• Title/Summary/Keyword: RCO

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A Study on the Tungsten (VI) Complexes with the Organic Acid Anhydrides (유기산 무수물을 리간드로한 텅스텐 (VI) 착물에 관한 연구)

  • Sang-Oh Oh;Kim, Chan Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.408-413
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    • 1975
  • Dichloro-dioxo-tungsten(VI) complexes containing oxygen donor in anhydrous organic acid have been synthesized. Sodium tungstate reacts with acetylchlorides to produce the mononuclear complexes, yellow powder having $WO_2Cl_2(RCO)_2O$ as general formula. Their chemical properties and the possible structure are proposed by the results of spectral data and chemical observation.

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An Application of FSA Methodology to Hatchway Watertight Integrity of Bulk Carriers (살물선의 화물창 덮개부 수밀 건전성에 대한 공식안전평가의 적용)

  • Eun-Chang Lee;Jae-Ohk Lee;In-Cheol Yeo;Young-Soon Yang
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2000
  • This study was a part of FSA study which was initiated by IMO and was applied to hatchway watertight integrity of bulk carriers. Hazards which were involved in high risk level were identified as follows. Ship Operation out of Design Criteria(Hatch Coaming Damage) and Poor Maintenance & Inspection(Securing Arrangement Damage). The potential risk was calculated by risk analysis and risk control option was made to reduce potential risk. The potential risk was about U$60,000/ship-year and could be reduced to about U$30,000/ship-year by applying RCO 1(Advanced system directly related to Hatchway Security). In addition, effectiveness of RCOs was shown by cost benefit assessment.

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Coating Effect by Applying Refined Cooking Oil on the Carbonation of High Volume Admixture Incorporating Concrete (정제유지류 도포가 혼화재 다량치환한 콘크리트의 탄산화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Cheong;Choi, Young-Doo;Baek, Byung-Hoon;Shin, Dong-An;Oh, Seon-Kyo;Han, Cheon-Goo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.146-147
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    • 2014
  • In this study, as the resistance of the carbonation for high volume admixture incorporating concrete, coating effect of using refined cooking oil in the surface of high volume admixture incorporating concrete has been tested. The following results could be made as the conclusion. For the fresh concrete, the slump and air content has been identified as satisfying the target range. For the hardened concrete, comparing with specimen of Plain, specimen with coating showed better long age compressive strength. For the carbonation speed, the specimen of FA30 showed highest speed and the specimen of BS60 showed higher speed than specimen of Plain. For all the specimens coated with RCO, as the decrease of capillary pores inside the concrete, the carbonation speed has been obviously decreased and with even better effect than using PEP coating. It could be identified that specimens with coating by RCO showed good effect on refrain the speed of carbonation.

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Numerical Study for the Optimal Operation of Regenerative Catalytic Oxidation(RCO) (축열식 촉매 산화(RCO) 반응의 조업 최적화를 위한 전산 해석)

  • Jung, Yu-Jin;Hong, Sung-Gil;Lim, Ki-Hyuk;Kim, Jin-Uk;Kim, Min-Choul;Lee, Jae-Jeong;Shon, Byung-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.500-503
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 RTO 반응기의 최적 조업 조건을 도출하고자 현재 조업 중인 RTO 반응기 촉매층의 압력분포, 유속분포, 유선장, 체류시간, 온도분포 등에 대하여 분석하였고 최적의 조업 조건을 도출하기 위한 전상유체해석을 수행하였다. 전산 해석 결과, 현재 조업중인 반응기 촉매층의 축열재로 인한 압력손실은 크지 않은 것으로 나타났으며, 세라믹 필터 이후 유속은2-3 m/s로 특별한 편류없이 비교적 안정적 유속분포룰 보이고 있었다. 그러나 기류분포를 좀 더 개선하려고 한다면 설비 내부에 플래넘과 촉매층 접속 구간 연장 등의 방법을 고려할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 기류안내판이나 다공판 부착 등의 방법은 큰 효과는 없을 것으로 나타났다.

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Performance Improvement of the Macro Handover using the Address Insurance Policy in HMIPv6 (HMIPv6에서 주소보장 정책을 이용한 매크로 핸드오버의 성능 향상)

  • Ahn, Chi-Hyun;Woo, Jong-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.1764-1770
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    • 2007
  • The binding update of MIPv6 which basically makes a route optimization lets MN bring about high signaling traffic, packet loss and delay. HMIPv6, which introduces the MAP protocol, makes the signaling traffic low, thereby reducing the packet losses and delay. However, it still has the same problem in MIPv6 in the case of macro mobility. This paper proposes HMIPv6 with the address insurance policy. It makes MAP prepare LCoA and RCoA before the macro handover happens. When it happens, MN is able to use them after the registration is done in the foreign network. The perormance can be improved because MAP is composed to assure the address in advance. In addition the MAP sends the BU message during the handover, thereby making the proposed scheme better. The simulation shows that the proposed scheme is about 33% shorter than HMIPv6 in the handover delay and about 22% less than FMIPv6 in the packet loss.

