• Title/Summary/Keyword: QA(Quality assurance)

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How to organize and manage hospital QA according to specific structures of a general hospital in Korea? (한국의 병원 구조에서 QA 팀을 어떻게 구성하고 운영 할 것인가?)

  • Yang, Ung Suk
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.280-284
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    • 1997
  • Since the start of the Korean Society of Quality Assurance in Health Care in 1994, QA has improved, but it is time to develop our own policies that are more appropriate for Korean hospitals. American Quality Assurance policies are difficult to apply to the Korean medical community due to the differences in health insurance policies, and hospital structure between the two countries. Methods : I would like to propose more efficient organization and management of Quality Assurance according to the specific structures of hospitals in Korea. All of the hospital departments and committees should report to the Quality Assurance office, which in turn should report to the director. I would like to suggest that the current insurance review staff be used for the Quality Assurance office. A nurse should be in charge of the Quality Assurance department. The Quality Assurance department should have three sections: Medical Inssurance Review, QA records for the different Medical Departments, and QA records for the Ancillary Departments. A staff physician should be the chairman of the hospital QA committee, which should serve as the advising body to the QA Department. The QA Committee should be organized into eight subcommittees so that all departments thought the hospital are represented. The current Medical Insurance Review offices in Korea have similar responsibilities to the QA Department: therefore I would like to recommend that the Medical Insurance Review office be changed the the QA office. If there are presently two separate Medical Insurance and QA offices, these should be combined into one office. Conclusion : These changes would surely benefit hospitals and strengthen the efficiency of both Insurance Review and Quality Assurance.

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Sources of Cost Saving Opportunities in Highway Construction Quality Assurance Practices

  • Uddin, Mohammad Moin;Newland, James
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2018
  • US transportation agencies are dealing with shrinking budgets, limited work forces, and deteriorating infrastructure. In order to cope with funding uncertainty, state highway agencies are now looking into their own organizations and identifying programs, practices, and processes that have potential for cost saving. A quality assurance (QA) program is an integral part of highway construction and ensures a project's contracted level of quality. The cost of quality (conforming and nonconforming) can constitute a sizable part of total construction cost. As the quality assurance programs evolved, various practices and processes were developed over time and later adopted by state highway agencies. These practices and processes include different QA standards and specifications, varying testing methods, central testing lab vs. on site testing, performance based vs. prescribed quality assurance practices, implementation of innovative quality assurance practices, etc. Therefore, there is an opportunity to assess different QA strategies and recommend those practices that are effective and cost efficient. A national survey was conducted by the authors, which provided a detailed mapping of various QA practices and processes used as part of QA programs and identified areas where agencies can focus on for cost savings. The survey found that QA sampling and testing plans, optimization of sampling plans, optimization of QA standards and specifications, and implementation of innovative test methods and processes are the main areas the agencies should focus to lean the current QA programs.

A Case Study on Application of R&D Quality Assurance to Secure High Quality for Military Supplies (군수품의 고품질 확보를 위한 개발 품질보증 적용사례 연구)

  • Choi, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study is in order to secure high quality of military supplies, it is important to secure design quality in the development phase. I will review how to establish a quality assurance system in the development phase based on the author's seminar presentation contents and application example of Hanwha Systems Co., Ltd. Methods: To guarantee design quality in the development phase, in 2002, quality assurance system that is adequate for SQA(Software Quality Assurance)'s requirements of CMM(Capability Maturity Model) was conduct. In 2009, based on the CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration) Level 5, there has been continuous and reenforced quality assurance activities. Results: By suggesting the construction and a case study on application of R&D quality assurance, it would be helpful for companies aiming to construct or enhance quality assurance system. Conclusion: To secure high quality for military supplies, a development QA system should be established to secure quality in the development phase. In addition, Total life cycle QA system for development, mass production and operation phase should be reestablished.

