MV) plans were reduced by about 7%. Overall, integral doses in mid and low dose regions in 6-MV plans were increased by up to 13%. Conclusion: In this study, 10-MV prostate IMRT plans showed better OAR sparing and less integral doses than the 6-MV. The biological and clinical significance of this finding remains to be determined afterward, considering neutron dose contribution.

방사선 조사가 쥐의 뇌와 간의 Monoamine Oxidase 활성도에 미치는 영향 (Effect of ${\gamma}-ray$ Irradiation on the Activities of Monoamine Oxidase in Rat Brain and Liver)

  • 김주영;최명선;최명언
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.205-217
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    • 1993
  • In order to evalute the effects of radiation on mammalian neuronal system, we have examined the effect of gamma-ray radiation on the monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in monoaminergic neurons. Following the whole body irradiation, MAO activity in the rat brain was measured as well as in the liver for the comparative studies between the neuronal and nonneuronal system. The effects of some radiation protectors and sensitizers were also examined in addition to the $O_2$ effect. The results can be summarized as follows. 1) The MAO activity of rat brain was minimally affected by the radiation dose up to 1,700 cGy Radiation dose above 2,500 cGy inhibited the brain MAO activity by no less than $l0\%.$ MAO-A form was found to be particularly sensitive to radiation. The liver MAO was somewhat inhibited (by about $5\%$) but hardly dependent on the dose of radiation. 2) The inhibitory effect on the brain was initiated immediately by the radiation dose of 2,500 cGy. On the contrary, for the liver, the inhibitory effect became apparent only 2 days after irradiation. 3) Two days after a dose of 2,500 cGy, Vmax and Km of the brain mitochondrial MAO decreased. For liver, Vmax decreased while Km increased, which indicates the kinetic patterns for the neuronal and nonneruronal systems are not affected similarly by radiation. 4) The effect of several known radiation protectors and sensitizers on MAO activity was tested ut no definite results were obtained. The level of -SH group increased in some degree upon radiation but not by the compounds. 5) MAO activity was not affected by $O_2$ concentration, while an elevated level of lipid peroxidase was found under the same condition. The results described here indicate that characteristics of MAO, one of the most important central nervous system enzymes, are liable to radiation, which is partially differentiated from the liver MAO. Also indicated are that the -SH groups are hardly related to the effect of radiation but the production of the lipid peroxide seems to be somewhat correlated to the effect of radiation.

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방사선 치료 시 조사야 내에 위치할 수 있는 이물질이 체표선량에 미치는 영향 (Effect of skin dose by materials located in treatment field)

  • 홍채선;김경태;주상규;김종식;박영환
    • 대한방사선치료학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : In radiotherapy, various materials are used to located in treatment field unintentionally. It increases the dose delivered to the skin by interactions of the X-ray within the materials and occurs unwanted skin reaction.(due to the dose build-up effect) This aim of the this study is to measure the increase in skin dose when 13 materials are located in treatment field. Methods : Photon beam measurements were made using an plane-parallel chamber (Markus, PTW-Freiburg) in a polystyrene phantom. skin dose were measured using various overlaying 13 materials. a fixed geometry of a $10{\times}10cm$ field, a SSD=100cm and photon energy 4MV on Varian CLINAC 600C accelerator were used for all measurements. Results : There is an increase in skin dose for all materials($16.4{\sim}160.1\%$). As a percentage of maximum dose, the lowest skin dose were measured for the underwear with silk($43.2\%$) and the highest were measured for the 100m1 fluid-bag($96.6\%$) Conclusion : There is a significant increase in skin dose with 13 materials in the treatment field. a significant increase in skin dose can occur which could produce unwanted skin reaction. considerations for placement of 13 materials to be outside the treatment field whenever possible should be used to keep skin dose to a minimum level.

