• 제목/요약/키워드: Quasi-Three-Dimensional Method

검색결과 89건 처리시간 0.024초

Experimental and analytical investigation on RC columns with distributed-steel bar

  • Ye, Mao;Pi, Yinpei;Ren, Min
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제47권6호
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    • pp.741-756
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    • 2013
  • Distributed-Steel Bar Reinforced Concrete (DSBRC) columns, a new and innovative construction technique for composite steel and concrete material which can alleviate the difficulty in the arrangement of the stirrup in the column, were studied experimentally and analytically in this paper. In addition, an ordinary steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) column was also tested for comparison purpose. The specimens were subjected to quasi-static load reversals to model the earthquake effect. The experimental results including the hysteresis curve, resistance recession, skeleton curves and ductility ratio of columns were obtained, which showed well resistant-seismic behavior for DSBRC column. Meanwhile a numerical three-dimensional nonlinear finite-element (FE) analysis on its mechanical behavior was also carried out. The numerically analyzed results were then compared to the experimental results for validation. The parametric studies and investigation about the effects of several critical factors on the seismic behavior of the DSBRC column were also conducted, which include axial compression ratios, steel ratio, concrete strength and yield strength of steel bar.

Practical investigation of a monopod fabrication method and the numerical investigation of its up-righting process

  • Hafez, Khaled A.;Ismael, Maged M.
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.431-453
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    • 2013
  • The principal purpose of this paper is to present a novel two phases rational scenario applied in constructing an offshore monopod platform; in which the two phases are the all-ground horizontal construction phase and the post-construction phase. Concerning the all-ground construction phase, a brief investigation of its different stages, i.e., pre-fabrication, fabrication, pre-assembling, positioning, assembling, and surface finishing is introduced. The important practical aspects of such construction phase are investigated without going into the nitty-gritty of the details involved therein. Concerning the post-construction phase, a clear investigation of its sequential stages, i.e., lifting, moving and up-righting is introduced. A finite element model (FEM) of the monopod platform is created to perform the structural analysis necessary to decide the suspension points/devices and the handling scenario during the various stages of the post-construction phase on a rational wise. Such structural analysis is performed within the framework of the three dimensional quasi-static modeling and analysis aiming at simulating the realistic handling condition, and hence introducing a reliable physical interpretation of the numerical results. For the whole effort to be demonstrated efficiently, the results obtained are analyzed, the conclusions are presented, and few related recommendations are suggested.

Jacket형 해양구조물(海洋構造物)의 비선형(非線形) 동적응답해석(動的應答解析) (Nonlinear Analysis of Dynamic Response of Jacket Type Offshore Structures)

  • 김용철;노인식;박성식
    • 대한조선학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 1986
  • In the present paper, the nonlinear analysis of dynamic response of the jacket type offshore structures subject to nonlinear fluid force is performed. Furthermore, several analysis methods, such as quasi-static analysis, Newmark-$\beta$ method and state vector time integration technique, and described and compared with each others in order to investigate the efficiency numerical of the schemes for this kind of nonlinear structural analysis. In the problem formulation, various environmental forces acting on the jacket type offshore structure have been studied and calculated. Particularly, hydrodynamic forces are calculated by using the Morison type formula, which contains the interaction effect between the motion of the structure and the velocity of fluid particles. Also, Stokes' 5th order wave theory and Airy's linear wave theory are used to predict the velocity distribution of the fluid particles. Finally, the nonlinear equation of motion of the structure is obtained by using three-dimensional finite element formulation. Based on the above procedures, two examples, i.e. a single pile and a typical offshore jacket platform, are studied in details.

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자동차 사이드 도어용 인트루젼 비임 개발을 위한 케블라섬유강화 복합재료의 기계적 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the mechanical Characteristics of Kevlar Plain Weft Knitted Fabrics Reinforced Composites for Development of Intrusion Beam of Car Side Door Application)

  • 이동기
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2000
  • Using conventional textile techniques such as weaving braiding knitting and stitching it is possible to produce a wide range two and three dimensional fiber preforms, however so far only a limited attention has been given to knitted fabrics in composite industry. This is mainly due to the opinion that knitted fabric reinforced composites posses low mechanical properties owing to their looped fiber architecture. But it is possible to obtain desired mechanical properties by selecting proper knitted fabric structure, In this paper mechanical characteristics of kevlar plain weft knitted fabrics reinforced plastics(KFRP) are evaluated for th development of intrusion beam of car side door. Tensile bending impact properties of KFRP are measured experimentally and crush demands of Americal Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.214(FMVSS 214) compared with the bending load and displacement of KFRP by quasi-static test method. The applicability and limitation of bending load and displacement of KFRP according to specimen size has been discussed.

