• Title/Summary/Keyword: RCP 8.5

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A Study for Continue and Decline of Abies koreana Forest using Species Distribution Model - Focused in Mt. Baekwun Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do - (종 분포 모형을 이용한 구상나무림의 지속 및 쇠퇴에 관한 연구 - 전라남도 광양시 백운산을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Seon-Hee;Park, Jong-young;Park, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Yang-Geun;Mun, Lee-man;Kang, Sang-Ho;Kim, Gwang-Hyun;Yun, Jong-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.3
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    • pp.360-367
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    • 2015
  • The present study investigated the habitats of Korean fir trees (Abies koreana E. H. Wilson) on Mt. Baekwun (Baekwun-san), determined the current distribution, quantified the contribution of biological and non-biological environmental factors affecting the distribution, derived actual and potential habitats, presented a plan for the establishment of protected areas, applied RCP 8.5 climate change scenario to analyze the effects of climate change on the future distribution of Korean fir trees, and predicted future potential habitats. According to the results of the study, 3,325 Korean fir trees (DBH >= 2.5 cm) inhabited Mt. Baekwun, and their distribution area was approximately 150 ha. Populations of Korean fir trees were confirmed to exist at an altitude of 900 m above sea level and were distributed up to 1,200 m. Based on potential distribution, areas appropriate for habitation by Korean fir trees were analyzed to be 450 ha, three times the current distribution area, with a focus on Sang Peak (Sang-bong), Eokbul Peak (Eokbul-bong), Ddari Peak (Ddari-bong), and Dosol Peak (Dosol-bong). The forest stands near Sang Peak, the main peak, were evaluated as those with the most appropriate potential for the habitation of Korean fir trees, and populations of the trees tended to prefer the northern slope rather than the southern slope. When climate change scenario RCP 8.5 was applied and future potential distribution was analyzed, the habitats were expected to decrease in area to 20 ha by 2050, with a focus on Sang Peak, and areas appropriate for habitation were predicted not to exist by 2080. Judging from such results, as global warming accelerates, the habitats of Korean fir trees are clearly expected to move from lowlands to highlands.

Climate changes impact on water resourcesinYellowRiverBasin,China

  • Zhu, Yongnan;Lin, Zhaohui;Wang, Jianhua;Zhao, Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.203-203
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    • 2016
  • The linkage between climate change and water security, i.e., the response of water resource to the future climate change, have been of great concern to both scientific community and policy makers. In this study, the impact of future climate on water resources in Yellow River Basin in North of China has been investigated using the Coupled Land surface and Hydrology Model System (CLHMS) and IPCC AR5 projected future climate change in the basin. Firstly, the performances of 14 IPCC AR5 models in reproducing the observed precipitation and temperature in China, especially in North of China, have been evaluated, and it's suggested most climate models do show systematic bias compared with the observation, however, CNRM-CM5、HadCM5 and IPSL-CM5 model are generally the best models among those 14 models. Taking the daily projection results from the CNRM-CM5, along with the bias-correction technique, the response of water resources in Yellow river basin to the future climate change in different emission scenarios have been investigated. All the simulation results indicate a reduction in water resources. The current situation of water shortage since 1980s will keep continue, the water resources reduction varies between 28 and 23% for RCP 2.6 and 4.5 scenarios. RCP 8.5 scenario simulation shows a decrease of water resources in the early and mid 21th century, but after 2080, with the increase of rainfall, the extreme flood events tends to increase.

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Development of Urban Flood Risk Maps for Strengthening Urban Planning Toward Disaster Prevention (재해예방형 도시계획 지원을 위한 도시침수 위험도 공간정보 개발)

  • Lee, Jongso;Lee, Sangeun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to propose the methods for urban flood risk maps which are useful in strengthening urban planning toward disaster prevention by climate change. Selecting the Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do as study area, it analyzes urban flood at a RCP 8.5 scenario, and develops gridded information regarding risk components such as hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. It turns out that flooding would occur at a bend interval of the Mokhyun stream and also at the joint of the Gyungan and the Mokhyun streams, showing the similarity with the inundation trace map. In particular, the Songjeong dong is analyzed to be seriously exposed and to be highly vulnerable to flood inundation. With all results together, this study concludes that the proposed methods could be used as a basis for strengthening urban planning toward flood disaster prevention system.

Prediction of Landslides Occurrence Probability under Climate Change using MaxEnt Model (MaxEnt 모형을 이용한 기후변화에 따른 산사태 발생가능성 예측)

  • Kim, Hogul;Lee, Dong-Kun;Mo, Yongwon;Kil, Sungho;Park, Chan;Lee, Soojae
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2013
  • Occurrence of landslides has been increasing due to extreme weather events(e.g. heavy rainfall, torrential rains) by climate change. Pyeongchang, Korea had seriously been damaged by landslides caused by a typhoon, Ewiniar in 2006. Moreover, the frequency and intensity of landslides are increasing in summer due to torrential rain. Therefore, risk assessment and adaptation measure is urgently needed to build resilience. To support landslide adaptation measures, this study predicted landslides occurrence using MaxEnt model and suggested susceptibility map of landslides. Precipitation data of RCP 8.5 Climate change scenarios were used to analyze an impact of increase in rainfall in the future. In 2050 and 2090, the probability of landslides occurrence was predicted to increase. These were due to an increase in heavy rainfall and cumulative rainfall. As a result of analysis, factors that has major impact on landslide appeared to be climate factors, prediction accuracy of the model was very high(92%). In the future Pyeongchang will have serious rainfall compare to 2006 and more intense landslides area expected to increase. This study will help to establish adaptation measure against landslides due to heavy rainfall.

