• Title/Summary/Keyword: R-Map

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  • Lee, Heisook
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.135-137
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    • 1989
  • Let R be a Krull domain with field of fractions K. By Br(R) we denote the Brauer group of R. Studying the Kernel of the homomorphism Br(R).rarw.Br(K), Orzech defined Brauer groups Br(M) for different categories M of R-modules [4]. In this paper we show that an algebra A in Br(D) is a maximal order in A K and that the map Br(D).rarw. Br(K) is one to one. We note here few conventions. All rings are Krull domains and all modules will be unitary. By Z we donote the set of height one prime ideals of a Krull domain.

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R and T Wave Amplitude as a Parameter to Detect Coronary Artery Disease (관상동맥질환을 진단하기 위한 R파와 T파의 크기에 대한 연구)

  • Lim, Hyun-Kyoon;Yu, Kwon-Kyu;Kim, Jin-Mok;Kim, In-Seon;Kang, Chan-Seok;Park, Yong-Ki
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2008
  • Multi-channel magnetocardiography (MCG) has been proposed to detect ischemic heart disease because its sensitivity is quite high comparing with other conventional diagnostic tools. Especially, current map and magnetic field map of MCG provide crucial information on whether myocardiac muscles maintain the normal conduction pathway. In addition, MCG parameters derived from repolarization are useful to detect coronary artery disease. Recently, there was a study reporting that R- and T- wave amplitude are highly correlated with ischemic heart disease. In this study, we studied R- and T-wave amplitude and their ratio as well as MCG parameters. MCG data from 20 young, 20 age-matched controls, and 20 myocardial infarction (MI) patients were analyzed. As a result, MCG parameters showed significant change in MI patients comparing to those of controls. R- and T-wave amplitude of MI patients showed a feature of severe ischemic heart disease even though it was difficult to find consistent values. Further study is needed to reveal the relations between small T-wave amplitude and coronary artery disease.

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Distribution Map of Microbial Diversity in Agricultural land (농경지 토양미생물 분포도)

  • Suh, Jang-Sun;Noh, Hyung-Jun;Kwon, Jang-Sik;Weon, Hang-Yeon;Hong, Suk-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.995-1001
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    • 2010
  • Biogeography is the study of the distribution of biodiversity over space and time. We report the development of a prototype database that maps of microbial diversity in the context of the geochemical and geological environment and geographic location. It aims to reveal where organisms live, and at what abundance in nation wide. Microbial data collected from agricultural land during 1999 to 2007 were categorized for mapping with ArcGIS program. Distribution maps of bacteria, fungi, Bacillus and gram negative bacteria of agricultural land showed different patterns from each other. Microbial biomass content investigated in year of 2007 was higher than in 1999.

Development of the Multi-Parametric Mapping Software Based on Functional Maps to Determine the Clinical Target Volumes (임상표적체적 결정을 위한 기능 영상 기반 생물학적 인자 맵핑 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Park, Ji-Yeon;Jung, Won-Gyun;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Lee, Kyoung-Nam;Ahn, Kook-Jin;Hong, Se-Mie;Juh, Ra-Hyeong;Choe, Bo-Young;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2010
  • To determine the clinical target volumes considering vascularity and cellularity of tumors, the software was developed for mapping of the analyzed biological clinical target volumes on anatomical images using regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) maps and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps. The program provides the functions for integrated registrations using mutual information, affine transform and non-rigid registration. The registration accuracy is evaluated by the calculation of the overlapped ratio of segmented bone regions and average distance difference of contours between reference and registered images. The performance of the developed software was tested using multimodal images of a patient who has the residual tumor of high grade gliomas. Registration accuracy of about 74% and average 2.3 mm distance difference were calculated by the evaluation method of bone segmentation and contour extraction. The registration accuracy can be improved as higher as 4% by the manual adjustment functions. Advanced MR images are analyzed using color maps for rCBV maps and quantitative calculation based on region of interest (ROI) for ADC maps. Then, multi-parameters on the same voxels are plotted on plane and constitute the multi-functional parametric maps of which x and y axis representing rCBV and ADC values. According to the distributions of functional parameters, tumor regions showing the higher vascularity and cellularity are categorized according to the criteria corresponding malignant gliomas. Determined volumes reflecting pathological and physiological characteristics of tumors are marked on anatomical images. By applying the multi-functional images, errors arising from using one type of image would be reduced and local regions representing higher probability as tumor cells would be determined for radiation treatment plan. Biological tumor characteristics can be expressed using image registration and multi-functional parametric maps in the developed software. The software can be considered to delineate clinical target volumes using advanced MR images with anatomical images.