Feasibility Study on the Application of Quality Assurance in Research and Development (연구개발(硏究開發) 품질보증(品質保證)의 적용(適用) 타당성(妥當性)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Il;Lim, Nam-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.74-94
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    • 1995
  • Through the application of Quality Assurance(QA) techniques in R&D activities, we can approach for cost reduction and productivity improvement with high reliability. Application of QA systems in R&D in developed countries were studied, a enquete survey was performed to investigate researcher's understanding of QA in R&D. As a result of this study, it is considered desirable that QA system be applied partially to the feasible work areas at first, and the scope of application be enlarged to extended areas, later. For these aims, various and feasible QA system should be developed and established. As the need for quality assurance in R&D is expected to be increased continuously in the future, it is imperative for us to be prepared for the application of QA system in R&D activities.

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Development of Novalis Quality Assurance Protocol for Radiosurgery (방사선수술을 위한 노발리스 품질관리 프로토콜 개발)

  • Lee, Dong-Joon;Lee, Kyung-Nam;Lee, Suk;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Dae-Hong
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2010
  • In Republic of Korea, there are many Quality Assurance protocol for general radiation treatment machine such as linac. However, Quality Assurance protocol for radiosurgery treatment system is not ready perfectly. One of the radiation treatment machine for radiosurgery, novalis system needs to suitable Quality Assurance protocol for using it right way during radiation treatment and maintaining suitable accuracy for daily, weekly, monthly and annually periods. Therefore, in this article, we develop Quality Assurance protocol for novalis system. We collected and analysed domestic and foreign novalis Quality Assurance protocol. After that, we selected essential QA items and each tolerance range for developing proper QA protocol, and we made anatomical phantom for execution of selected QA items and evaluation of overall state of QA, and then, we use this measured value as a reference. Quality Assurance items are consisted of Mechanical accuracy QA part and Radiation delivery QA part. Mechanical accuracy QA part is comprised of radiation generation machine part, assistive devices part and multi-leaf collimator part. Radiation delivery QA part is divided into radiation isocenter accuracy and dosimetric evaluation. After that, developed novalis QA tables are made by using these QA items. These novalis QA tables would be used to good standard in order to maintain apt accuracy for radiosurgery in daily, weekly, monthly and annually periods.

A Case Study of Asphalt Pavement Construction Quality Assurance Using the Quality Related Specification Software

  • Jeong, M. Myung;Jung, Younghan
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2016
  • One of the major issues in the material-based or acceptance quality characteristics asphalt pavement Quality Assurance (QA) is that the method does not have rationality to link between the individual materials and the projected performance of the pavement. A new asphalt mix QA method has been recently developed under a national research project using the probabilistic Performance Related Specification (PRS). This advanced PRS QA methodology integrates the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design$^{(R)}$ technology with the simple performance test concept that bridges the material characteristics with the pavement performance. This paper presents a case study of asphalt pavement performance using the developed PRS QA computer program, named Quality Related Specification Software (QRSS), with an actual pavement project, to demonstrate the developed PRS procedure and to assess the robustness of QRSS in terms of the rationality of the distress predictions. The results of this limited case study show that the new PRS QA method reasonably predicts the pavement performance, properly applied the probabilistic methods, and produced rational pay adjustment.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control method for Volatile Organic Compounds measured in the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station (광화학측정망에서 측정한 휘발성유기화합물의 정도관리 방법)

  • Shin, Hye-Jung;Kim, Jong-Choon;Kim, Yong-Pyo
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2011
  • The hourly volatile organic compounds(VOCs) concentrations between 2005 and 2008 at Bulgwang photochemical assessment monitoring station were investigated to establish a method for quality assurance and quality control(QA/QC) procedure. Systematic error, erratic error, and random error, which was manifested by outlier and highly fluctuated data, were checked and removed. About 17.3% of the raw data were excluded according to the proposed QA/QC procedure. After QA/QC, relative standard deviation for representing 15 species concentrations decreased from 94.7-548.0% to 63.4-125.8%, implying the QA/QC procedure is proper. For further evaluation about the adequacy of QA/QC procedure, principal components analysis(PCA) was carried out. When the data after QA/QC procedure was used for PCA, the extracted principal components were different from the result from the raw data and could logically explain the major emission sources(gasoline vapor, vehicle exhaust, and solvent usage). The QA/QC procedure based on the concept of errors is inferred to proper to be applied on VOCs. However, an additional QA/QC step considering the relationship between species in the atmosphere needs to be further considered.