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Indirect assessment of internal irradiation from tritium decay on Lemna Minor duckweed

  • Ifayefunmi, O.S.;Mirseabasov, O.A.;Synzynys, B.I.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권6호
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    • pp.1991-1999
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    • 2021
  • The response changes of the specific growth rate of Lemna minor duckweed was modeled using the logarithms of frond numbers on tritium activity concentration and gamma radiation dose from cobalt 60. The concept of average specific growth rate depends on the general exponential growth pattern, where toxicity is estimated based on the effect on the growth rate. One of the main questions of the effect of the radiation dose on duckweed is how to correlate the effect of beta radiation with the effect of any other radiation for modeling radiation on Lemna minor. Experimental data were extrapolated by utilizing the OECD guidelines. A linear relationship of absorbed dose and activity concentration was obtained for the average dependency growth rate of Lemna minor as D = (0.1257)·A0.585. The dose rate of gamma irradiation from 60Co increases with tritium activity dependence, on the specific growth rate of the Lemna minor duckweed. An increase in the tritium activity causes a decrease in the specific growth rate of the Lemna minor duckweed. It indicates that as the quantity of the beta radiation dose increase in Lemna minor duckweed, a higher quantity of gamma radiation will be required to cause the same effect in the specific growth rate of Lemna minor duckweed. The relation between the inhibition of the Lemna minor seedling growth and gamma and beta radiation dosage agrees roughly with that between the decrease of survival rate or fertility and dosage.

Adaptive Response Induced by Low Dose Ionizing Raditation in Human Cervical Carcinoma Cells

  • Kim, Jeong -Hee;Lee, Kyung -Jong;Cho, Chul -Koo;Yoo, Seong -Yul;Kim, Tae -Hwan;Ji, Young -Hoon;Kim, Sung -Ho
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.410-414
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    • 1995
  • Adaptive response induced by low dese .gamma.-ray irradiation in human cervical carcinoma cells was examined. Cells were exposured to low dose of .gamma.-ray irradiation in human cervical carcinoma cells was examined. Cells were exposured to low dose of .gamma.-ray (1-cGy) followed by high doses of r-ray irradiation (0,1,2,3,5,7 and 9Gy for chlnogenic assay or 1.5Gy for micronucleus assay) with various time intervals. Survival fractions of cells in both low dose-irradiated and unirrated groups were analyzed by clonogenic assay. Surviva fractions of low dose-irradiated in cell survival was maximum when low and high dose irradiation time interval was 4 hr. Frequencies of micronuclei which is an indicative of chromosome aberration were also enutained from survival fractions analyzed by clonogenic assay, maximum when low and high dose irradiation time interval was 4hr. Frequencies of micronuclei which is an indicative of chromosome aberration were also enumerated in both low dose-irradiated and unirradiated groups. In consiststent with the result obtained from survival fractions analyzed by clonogenic assay, maximum reduction in frquencies of micronuclei was observed when low dose radiation was given 4 hr prior to high response to subsequent high dose .gamma.-ray irradiation in human cervical carcinomal cells. Our data suggest that one of the possible mechanisms of adaptive response induced by low dose rediation is the increase in repair of DNA double strand breaks in low dose radiation-adapted cells.

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코발트-60 조사야 밖의 장기에 미치는 2차선의 영향 (Effect of Scatter ray in Outside Telecobalt-60 Field Size)

  • 김유현;김영환
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 1988
  • Radiation dose outside the radiotherapy treatment field can be significant and therefore is of clinical interest estimating organ dose. We have made measurements of dose at distances up to 70 cm from the central axis of $5{\times}5$, $10{\times}10$, $15{\times}15$, and $25{\times}25$ cm radiation fields of Co-60 ${\gamma}-ray$, at 5 cm depth in water. Contributions to the total secondary radiation dose from water scatter, machine (collimator) scatter and leakage radiation have been seperated. We have found that the component of dose from water scatter can be described by simple exponential function of distance from the central axis of the radiation field for all field sizes. Machine scatter contributes 20 to 60% of the total secondary dose depending on field size and distance from the field. Leakage radiation contributes very little dose, but becomes the dominant componant at distance beyond 40 cm from the central axis. Then, wedges can cause a factor 2 to 3 increase in dose at any point outside the field compared with the dose when no wedge is used. Adding blocks to a treatment field can cause an increase in dose at points outside the field, but the effect is much smaller than the effect of a wedge. From the results of these measurements, doses to selected organs outside the field for specified treatment geometries were estimated, and the potential for reducing these organ doses by additional shielding was assessed.

