• Title/Summary/Keyword: R+-tree

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A Study on the Changes of Land Use and Stand Volume around Mt. Kuem-O using Aerial Photographs (항공사진(航空寫眞)을 이용(利用)한 금오산(金烏山) 지역(地域)의 토지이용(土地利用) 및 임분재적(林分材積)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Dong Ha;Kim, Kap Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.79 no.4
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    • pp.388-397
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    • 1990
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes of land use and stand volume around Mt. Kuem-O by B/W aerial photographs in 1979 and B/W Infrared aerial photographs in 1988. The results obtained in this study were as follow : 1. In classification of forest type on aerial photographs, coniferous stand was dark tone and hardwood stand was light tone and irregularly rounded crowns. 2. In classification of coniferous stand, Pinus densiflora was narraw cone and rounded tip of crowns and rough texture, Pinus rigida was irregulary rounded and broadly conical crowns. 3. To refer to changes of forest land area, mixed forest was changed into P. desiflora (687ha), P. rigida (130ha) and hardwood stand (219ha). 4. The regression equations between crown diameter and DBH were significant at 1% level by F-test in all stands. So the equation, D=a+bCD was used to estimate DBH. 5. The tree height curve equations were significant at 1% level by F-test in all stands. To estimate tree height the equation, logH=loga+blogD was adopted in P. densiflora and L. leptolepis and $H=a-bD+cD^2$ was adopted in P. rigida, hardwood stand and mixed forest. 6. The highest volume per hectare was observed in L. leptolepis and mixed forest showed the greatest growth percentage, while the lowest volume per hectare and growth percentage were observed in hardwood stand.

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Effects of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag Application on Soils and Plant Growth at a Nursery and Pine Forests (제강(製鋼)슬래그의 시용(施用)이 묘포(苗圃) 및 소나무림의 토양(土壤)과 식물생장(植物生長)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Park, In Hyeop;Seo, Young Kwon;Lim, June Taeg;Lee, Choong Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.6
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    • pp.699-706
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag as soil conditioner in a nursery and two natural forests. The BOF slag was applied at rates of 0, 4, 8, and 12 t/ha for seedbed nursery of three tree species-Pinus densiflora, Larix leptolepis and Amorpha fruticosa; and 0, 10, 20, and 40 t/ha for Pinus densiflora natural forests located at two sites. In case of the nursery study, the significant increase in soil pH and contents of Ca, Mg, $SiO_2$, Fe and Mn was noticed after six months of the BOF slag application. Dry weight of Pinus densiflora seedlings with BOF slag treatments was lower compared with that of control. There were no significant differences among treatments in dry weight of Larix leptolepis seedlings. Dry weight of Amorpha fruticosa seedlings, which are deciduous species and grow rapidly at seedling stage, increased significantly and T/R ratio decreased as BOF slag rate increased. The differences of effects of BOF slag application on the seedlings of tree species may be attributed to the differences of optimum pH range of the species. In Pinus densiflora natural forests, there were no significant differences in soil pH and contents of $SiO_2$, Fe and Mn among the treatments, but these values became higher as BOF slag rate increased. Contents of Ca in soil became significantly higher as BOF slag rate increased. There were no significant differences among treatments in net production of mature Pinus densiflora trees, but BOF slag rate of 10ton/ha showed the highest net production. Young Pinus densiflora trees at the plots of BOF slag rate of 10 t/ha showed significantly higher root collar diameter growth rate and twig net production than those of other treatments. It may be given as a conclusion that BOF slag application in nursery and forest soil increased soil pH and contents of Ca, $SiO_2$, Fe and Mn in soil and they showed the ability of BOF slag to be used as a soil conditioner in strongly acid soil.

