• Title/Summary/Keyword: QA(Quality assurance)

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Games QA using Checklists Technique (체크리스트 기법을 이용한 게임 QA)

  • Lee, Jin-Ho;Jung, Hyeon-Cheol;Kang, Seung-Gon;Cho, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Je-Meong;Kang, Myung-Ju;Park, Chan-Il;Oh, Hyoun-Ju;Kim, Sang-Jung;Lee, Jong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2014.07a
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    • pp.307-310
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    • 2014
  • 본 논문에서는 여러 가지 소프트웨어 테스트 기법 중 "체크리스트" 기법을 이용하여 2014년 청강문화산업대학 게임전공 졸업작품 게임 13점을 대상으로 테스트를 진행하고 그에 따른 결과에 대해 의견을 제시한다. "체크리스트"란 테스트하거나 평가해야 할 내용과 경험을 나열해 놓은 것을 의미하며, 체계적으로 도출되기 보다는 테스트 경험과 노하우를 정리하고 목록화하여 테스팅에서 해당 내용을 누락 없이 검증하는 것을 목적으로 작성하는 문서다. 테스트의 진행은 개발팀의 기획서 분석에서 시작되며, 기획서에서 기반한 게임의 실제 구현비율과 동작 가능한 비율을 중점으로 평가하였다.

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Review on the TQM Literature appeared in KSQM (품질경영학회 50주년 특별호: 품질경영 분야 연구 리뷰)

  • Chung, Kyu Suk;Sin, Wan Seon;Baek, Dong-Hyun;Ju, Yong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.43-60
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This paper reviews the papers on TQM issues which are published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management (KSQM) since 1965. The literature review is purposed to survey a variety of TQM issues for several categories. Methods: We divide all of TQM issues into 6 categories: ISO system, quality assurance, quality management theory, empirical study on quality management, quality awards, and quality management etc. Results: Dividing all of papers on TQM published in KSQM for 50 years into 6 categories, we provide a chronological roadmap for individual categories, and summarize the contents and contributions of surveyed papers. Conclusion: The review paper is expected to provide future direction to improve TQM theories and applications in manufacturing and service industries.

Recent Progress of the DUPIC Fuel Fabrication in Korea

  • Lee, J.W.;Kim, W.K.;Lee, Jae-W.;Park, G.I.;YANG, M.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.02a
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    • pp.170-181
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    • 2004
  • DUPIC powder and pellets were successfully fabricated in accordance with the quality assurance program described in the Quality Assurance Manual for DUPIC fuel fabrication, which was developed on the basis of the CAN3-Z299.2-85 standard. This manual describes the quality management system applicable to the activities performed for DUPIC fuel fabrication. It covers the work processes, policies and procedures used for planning, executing, and verifying the work carried out for DUPIC fuel fabrication. It is important that a Quality Program is in place before the fabrication of the fuel for irradiation testing. In order to qualify the DUPIC pellet manufacturing processes, 3 series of experiments for the pre-qualification and 3 series for the qualification were performed. In these experiments, the optimum process conditions were established. Then, under the control of the QA program, 8 series of production runs were performed to make the qualified DUPIC pellets in a batch size of 1 kg. In these production runs, DUPIC fuel pellets satisfying the standard CANDU fuel pellet specifications could be successfully produced.

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Development of Climate & Environment Data System for Big Data from Climate Model Simulations (대용량 기후모델자료를 위한 통합관리시스템 구축)

  • Lee, Jae-Hee;Sung, Hyun Min;Won, Sangho;Lee, Johan;Byu, Young-Hwa
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we introduce a novel Climate & Environment Database System (CEDS). The CEDS is developed by the National Institute of Meteorological Sciences (NIMS) to provide easy and efficient user interfaces and storage management of climate model data, so improves work efficiency. In uploading the data/files, the CEDS provides an option to automatically operate the international standard data conversion (CMORization) and the quality assurance (QA) processes for submission of CMIP6 variable data. This option increases the system performance, removes the user mistakes, and increases the level of reliability as it eliminates user operation for the CMORization and QA processes. The uploaded raw files are saved in a NAS storage and the Cassandra database stores the metadata that will be used for efficient data access and storage management. The Metadata is automatically generated when uploading a file, or by the user inputs. With the Metadata, the CEDS supports effective storage management by categorizing data/files. This effective storage management allows easy and fast data access with a higher level of data reliability when requesting with the simple search words by a novice. Moreover, the CEDS supports parallel and distributed computing for increasing overall system performance and balancing the load. This supports the high level of availability as multiple users can use it at the same time with fast system-response. Additionally, it deduplicates redundant data and reduces storage space.

