• 제목/요약/키워드: Quality Management Cost

검색결과 1,819건 처리시간 0.027초

미용서비스품질과 서비스충성도간 관계에서 대안매력도의 조절효과 (A Study on the Effect of Mediating Roles on Attractiveness of Alternatives on the Relationship between the Quality of Beauty Service and the Service Loyalty)

  • 이유미;이난희
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.173-190
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating roles of relationship quality, satisfaction and trust, and switching cost during the process of the effects of service quality in the beauty industry. Assuming the attractiveness of alternatives of such structural relations may differ between paths of groups, effects of influence on the relation of each composition concept were investigated. This study adopted a three-dimensional model of service quality, "process quality", "outcome quality", and "environment quality." Amos was used to analyze the research hypotheses and the proposed model. The result of the study suggests that service quality positively influences relationship quality, and relationship quality yields service loyalty. The results also indicates that relationship quality positively influences switching cost and switching cost positively influences service loyalty. Each service quality dimension had a significant effect on satisfaction, trust, and the relative importance of service quality dimensions on satisfaction; trust followed the order of process quality, outcome quality, and environment quality. The moderating variable such as the alternatives' attractiveness is found to be important moderators of the path of the model.

Replacement Policies Based on System Age and Random Repair Cost under Imperfect Repair

  • Yun, Won Young
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1990
  • Replacement policies based on both the system age and the random repair cost are studied. The system is replaced when it reaches age T (Policy A), or when it fails for the first time after age T (Policy B). If the system fails before age T, the repair cost is estimated and repair is then undertaken if the estimated cost is less than a predetermined limit L ; otherwise, the system is replaced. After repair, the system is as good as new with probability (1-p) or is as good as old with probability P. The expected cost rate is obtained, its behavior is examined, and way of obtaining optimal T and L is explored.

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  • Lee, Chang-Hwan
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1997
  • An EOQ-like inventory model for a manufacturing process is studied. The system is assumed to deteriorate during the production process. The results are either the production of a number of defective items, or the breakdown of the production machine. The optimal production lot size is derived. The model is extended to the case in which the probabilities of making defective items and machine breakdowns are a function of both the quantity (amount) and quality (performance) of the consumed setup cost (including the preventive maintenance cost). We further assume that the setup performance can be improved by investing in the performance improvement program. Hence, the same or a better setup outcome can be achieved with a lower setup cost. We then investigate the optimal setup cost and investment policy simultaneously, thereby achieving a better process quality and setup cost reduction concurrently.

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제조기업의 시장지향성이 품질경영활동과 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effects of the Manufacturer's Market Orientation on Quality Management activity and Business Performance)

  • 원유영;박종우;송광석;신호철
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The market orientation of a manufacturer is a very critical competitive advantage factor in the development of new markets and the sustainability and maintenance of existing ones, achieved through the design of customer-oriented products. This is recognized as a virtuous circle, in which firms grow by means of promoting quality management. However, though market-oriented activities are important in management and operations, they seem to be promoted mainly by large-scale enterprises rather than by small- and medium-scale firms, the latter having invested relatively few company resources. Furthermore, few studies and analyses have examined how market orientation relates to the expansion of quality programs within organizations or with business performance; the market orientation and customer-orientation concepts are mixed together when both are used in research. Given the current market situation in which the servitization of manufacturing firms is rapidly expanding, this study's analysis of the effect on market orientation of manufacturers is a significant contribution. From this perspective, this study has several objectives. First, is to analyze and suggest the relationship between market orientation and quality management activity for manufacturers, focusing on three sub-activities: products, process, and quality management activities. Second, it is intended to identify correlation between manufacturers' market oriented activity and their management performance and then to analyze how market orientation affects business performance. The results of a number of prior studies on the correlation between market orientation and management performance have indicated that market orientation does affect management performance. Third, this study also investigates whether any differences in the relationship among market orientation, quality management activity and business performance occur according to company size. The results are used to present operational suggestions for large- and small- and medium-size firms. Research design, data, methodology - This study seeks to analyze and identify the causal features of the organic relationship among market orientation, quality management, and management performance for Korean manufacturing companies using three years (2005-2007) of market orientation, quality management, and business performance data. Subsequently, structural equation modeling was used to analyze the causal features of related factors and it aims to identify the features of market orientation, quality management, and business performance. Results - The analysis examined how market orientation affected the quality management and management performance of 159 smalland medium-size companies. In particular, enterprise quality management was analyzed in relation to management performance with a focus on activities such as leadership, measurement and improvement, quality control, cost management, and process management. Conclusions - The result of the analysis show that market orientation significantly affected all of the quality management activities and that market orientation in turn significantly affected organizational performance. The result of analysis indicate that quality management activities have a significant effect on quality control and cost management.