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비정렬 적응 격자계를 이용한 비정상 로터-동체 공력 상호작용 모사 (Simulation of Unsteady Rotor-Fuselage Aerodynamic Interaction Using Unstructured Adaptive Meshes)

  • 남화진;박영민;권오준
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2005
  • 3차원 비정렬 격자를 이용한 로터-동체 공력 상호작용에 대한 수치적 해석을 수행하였다. 로터와 동체간의 상대적인 운동을 모사하기 위하여 해석 유동장을 회전하는 부분과 정지된 부분으로 나누어 계산하였다. 블레이드 끝단에서 생성되는 끝단 와류를 포착하기 위하여 준 비정상 적응 격자 기법을 도입하였다. 또한 낮은 속도로 전진 비행하는 헬리콥터 해석을 위해서 저 마하수 예조건화 기법을 적용하였다. 로터-동체 공력 간섭현상에 대한 검증을 위해 Georgia Tech 형상과 NASA에서 실험한 ROBIN 형상에 대한 실험 결과와 비교하여 본 연구 해석 기법이 타당함을 보였다.

국내 도시하천에 대한 식수허가지도의 적용성 검토 (An Application Analysis of Vegetation Permission Map in Urban Stream in Korea)

  • 이준호;윤세의
    • 한국방재학회 논문집
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2005
  • 도시하천의 관리와 계획에 있어 식수에 따른 수리학적 특성의 변화는 명확히 분석되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 도시하천의 식수기준을 분석하고, 도시하천의 고수부지내 식수가 가능한 지역을 표시한 식수허가지도 제작 방법을 검토하였다. 또한 식수에 따른 수리학적 영향을 준2차원 수치모형, HEC-RAS, FESWMS 모형을 활용하여 분석하였다 중랑천의 장안교부터 군자교까지의 구간을 대상으로 선정하여 100년 빈도 홍수량에 식수허가지도를 제작한 결과, 교목의 식수시에는 하천의 우안에 $0.5{\sim}1$본/ha 정도의 식수가 가능하였으며, 관목의 경우에는 좌안 및 우안의 중요수방구간을 제외한 지역에 식재가 가능하였다. 또한 관목의 식재에 따른 수리학적 영향은 약 12cm 정도의 수위상승 결과를 나타내었다. 따라서 대상구간에 식수에 따른 수위 상승은 적은 것으로 판단되므로 식수허가지도에 따라 식수가 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

Application of artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency and stability of prosthetic hands via nanoparticle reinforcement

  • Jialing Li;Gongxing Yan;Zhongjian Tang;Saifeldin M. Siddeeg;Tamim Alkhalifah
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.385-399
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    • 2024
  • NEMS (Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems) devices play a significant role in the advancement of prosthetic hands due to their unique properties at the nanoscale. Their integration enhances the functionality, sensitivity, and performance of prosthetic limbs. Understanding the electro-thermal buckling behavior of such structures is crucial since they may be subjected to extreme heat. So, in this paper, the two-dimensional hyperbolic differential quadrature method (2D-HDQM) integrated with a four-variable refined quasi-3D tangential shear deformation theory (RQ-3DTSDT) in view of the trace of thickness stretching is extended to study electro-thermal buckling response of three-directional poroelastic FG (3D-PFG) circular sector nanoplate patched with piezoelectric layer. Aimed at discovering the real governing equations, coupled equations with the aid of compatibility conditions are employed. Regarding modeling the size-impacts, nonlocal refined logarithmic strain gradient theory (NRLSGT) with two variables called nonlocal and length scale factors is examined. Numerical experimentation and comparison are used to indicate the precision and proficiency related to the created procedure. After obtaining the outputs of the mathematics, an appropriate dataset is used for testing, training and validating of the artificial intelligence. In the results section will be discussed the trace associated with multiple geometrical and physical factors on the electro-thermal buckling performance of the current nanostructure. These findings are essential for the design and optimization of NEMS applications in various fields, including sensing, actuation, and electronics, where thermal stability is paramount. The study's insights contribute to the development of more reliable and efficient NEMS devices, ensuring their robust performance under varying thermal conditions.