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A Review of Dose Rate Meters as First Responders to Ionising Radiation

  • Akber, Aqeel Ahmad;Wiggins, Matthew Benfield
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2019
  • Background: Dose rate meters are the most widely used, and perhaps one of the most important tools for the measurement of ionising radiation. They are often the first, or only, device available to a user for an instant check of radiation dose at a certain location. Throughout the world, radiation safety practices rely strongly on the output of these dose rate meters. But how well do we know the quality of their output? Materials and Methods: This review is based on the measurements 1,158 commercially available dose rate meters of 116 different makes and models. Expected versus the displayed dose patterns and consistency was checked at various dose rates between $5{\mu}Gy{\cdot}h^{-1}$ and $2mGy{\cdot}h^{-1}$. Samples of these meters were then selected for further investigation and were exposed to radiation sources covering photon energies from 50 keV to 1.5 MeV. The effect of detector orientation on its reading was also investigated. Rather than focusing on the angular response distribution that is often reported by the manufacturer of the device, this study focussed on the design ergonomics i.e. the angles that the operator will realistically use to measure a dose rate. Results and Discussion: This review shows the scope and boundaries of the ionising radiation dose rate estimations that are made using commonly available meters. Observations showed both inter and intra make and model variations, occasional cases of instrument failure, instrument walk away, and erroneous response. Conclusion: The results indicate the significance of selecting and maintaining suitable monitors for specific applications in radiation safety.

인터벤션 시술 시 환자의 선량감소를 위한 3D 프린팅 재료의 적용성 평가 (Feasibility of the 3D Printing Materials for Radiation Dose Reduction in Interventional Radiology)

  • 조용인
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2020
  • Interventional radiology is performed under real-time fluoroscopy, and patients are exposed to a wide range of exposures for a long period of time depending on the examination and procedure. However, studies on radiation protection for patients during an intervention are insufficient. This study aims to evaluate the doses exposed during the intervention and the applicability of 3D printing materials. The organ dose for each intervention site was evaluated using a monte carlo simulatio. Also, the dose reduction effect of the critical organs was calculated when using a shielding device using 3D printing materials. As a result, the organ dose distribution for each intervention site showed a lower dose distribution for organs located far from the x-ray tube. It was analyzed that the influence of scattered rays was higher in the superficial organs of the back of the human body where x-rays were incident. The dose reduction effect on the critical organ using the 3D printing shield showed the highest testis among the gonads, and in the case of other organs, the dose reduction effect gradually decreased in the order of the eye, thyroid, breast, and ovary. Accordingly, it is judged that the 3D printed shield will be sufficiently usable as a shielding device for the radiation protection of critical organs.

Mammography시 Thyroid에 미치는 산란선량에 관한 연구 (The Effect of Scattering Dose on the Thyroid During Mammography)

  • 이미화;동경래;박서주;황선광
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제23권10호
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    • pp.826-830
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the effect of the scattering dose on the thyroid during a mammography examination. One hundred subjects for a mammography examination were enrolled in this study. The average glandular dose (AGD) and thyroid scattering dose (TSD) were measured. Statistical analysis was carried out using the percentage, t-test and co-variance. The mean radiation exposure to the breast and thyroid was $1.08{\pm}0.16$ and $0.14{\pm}0.04$ mGy, respectively. The percentage TSD to the AGD was 31.19%. There was no difference between the Rt. and Lt., and CC to MLO, and radiation dose to the TSD was 13.78% of the breast. Therefore, the volume of radiation exposure to the thyroid was 54.12% in a single routine mammography examination. These results suggest that the TSD was increased by increasing radiation dose to the breast. A thyroid protector is considered necessary to decrease the level of radiation exposure.