Apply a Static Shared Key to Authorizing LBU of HMIPv6 (Static Shared Key를 적용한 HMIPv6 LBU 인증)

  • Kim, Bo-Mi;Kim, Tae-Eun;Ju, So-Jin;Jun, Moon-Seog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.10c
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    • pp.483-487
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    • 2006
  • 단말의 이동성을 지원하는 Mobile IP에서 MN이 홈 네트워크에서 먼 곳으로 이동하는 경우, 매번 BU 시그널링을 하게 되면 Registration latency가 길어져, 이로 인해 불필요한 네트워크 트래픽을 유발한다. 따라서 계층을 두어 지역적인 이동성을 관리하는 MAP을 도입한 HMIPv6가 제안되었다. HMIPv6는 지역적인 LCoA와 외부에 노출되는 RCoA를 가진다. Mobile IP 환경에서의 BU메시지 취약성은 보안이슈가 되어왔으며, HMIPv6은 두 개의 CoA를 가지므로 보안위협은 배가된다. 본 논문에서는 Static Shared Key를 사용하여 HMIPv6의 LCoA BU 시그널링 관련 메시지의 인증을 제안함으로써 Mobile WG에서 제기된 BU 시그널링의 보안 취약성을 개선하였다.

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A Study on Sending Binding Update using MAP in HMIPv6 (HMIPv6에서 MAP를 이용한 바인딩 성능 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 오재덕;문영성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.10c
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    • pp.340-342
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    • 2004
  • 정보통신 기술의 발달로 사용자는 이동간에도 지속적인 인터넷 서비스를 받길 원한다. 이에 이동성 지원을 위한 많은 연구들이 있었다. 이동성 지원을 위한 HMIPV6환경에서 이동노드(Mobile Node)가 새로운 MAP 도메인으로 이동하거나 처음으로 MAP 도메인에 진입할 때 이동 노드는 홈 에이전트(Home Agent)와 상대 노드(Correspondent Node)에게 자신의 바인딩 정보를 갱신 하여야만 한다. 이 때 이동노드는 MAP 도메인 내에서 LCoA와 RCoA를 MAP에게 바인딩을 하고 자신의 HoA(Home Address)를 이용하여 홈 에이전트와 상대노드에게 바인딩 갱신 메시지를 보내어 바인딩 정보를 갱신한다. 본 논문은 이동 노드가 지역 바인딩 갱신(LBU)메시지와 함께 보내는 바인딩 갱신 메시지를 이용하여 MAP가 이동노드 대신 바인딩 갱신 메시지를 보냄으로써 시그널링을 줄이는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

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Analysis of the Method of Cascading 74LS163 4-Bit Binary Counters (4-Bit 카운터 74LS163의 연결방법에 대한 분석)

  • You, Jun-Bok;Chung, Tae-Sang
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.11d
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    • pp.794-796
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    • 2000
  • This paper analyzes the method of cascading 74LS163 4-Bit Binary Counters. The 74LS163 4-Bit Binary Counter has synchronous LD. CLR functions and especially ENT, ENP, RCO to cascade some chips in order to count more 4bit binary number. The maximum operating frequency may vary according to the method of cascading. The Data sheet from Texas Instruments introduces two methods, The Ripple Carry Mode Circuit and The Carry Look Ahead Circuit, and shows that The Carry Look Ahead Circuit is more efficient than the other. However, there are only little information for user to understand and apply this to other circuits. Thus, we not only analyzed the two methods but also compared with each other in the point of performance.

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Development of Real-time Two-dimensional Doppler Echocardiography and its Clinical Significance

  • Omoto, Ryozp
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1984
  • Balancing left/right cardiac output is essential for the automatic control of total artificial hearts(TAH). A fuzzy logic-based control method is presented. We use left atrial pressure(LAP) and right atrial pressure(RAP) as indicators for left/right balancing. The fuzzy controller has four input variables which are measured LAP and RAP and their gradients. Desired variations in left cardiac output(LCO) and right cardiac output(RCO) are calculated to keep LAP and RAP within the Physiological limits. Computer simulations were performed to adjust fuzzy membership functions for variables and verify this control method. Results from simulations showed that LAP and RAP returned to the physiological limits while AoP and PAP stayed within the physiological limits.

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