• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pulse-on duration

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Effect of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) on the fire safety of concrete structures

  • Gupta, Sanchit;Singh, Dheerendra;Gupta, Trilok;Chaudhary, Sandeep
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.263-278
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    • 2022
  • Limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) is a low carbon alternative to conventional cement. Literature shows that using limestone and calcined clay in LC3 increases the thermal degradation of LC3 pastes and can increase the magnitude of fire risk in LC3 concrete structures. Higher thermal degradation of LC3 paste prompts this study toward understanding the fire performance of LC3 concrete and the associated magnitude of fire risk. For fire performance, concrete prepared using ordinary Portland cement (OPC), pozzolanic Portland cement (PPC) and LC3 were exposed to 16 scenarios of different elevated temperatures (400℃, 600℃, 800℃, and 1000℃) for different durations (0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h, and 4 h). After exposure to elevated temperatures, mass loss, residual ultrasonic pulse velocity (rUPV) and residual compressive strength (rCS) were measured as the residual properties of concrete. XRD (X-ray diffraction), TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) and three-factor ANOVA (analysis of variance) are also used to compare the fire performance of LC3 with OPC and PPC. Monte Carlo simulation has been used to assess the magnitude of fire risk in LC3 structures and devise recommendations for the robust application of LC3. Results show that LC3 concrete has weaker fire performance, with average rCS being 11.06% and 1.73% lower than OPC and PPC concrete. Analysis of 106 fire scenarios, in Indian context, shows lower rCS and higher failure probability for LC3 (95.05%, 2.22%) than OPC (98.16%, 0.22%) and PPC (96.48%, 1.14%). For robust application, either LC3 can be restricted to residential and educational structures (failure probability <0.5%), or LC3 can have reserve strength (factor of safety >1.08).

Effects of Electric Stimulation Conditions on In Vitro Fusion and Developmental Rates of Nuclear Transplanted Porcine Embryos (전기적 융합조건이 돼지 핵이식 수정란의 융합 및 체외발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 박준규;박희성
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of electric stimulation conditions on in vitro developmental ability of procine embryos after somatic cell nuclear transfer, The porcine ear cell was cultured in vifro for confluency in serum-starvation condition (TCM-199+0.5% FBS) for cell confluency. The zona pellucida of IVM oocytes were partially drilled using laser system. Single somatic cell was individually transferred into the enucleated oocyte. The reconstructed embryos were electrically fused with 0.3M mannitol. After electric fusion, the embryos were activated and cultured in NCSU-23 medium containing 10% FBS at 39$^{\circ}C$, 5% $CO_2$ in air for 6 to 8 days. Nuclear transferred(NT) oocytes which fused at a field strength of 1.90kv/cm showed a higher (P<0.05) fusion rate(49.5%, 50/101) compared to 2.10 kv/cm(25.8%, 24/93) or 2.50kv/cm(30.3%, 27/89). After electric activation, the cleavage rate of NT embryos was 48.0(24/50), 66.6(16/24) and 70.3% (19/27), respectively and these were not different. There was no significant difference in fusion rate by duration and pulse of electric stimulation. In cleavage rate, however, more NT embryos(76.3%, 45/59) cleaved at 60 $\mu$sec twice than other embryos(49.1 to 56.5%) with different conditions of electric stimulation(P<0.05). NT embryos activated at a field strength of 1.50kv/cm showed a higher developmental rate(9.8%, 5/51) than those embryos activated at 1.25kv/cm(0%) or parthenotes(6.4%, 7/109). These results suggest that some factors such as field strength, duration and pulse of electric stimulation could be affected to in vitro developmental ability of nuclear transplanted porcine embryos.


