• 제목/요약/키워드: Radial clearance

검색결과 86건 처리시간 0.024초

끝틈새가 터보펌프 인듀서의 성능에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Tip Clearance on the Performance of a Turbopump Inducer)

  • 홍순삼;김진선;최창호;김진한
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2006
  • Experiments are carried out to investigate the effect of radial tip clearance on a turbopump inducer, which has two blades with inlet tip blade angle of 7.8 degree and tip solidity of 2.7. Hydraulic and cavitation tests are performed for three cases of tip clearance ratio, that is, 0.026, 0.053, and 0.079. With increase in the tip clearance, inducer head and pressure on the inducer tip decrease. Attached cavitation and cavitation surge are observed in the cavitation tests. In the attached cavitation one cell rotates at the same rotational speed as that of the inducer. Cavitation performance deteriorates with increase in the tip clearance. The level of casing vibration increases in the cavitation condition and the level is very high when the attached cavitation appears.

회전날개주위 분자천이유동에 관한 수치해석적 연구 (A numerical study on the molecular transition flow for the rotating blades)

  • 허중식;황영규;김동권
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.640-650
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    • 1998
  • Pumping performances of a helical molecular drag dump(MDP) and of a radial MDPs are numerically analyzed by using the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. A helical- and radial-MDP have rotating pumping channels cut on a cylinder and on a disk, respectively. For a helical MDP, the present results agree quantitatively with the previously known numerical results. For radial MDPs, both of the Type 1 (having pumping channels cut on the stationary disk) and of the Type 2 (having pumping channels cut on the rotating disk) are analyzed to predict their performances for various parameters, i.e., the radius of curvature center of the channel wall, the depth of the channel, the clearance between housing and disk, and the rotating speed. The results show that the performance of the Type 2 is superior to that of the Type 1, and that for all types the pumping efficiency decreases as the clearance increases. Also, the radial type MDP has larger leakage losses in the direction of pumping channel than does the helical one.

좁은 틈새 원판 밸브의 추력에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Thrust Force of a Narrowly Spaced Disk Valve)

  • 정효민;김시영
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 1987
  • 좁은 틈새를 가진 원판밸브의 추력에 대한 이론적 해석 및 실험 결과로부터 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 1. 원판 밸브의 틈새가 비교적 작은 경우(H/D sub(1)가 0.1 이하) 즉, 유량이 적을 때에는 점성류가 지배적이고 이론식으로부터 추력을 높게 예측할 수 있었다. 2. 압력의 영향에 대한 추력은 입구 압력이 낮을수록 이론결과와 실험결과가 잘 일치하고 높을수록 관성의 영향이 크게 나타나는 경향을 보였다. 3. 밸브 크기 변화에 대한 추력의 영향은 D sub(2)/D sub(1)=>4.6에서는 포물선적으로 감소하고 그 이하에서는 직선적으로 감소하였다.

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축-베어링계의 저소음 설계 (Low Noise Design of Rotor-Bearing System)

  • 노병후;김대곤;김경웅
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of the paper is to investigate the effects of design parameters on the noise of a rotor- bearing system supported in oil lubricated journal bearings. Effects of radial clearance and width of the bearing, lubricant viscosity and mass eccentricity of the rotor are also examined. Numerical results of the parametric studies are summarized through graph for the A-weighted sound pressure level of the bearing with respect to the rotational speed of the rotor. Results show that the sound pressure level of the bearing is markedly influenced by the mass eccentricity of the rotor and the radial clearance and the width of the bearing. The high viscosity of the lubricant slightly decreases the noise of the bearing, but its effect is relatively very low at high speed. The results of the paper could be an aid in the low noise design of rotor-bearing system supported in oil lubricated journal bearings.

소형 정밀 왕복동기기용 선형 탄성 베어링 모델(KIMM-LFB)의 설계 및 해석 (Design and analysis of a newly devised linear flexure bearing(KIMM-LFB) for small precision reciprocating machines)

  • 최상규;박성제;홍용주;김효봉
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2002년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.404-409
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    • 2002
  • A newly devised linear flexure bearing (KIMM-LFB) for reciprocating machines is disclosed having improved tight gas clearance maintaining capability for better system performance. KIMM-LFB is an integrated device comprising an axially moving diaphragm with circumferentially arranged arc-shaped flexure blades secured between rim and hub spacers, which turn out to have higher radial stiffness than the one with circumferential tangent cantilever flexure blades. It is expected for KIMM-LFB to play a key role in designing long life, special purpose reciprocating machines such as spacecraft borne cryogenic refrigerators (cryocoolers) by providing frictionless, non-wearing, linear movement and radial support for the machines as well as a gas clearance seal by maintaining extremely tight clearances between piston and cylinder.