Toward a Systemic Approach to Quality Assurance in e-Learning: An Ecological Perspective

  • JUNG, Insung
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2010
  • Challenges brought by applications of advanced technologies in education call for new approaches that can best ensure the provision of quality e-learning experiences. This paper presents an ecological approach as one of such approaches to quality assurance in e-learning that can monitor, assess and improve the effectiveness and the links between the various elements of e-learning. The ecological model for QA in e-learning emphasizes interrelation transactions between elements (e.g. providers, learners, cultures and policies) and systemic integration of those elements, and stresses that all these elements within a QA system play an equal role in maintaining balance of the whole. The model focuses attention both on individual and societal/cultural environmental factors as cornerstones for QA efforts in e-learning. It addresses the importance of QA efforts directed at changing QA transactions from provider-centered to 'all stakeholder-oriented', from one-size-fits-all model to 'globally oriented, locally adaptive model' and from control framework to 'culture creation framework'.

R&D Quality Assurance : General Types and Key Quality Elements (연구개발 품질보증 적용유형 분석 및 핵심 연구품질요소 도출)

  • Kim, Deok-Hwan;Kang, Mi-Sun;Ji, Doo-Hwan;Choi, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.581-599
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study aims to analyze general types of R&D Quality Assurance(R&D QA) and to identify key quality elements for R&D QA. R&D QA is defined as all the planned and systematic actions to verify whether R&D processes are conducted in a proper manner and the results of R&D fully satisfy customers' requirements. Methods: The existing R&D QA guidelines and the some cases were reviewed. From the review, three general types are analyzed and thirteen key quality elements are identified. Then, the survey on the eighteen domestic experts has been conducted for prioritization of the identified elements. Results: As the result of this study, three types for R&D QA based on quality elements, standard process, and final evaluation are analyzed. Related to the first type, thirteen quality elements, e.g., administrative plan, project plan, process management and so on, are identified and prioritized. Conclusion: This study contributes to develop the baseline for R&D QA including the types and the key quality elements. It may be helpful for the institute that has an interest adopting R&D QA.

Suggestions on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Government Quality Assurance Activities for Military Supplies in Production Stage (양산단계 군수품에 대한 정부품질보증활동 실효성 향상 방안)

  • Shin, Byung-Cheol;Hwang, Woo-Yull;Ahn, Nam-Su;Kim, Deok-Hwan;Lee, Gye-Lim;Jang, Bong-Ki;Byun, Jai-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Government quality assurance (QA) activities in Korea, which is carried out by the Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, is not effective due to 1) the obscureness of the QA implementation method, 2) the gap between QA activities of provisions and those conducted in the fields, and 3) the variation in subjective judgement among the QA personnel. The purpose of this paper is to propose some suggestions to enhance the effectiveness of government QA activities for military supplies in the production stage. Methods: QA activities for military supplies are investigated and problematic aspects are deduced for the production stage. To secure the effectiveness of the QA activities, Defense Contract Management Agency of the United Sates is benchmarked and five improvement methods are presented. Results: Five improvement aspects are 1) reflecting special terms and conditions of government mandatory inspection in contract, 2) classifying QA personnel, 3) making use of data collection and analysis template compulsory, 4) providing checklist for process review, and 5) establishing guidelines for sampling plans for product examination. Conclusion: Suggestions of this paper can lead to consistency and balance in government QA activities, reducing military suppliers' complaints and enhancing the effectiveness of QA effort, and ultimately contributing to the quality improvement of military supplies.