  • Song, Gwang-Chul;Lee, Chang-Seop;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Nan-Young
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the sterilization effect of Er:YAG laser against the intraoral acid producing bacterium, S. mutans, by irradiating the culture solution containing S. mutans KCTC 3065 with Er:YAG laser having a $650{\mu}m$ diameter beam through the non-contact method. We obtained the following results after examining the temperature changes of the culture solution, numbers of bacterial colonies, and acid-producing ability and attaching ability on teeth by measuring the amount of extracellular polysaccharide produced by S. mutans. The number of bacterial colony was decreased in $10{\mu}l$ culture solution irradiated with laser in overall compared to the control solution. The number decreased as the irradiation intensity and pulse repetition rate were larger and as the exposure time was increased. However, it did not change significantly in $100{\mu}l$ culture solution compared to the control solution. Although the acid-producing ability of S. mutans was inhibited for a certain duration after laser irradiation in 10r1 bacterial culture solution, it did not change in $100{\mu}m$ solution compared with the control solution. The amount of extracellular polysaccharide synthesized by S. mutans was partially decreased through laser irradiation in $10{\mu}m$ culture solution but did not change in $100{\mu}m$ culture solution. Based on these findings, we concluded that Er:YAG laser has an sterilization effect on S. mutans in which we presume that the mechanism is through the heat effect rather than the mechanical effect from development of ultrasound.

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The Study on the Relationship Between the Duration of Chest Vibration prior to Endotracheal Suctioning and the Changes in Oxygen Saturation in Low-Birth-Weight Infants (저체중아에 있어 기관내 흡인전 흉부진동법의 기관과 산소포화 변화간의 관계 연구)

  • Ahn, Young-Mee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.597-607
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    • 1995