Generation of 3D Digital Map Using Photogrammetrically Compiled Data and Development of Editing System (도화원도 데이터를 이용한 3차원 수치지도 생성과 편집 시스템 개발)

  • Lee Dong-Cheon;Ryu Keun-Hong;Son Eun-Jeong;Kim Ho-Seong;Moon Yong-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2006
  • A map is defined as model of 3D spatial phenomena of the real world. Because most of the maps are represented on the 2D plane, limited information is provided. In consequence, applications are also limited with 2D maps and map users of various fields require 3D form of map. Without doubt, state-of-the-art information technology such as telematics and ubiquitous is location based system, therefore, role of the 3D mapping is getting more significant. It is obvious that 3D maps provide more visual perception than 2D maps. The main object of this stud)r is focused on generation of 3D digital maps in economical and efficient way using photogrammetrically compiled data. Topographic maps are required updating and revision in a certain period and the period is getting shorter Therefore, development of the map editing system is key issue for maintaining quality and updating of the maps to provide reliable geographic information. Special requirements should be taken account into 3D digital map editing. Therefore. design, configuration and functions of the editing system were explored.

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Multimodal layer surveillance map based on anomaly detection using multi-agents for smart city security

  • Shin, Hochul;Na, Ki-In;Chang, Jiho;Uhm, Taeyoung
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 2022
  • Smart cities are expected to provide residents with convenience via various agents such as CCTV, delivery robots, security robots, and unmanned shuttles. Environmental data collected by various agents can be used for various purposes, including advertising and security monitoring. This study suggests a surveillance map data framework for efficient and integrated multimodal data representation from multi-agents. The suggested surveillance map is a multilayered global information grid, which is integrated from the multimodal data of each agent. To confirm this, we collected surveillance map data for 4 months, and the behavior patterns of humans and vehicles, distribution changes of elevation, and temperature were analyzed. Moreover, we represent an anomaly detection algorithm based on a surveillance map for security service. A two-stage anomaly detection algorithm for unusual situations was developed. With this, abnormal situations such as unusual crowds and pedestrians, vehicle movement, unusual objects, and temperature change were detected. Because the surveillance map enables efficient and integrated processing of large multimodal data from a multi-agent, the suggested data framework can be used for various applications in the smart city.

Indoor Navigation of a Skid Steering Mobile Robot Via Friction Compensation and Map Matching (마찰 보상과 지도 정합에 의한 미끄럼 조향 이동로봇의 실내 주행)

  • So, Chang Ju;Lyou, Joon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.468-472
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals with the indoor localization problem for a SSMR (Skid Steering Mobile Robot) subjected to wheel-ground friction and with one LRF (Laser Range Finder). In order to compensate for some friction effect, a friction related coefficient is estimated by the recursive least square algorithm and appended to the maneuvering command. Also to reduce odometric information based localization errors, the lines are extracted with scan points of LRF and matched with the ones of the corresponding map built in advance. The present friction compensation and scan map matching schemes have been applied to a laboratory SSMR, and experimental results are given to validate the localization performance along an indoor corridor.

Investment Priority and ImProvements in the Northeast Asia Logostics Hub Road Map (한국의 동북아 물류중심로드맵 투자우선순위와 개선방안)

  • Choe, Seok-Beom
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.187-216
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    • 2004
  • Northeast Asia logistics hub strategy was undertaken by Korean Government to gain a national competitive advantage in Northeast Asia. Current Government has Northeast Asian Economic Hub Strategy including construction of SOC in Northeast Asia for promoting peace, promotion of formation of Northeast Asia Community, logistics hub, Financial hub and national innovation for R&D Cluster. To realize Northeast Asian logistics hub, the Northeast Asia logistics hub road map has undertaken as follows: expansion of logistics infra in Incheon Airport, Busan Port and Gwangyang Port, systematic improvements such as adjustment of investment distribution, special logistics companies, transparent customs in logistics transactions, logistics manpower, improvement of system supporting global logistics and attraction of international logistics companies to the logistics center, construction of seamless and paperless logistics information network, Northeast Asia railway infra. The purpose of this paper is to study investment priority and improvements in the Northeast Asia Logistics Hub Road Map and to contribute to gain the national competitive advantage as logistics hub in Northeast Asia

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