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피스톤계 마찰 특성 (II) -실험적 연구- (Friction Characteristics of Piston Assembly (II) -Experiment-)

  • 조명래;하경표;김중수;오대윤;한동철
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the friction characteristics of piston assembly, which composed of ring pack and piston skirt. The friction force of piston assembly was measured by using the movable liner in the single cylinder engine, and the various parameters were tested. The friction force was suddenly increased at the expansion stroke due to higher cylinder pressure. The viscous friction was dominant at the mid stroke, but the boundary friction was dominant at the top and bottom dead centers. Through the experiment, we could validate previous theoretical study, and confirm that th e radial clearance and ring tension were very effective to reduce friction loss of piston assembly.

원통형 로울러 베어링의 소음 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Noise Characteristics of Cylindrical Roller Bearings)

  • 노병후;김대곤;김경웅
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.342-348
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of the paper is to investigate the noise characteristics of cylindrical roller bearings. For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that the cylindrical roller bearing is infinitely long, and there is no outside force acting on the bearing. The effects of radial clearance of the bearing, viscosity of the lubricant and number of the roller on the noise of the bearing are also examined. Results show that the fundamental frequency of the bearing noise corresponds to the multiplication of number of the roller and whirling frequency of the roller center or the retainer. The acoustical frequency spectra of the roller bearing are pure tone spectra, containing the fundamental frequency of the bearing and its super­harmonics. The low viscosity of the lubricant, high radial clearance of the bearing, and low number of the roller decrease the bearing noise. The results and discussions of the present paper could aid in the low­noise design of the cylindrical roller bearing.

Study on Flow Fields in Variable Area Nozzles for Radial Turbines

  • Tamaki, Hideaki;Unno, Masaru
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2008
  • The flow behind the variable area nozzle which corresponds to the flow at the leading edge of the impeller was measured with a 3-hole yaw probe and calculated with CFD. Two nozzle throat-areas were investigated. One is the smallest and the other is the largest opening for the variable nozzle. Test results agreed with the calculated results qualitatively. The leakage flow through the tip clearance of the nozzle vane significantly affected the flow field downstream of the nozzle vane with the smallest opening. However, the effect on leakage flow on the flow field downstream of the nozzle vane with the largest opening was very weak and the effect of wake is dominant.

피스톤계 마찰 특성 (I) -이론적 연구- (Eviction Characteristics of Piston Assembly (I) -Theory-)

  • 조명래;하경표;김중수;오대윤;한동철
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the friction characteristics of piston assembly. The friction of piston assembly is composed of ring pack and skirt friction. In this paper, the theoretical models of piston ring pack and piston skirt were presented. The mixed lubrication theory was considered to calculate friction force of piston ring and skirt. from the results, most of friction in piston assembly occurred at the piston ring park. The piston assembly usually showed hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics. but the top and bottom dead centers showed mixed lubrication characteristics. The piston skirt was much affected by radial clearance and load, but ring was significantly influenced by ring tension.

원형 슬롯 레스트릭터를 갖는 외부 가압 공기 저널 베어링의 소음 및 진동 특성 (Noise and Vibration Characteristics of Externally Pressurized Air proceeding Bearings with a Circular Slot Restrictor)

  • 박정구;노병후;김경웅
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.1277-1282
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of the present paper is to investigate the noise and vibration characteristics of externally pressurized air proceeding bearings with a circular slot restrictor. To do this, the nonlinear transient analysis including rotor imbalance was performed for a rotor-bearing system. The effects of radial clearance and the width of the bearing and mass eccentricity of the rotor on the noise and vibration characteristics of the bearing are also examined. The results show that the noise and vibration of the rotor-bearing system first increase up to critical speed of the system, and then decrease up to instability threshold speed of the system as the rotational speed of the rotor increases, and the noise of the bearing is markedly influenced by the mass eccentricity of the rotor and the radial clearance and the width of the bearing.

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