• Title/Summary/Keyword: RFID Event

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The Design of an RFID/USN Event Monitoring System for N ext Generation Gas Safety Management (차세대 가스안전관리를 위한 RFID/USN 이벤트 모니터링 시스템의 설계)

  • Lee, Chan-Gun;Park, Jae-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2008
  • There are many efforts toward the development of next generation gas safety management systems to improve the assurance, availability, and efficiency of the extant systems. Among them, the application of ubiquitous technology, such as RFID and USN, to the system is regarded as a promising approach for enabling such an innovation. Recently the ubiquitous technology became much affordable and available than before thanks to the reduced production cost and wide proliferation of the ubiquitous devices. In this paper, we analyze the core requirements for the next generation gas safety management systems based on the ubiquitous technology, and present an architectural design of a middleware to facilitate the realization of the system. We formally define an event model and present how to specify various situations related to gas safety management using the proposed event model.

A Study on Quantitative Modeling for EPCIS Event Data (EPCIS Event 데이터 크기의 정량적 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Ho;Jho, Yong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2009
  • Electronic Product Code Information Services(EPCIS) is an EPCglobal standard for sharing EPC related information between trading partners. EPCIS provides a new important capability to improve efficiency, security, and visibility in the global supply chain. EPCIS data are classified into two categories, master data (static data) and event data (dynamic data). Master data are static and constant for objects, for example, the name and code of product and the manufacturer, etc. Event data refer to things that happen dynamically with the passing of time, for example, the date of manufacture, the period and the route of circulation, the date of storage in warehouse, etc. There are four kinds of event data which are Object Event data, Aggregation Event data, Quantity Event data, and Transaction Event data. This thesis we propose an event-based data model for EPC Information Service repository in RFID based integrated logistics center. This data model can reduce the data volume and handle well all kinds of entity relationships. From the point of aspect of data quantity, we propose a formula model that can explain how many EPCIS events data are created per one business activity. Using this formula model, we can estimate the size of EPCIS events data of RFID based integrated logistics center for a one day under the assumed scenario.

RFID Based Indoor Positioning System Using Event Filtering

  • Bok, Kyoungsoo;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.335-345
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    • 2017
  • Recently, location systems using RFID technology have been studied in indoor environments. However, the existing techniques require high computational cost to compute the location of a moving object because they compare the location proximity of all reference tags and objects. In this paper, we propose an RFID based location positioning scheme using event filtering, which reduces the computation cost of calculating the locations of moving objects while maintaining the accuracy of location estimation. In addition, we propose an incremental location update policy to reduce the location update cost for moving objects. We also compare the proposed scheme with one of the localization schemes, LANDMARC using a performance evaluation. As a result, the proposed scheme outperforms LANDMARC in terms of the computational cost of location estimation. The proposed scheme also reduces the cost of location update by using the RFID-based update policy.

Business Event Framework to Support Effective Development of RFID Application (RFID 응용프로그램의 효율적 개발을 지원하기 위한 Business Event Framework)

  • Lee Chanyoung;Kim Youngbong;Moon Mikyeong;Yeom Keunhyuk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.11b
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    • pp.496-498
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    • 2005
  • RFID 응용프로그램은 필요한 기능을 수행하기 위하여 하위의 ALE Interface를 이용하거나 EPCIS 등의 외부 시스템과 통신을 해야 한다. 이러한 동작을 수행하기 위하여 해당 응용프로그램 개발자는 하위 ALE Interface를 사용하기위한 방법과 다른 추가 시스템의 사용법을 배워야 하고 정해진 통신 방법에 따라 프로그램을 작성해야 한다. 이러한 작업은 RFID에 대한 지식수준과 프로그래밍 실력에 따라 많은 시간과 노력을 필요로 하게 된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 RFID 응용 프로그램 개발 시의 어려움을 최소화 하고자 Business Event Framework(BEF)을 제안한다. BEF는 비즈니스 로직과 직접적으로 관련이 없는 부분은 BEF가 직접수행하고 응용프로그램에서 꼭 필요한 이벤트만을 반을 수 있도록 지원하는 라이브러리이다.

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A Study on the EPCIS Event Data Modeling and Simulation Test (EPCIS Event 데이터 모델링과 시뮬레이션 검증 연구)

  • Li, Zhong-Shi;Lee, Tae-Yun;Piao, Xue-Hua;Da, Dan;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2009
  • EPCIS(EPC Information Services) system is a core component of EPCglobal Architecture Framework offering information of the freights, the time of awareness and the location of awareness on the EPCglobal Network. The role of EPCIS is to exchange information based on EPC. There are four kinds of event data which are object event data, aggregation event data, quantity event data, and transaction event data. These EPCIS events data are stored and managed in EPCIS repository. This study suggest the quantitative modeling about total number of EPCIS event data under the assumption to aware the RFID tags of items, cases(boxes), vehicles(carriers, forklifts, auto guided vehicles, rolltainers) at a time on the reading points. We also estimate the number of created EPCIS event data by the suggested quantitative modeling under scenario of process in the integrated logistics center based on RFID system And this study compare the TO-BE model with the AS-IS model about the total sizes of created EPCIS event data using the simulation, in which we suggested the TO-BE model as the development of the repository by skipping the overlapped records.

