• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pulp paper

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Development of Empirical and Statistical Models for Prediction of Water Quality of Pretreated Wastewater in Pulp and Paper Industry (제지공정 폐수 전처리 수질예측을 위한 실험적 모델과 통계적 모델 개발)

  • Sohn, Jinsik;Han, Jihee;Lee, Sangho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2017
  • Pulp and paper industry produces large volumes of wastewater and residual sludge waste, resulting in many issues in relation to wastewater treatment and sludge disposal. Contaminants in pulp and paper wastewater include effluent solids, sediments, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biological oxygen demand (BOD), which should be treated by wastewater treatment processes such as coagulation and biological treatment. However, few works have been attempted to predict the treatment efficiency of pulp and paper wastewater. Accordingly, this study presented empirical models based on experimental data in laboratory-scale coagulation tests and compared them with statistical models such as artificial neural network (ANN). Results showed that the water quality parameters such as turbidity, suspended solids, COD, and UVA can be predicted using either linear or expoential regression models. Nevertheless, the accuracies for turbidity and UVA predictions were relatively lower than those for SS and COD. On the other hand, ANN showed higher accuracies than the emprical models for all water parameters. However, it seems that two kinds of models should be used together to provide more accurate information on the treatment efficiency of pulp and paper wastewater.

Enzymatic Deinking of Mixed Office Waste Paper(1) -Pulping properties of mixed office waste paper with enzymes- (혼합사무용지의 효소 탈목(1) -혼합사무용지의 효소 해섬 특성-)

  • Park, Soung-Bae;Yoon, Kyung-Dong;Yoon, Byung Tae;Eom, Tae-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.37 no.1 s.109
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2005
  • Enzymatic pulping properties of mixed office waste paper in standard disintegrator were investigated for successful enzymatic deinking of mixed office waste paper. Enzymatic pulping need more revolution in standard disintegrator than alkaline pulping and Cellusoft need more revolution than Denimax. The freeness of disintegrated pulp with enzyme was higher than those of disintegrated pulps with alkaline and heat killed enzyme. The freeness of disintegrated pulp with Denimax was higher than that of disintegrated pulp with Cellusoft. The freeness of disintegrated pulps were increased with a dosage of enzymes. The mechanical properties of disintegrated pulp were improved with enzyme addition comparing with heat killed enzyme. The tensile and burst index of hand sheet of disintegrated pulps with acidic Cellusoft were higher than that of others.

The Effects of the Cutting Length of Paper Mulberry Bast Fiber on Pulping and Hanji Properties(I) - White bast of Korea grown paper mulberry - (닥나무 인피섬유의 절단장이 펄프화 및 한지의 물성에 미치는 영향(제1보) - 국산 닥 백피의 특성 -)

  • Lim, Gang-Hyouk;Choi, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2008
  • In general, the entire of paper mulberry bark, which is not cut into pieces with an appropriate length, have been used in the pulping. This kind of pulping method couldn't accomplish the improvement of beating and sheet forming efficiency. For this reason, we investigated the effects of the cutting length of paper mulberry bast fiber on pulping and Hanji (Korean traditional paper) properties, in order to develop high quality Hanji manufacturing process. The cutting length variation of paper mulberry white bast did not great effects on pulp yields. The pulp yields based on pulping methods were sulfomethylated pulping av. 57.4%, alkali-hydrogen peroxide pulping av. 55.4%, and alkaline pulping av. 53.5% respectively. The optical properties such as brightness, opacity, scattering coefficient, and absorption coefficient were slightly improved by the increase of paper mulberry white bast cutting length. The increase of paper mulberry white bast cutting length resulted in poor sheet formation. Physical properties such as breaking length, TEA, tear index, burst index, and folding endurance were slightly improved by the increase of cutting length. The modified pulping processes, which used sulfomethylated method and alkali-hydrogen peroxide method, showed better pulp and sheet properties than conventional alkaline pulping.

Deinking of Electrostatic Wastepaper with Cellulolytic Enzymes and Surfactant in Neutral pH

  • Eom, Tae-Jin;Yoon, Kyong-Dong;Park, Soung-Bae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2006
  • Enzymatic deinking method can avoids the alkaline environment as usual required in chemical deinking, which consequently cuts chemical costs and reduced the white water pollution. The electrostatic wastepaper was dinked with commercial cellulolytic enzymes and surfactant in neutral pH and the effectiveness of deinking and the physical properties of deinked pulp were evaluated. The disintegrating efficiency of the electrostatic wastepaper in neutral pH was enhanced with enzyme treatments. Although the freeness of deinked pulp with enzymes was higher than that of deinked pulp with chemical deinking agents, the brightness of the enzymatic deinked pulp was slightly lower than that of the chemical deinked pulp. But, by additions of nonionic surfactants, the brightness of deinked pulp was increased with less residual ink particles and mechanical properties of enzymatic deinked pulp was improved compared to the deinked pulp of conventional alkaline method.

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Deinking of Electrostatic Wastepaper with Cellulolytic Enzymes and Surfactant in Neutral pH

  • Eom, Tae-Jin;Kim, Kang-Jae;Yoon, Kyoung-Dong
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2007
  • Enzymatic deinking method can avoids the alkaline environment as usual required in chemical deinking, which consequently cuts chemical costs and reduced the white water pollution. The electrostatic wastepaper was dinked with commercial cellulolytic enzymes and surfactant in neutral pH and the effectiveness of deinking and the physical properties of deinked pulp were evaluated. The disintegrating efficiency of the electrostatic wastepaper in neutral pH was enhanced with enzyme treatments. Although the freeness of deinked pulp with enzymes was higher than that of deinked pulp with chemical de inking agents, the brightness of the enzymatic deinked pulp was slightly lower than that of the chemical deinked pulp. But, by additions of nonionic surfactants, the brightness of deinked pulp was increased with less residual ink particles and mechanical properties of enzymatic deinked pulp was improved compared to the deinked pulp of conventional alkaline method.

캘린더링 이론

  • 원종명
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.37 no.4 s.112
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2005