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Radioimmunoassay Reagent Survey and Evaluation (검사별 radioimmunoassay시약 조사 및 비교실험)

  • Kim, Ji-Na;An, Jae-seok;Jeon, Young-woo;Yoon, Sang-hyuk;Kim, Yoon-cheol
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2021
  • Purpose If a new test is introduced or reagents are changed in the laboratory of a medical institution, the characteristics of the test should be analyzed according to the procedure and the assessment of reagents should be made. However, several necessary conditions must be met to perform all required comparative evaluations, first enough samples should be prepared for each test, and secondly, various reagents applicable to the comparative evaluations must be supplied. Even if enough comparative evaluations have been done, there is a limit to the fact that the data variation for the new reagent represents the overall patient data variation, The fact puts a burden on the laboratory to the change the reagent. Due to these various difficulties, reagent changes in the laboratory are limited. In order to introduce a competitive bid, the institute conducted a full investigation of Radioimmunoassay(RIA) reagents for each test and established the range of reagents available in the laboratory through comparative evaluations. We wanted to share this process. Materials and Methods There are 20 items of tests conducted in our laboratory except for consignment tests. For each test, RIA reagents that can be used were fully investigated with the reference to external quality control report. and the manuals for each reagent were obtained. Each reagent was checked for the manual to check the test method, Incubation time, sample volume needed for the test. After that, the primary selection was made according to whether it was available in this laboratory. The primary selected reagents were supplied with 2kits based on 100tests, and the data correlation test, sensitivity measurement, recovery rate measurement, and dilution test were conducted. The secondary selection was performed according to the results of the comparative evaluation. The reagents that passed the primary and secondary selections were submitted to the competitive bidding list. In the case of reagent is designated as a singular, we submitted a explanatory statement with the data obtained during the primary and secondary selection processes. Results Excluded from the primary selection was the case where TAT was expected to be delayed at the moment, and it was impossible to apply to our equipment due to the large volume of reagents used during the test. In the primary selection, there were five items which only one reagent was available.(squamous cell carcinoma Ag(SCC Ag), β-human chorionic gonadotropin(β-HCG), vitamin B12, folate, free testosterone), two reagents were available(CA19-9, CA125, CA72-4, ferritin, thyroglobulin antibody(TG Ab), microsomal antibody(Mic Ab), thyroid stimulating hormone-receptor-antibody(TSH-R-Ab), calcitonin), three reagents were available (triiodothyronine(T3), Tree T3, Free T4, TSH, intact parathyroid hormone(intact PTH)) and four reagents were available are carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), TG. In the secondary selection, there were eight items which only one reagent was available.(ferritin, TG, CA19-9, SCC, β-HCG, vitaminB12, folate, free testosterone), two reagents were available(TG Ab, Mic Ab, TSH-R-Ab, CA125, CA72-4, intact PTH, calcitonin), three reagents were available(T3, Tree T3, Free T4, TSH, CEA). Reasons excluded from the secondary selection were the lack of reagent supply for comparative evaluations, the problems with data reproducibility, and the inability to accept data variations. The most problematic part of comparative evaluations was sample collection. It didn't matter if the number of samples requested was large and the capacity needed for the test was small. It was difficult to collect various concentration samples in the case of a small number of tests(100 cases per month or less), and it was difficult to conduct a recovery rate test in the case of a relatively large volume of samples required for a single test(more than 100 uL). In addition, the lack of dilution solution or standard zero material for sensitivity measurement or dilution tests was one of the problems. Conclusion Comparative evaluation for changing test reagents require appropriate preparation time to collect diverse and sufficient samples. In addition, setting the total sample volume and reagent volume range required for comparative evaluations, depending on the sample volume and reagent volume required for one test, will reduce the burden of sample collection and planning for each comparative evaluation.

Ecological Changes of Insect-damaged Pinus densiflora Stands in the Southern Temperate Forest Zone of Korea (I) (솔잎혹파리 피해적송림(被害赤松林)의 생태학적(生態学的) 연구(研究) (I))