  • 1960년대 이후 인공호흡기(mechanical ventilator)의 보급과 최근 의료과학의 발달, 간호의 질적 향상의 결과로 저체중출생아를 포함한 고위험 신생아의 생존율이 높아져왔다. 호흡장애증후군(RDS)은 일차적으로 폐포의 완전한 확장을 위해 필요한 계면활성물질(surfactant)의 부족, 미발달된 심폐기능에 의한 병리적 현상으로 저체중아의 가장 큰 원인이 되어왔다. RDS로 인해 인공호흡기에 의존해 있는 저체중아의 경우 적절한 산소공급과 이를 위한 호흡의 유지는 치료의 가장 큰 핵심이 되며, 이를 위한 기관내 흑은 비인두 흡인 (nasopharyngeal suction)은 신생아 중환자실(NICU)의 가장 중요한 간호행위가 되어왔다. 인공호흡기를 위한 기관삽관은 그 자체가 기도의 성모운동을 방해하고 기침반사를 억제시켜 폐 분비물의 효과적 배출을 억제하며, 특히 저체중아의 경우 조산과 관련하여 미발달된 흥곽운등과 심폐기능은 폐분비물의 이동을 저해하는 요소이다. 따라서 기도내의 분비물의 이동을 효과적으로 하여 흡인 시에 최대한의 효과를 돕기 위해 흥곽 물리요법(chest physiotheraphy : CPT)의 한 형태인 흉곽진동법 (Chest Vibration : CV)가 행해져 왔다. 그러나 저체중아를 위한CV의 임상적 적용은 그 대상의 생리적 특성, CV의 적용부위(site)와 기간(duration)에 대한 과학적 근거 없이 만성감염이나 폐질환을 가진 성인이나 cystic fibrosis환자를 위한 CV protocol을 무분별하게 채택하여 저체중아에게 행하여져 왔다 이에 본 연구자는 저체중아에 대한 CV의 안전성을 평가하고, 이에 기초하여 저체중아에게 바람직한CV의 형태를 알아보고자 본 연구를 시작하였다. 연구설계는 CV의 안전성을 평가하기 위한 실험연구이다. CV의 안전성은 RDS치료의 가장 일차적 목표인 oxygenation변화에 의해 평가될 수 있으므로, 본 실험 연구에서는 Pulse oximeter에 의해 계속적으로 측정된 산소포화 변화(oxygen saturation change)를 측정하였다. 실험대상은 미국동부에 위치한 대학병원의 NICU에 입원하여 RDS와 관련된 호흡장애로 인공호흡기에 의존해 있는 10명의 저체중아였다. 인공호흡기에 의존된 모든 저체중아는 Pulse oximeter와 심폐기능 측정기(cardiopulmonary monitor)에 의해 산소공급과 호흡상태가 계속 측정되고 있었다. 실험대상의 평균 출생시 몸무게는 평균 1,3050gm(SD=580.6)이었고, 임신월령 은 평균 28.6주(SD=3.1)였다. RDS가 그들의 일차적 진단명이었고, 그중 4명은 pneumonia, atelectasis의 합병증을 가지고 있었다. 10명중 6명은 intermittent mandatory ventilation(IMV)의 형태로, 4명은 continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP)의 형태로 인공호흡기에 의존되어 있었고 CV시의 FiO2는 평균 42.3(SD=21.2)였다. CV는 중환아용 소형진동기 (minivibrator)를 이용해 가각 10명 의 간호사에 의해 행하여 졌고, 최소 22초에서 최대 100초 동안 실시되었다. 50%의 간호사는 30초에서 40초간 CV를 실시하였으며, CV의 적용부위도, 전후 흉곽부위, 혹은 병변이 있는 좌 우측, 흑은 양쪽 흉벽 등으로 다양했고, 적용방법도 원형으로 돌려가며(circular motion), 혹은 아래에서 위로, 혹은 아무런 기준없이 간호사의 기호에 따라 다양하게 적용되었다. 산소포화의 변화는 CV가 행해지기 전.후로 5초동안 관찰되었다. 연구의 결과, 산소포화 변화는 비 모수통계(non parametric statistics)의 일종인 Matched Paired Wilcoxon test로 분석 한 결과 CV후에 3%의 감소를 보였다(P<.05). 저체중아에 있어 산소포화의 3%감소는 임상적으로 중요한 의미가 없다고 사료되어지며, 실제 흡인전의 과도호흡에 의해 CV를 행하기 이전의 산소공급수준으로 돌아 왔다. CV실시 기간과 산소포화와의 상관관계는 비 모수통계인 Spearman rho correlation coefficient를 이용하여 분석하였는데, 이 두 변수는 서로 관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다(P>.05) 또한 CV와 흡인 후에 각각의 간호사들에게 CV를 필요로 한 저체중아의 기준, 적용부위, 기간, 방법등에 대한 기준을 물었으나 대상의 특성에 따른 간호사정에 의존하기보다는 간호사 각자의 선호하는 방법이나 습관에 라 행하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 CV와 산소포화 변화와의 관계, NICU에서 관찰된 CV의 임상적 적용을 기초로 저체중아에게 안전한 CV protocol은 신생아용 소형 진동기를 이용하여, 양쪽 흉곽의 늑골하측 변연 부위(low lateral costal margin)에서 시작하여 흉골 중앙부위 방향으로 30초 동안 진동기를 적용하는 것이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 이에 CV의 효과를 평가하기 위한 보다 과학적인 접근방법으로, CV와 흡인의 결과인 가래(sputum)에 대한 연구를 제언하는 바이다.

