• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public transportation

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Implementation Plan of MaaS according to Various Public Transport Links (MaaS의 다양한 공공교통수단 연계에 따른 구현 방안)

  • Seo, Ji-Yeong;Lee, Seon-Ha;Cheon, Choon-Keun;Lee, Eun-Ho
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2018
  • The increase in the number of private automobiles has incurred various traffic problems. Globally, studies on MaaS(Mobility as a Service) has already been initiated to mobilize the use of public transportation in reducing private passenger cars in roads. This study aims to analyze the passenger's optimal route considering the transfer between different transportation modes through simulation, and analyze the effect of available route through the connected transportation modes. Sejong Special Self-Governing City was chosen as the study area due to its extensive transportation network. As a result of the analysis, the predominant obtainable route is derived either from using public transportation (i.e. bus and subway) only or by bicycle. However, it is also possible to use the car sharing and public bicycle to reach their final destination efficiently when paths that can be traversed were more scrutinized. When various transportation information and location-based services are introduced in smart phone applications, they can provide very useful information to passengers, and also promote social problems such as traffic congestion and environmental issues in the future.

Allocating Revenues to Metropolitan Railroad Operators Using Public Transportation Card Data (대중교통 카드(RF Card) 자료를 활용한 수도권 도시철도 운영기관 간 수입금 정산 방법론에 대한 연구)

  • Sin, Seong-Il;Lee, Chang-Ju;Kim, Chan-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2010
  • Users of metropolitan railroad is increased continuously because of its various advantage such as comfortableness, convenience and punctuality. Thus, several local government including Seoul considered new installation or extension of railroads and four railroad operators maintain seventeen lines at present. After public transportation reforms in 2004 and integrated discount fare system in 2007, public transportation become more convenient in many aspects. However, these trials gives much more complex allocating problems of revenues among public transportation operators. In this paper, we deal with revenue allocating problems among public transportation operators after integrated discount fare system in 2007. Specifically, this study focuses on allocating revenues to metropolitan railroad operators by using RF card data. This research roughly proposes the methodology of O/D extraction from RF card data, generalized cost estimation and allocating revenue algorithm. We use RF card data in order to draw out exact individual O/D data and try to compare our results with those of Korea Smart Card Company. In generalized cost estimation, survey study about transfer factors is conducted for accurate estimation of generalized cost function. Lastly, new allocating revenue algorithm using k-path and non-dominated path concept is suggested. It is expected that case study is also performed with real revenues and O/D data in order to check up the application. Preposed methodology in this research can contribute to solve present and future revenue allocating issues according to the introduction of LRT and private railroad.

Analysis of Domestic and Overseas Radioactive Waste Maritime Transportation and Dose Assessment for the Public by Sinking Accident (국내·외 방사성폐기물 해상운반 현황 및 침몰사고 시 일반인 선량평가 사례 분석)

  • Ga Eun Oh;Min Woo Kwak;Hyeok Jae Kim;Kwang Pyo Kim
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2024
  • Demand for RW transportation is expected to increase due to the continuous generation of RW from nuclear power plants and facilities, decommissioning of plants, and saturation of spent fuel temporary storage facilities. The locational aspect of plants and radiation protection optimization for the public have led to an increasing demand for maritime transportation, necessitating to apprehend the overseas and domestic current status. Given the potential long-term radiological impact on the public in the event of a sinking accident, a pre-transportation exposure assessment is necessary. The objective of this study is to investigate the overseas and domestic RW maritime transportation current status and overseas dose assessment cases for the public in sinking accident. Selected countries, including Japan, UK, Sweden, and Korea, were examined for transport cases, Japan and the U.S were chosen for dose assessment case in sinking accidents. As a result of the maritime transportation case analysis, it was performed between nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities, from plants to disposal or intermediate storage facilities. HLW and MOX fuel were transported using INF 3 shipments, and all transports were performed low speed of 13 kn or less. As a result of the dose assessment for the public in sinking accident, japan conducted an assessment for the sinking of spent fuel and vitrified HLW, and the U.S conducted for the sinking of spent fuel. Both countries considered external exposure through swimming and working at seashore, and internal exposure through seafood ingestion as exposure pathway. Additionally, Japan considered external exposure through working on board and fishing, and the U.S considered internal exposure through spray inhalation and desalinized water and salt ingestion. Internal exposure through seafood ingestion had the largest dose contribution. The average public exposure dose was 20 years after the sinking, 0.04 mSv yr-1 for spent fuel and 5 years after the sinking, 0.03 mSv yr-1 for vitrified HLW in Japan. In the U.S, it was 1.81 mSv yr-1 5 years after the sinking of spent fuel. The results of this study will be used as fundamental data for maritime transportation of domestic RW in the future.