Building Transparency on the Total System Performance Assessment of Radioactive Repository through the Development of the Cyber R&D Platform; Application for Development of Scenario and Input of TSPA Data through QA Procedures (Cyber R&D Platform개발을 통한 방사성폐기물 처분종합성능평가(TSPA) 투명성 증진에 관한 연구; 시나리오 도출 과정과 TSPA 데이터 입력에서의 품질보증 적용 사례)

  • Seo, Eun-Jin;Hwang, Yong-Soo;Kang, Chul-Hyung
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2006
  • Transparency on the Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA) is the key issue to enhance the public acceptance for a radioactive repository. To approve it, all performances on TSPA through Quality Assurance is necessary. The integrated Cyber R&D Platform is developed by KAERI using the T2R3 principles applicable for five major steps : planning, research work, documentation, and internal & external audits in R&D's. The proposed system is implemented in the web-based system so that all participants in TSPA are able to access the system. It is composed of three sub-systems; FEAS (FEp to Assessment through Scenario development) showing systematic approach from the FEPs to Assessment methods flow chart, PAID (Performance Assessment Input Databases) being designed to easily search and review field data for TSPA and QA system containing the administrative system for QA on five key steps in R&D's in addition to approval and disapproval processes, corrective actions, and permanent record keeping. All information being recorded in QA system through T2R3 principles is integrated into Cyber R&D Platform so that every data in the system can be checked whenever necessary. Throughout the next phase R&D, Cyber R&D Platform will be connected with the assessment tool for TSPA so that it will be expected to search the whole information in one unified system.

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The Clinical Implementation of 2D Dose Distribution QA System for the Patient Specific Respiratory-gated Radiotherapy (호흡동조 방사선치료의 2차원 선량 분포 정도관리를 위한 4D 정도관리 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Sung;Shin, Eun-Hyuk;Shin, Jung-Suk;Ju, Sang-Gyu;Han, Young-Yih;Park, Hee-Chul;Choi, Doo-Ho
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2010
  • Emerging technologies such as four-dimensional computed tomography (4D CT) is expected to allow clinicians to accurately model interfractional motion and to quantitatively estimate internal target volumes (ITVs) for radiation therapy involving moving targets. A need exists for a 4D radiation therapy quality assurance (QA) device that can incorporate and analyze the patient specific intrafractional motion as it relate to dose delivery and respiratory gating. We built a 4D RT prototype device and analyzed the patient-specific 4D radiation therapy QA for 2D dose distributions successfully. With more improvements, the 4D RT QA prototype device could be an integral part of a 4D RT decision process to confirm the dose delivery.

Comparison of the Real-time Measurements for PM2.5 and Quality Control Method (PM2.5 자동측정장비 비교 및 정도관리 방안)

  • Park, Mikyung;Park, Jin Su;Jo, Mira;Lee, Yong Hwan;Kim, Hyun Jae;Oh, Jun;Choi, Jin Soo;Ahn, Joon Young;Hong, You Deog
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.616-625
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    • 2017
  • Measurements using five real-time particle samplers were compared to measurements using three NRM (National Reference Method system) filter-based samplers(Gravimetric method) at Incheon, Korea, between May and August, 2014. The purpose of this study was to suggest the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) method of each instrument for use in a real-time continuous particle sampler to measure the mass of airborne particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than $2.5{\mu}m$ ($PM_{2.5}$). Five real-time particle samplers of BAM1020, FH62C_14, TEOM, PM-711 and SPM-613 were evaluated by comparing its measured 23 hr average $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations with those measured with NRM filter-based samplers simultaneously. The parameters(e.g. Inlet heating condition, Slope factor, Film response, Intercept, Background, Span value) of the real-time samplers were optimized respectively by conducting test performance evaluation during 7 days in field sampling. For example, inlet heating temperature of TEOM sampler controls $35{\sim}40^{\circ}C$ to minimize the fluctuation of the real-time measurement data and background value of BAM1020 is the key factor affecting the accuracy of $PM_{2.5}$ mass concentration. We classified the $PM_{2.5}$ concentration according to relative humidity (80%) to identify water absorbed in aerosols by measuring the ${\beta}$-ray samplers(BAM1020, FH62C_14) and TEOM. ${\beta}$-ray samplers were not strongly affected by relative humidity that the difference of the average $PM_{2.5}$ concentration was about 5%. On the other hand, The TEOM sampler overestimated $PM_{2.5}$ mass concentration about 15% at low relative humidity (<80%).