  • Yim, Kyong Bin;Lee, Kyong Jae;Kim, Yong Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.58-71
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    • 1981
  • Thecodiplosis japonesis is sweeping the Pinus densiflora forests from south-west to north-east direction, destroying almost all the aged large trees as well as even the young ones. The front line of infestation is moving slowly but ceaselessly norhwards as a long bottle front. Estimation is that more than 40 percent of the area of P. densiflora forest has been damaged already, however some individuals could escapes from the damage and contribute to restore the site to the previous vegetation composition. When the stands were attacked by this insect, the drastic openings of the upper story of tree canopy formed by exclusively P. densiflora are usually resulted and some environmental factors such as light, temperature, litter accumulation, soil moisture and offers were naturally modified. With these changes after insect invasion, as the time passes, phytosociologic changes of the vegetation are gradually proceeding. If we select the forest according to four categories concerning the history of the insect outbreak, namely, non-attacked (healthy forest), recently damaged (the outbreak occured about 1-2 years ago), severely damaged (occured 5-6 years ago), damage prolonged (occured 10 years ago) and restored (occured about 20 years ago), any directional changes of vegetation composition could be traced these in line with four progressive stages. To elucidate these changes, three survey districts; (1) "Gongju" where the damage was severe and it was outbroken in 1977, (2) "Buyeo" where damage prolonged and (3) "Gochang" as restored, were set, (See Tab. 1). All these were located in the south temperate forest zone which was delimited mainly due to the temporature factor and generally accepted without any opposition at present. In view of temperature, the amount and distribution of precipitation and various soil factor, the overall homogeneity of environmental conditions between survey districts might be accepted. However this did not mean that small changes of edaphic and topographic conditions and microclimates can induce any alteration of vegetation patterns. Again four survey plots were set in each district and inter plot distance was 3 to 4 km. And again four subplots were set within a survey plot. The size of a subplot was $10m{\times}10m$ for woody vegetation and $5m{\times}5m$ for ground cover vegetation which was less than 2 m high. The nested quadrat method was adopted. In sampling survey plots, the followings were taken into account: (1) Natural growth having more than 80 percent of crown density of upper canopy and more than 5 hectares of area. (2) Was not affected by both natural and artificial disturbances such as fire and thinning operation for the past three decades. (3) Lower than 500 m of altitude (4) Less than 20 degrees of slope, and (5) Northerly sited aspect. An intensive vegetation survey was undertaken during the summer of 1980. The vegetation was devided into 3 categories for sampling; the upper layer (dominated mainly by the pine trees), the middle layer composed by oak species and other broad-leaved trees as well as the pine, and the ground layer or the lower layer (shrubby form of woody plants). In this study our survey was concentrated on woody species only. For the vegetation analysis, calculated were values of intensity, frequency, covers, relative importance, species diversity, dominance and similarity and dissimilasity index when importance values were calculated, different relative weights as score were arbitrarily given to each layer, i.e., 3 points for the upper layer, 2 for the middle layer and 1 for the ground layer. Then the formula becomes as follows; $$R.I.V.=\frac{3(IV\;upper\;L.)+2(IV.\;middle\;L.)+1(IV.\;ground\;L.)}{6}$$ The values of Similarity Index were calculated on the basis of the Relative Importance Value of trees (sum of relative density, frequency and cover). The formula used is; $$S.I.