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The clinical study of acne patients (面疱 患者에 對한 臨床的 硏究)

  • Chae, Byeong-yoon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.251-268
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    • 1998
  • 125 Cases of Acne were treated by Acupuncture and Herb-med treatment during a three months duration from April 1996 to February 1998 in Kyung Hee Univ. Department of Ophthal, Otolaryngology. College of Oriental Medicine. We have observed the cases and the results as follows: 1. The age of average was 24.55 age : 21.91 in males, 24.55 in females. and in these, the gulf between males and females were showed statically significant diference. In the age of onset, averag was 16.96 age and mode was 18 age and male's average was 16.96 age, minimun was 11 age, maximum 40 age and female's average was 20.14 age, minimun was 10 age, maximum 40 age. and these were showed statically significant diference between males and females. 2. In the distribution of season, winter was the most with $37.8\%$ of out patients, the rest was similar to difference of each other. but there was clear difference between males and females. 3. In the duration of history, the average was 5.10 years and male's average was 5.13 years. on the other hand female's was 5.09 years but there is no any significant difference have a resemblance with each other. 4. In blood type, O type was the most with $35.20\%$ and there was in the order of A type was $26.40\%\;B\;type\;was\;23.20\%,\;AB\;type\;was\;15.20\%$ but these were not significant difference by the chi-tend and analysis of variance with total cases, males and females. 5. In select of the preference food, patients of the prefer worm food was $42.40\%\;and\;cool\;food\;was\;38.40\%,\;tepid\;food\;was\;24\%$ but these were no significant difference by the chi-test and ANOVA of each other. 6. the state of pulse classified into 11 type and average was 7.2 times, maximum was 29 times with Hyun Sae, at the same time, the female's average was 6.73 times, maximum was 27 times and male's average was 1.5 times. The result of test with each other, these were showed statically significant difference as compared total cases with males but there were not females ones. 7. In the frequency of the major cause, oversensitiveness was the most with $34.93\%$. secondly there was in order of indigestion $30.82\%$ and menstrual irregularity and menstruation pain $23.28\%$. constipation $10.96\%$ and these showed statically significant difference as compared the females with males on the result of test for difference with each other. 8. In frequency of the symptoms, itching was the most with $31.97\%$ and there was in order of nodule $20.49\%$, pustule $18.85\%,\;papule\;15.58\%,\;flare\;13.12\%$ and also these showed statically significant difference as compared the females with males 9. for the Distribution of acne region, face was the most with $64.06\%$ and there was in order of back $14.29\%,\;upper-chest\;11.69\%,\;neck\;7.79\%$ and there was no significant difference as compared total cases with males and females. 10. Acne applied 30 prescription to 4 weeks and over and 20 weeks and over was $23.3\%$, 30 weeks and over was $16.67\%$ and average of administration duration were 4.2 weeks(male's average 5.78, maximum 96 weeks and female's average 3.85, maximum 23 weeks) maximum was 96 weeks, minimum was 1 week. 11. In the acupuncture treatment, $96.6\%$ applied to acupuncture and average was 5.44 times, maximum 46 times, minimum 1 time(male's average 4.64, female's 5.62) but these were not any significant differeence. 12. for the medication, author made a investigation and comparison between control group with treated group in order to observe for the therapeutic effect during the 1 month and 2, 3. From these results, we can see that acne was improved by the oriental treatment. in the 1 month, average of control group was 13.24 and treated group was 11.78. these showed statically significant decrease in P<0.02 as compared the treated group with control group. In the 2 months, average of control group was 13.43 and treated group was 9.03. these showed statically significant decrease in P<0.003 as compared the treated group with control group. In the 3 months, average of control group was 13.78 and treated group was 8.06. these showed statically significant decrease in P<0.008 as compared the treated group with control group.

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A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study on the Effect of Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation on the Sclerotic Dentin (Nd:YAG레이저조사가 경화상아질에 미치는 영향에 관한 주사전자현미경적 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Hyeon;Shin, Keum-Back
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.397-410
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    • 1999
  • In order to obtain the basic data concerning the optimal parameters in using Nd:YAG laser as a therapeutic modality to dentinal hypersensitivity, the author prepared 3 sections of sound dentin and 10 sections of sclerotic dentin with thickness of $0.5mm{\pm}0.1mm$ from human extracted teeth of anteriors and premolars, and applied the laser energy from a fiberoptic delivered, free running, pulsed Nd:YAG laser (wavelength 1064nm, pulse duration $120{\mu}sec$, fiber diameter $320{\mu}m$) to surfaces of sound and sclerotic dentin sections for 1 second with contact/unidirectional moving mode of the fiber under speed of 3mm~4mm/sec and parameters of 0.5W/10Hz, 1.0W/10Hz, 1.5W/10Hz, 2.0W/10Hz: $62J/cm^2$, $124J/cm^2$, $187J/cm^2$, $249J/cm^2$. The author comparatively evaluated the characteristics of ultrastructural changes on surfaces of sound and sclerotic dentin sections irradiated by the pulsed Nd:YAG laser using the scanning electron microscopy. A fairly ill-defined bordered surface of partially closed and melted dentinal tubules can be seen on the scanning electron microscopic feature of the sound dentin surface irradiated by the pulsed Nd:YAG laser with energy density of $62J/cm^2$. The physical modification of sound dentin surface extensively occurred depended on the increase of energy density from $62J/cm^2$ to $124J/cm^2$, $187J/cm^2$, $249J/cm^2$. While, a fairly well-defined bordered surface of partially closed and melted dentinal tubules with thickened peritubular dentin can be seen on the scanning electron microscopic feature of the sclerotic dentin surface irradiated by the pulsed Nd:YAG laser with energy density of $62J/cm^2$. The physical modification of sclerotic dentin surface of a fairly rough, shallow depression with many cracks, thickened peritubular dentin and structureless dentinal tubules extensively occurred depended on the increase of energy density from $62J/cm^2$ to $124J/cm^2$, $187J/cm^2$, $249J/cm^2$ compared to those of sound dentin surface irradiated by the pulsed Nd:YAG laser under the same parameters. Therefore, it is recommended that the pulsed Nd:YAG laser as a therapeutic modality to dentinal hypersensitivity should be applied with the less energy density than $62J/cm^2$ on the sound dentin surface, and its energy density on the partially sclerotic dentin surface should be lower than that on the sound dentin surface to preserve tooth from unnecessary excessive structural destruction.