동시회전의 화이버 단면 보 요소를 이용한 평면 구조물의 재료 및 기하 비선형 해석 (Material and Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Plane Structure Using Co-rotational Fiber-section Beam Elements)

  • 김정수;김문겸
    • 한국전산구조공학회논문집
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문에서는 합성단면을 갖는 구조물의 극한 거동 해석에서 요구하는 재료 및 기하학적 비선형 해석을 수행하기 위한 보 요소를 제시하였다. 제안된 요소는 기하학적 비선형성을 효과적으로 모사할 수 있는 co-rotational 정식화를 통해 도출되었으며, 다양한 합성단면의 저항성능을 재현할 수 있도록 화이버 단면법이 요소의 내력 및 강성을 산정하는데 활용되었다. 제안된 방법을 구현할 수 있도록 해석 프로그램이 개발되었으며, 호장법을 적용하여 최대내력 발생 이후의 연성거동뿐만 아니라 심한 비선형 응답(snap-through 또는 snapback)까지 추적해낼 수 있도록 하였다. 본 연구에서 제안된 요소 정식화와 해석 프로그램의 정확성을 검증을 위해 몇 가지 수치예제가 수행되었고, 해석결과는 제안된 요소의 정확성과 효율성을 보이기 위해 3차원 연속체 모델 및 기존 연구의 결과와 비교되었다. 추가로 합성단면을 갖는 골조 구조물에 대한 수치예제를 통해, 합성단면을 구성하는 재료의 탄성계수 비 및 강도 비에 따른 영향을 분석하였다. 해석결과는 외층 재료의 탄성계수가 증가됨에 따라 준취성 거동이 나타났으며, 외층 재료의 항복강도가 높을수록 선형 거동하는 기하적 비선형 응답과 유사한 응답을 보였다.

Orbit Determination of High-Earth-Orbit Satellites by Satellite Laser Ranging

  • Oh, Hyungjik;Park, Eunseo;Lim, Hyung-Chul;Lee, Sang-Ryool;Choi, Jae-Dong;Park, Chandeok
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2017
  • This study presents the application of satellite laser ranging (SLR) to orbit determination (OD) of high-Earth-orbit (HEO) satellites. Two HEO satellites are considered: the Quasi-Zenith Satellite-1 (QZS-1), a Japanese elliptical-inclinedgeosynchronous-orbit (EIGSO) satellite, and the Compass-G1, a Chinese geostationary-orbit (GEO) satellite. One week of normal point (NP) data were collected for each satellite to perform the OD based on the batch least-square process. Five SLR tracking stations successfully obtained 374 NPs for QZS-1 in eight days, whereas only two ground tracking stations could track Compass-G1, yielding 68 NPs in ten days. Two types of station bias estimation and a station data weighting strategy were utilized for the OD of QZS-1. The post-fit root-mean-square (RMS) residuals of the two week-long arcs were 11.98 cm and 10.77 cm when estimating the biases once in an arc (MBIAS). These residuals were decreased significantly to 2.40 cm and 3.60 cm by estimating the biases every pass (PBIAS). Then, the resultant OD precision was evaluated by the orbit overlap method, yielding three-dimensional errors of 55.013 m with MBIAS and 1.962 m with PBIAS for the overlap period of six days. For the OD of Compass-G1, no station weighting strategy was applied, and only MBIAS was utilized due to the lack of NPs. The post-fit RMS residuals of OD were 8.81 cm and 12.00 cm with 49 NPs and 47 NPs, respectively, and the corresponding threedimensional orbit overlap error for four days was 160.564 m. These results indicate that the amount of SLR tracking data is critical for obtaining precise OD of HEO satellites using SLR because additional parameters, such as station bias, are available for estimation with sufficient tracking data. Furthermore, the stand-alone SLR-based orbit solution is consistently attainable for HEO satellites if a target satellite is continuously trackable for a specific period.