LCD 산업에서 품질코스트시스템의 혁신적 활용 연구 (Innovative application of Quality Cost System in LCD Industry)

  • 오상영;박종운
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2008
  • 급변하는 기업의 생산 환경 속에서 기업들은 생존을 위한 품질 관리 전략을 도입하고 있다. 특히 LCD 산업의 경우, 잦은 경기 사이클 변화로 인한 투자위축, 제3의 경쟁자 출현으로 인해 어느 때보다도 경쟁우위 확보가 필요하다. 이런 상황을 극복하기 위한 방법 중에서 품질 코스트 시스템을 자사에 맞게 적용해야 하지만 LCD 산업의 경우 품질 코스트 시스템을 적극적으로 도입 및 활용하는 기업은 매우 적다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 주요 LCD 기업의 품질 코스트 시스템의 성공적 활용 요인을 분석 하였다. 분석 요인에 대하여 가중치 분석을 통해 중요도를 측정하고, 중요도 순위에 의해 LCD 산업에서 품질 코스트 시스템을 활용 및 효과를 극대화 할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.

개선활동의 재무성과 달성/기여 효과 분석 (An Effect of the Improvement Activities on the Financial Performance)

  • 정규석
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • Top Managers are apt to do the decision making on the base of cost-benefit analysis. Therefore the return on quality is indispensable to get the commitment of the top managers on the quality programs. The monetary or tangible effects of the most improvement activities through the suggestion systems and the quality circle activities are computed and reported. In most cases the reported gains are much bigger than the input invested. In spite of the reported high return many top managers are doubtful about the truth of reports because the gains are not translated into the profit on the income statement. This paper discusses about the mechanism of individual improvement activities and analyze the system effect which sum the individual effect and the realization effect on the income statement during that period. This will help the top managers to commit on the quality programs with high confidence.

동적계획법을 이용한 추계학적 하천수질관리 (Stochastic River Water Quality Management by Dynamic Programming)

  • 조재현
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 1997
  • A river water quality management model was made by Dynamic programming. This model optimizes the wastewater treatment cost of the application area, and computed water quality with it must meet the water quality standard. And this model takes into consideration tributary input, wastewater treatment plant effluent, withdrawls for several purposes. Modified Streeter-Phelps equation was used to calculate BOD and DO. Optimization problem was solved with particular exceedance probability flow, and the water quality of each point was calculated with the decided treatment efficiencies. At that time, the probability satisfying the water quality standard of constraints to the exceedance probability of the flow. The developed model was applied to the lower part of the Han-River. The reliability to meet the water quality standard is 70 % when 4 wastewater treatment plants of Seoul City are operated by activated sludge system at autumn of the year 2001. Treatment cost of this case is 121.288 billion won per year.

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기계공업(機械工業)을 위한 외주관리(外注管理)시스템 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Development of Subcontracting System for the Machine Manufacturing Industry)

  • 김원중;김광섭
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 1980
  • The relationship between the subcontractor and the subcontractor in current industries, especially in the machine manufacturing industry, should be developed to the "Efficient Q-C-D System" in which the three elements of consideration-Quality, Cost and Delivery condition, are in a state of equillibrium. From this point of view the two parts of a subcontract must cooperate in the whole activity: ranging from the initial products planning, through the manufacturing process, to the final usage by customers. In this report, we tried to present Korean machine manufacturing industry with the model of management system of subcontracts in order that machine manufacturers may assure the quality, reduce the production cost and enhance the productivity with the model.