The History and Development of the Marine Environment QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) Management System (해양환경 정도관리제도 운영에 대한 고찰)

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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.185-200
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    • 2021
  • The Marine Environment QA/QC management system has been operated since 2010 to secure the reliability of data and improve the analysis capabilities of measurement and analysis institutions. From 2010 to 2020, the cumulative number of measurement and analysis institutions participated in the QA/QC management system was 266. And the number of certificates issued by the ministry of oceans and fisheries is 182. A total of 32 reference materials for proficiency testing and interlaboratory comparisons have been developed. They were first developed focusing on items (Nutrients, COD) commonly analyzed in marine environmental measuring network, marine pollution impact surveys, sea area utilization impact assessment, deepsea water surveys, and information network on fishing ground environments. In addition, it is time to expand the filed of the QA/QC management system, such as seawater temperature, salinity, PCBs and PAHs in sediments, which are mainly analyzed in most monitoring programs. On-site assessment has been conducted for 162 laboratories according to ISO/IEC 17025 to evaluate their conformity of the quality management system and deficiency. In terms of management and technology requirements, about 4.2% of organizations showed insufficient division of duties among employees 8.7% of them revealed the lack of employee training. By test item, about 6.3% of organizations showed the lack of standard substance management and the state of the cleaning glassware was pointed out in about 5.4% of them. The QA/QC management system should be continuously supplemented by identifying the causes of nonconformities and area for improvement.

Present Status of the Quality Assurance and Control (QA/QC) for Korean Macrozoobenthic Biological Data and Suggestions for its Improvement (해양저서동물의 정량적 자료에 대한 정도관리 현실과 개선안)

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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.263-276
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    • 2021
  • Marine benthic organisms have been used as the indicators for the environment assessment and recently considered as a very important component in the biodiversity and ecosystem restoration. In Korean waters, the quantitative data on marine benthos was used as one of major components for the marine pollution assessment for 50 years since 1970s. The species identification which is an important factor for the quantitative biological data was mainly performed by the marine benthic ecologists. This leads to the deterioration of the data quality on marine benthos from the misidentication of major taxonomic groups due to the lack of taxonomic expertise in Korea. This taxonomic problem has not been solved until now and remains in most data from national research projects on the marine ecosystems in Korean waters. Here we introduce the quality assurance and control (QA/QC) system for the marine biological data in UK, that is, NMBAQC (Northeast Atlantic Marine Biological Analytic and Quality Control) Scheme which has been performed by private companies to solve similar species identification problems in UK. This scheme asks for all marine laboratories which want to participate to any national monitoring programs in UK to keep their identification potency at high level by the internal quality assurance systems and provides a series of taxonomic workshops and literature to increase their capability. They also performs the external quality control for the marine laboratories by performing the Ring Test using standard specimens on various faunal groups. In the case of Korea, there are few taxonomic expertise in two existing national institutions and so they can't solve the taxonomic problems in marine benthic fauna data. We would like to provide a few necessary suggestions to solve the taxonomic problems in Korean marine biological data in short-terms and long-terms: (1) the identification of all dominant species in marine biological data should be confirmed by taxonomic expertise, (2) all the national research programs should include taxonomic experts, and (3) establishing a private company, like the Korea marine organism identification association (KMOIA), which can perform the QA/QC system on the marine organisms and support all Korean marine laboratories by providing taxonomic literature and species identification workshops to enhance their potency. The last suggestion needs more efforts and time for the establishment of that taxonomic company by gathering the detailed contents and related opinions from diverse stakeholders in Korea.

The Optimal Design Rectifying Inspection Plan with Application to Linear Cost Model (선형비용모델을 이용한 계수선별형 검사방식의 최적설계)

  • Cho, Jai-Rip
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.74-89
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    • 1995
  • In recent years, the safety of customers and the demand for rights to be protected from the risk have become stronger than ever day by day, and the function concerning product liability(PL) and quality assurance(QA) has been emphasized. Basically these functions can be obtained by inspection and there is the single rectifying sampling inspection for attribute (KSA-3105) as an existing method. But we can not say this method is good enough because of limitations in the range of applications and the approximate design of inspection methods which can not meet the rapidity and accuracy of quality information transfer according to the maturity of information period. Therefore, in this paper, a new algorithm is developed which can design the accurate inspection method by using the linear cost function that has not been considered in the existing inspection methods. Also in addition to this, a optimal rectifying sampling inspection plan, contributing to minimize the total costs, can be developed by programming the algorithm developed in this study and it can be applied to any field having many processes almost limitlessly.

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