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The Effect of Electric Acupuncture Therapy on Myofascial Pain Syndrome (근근막 동통증후군과 전침(Electric Acupuncture)치료의 유효성에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Mun-Boung;Lee, Sang-Han;Min, Boung-Ki;Yoon, Mi-Yean
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.897-903
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    • 1999
  • Many out patients of the rehabilitation center complaint a pain caused by suffering of MPS, and it brings many different kind of social and ecinomical problems such as medical expenses and the reduction in work efficiency. Therefore, we conducted a research to present a fast and effective treatment to the MPS patients. this research was conducted from November, 1996 to January 1998 with eighteen outpatients who agreed to be the subjects to our reserach. We applied the electric acupuncture on 28 different trigger point on the patients with mostly muscular-skeletal pain and some tender and radiating pain. After the treatment, VRS, VAS, PRI were used to measure the degree of the pain on the patients third and seventh visits, and following results were found. 1. To apply EAP treatment, we acupunctured 6em-Iong needles on Tps region, then the electrodes of pulse generater pg-306 E.S.T were connected on the top of the needles. the electric acupuncture therapy was conducted for 20 minutes with the intensity of 4hz - 60hz(auto wave). The treated electric intensity was the level at which the patients did not feel discomfort. 2. Thirteen out of the 18 participated patients were in their 30s and 40s(72.2%), showing highest frequency. There were more female than male with the ratio of 1 to 1:2. 3. six out of the participated patients (33.3%) had the pain for less then a week, and the average duration of the pain of the participated patients wear 0.8 years. 4. The pain occured mostly in the upper trapezius by 6 part (21.4%), then in the gluteus medius region by 4 part (14.3%). Many of the patients with the pain in the upper back area accompanied varios kind of the referred pains such as radiculopathy, HIVD and Frozen shoulder. 5. MPS occured more frequently on the right side than left side then left side and it seemed to be due to the frequent use of the right hand. 6. There was almost no difference in the measurement of the intensity of the pain right before and after the EAP treatment. Howerver, there was significant decrease in the numerical values of the VAS, and a little bit of decrease in the numerical values of the PRI after the EAP treatment. 7. Based on the results of this present research, it can be concluded that EAP can be used for the treating the myofascial pain syndrome with promptness and safety in most cases.

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A Study on the Effect which the Method of Deep Breathing with the Use of Incentive Spirometer has on the function of pulmonary Ventilation - In Upper Abdominal Operation Patients - (Incentive Spirometer를 사용한 심호흡 방법이 폐환기 기능에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구 -상복부 수술 환자를 대상으로-)