=\frac{2C}{S_1+S_2}{\times}100=\frac{2C}{100+100}{\times}100=C(%)$$ Where: C = The sum of the lower of the two quantitative values for species shared by the two communities. $S_1$ = The sum of all values for the first community. $S_2$ = The sum of all values for the second community. In Tab. 3, the species composition of each plot by layer and by district is presented. Without exception, the species formed the upper layer of stands was Pinus densiflora. As seen from the table, the relative cover (%), density (number of tree per $500m^2$), the range of height and diameter at brest height and cone bearing tendency were given. For the middle layer, Quercus spp. (Q. aliena, serrata, mongolica, accutissina and variabilis) and Pinus densiflora were dominating ones. Genus Rhodedendron and Lespedeza were abundant in ground vegetation, but some oaks were involved also. (1) Gongju district The total of woody species appeared in this district was 26 and relative importance value of Pinus densiflora for the upper layer was 79.1%, but in the middle layer, the R.I.V. for Quercus acctissima, Pinus densiflora, and Quercus aliena, were 22.8%, 18.7% and 10.0%, respectively, and in ground vegetation Q. mongolica 17.0%, Q. serrata 16.8% Corylus heterophylla 11.8%, and Q. dentata 11.3% in order. (2) Buyeo district. The number of species enumerated in this district was 36 and the R.I.V. of Pinus densiflora for the uppper layer was 100%. In the middle layer, the R.I.V. of Q. variabilis and Q. serrata were 8.6% and 8.5% respectively. In the ground vegetative 24 species were counted which had no more than 5% of R.I.V. The mean R.I.V. of P.densiflora ( totaling three layers ) and averaging four plots was 57.7% in contrast to 46.9% for Gongju district. (3) Gochang-district The total number of woody species was 23 and the mean R.I.V. of Pinus densiflora was 66.0% showing greater value than those for two former districts. The next high value was 6.5% for Q. serrata. As the time passes since insect outbreak, the mean R.I.V. of P. densiflora increased as the following order, 46.9%, 57.7% and 66%. This implies that P. densiflora was getting back to its original dominat state again. The pooled importance of Genus Quercus was decreasing with the increase of that for Pinus densiflora. This trend was contradict to the facts which were surveyed at Kyonggi-do area (the central temperate forest zone) reported previously (Yim et al, 1980). Among Genus Quercus, Quercus acutissina, warm-loving species, was more abundant in the southern temperature zone to which the present research is concerned than the central temperate zone. But vice-versa was true with Q. mongolica, a cold-loving one. The species which are not common between the present survey and the previous report are Corpinus cordata, Beltala davurica, Wisturia floribunda, Weigela subsessilis, Gleditsia japonica var. koraiensis, Acer pseudosieboldianum, Euonymus japonica var. macrophylla, Ribes mandshuricum, Pyrus calleryana var. faruiei, Tilia amurensis and Pyrus pyrifolia. In Figure 4 and Table 5, Maximum species diversity (maximum H'), Species diversity (H') and Eveness (J') were presented. The Similarity indices between districts were shown in Tab. 5. Seeing Fig. 6, showing two-dimensional ordination of polts on the basis of X and Y coordinates, Ai plots aggregate at the left site, Bi plots at lower site, and Ci plots at upper-right site. The increasing and decreasing patterns as to Relative Density and Relative Importance Value by genus or species were given in Fig. 7. Some of the patterns presented here are not consistent with the previously reported ones (Yim, et al, 1980). The present authors would like to attribute this fact that two distinct types of the insect attack, one is the short war type occuring in the south temperate forest zone, which means that insect attack went for a few years only, the other one is a long-drawn was type observed at the temperate forest zone in which the insect damage went on continuously for several years. These different behaviours of infestation might have resulted the different ways of vegetational change. Analysing the similarity indices between districts, the very convincing results come out that the value of dissimilarity index between A and B was 30%, 27% between B and C and 35% between A and C (Table 6). The range of similarity index was obtained from the calculation of every possible combinations of plots between two districts. Longer time isolation between communities has brought the higher value of dissimilarity index. The main components of ground vegetation, 10 to 20 years after insect outbreak, become to be consisted of mainly Genus Lespedeza and Rhododendron. Genus Quercus which relate to the top dorminant state for a while after insect attack was giving its place to Pinus densiflora. It was implied that, provided that the soil fertility, soil moisture and soil depth were good enough, Genus Quercuss had never been so easily taken ever by the resistant speeies like Pinus densiflora which forms the edaphic climax at vast areas of forest land. Usually they refer Quercus to the representative component of the undisturbed natural forest in the central part of this country.