Probabilistic Analysis of Drought Propagation Over The Han River Basin Under Climate Change (기후변화에 따른 한강 유역의 확률론적 가뭄 전이 분석)

  • Muhammad, Nouman Sattar;Kim, Ji-Eun;Lee, Joo-Heon;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2019
  • The knowledge about drought propagation is very important in accurate estimation of hydrological drought characteristics and efficient development of early warning system. This study investigated a probabilistic relationship of drought propagation based on Bayesian network model for historic period and for future projection under climate change scenario RCP 8.5 over the Han River basin. The results revealed that the propagation rate and lag time have increasing and decreasing trends from the historic period of 1967-2013 to the future periods of 2014-2053 and 2054-2100 under climate change, respectively. The probabilistic results of Bayesian model revealed that the probability of occurrence of lag time varied spatially and decreased when the intensity of meteorological drought changed from moderate to severe and extreme condition during 1967-2013. The values of probability increased in the first future period of 2014-2053 in several sub-basins and slight decreased in the second period of 2054-2100. The proposed probabilistic results will be useful for the decision makers to develop related policies with an appropriate insight toward the future drought status.

Estimating potential range shift of some wild bees in response to climate change scenarios in northwestern regions of Iran

  • Rahimi, Ehsan;Barghjelveh, Shahindokht;Dong, Pinliang
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.130-142
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    • 2021
  • Background: Climate change is occurring rapidly around the world, and is predicted to have a large impact on biodiversity. Various studies have shown that climate change can alter the geographical distribution of wild bees. As climate change affects the species distribution and causes range shift, the degree of range shift and the quality of the habitats are becoming more important for securing the species diversity. In addition, those pollinator insects are contributing not only to shaping the natural ecosystem but also to increased crop production. The distributional and habitat quality changes of wild bees are of utmost importance in the climate change era. This study aims to investigate the impact of climate change on distributional and habitat quality changes of five wild bees in northwestern regions of Iran under two representative concentration pathway scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5). We used species distribution models to predict the potential range shift of these species in the year 2070. Result: The effects of climate change on different species are different, and the increase in temperature mainly expands the distribution ranges of wild bees, except for one species that is estimated to have a reduced potential range. Therefore, the increase in temperature would force wild bees to shift to higher latitudes. There was also significant uncertainty in the use of different models and the number of environmental layers employed in the modeling of habitat suitability. Conclusion: The increase in temperature caused the expansion of species distribution and wider areas would be available to the studied species in the future. However, not all of this possible range may include high-quality habitats, and wild bees may limit their niche to suitable habitats. On the other hand, the movement of species to higher latitudes will cause a mismatch between farms and suitable areas for wild bees, and as a result, farmers will face a shortage of pollination from wild bees. We suggest that farmers in these areas be aware of the effects of climate change on agricultural production and consider the use of managed bees in the future.

Predicting Changes in the Suitable Agro-climate Zone of Italian Ryegrass Cultivars with RCP 8.5 Climate Change Scenario

  • Jung, Jeong Sung;Park, Hyung Soo;Ji, Hee Jung;Kim, Ki Yoong;Lee, Se Young;Lee, Bae Hun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.265-273
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    • 2020
  • We aimed to predict the Italian ryegrass (IRG) productivity change of introduced and domestic varieties based on climate factors and identify suitable areas for IRG cultivation using the RCP 8.5 scenario. The minimum mean air temperature in January showed the highest correlation with productivity. The ratio of possible and low productivity areas was high in Gangwondo, and the ratio of suitable and best suitable areas was relatively high in the central and southern regions in the past 30 years. The change in the IRG cultivation area was found to be 26.9% in the best suitable area between 1981-2010 but increased significantly to 88.9% between 2090s. In the IRG suitability comparison classes between domestic and introduced cultivars, the ratio of suitable and best suitable areas was relatively high in the domestic varieties during the past 30 years. However, there is almost no difference between the IRG domestic and introduced varieties in the IRG suitability classes after the 2050s. These results can predict changes in the IRG suitability classes between domestic and introduced cultivars according to the climate change scenario, but there are limitations in accurately predicting the productivity of IRG because the results may vary depending on other environmental factors.