Review of Intermodal System of AGT and Bus (AGT와 버스의 혼용시스템에 대한 고찰)

  • MOK Jai Kyun;Chang Se Ky;Yoon Hee Taek;Woo Yoon Seuk
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2003
  • This study shows the functional contribution into the public transportation system for congestion area. And there is a introduction for the rapid bus transit developed in Europe community. It can be classified the public transportation as urban transit, subway and bus. For a few years, it has been introduced the AGT system as a role of the alternative and lengthening system of subway line. Recently, there is going on construction of AGT system in some regional cities. The AGT system has advantages in terms of accessibility and cost-effective rather than subway. But the bus system is advantageous at the points rather than AGT system. It is obvious that the bus system is most cost-effective for infrastructure and system rather than any other public transports. If the bus system has punctuality and precise docking, that becomes best choice for public transportation scheme. There are tries to develop new systems by means of the f1les up the advantages in bus and AGT system, which can be classified as BRT(Bus Rapid Transit}. The idea is simple; 'Thirik rail, use advanced buses.' It is introduced the IRISBUS system at this article, which was developed in Europe community. And it is introduced the project architecture to develop the similar system to IRISBUS in KRRI through National Transportation Key Technology R&D Project

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Will the Addition of Competing Transit Systems Increase Overall Transit Passengers? Lessons Learned from Urban Rail Transit Line 3 in Daegu (도시철도 개통에 따른 대중교통 통행량 변화 분석: 대구도시철도 3호선 개통을 대상으로)

  • Hwang, Jung Hoon;Chung, Younshik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.371-377
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    • 2022
  • Urban rails and buses are representative public transit systems that not only cooperate with each other, but also compete with each other. In other words, there is a possibility that the overall demand for public transportation may increase due to the introduction of a competitive public transportation system, or there is a possibility that demand will be maintained at the level that is simply converted to a competitive system. The objective of this study is to analyze the change in public transit flow when an additional transit system is introduced in a city with alternative public transit systems. To carry out this objective, we analyzed changes in public transit passenger flow before and after the introduction of an urban rail transit line 3 in Daegu Metropolitan City, where two public transit systems, urban rail and bus, exist. For accurate analysis, big data collected by passenger transportation cards were utilized for one week in the second week of April 2015, 2016, and 2019. From the analysis, it was found that although the urban rail passenger flow increased due to the additional urban rail transit system, the change in the overall public transit passenger flow in the city was insignificant. In other words, it is interpreted that the bus transit passengers have been shifted to the urban transit systems. Based on the results, this study suggested various policies to increase the demand for public transit rather than simply adding public transit systems.

A Transit Assignment Model using Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 대중교통 통행배정모형 개발)

  • 이신해;최인준;이승재;임강원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2003
  • In these days, public transportation has become important because of serious traffic congestion. But. there are few researches in public transportation compared with researches in auto. Accordingly, the purpose of paper is development of transit assignment model, which considers features of public transportation, time table, transfer capacity of vehicle, common line, etc. The transit assignment model developed in this paper is composed of two parts. One part is search for optimum path, the other part is network loading. A Genetic algorithm has been developed in order to search for alternative shortest path set. After the shortest paths have been obtained in the genetic algorithm, Logit-base stochastic loading model has been used to obtain the assigned volumes.