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Leaf variants of Pinus and their ITS DNA sequences (소나무속 잎 변이와 그의 ITS DNA 염기서열)

  • Koo, JaChoon;Whang, Sung Soo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2013
  • ITS DNA sequences of two variants of Pinus spp. having single fasciculate leaf or two to three fasciculate leaves within an individual were analysed in order to determine their origin. Also, the same DNA locus of P. densiflora, P. rigida and P. koraiensis, distributed at the same region together with the OTUs having leaf variations, were analysed to compare with each other. Aligned sequences including ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 were 580~584 bp in length. The 5.8S region was well conserved among all the OTUs we tested except for P. koraiensis, which has two nucleotide substitutions. The partial ITS1 region upstream of the 5.8S region showed relatively high sequence diversity compare to the ITS2 and has 181~185 bp in length. In this region, the sequences of the two variants were identical to that of P. densiflora. The ITS2 has identical for all OTUs in length and the two variants also have same sequences compare to that of P. densiflora. These two variants and samples of P. densiflora were grouped together in the UPGMA tree with 100% similarity level. The result strongly suggest that these two variants were originated from P. densiflora.

Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Mesopore Ratio on the Soil Surface to Investigate the Site Factors in a Forest Stand(II) - With a Special Reference to Deciduous Stands - (산림(山林)의 입지환경인자(立地環境因子)가 표층토양(表層土壤)의 조공극율(粗孔隙率)에 미치는 영향인자(影響因子) 분석(分析)(II) - 활엽수림(闊葉樹林)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Jeong, Yongho;Park, Jae Hyeon;Kim, Kyong Ha;Youn, Ho Joong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.4
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    • pp.450-457
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    • 2001
  • This study aimed to clarify the influencing site factors of the mesopore ratio on a pore geometry of surface soil in deciduous stands as an index of the water retention capacity. Fifteen factors including site conditions and soil properties were analyzed by spss/pc+ for the data collected during March to October of 1994. The factors influencing the mesopore ratio(pF2.7) on the surface soil were as follows; tree height, under vegetation coverage and organic matter contents of soil. And influencing factor on the ratio of mesopore in the soil surface was correlated with surface soil hardness shows high negative significance. Also, multiple regression equations for mesopore ratios of surface soil hardness, organic matter contents of soils show high significance($R^2=0.84$). In deciduous stands, it is effective in promoting development on the ratio of mesopore that forest practice for enhancing of the water resource retention capacity should be carried out when the under vegetation coverage rates of stands are maintained from 30 to 80 percentages.

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Plant Growth Promotion and Gibberellin A3 Production by Aspergillus flavus Y2H001 (Aspergillus flavus Y2H001의 식물생육촉진과 Gibberellin A3의 생산)

  • You, Young-Hyun;Park, Jong Myong;Kang, Sang-Mo;Park, Jong-Han;Lee, In-Jung;Kim, Jong-Guk
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.200-205
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    • 2015
  • Perilla frutescens var. japonica Hara was collected from farmland in Seongju-gun. Fifteen endophytic fungal strains with different colony morphologies were isolated from roots of P. frutescens. Waito-c rice seedlings were treated with the concentrated culture filtrates (CF) of endophytic fungi for observation of their plant growth-promoting activities. In the results, the CF of Y2H001 fungal strain promoted the growth of the waito-c rice seedlings. The phylogenetic tree of Y2H001 strain was analyzed by the combined sequences of the partial internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and partial betatubulin gene. Molecular and morphological studies identified the Y2H001 strain as belonging to Aspergillus flavus. In gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis of the CF of Y2H001 strain, gibberellic acid (GA) was detected and quantified. Therefore, we describe Y2H001 strain as a new $GA_3$-producing A. flavus based on morphological, molecular characteristics and analysis of secondary metabolite.

Changes in Vegetation Characteristics Over Time in the Isolated Forests of the Urban Areas: A Case Study on the Mt. Hwangyeong, Busan Metropolitan City (도시 내 고립된 임지의 경시적 식생특성 변화: 부산광역시 황령산을 사례로)

  • Cho, Jae Hyong;Park, Chan Ryul;Oh, Jeong Hak;Kim, Jun Soo;Cho, Hyun Je
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.3
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    • pp.284-293
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    • 2016
  • In order to assess th changes in vegetation characteristics over time in the forest-lands which is isolated by urbanization, vegetation surveys based on the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological method was carried out in 1996 and 2015 on Mt. Hwangyeong located in the center of Busan metropolitan city, South Korea. The number of vegetation types based on floristic composition showed no significant changes, the vegetation units under the community levels was more or less represents the difference. the average total vegetation cover and average number of species per unit area ($100m^2$) was increased 16% and 2 species, respectively. The relative importance value (RIV) for each tree species, Quercus spp. like as Q. mongolica and Q. serrata was decreased, while the warmth-tolerant trees, evergreen broad-leaved trees, and mesophyte like Lindera erythrocarpa, Styrax japonica, Osmanthus heterophyllus, and Stephanandra incisa was increased significantly. Changes of the life form spectrums of vascular plants did not substantially, hemicryptophyte(H) and therophyte (Th) was decreased, while nanophanerophyte(N) was increased significantly. Also through the creating of large-scale vegetation map (based on physiognomic vegetation types) was compared the spatial distribution characteristics of each vegetation types.