Assessment of Climate Change Impact on the Korean Peninsula using Measured Runoff Data (실측 유량을 이용한 한반도 기후변화 영향 평가)

  • Minkuk Kim;Engyu Wang;Chanwoo Kim;Seungkyeom Kim;Dongsuk Gwon;Seokgeun Park
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.354-354
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    • 2023
  • 최근 기후변화로 인해 전 지구적인 기후 특성이 변화하고 있으며, 기후 특성의 변화는 수문순환에도 큰 영향을 미친다. IPCC (Intergorvernmental Panel on Climate Change) 6차 기후변화 평가 보고서(2022)에 의하면 AR5 (Assessment Report 5)와 비교해 AR6 (Assessment Report 6)에서는 높은 신뢰도로 기후변화 영향의 범위 및 규모는 보다 확대되었으며, 단기적인 리스크로 극한기후 현상의 빈도와 강도 및 기간이 증가할 것으로 예측하였다. 또한, 중장기적인 리스크로 하천 유량의 규모와 관련한 극한 현상의 변화에 따라 수자원 관리 측면에서 어려움을 겪을 것으로 전망하였다. 위와 같은 기후변화에 대응하기 위해 국내에서는 기후변화와 관련된 다양한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 국내 기후변화 관련 연구로는 ArcSWAT 모형을 활용한 RCP4.5, RCP8.5 시나리오 기반 미래 유출량 추정에 관한 연구와, SWAT, IHACRES, GR4J 모형을 이용한 용담댐 유역의 미래기간 유출량 변화 모의, SWAT과 VIC 모형을 활용한 미래 저유량 예측 시 관측 자료와 비교해 모형이 가지는 불확실성 평가 등 기후변화 영향을 평가 및 예측하기 위한 연구는 활발히 진행 중이다. 하지만, 최근 연구의 주요 동향은 유출 모형을 활용한 미래 유출량 모의에 초점이 맞추어져 있으며, 관측 자료를 통한 기후변화 평가 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 한반도 5대 수계(한강, 금강, 낙동강, 영산강, 섬진강) 유량 관측소의 실측 유량을 활용해 과거기간의 기후변화에 따른 유출특성의 변화와, 미래기후변화 시나리오 자료를 활용한 미래기간 유출특성의 변화를 분석하였다. 분석 인자로 연 유출량, 1일 최대 유출량, 상위 90%에 해당하는 유출량, 하위 10%에 해당하는 유출량 등을 연도별로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 연도별 총 유출량의 큰 변화는 없지만, 홍수 기간의 첨두유량이 증가하는 동시에 갈수 기간 또한 빈도와 규모가 증가하는 양극화 현상이 진행되고 있음을 확인하였다.

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Evaluation of Future Water Deficit for Anseong River Basin Under Climate Change (기후변화를 고려한 안성천 유역의 미래 물 부족량 평가)

  • Lee, Dae Wung;Jung, Jaewon;Hong, Seung Jin;Han, Daegun;Joo, Hong Jun;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2017
  • The average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.85C since 1880 due to the global warming. The temperature increase affects hydrologic phenomenon and so the world has been suffered from natural disasters such as floods and droughts. Therefore, especially, in the aspect of water deficit, we may require the accurate prediction of water demand considering the uncertainty of climate in order to establish water resources planning and to ensure safe water supply for the future. To do this, the study evaluated future water balance and water deficit under the climate change for Anseong river basin in Korea. The future rainfall was simulated using RCP 8.5 climate change scenario and the runoff was estimated through the SLURP model which is a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model for the basin. Scenario and network for the water balance analysis in sub-basins of Anseong river basin were established through K-WEAP model. And the water demand for the future was estimated by the linear regression equation using amounts of water uses(domestic water use, industrial water use, and agricultural water use) calculated by historical data (1965 to 2011). As the result of water balance analysis, we confirmed that the domestic and industrial water uses will be increased in the future because of population growth, rapid urbanization, and climate change due to global warming. However, the agricultural water use will be gradually decreased. Totally, we had shown that the water deficit problem will be critical in the future in Anseong river basin. Therefore, as the case study, we suggested two alternatives of pumping station construction and restriction of water use for solving the water deficit problem in the basin.

Charges of TIP4P water model for mixed quantum/classical calculations of OH stretching frequency in liquid water

  • Jeon, Kiyoung;Yang, Mino
    • Rapid Communication in Photoscience
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.8-10
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    • 2016
  • The potential curves of OH bonds of liquid water are inhomogeneous because of a variety of interactions with other molecules and this leads to a wide distribution of vibrational frequency which hampers our understanding of the structure and dynamics of water molecules. Mixed quantum/classical (QM/CM) calculation methods are powerful theoretical techniques to help us analyze experimental data of various vibrational spectroscopies to study such inhomogeneous systems. In a type of those approaches, the interaction energy between OH bonds and other molecules is approximately represented by the interaction between the charges located at the appropriate interaction sites of water molecules. For this purpose, we re-calculated the values of charges by comparing the approximate interaction energies with quantum chemical interaction energies. We determined a set of charges at the TIP4P charge sites which better represents the quantum mechanical potential curve of OH bonds of liquid water.