A Development of an Optimal Feeder-Bus Service Area (연계버스 서비스권역 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Rhee, Sung-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.199-211
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    • 1995
  • Bus, Which is together with subway the main part of public transportation modes in the city, is reviewed for the development of an optimal feeder-bus service area. Based on the IDRISI of GIS package, and taking into account of the convenience of downtown-oriented public transportation users at peak time, a model for the development of feeder-bus service area and a solution and introduced. Major result in this study is as follows: Development is given to a model that is designed to overcome the shortage of the existing models, which has limits in simulating the real situation; Variables were used in combination so that bus and subway route, station spacing, and operating frequency can be determined simultaneously, which enables to elucidate the mutual relationship and the structure in public transportation system. A model for feeder-bus area development is also given applied to determination and opening of subway and urban express bus route and new transportation systems. The model developed in this paper is useful in the case of extension and opening of subway and urban express bus route and new transportation Systems.

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Analysis of Regional Transit Convenience in Seoul Public Transportation Networks Using Smart Card Big Data (스마트카드 빅데이터를 이용한 서울시 지역별 대중교통 이동 편의성 분석)

  • Moon, Hyunkoo;Oh, Kyuhyup;Kim, SangKuk;Jung, Jae-Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2016
  • In public transportation, smart cards have been introduced for the purpose of convenient payment systems. The smart card transaction data can be utilized not only for the exact and convenient payment but also for civil planning based on travel tracking of citizens. This paper focuses on the analysis of the transportation convenience using the smart card big data. To this end, a new index is developed to measure the transit convenience of each region by considering how passengers actually experience the transportation network in their travels. The movement data such as movement distance, time and amount between regions are utilized to access the public transportation convenience of each region. A smart card data of five working days in March is used to evaluate the transit convenience of each region in Seoul city. The contribution of this study is that a new transit convenience measure was developed based on the reality data. It is expected that this measure can be used as a means of quantitative analysis in civil planning such as a traffic policy or local policy.

Proposal of Cause Analysis and Solutions for Subway Congestion using R (R을 이용한 지하철 혼잡도 원인분석 및 대책방안 제안)

  • Jeong-Joon Kim;Seung-Yeon Hwang;Seok-Woo Jang
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2024
  • As time progresses and technology advances, many modes of transportation have emerged compared to the past. People use various means of transportation including personal cars, subways, buses, and taxis, among which public transport is utilized by people of all ages and genders. Public transportation has the advantage of being affordable and convenient, but with the increase in population compared to the past, traffic congestion has also been increasing, making it increasingly uncomfortable. Especially during specific times or on certain dates, traffic congestion can become significantly worse than usual. Among these, the subway is the mode of transportation used most frequently. Therefore, in this study, we will discuss solutions and analyze the causes of congestion by subway section using the R program.

An Analysis on the Traffic Problems of the Urban City (도시 교통문제에 대한 연구 -천안시를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Jong-Gwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.254-266
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    • 2010
  • This study dealt with Traffic Problem to Cheonan city. This study ran parallel literature investigation and actual proof investigation. Questionnaires 394 enforce frequency analysis in SPSS 15.0 versions. Traffic Problem to Cheonan city include the discomfort of public transportation, parking problem, pollution of automobile, traffic accident. By improvement of traffic problem, first, improvement plan of transportation system by administration of logical traffic demand should be readied. Second, because Cheonan city is many an university student who is use target of public transportation, public transportation utilization ratio must raise through discount application. Third, solution of traffic jam need to the improvement and strengthening of system of public transit. Fourth, Cheonan city must push ahead with supplies of traffic facility, modify of transportation network, and improvement of operating system. In particular, Cheonan city need to modify old road and improvement of accessibility though road network briefly. Fifth, Cheonan city need fixing of van traffic culture such as solution of parking problem and traffic order consciousness fostering of users.