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감소(減少)하는 고장률(故障率)하에서 오류예측 및 테스트 시간(時間)의 최적화(最適化)에 관한 연구(硏究) (Error Forecasting & Optimal Stopping Rule under Decreasing Failure Rate)

  • 최명호;윤덕균
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 1989
  • This paper is concerned with forecasting the existing number of errors in the computer software and optimizing the stopping time of the software test based upon the forecasted number of errors. The most commonly used models have assessed software reliability under the assumption that the software failure late is proportional to the current fault content of the software but invariant to time since software faults are independents of others and equally likely to cause a failure during testing. In practice, it has been observed that in many situations, the failure rate decrease. Hence, this paper proposes a mathematical model to describe testing situations where the failure rate of software limearly decreases proportional to testing time. The least square method is used to estimate parameters of the mathematical model. A cost model to optimize the software testing time is also proposed. In this cost mode two cost factors are considered. The first cost is to test execution cost directly proportional to test time and the second cost is the failure cost incurred after delivery of the software to user. The failure cost is assumed to be proportional to the number of errors remained in the software at the test stopping time. The optimal stopping time is determined to minimize the total cost, which is the sum of test execution cast and the failure cost. A numerical example is solved to illustrate the proposed procedure.

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경기도 대기질 개선 정책의 온실가스 동시 저감 및 그에 따른 공편익 효과 분석 (Greenhouse Gas Reduction by Air Quality Management Policy in Gyeonggi-do and Its Co-benefit Analysis)

  • 김동영;최민애
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.570-582
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, national and local government's air quality management and climate change adaptation policy has been significantly strengthened. The measures in the two policies may be in a relationship of trade-off or synergy to each other. Greenhouse gases and air pollutants are mostly emitted from the same sources of using considerable amounts of fossil fuels. Co-benefits, in which either measure has a positive effect on the other, may be maximized by reducing the social costs and by consolidating the objectives of the various policies. In this study, the co-benefits were examined by empirically analyzing the effects of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emission reduction, social cost, and cost effectiveness between the two policies. Of the total 80 projects, the next 12 projects generated co-benefits. They are 1) extend restriction area of solid fuel use, 2) expand subsidy of low-$NO_x$ burner, 3) supply hybrid-vehicles, 4) supply electric-vehicles, 5) supply hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, 6) engine retrofit, 7) scrappage of old car, 8) low emission zone, 9) transportation demand management, 10) supply land-based electric of ship, 11) switching anthracite to clean fuel in private sector, 12) expand regional combined-energy supply. The benefits of air pollutants and greenhouse gas-related measures were an annual average of KRW 2,705.4 billion. The social benefits of the transportation demand management were the highest at an annual average of KRW 890.7 billion, and followed by scrappage of old cars and expand regional combined-energy supply. When the social benefits and the annual investment budgets are compared, the cost effectiveness ratio is estimated to be about 3.8. Overall, the reduction of air pollutants caused by the air quality management policy of Gyeonggi-do resulted in an annual average of KRW 4,790.2 billion. In the point sources management sector, the added value of $CO_2$ reduction increased by 4.8% to KRW 1,062.8 billion, while the mobile sources management sector increased by 3.6% to KRW 3,414.1 billion. If social benefits from $CO_2$ reduction are added, the annual average will increase by 7.2% to KRW 5,135.4 billion. The urban and energy management sectors have shown that social benefits increase more than twice as much as the benefits of $CO_2$ reduction. This result implies that more intensive promotion of these measures are needed. This study has significance in that it presents the results of the empirical analysis of the co-benefits generated between the similar policies in the air quality management and the climate change policy which are currently being promoted in Gyeonggi-do. This study suggested that the method of analyzing the policy effect among the main policies in the climate atmospheric policy is established and the effectiveness and priority of the major policies can be evaluated through the policy correlation analysis based on the co-benefits. It is expected that it could be a basis for evaluation the efficiency of the climate change adaptation and air quality management policies implemented by the national and local governments in the future.