  • 김종혜;변영순
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.268-280
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    • 1991
  • The nursing intervention for the prevention of the pulmonary complication and of the function lowering of pulmonary ventilation which emerge with high generation frequency during the nursing of operation patient is necessary for performing the qualitative nursing for operation patient. So, this researcher tried this study so as to obtain the data which can be utilized for the trial of nursing intervention, by grasping the effect that the deep breathing with Incentive Spirometer has on the function of pulmonary ventilation, analysing the factor to have influence on the function of pulmonary ventilation, and applying the effective method of deep breathing to the clinic. By making 42 patients who underwent the operation of upper abdomen after admitting G Hospital in Seoul from Mar. 7, 1991 to Apr.30, 1991 as the object, they were classified into the experiment group that the deep breathing was made with the use of Incentive Spiromenter and the comparison group that the deep breathing exercise was made without the use of Incentive Spirometer. And then, by measuring Tidal Volume and Forced Vital Capacity with Respirometer and $O_2$ Saturation with Pulse Oximeter at preoperation postoperation 24 hours, 72 hours, and 120 hours data were collected. The collected data were analyzed with of, average, standard deviation, x$^2$-test, t-test and ANOVA by SPSS. The result of this study is as follows : 1. As for the hypothesis that the function of pulmonary ventilation at postoperation 24 hours, 72 hours and 120 hours will be better in the experiment group that the deep breathing was made with the use of Incentive Spirometer, in comparison with the comparison group that deep breathing was made without the use of Incentive Spirometer, experiment group and comparison group didn't show the significant difference in Tidal Volume, Foreced Vital Capacity and $O_2$ Saturation at postoperation 24 hours and 72 hours. But experiment group and comparison group showed the significant difference in Tidal Volume at postoperation 120 hours (p<0.01). So, this hypothesis was supported partially. 2. The variables that there were the significant differences about the function of pulmonary ventilation in experiment group at postoperation 24 hours stastically were smoking existence (p<0.05), and the variables that there were not significant differences about the function of pulmonary ventilation were distinction of sex, age, anesthetic duration, smoking extent, body weight, surface area of body, existence of narcotic use, regular exercise existence, and past experience existence of respiratory disease. As above result, it appeared that the method of deep breathing with the use of the Incentive Spirometer is more effective for the function recovery of pulmonary ventilation, in comparison with the deep breathing without use of Incentive Spirometer and that smoking existence was the factor to have influence on the function of pulmonary ventilation. In the aspect of clinic, the trial of nursing intervention of deep breathing with use of Incentive Spirometer is expected. And, in the aspect of study, the study through various operative site patients about the effect of Incentive Spirometer use at the clinic will have to be confirmed.

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  • Park, Seong-Kyu;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Chang-Seop;Lee, Nan-Young;Oh, You-Hyang
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study were to evaluate the effect on the reversion of sedation induced by midazolam with flumazenil and to determine the plasma concentration of flumazenil according to the method of administration. Intranasal and intravenous flumazenil were administered to sedated health volunteers aged from 23 to 25 years, in doses typical of those used clinically to induce sedation with midazolam and for reversal with flumazenil. Objective assessment for degree of sedation and vital signs, plasma concentration were made for 2 hours period. 1. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, $SpO_2$ were not changed by adminstration of flumazenil in sedated subject with midazolam, but pulse rate was increased temporarily. 2. Flumazenil showed the reversal of the sedative effect induced by midazolam regardless of administration methods. But intravenous administration showed more effect on the degree and the duration of reversion than intranasal administration with the exception of on set time. 3. Peak plasma concentration of flumazenil administered by intranasal route reached after 2 min and that of flumazenil administered by intravenous route was 4 min. Thus uptake of flumazenil did not showed any difference in accordance with the adminstration route. 4. Administration of flumazenil resulted in the temporary increase of midazolam plasma concentration.

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Clinical Characteristic and Roentgenographic Finding of the Cervical Spine in Chronic Tension -type Headache (만성 긴장성 두통 환자의 경추 방사선 소견과 일반적 특성과의 상관관계 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Lee, Ki-Su;Kwak, Byung-Min;Lee, Eun-Kyoung;Choi, Eun-Hee;Park, Yang-Chun;Kang, Wee-Chang;Lee, Jin-Woo;Lee, Sang-Bong;Hong, Kwon-Eui
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : Although CTTH is one of the most common symptom in primary headache, the mechanism and treatment is not definite. The purpose of this study is to research about clinical characteristic and roentgenographic finding of the cervical spine in CTTH to determine relationship between the cervical spine and headache. Methods : This study was carried out on 93 patients with CTTH. By roentgenographic finding, they were classified into four groups - HNP, Spondylosis, Sprain, Normal. Then the HNP group was divided again into two groups - singer type and multiple type. Results: 1. Among 93 patients with CTTH, 69(74.19%) patients had abnormal cervical spine by roentgenographic finding. 2. There were HNP, spondylosis, sprain in abnormal roentgenographic finding. And a great majority of the patients were diagnosed as cervical sprain. 3. There were no significant difference between four groups on sex, weight, height, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate. But on ages, the HNP group showed the highest average while the sprain group showed the lowest. 4. The patients in HNP group had more frequent, severe pain, longer onset and higher onset-age than those of the other three group. 5. The patients in Multiple-type HNP group had severe pain, longer pain-duration, longer onset, more pre-symptoms and younger onset-age than those of the Single-type HNP group. Conclusions : A great majority of the patients with CTTH had abnormal cervical spines. Also, we found out that the worse the grade of HNP, heavier the level of headache.

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