Growth and Soil Chemical Property of Small Apple Trees as Affected by Organic Fertilizers and Mulch Sources (비료원과 멀칭재료에 따른 사과 유묘의 생장 및 토양이화학성 변화)

  • Choi, Hyun-Sug;Rom, Curt;Lee, Youn;Cho, Jung-Lai;Jung, Seok-Kyu;Jee, Hyeong-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2011
  • BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the fertilizer sources and ground cover mulches on nutrient release, growth, and photosynthesis in small one-year-old apple (Malus ${\times}$ domestica Borkh.) trees in controlled conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: Treatments included no fertilizer (NF), commercial organic fertilizer (CF), and poultry litter (PL) for fertilizer treatments, and wood chips (WC), shredded paper (SP), green compost (GC), and grass clippings (GR) for cover mulch treatments. All treatments were applied proportionally based on the volume ratio equivalent to the soil. CF, PL, and GR treatments that had optimum carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) ratios (less than 30:1) for N mineralization through the microbes released the greatest $NH_4^+$ concentrations in the pot media at 90 days after the treatments, but GC mulch with the optimum C:N ratio did not. CF-, PL- and GR-treated plants had the largest leaf area, thickest stem diameter, longest shoot extension, and greater dry matter production. CONCLUSION(s): CF and PL showed an suitable organic nutrient source for improving plant growth in an orchard. Interestingly, GR also could be a nutrient source for tree growth, if vegetation competition is controlled by maintaining vegetation height and recycling enough grass clippings to the soil in an orchard.

A Study on the Changes of Outdoor Space System in Korean Rural Villages - A Comparative Study of Changes in Residential Environment Accompanied by the Rural Village Improvement Projects - (한국 농촌마을의 옥외공간체계 변화에 관한 연구 - 취락구조 개선사업에 따른 주거환경의 변화 비교를 중심으로-)

  • 엄붕훈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 1990
  • This study was carried out to investigate the changes of rural residential environmemts accompanied by the rural village improvement projects. The results of this study can be a guidoline for further betterment works of rural village envirnments. This sutdy is composed of the survey of two major parts, one Is the interview of the residents and the survey of existing conditions of residential environments, and the other is a questionnaire survey of the mental image, preference and satisfaction for each village residential environments. Based on preliminary investigation, five rural villages, located In Kyungsamgun., Kyungbuk province, were selected as sutdy sites. The major results are summarized as follows; 1. In socio-cultural enveronments, the ratio of compound and non - agricultural household are increased with the modernization of rural villages. On the ocher hand, the numbers of neighbor's association are considerably decreased. This means the traditional community of korean rural villages are diminishing. 2. In physical environments, the ratio of improved western type gouses are increased In modprnized villages. And the modernization is most remarkable in the palls of fences and gardens. 3. By the result of the analysis of residfnt's environmental image and preference, the image scores of urban, formal, mdoern, etc. are showed to be high. And the preference is also high in modernized villages. But in general, the Preference for the village environment is comparatively low in all villages. This means the improvememt work should be continuous and systematic. 4. By the result of stepwise regression analysis, the variables, affecting the preference of village environment. are regularity, familiarity, amount of greenery, beauty of surrounding scenery, convenience, cleanness, etc. The R2s of the perference models were 0.4486 ∼0.9395, Which are considered to be high. 5. In the satisfaction for each residences, the toilets are mostly dis - satisfying. With the modernization of vilelages, the needs for environmental quality by residents are increased. 6. In the satisfaction for village enveironments, the satisfaction level is most low in service facilities, such as public bath, barbershop. And the satisfaction for the scenic beauty, the amenity of surrondings, and the com munity of the traditional villages, are commparatively high in conventional villges. 7. The imporvement works, based on the characteristics of each rural villages, are recommended. And the tradition of Jung - ja tree spaces and harmony with surrounding landscape of traditional villages, must be conserved with good regards.

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