A method of event data stream processing for ALE Middleware (ALE 미들웨어를 위한 이벤트 데이터 처리 방법)

  • Noh, Young-Sik;Lee, Dong-Cheol;Byun, Yung-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.1554-1563
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    • 2008
  • As the interests on RFID technologies increase, a lot of research activities on RFID middleware systems to handle the data acquired by RFID readers are going on actively. Meanwhile, even though various kinds of RFID middleware methodologies and related techniques have been proposed, the common data type which is dealt with in those systems is an EPC code, mainly. Also, there are few researches of the implementation of collecting the stream data queued from RFID readers endlessly and without blocking, classifying the data into some groups according to usage, and sending the resulting data to specific applications. In this paper, we propose the method of data handling in RFID middleware to efficiently process an EPC event stream data using detail filtering, checking of data modification, creation of data set to transfer, data grouping, and various kinds of RFID data format transform. Our method is based on a de facto international standard interface defined in the ALE middleware specification by EPCglobal, and application and service users can directly set various kinds of conditions to handle the stream data.

The method of grouping query based on EPCIS to improve the RFID application performance in EPC Network (EPC Network 기반 RFID 응용 시스템의 성능 향상을 위한 EPCIS 주소별 그룹 질의 기법)

  • Park, Sung-Jin;Kim, Dae-Hwan;Son, Min-Young;Yeom, Keun-Hyuk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.18D no.2
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2011
  • These days RFID application has been developed rapidly. It has been applied to many business areas such as logistics and supply chains. The Electronic Product Code (EPC) Network Architecture, an open global standard, is proposed by EPCglobal for developing RFID enabled systems. People who want to obtain the product information which are master information and event information have to apply with EPC Network Architecture. However, EPCIS which has master information and event information has to be accessed base on each EPC. Therefore, there is lots of duplicate accessing to EPCIS because RFID application has to access the same EPCIS over again which makes all performance down in EPC Network. This paper proposes how to reduce access times to EPCIS using EPC grouping based on EPCIS address. We build EPC Network environment to experiment about performance of RFID application system and we prove the improvement of EPC Network. Our result shows the reducing the EPCIS communication time by maximum 99 percentages.

The Analysis and Design of EMS Component for RFID Middleware (RFID 미들웨어를 위한 EMS 컴포넌트의 분석 및 설계)

  • Ahn Sungwoo;Park Jaekwan;Seok Suwook;Hong Bonghee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.271-273
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    • 2005
  • 많은 글로벌 기업들이 비용절감 및 효율성 증대를 위하여 RFID 시스템을 도입하거나 도입을 적극 검토 중에 있다. RFID 시스템으로부터 획득된 수많은 정보들이 기업의 업무효율을 증대시킬 수 있도록 하기 위해서는 상위 응용 서비스에서 RFID 데이터를 효율적으로 사용할 수 있도록 리더와 응용 서비스 간의 중계 역할을 할 수 있는 RFID 미들웨어의 역할이 매우 중요하다. 이러한 요구사항에 맞춰 최근 EPCglobal에서는 RFID 미들웨어인 ALE(Application Level Event)를 제시하고 있다. ALE는 RFID 리더에 의해 읽혀진 EPC 이벤트 데이터를 실시간으로 수집하여 원본 데이터의 오류를 보정한 후에 사용자와 응용 서비스의 요구에 따라 특정 이벤트 데이터를 필터링하여 보고하는 역할을 한다. 본 논문에서는 ALE의 실시간 EPC 이벤트 데이터 처리를 위한 EMS(Event Management System) 컴포넌트를 제시하며 EMS에 대한 요구사항을 분석하고 설계하였다. EMS 컴포넌트는 RFID 리더를 통해서 끊임없이 들어오는 스트링 형태의 EPC 이벤트 데이터를 블록킹 없이 수집하는 역할을 한다. 또한, RFID 리더에서 수집한 데이터의 보정 및 필요 데이터 추출을 위한 다양한 필터링 기능을 제공함으로써 수집된 데이터의 정확성을 높이며 신속한 데이터 제공을 가능하게 한다.

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A simulation technique to create dataset of RFID business events (RFID 비즈니스 이벤트 데이터셋의 생성을 위한 시뮬레이션 기법)

  • Ryu, Wooseok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.289-291
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    • 2013
  • As an wireless identification technology, RFID is now extending its application area including logistics, medicine, and healthcare. Adoption of RFID demands high cost such as h/w, s/w, and so on. To adopt RFID, we need to evaluate validity of application area and feasibility of RFID S/W such as EPC Information Service (EPCIS), which demands a variety of RFID test datasets. In this paper, I propose a novel method for generating RFID business events dataset by means of the simulation of RFID application environment. Proposed method can generate near-real RFID event dataset by means of representing various RFID application environment into abstract network model based on petri-net. In addition, it can also be useful when determining adoption of RFID as well as when evaluating RFID system.

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RFID Middleware System based on XML for Processing Large-Scale Data (대용량 데이터처리를 위한 XML기반의 RFID 미들웨어시스템)

  • Park, Byoung-Seob
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.7
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2007
  • We implement the RFID middleware system based on XML for large-scale data processing. The Implemented middleware system are consist of the reader interface for tag data collection, the event manager for a data filtering, and application interface for the RFID application. The implemented RFID middleware system is to support both a fixed type's reader and portable type's reader. we analyze the middleware function with four application accessing protocol, HTTP, XML, JMS, and SOAP, and demonstrate a filtering speed in terms of CPU utilization.