• 제목/요약/키워드: Public safety network

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Improvements of the Public Pedestrian Passage in the Apartment Complex from Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Aspect (범죄예방 환경설계 관점에서 공동주택 단지 내 공공보행통로의 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Ji
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2018
  • A public pedestrian passage induces traffic into the apartment complex, and therefore, it requires the application of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED). This paper aims to analyze the conditions and to suggest the improvements of public pedestrian passages in apartment complexes, applying a 3-D approach from CPTED aspect. The first aspect is "Designation": 1)The linkage between the public pedestrian passages is weak, and their designated purpose becomes unclear. 2)When the designated purpose is not considered for each complex, the closure rate is high. 3)The closure rate of the "Through type" is high. It suggests that the pedestrian network should be built and vitalized at the local urban level. The second aspect is "Definition." The public pedestrian passage lacks a social, cultural, and legal definition and only has a passive physical definition. It suggests that a legal definition and specialized guildline be prepared. The third aspect is "Design": 1)Insufficient territoriality exists between the public pedestrian passage and the inside of the complex. Territoriality should be reinforced between the public pedestrian passage and the rest of the internal territory. 2)The landscaping adjacent to the public pedestrian passage lacks deliberation. Since this is where safety and privacy collide, detailed design and maintenance of the landscaping is required. 3)It lacks systematical crime prevention facilities and should compensate accordingly.

Conceptual Design of a Remote Monitoring and Control System for Nuclear Power Plants

  • Lee Seung Jun;Kim Jong Hyun;Seong Poong Hyun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2003
  • Nuclear power plants (NPPs) will be highly connected network enabled systems in the future. Using the network and web enabled tools, NPPs will be remotely monitored by operators at any time from any place connected to the network via a general web browser. However, there will be two major issues associated with this implementation. The first is the security issue. Only the authorized persons need to be allowed to access the plant since NPP is a safety-critical system. However, the web technology is open to the public. The second is the network disturbance issue. If operators can not access the plant due to network disturbances, the plant will come into the out-of-control situation. Therefore, in this work, we performed a conceptual design of a web-based remote monitoring and control system (RMCS) considering these issues.

A Study on Passenger Information Integrated System Based IP (IP 기반의 승객안내 통합시스템에 대한 고찰)

  • Kwon, Myoung-Jin;Jeon, Yoon-Su;Lee, Chan-Yong;Park, Sung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.1716-1721
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    • 2011
  • The Public Address and Passenger Information System of Rolling Stock should be able to perform automatic announcements in connection with TCMS(Train Control and Monitoring System), common announcements and emergency announcements for safe operation and the passengers. CCTV(Closed Circuit Television) System also should be able to watch passenger compartment for safety. Those equipments are very important thing for train service and safety. but the installation of equipment is restricted by space, weight, modulation. therefore, Passenger Information Intergrated System(PIIS) is required to consider economical efficiency, technical trend, expansion and space insufficiency. and system based on IP network has to be considered as new PIIS. so PIIS could meet economical efficiency and expansion. and it could go further and share network with TCMS and others.

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Analysis of Regulation and Standardization Trends for Drone Remote ID (드론 원격 식별 규정 및 표준화 동향 분석)

  • Kim, H.W.;Kang, K.S.;Kim, D.H.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2021
  • Drone remote identification (ID) capability is essential to ensure public safety, help law enforcement, and secure the safety and efficiency of the national airspace. Remote ID technology can be used to differentiate compliant drones from illegal drones that pose a potential security risk by providing airspace awareness to the civil aviation agency and law enforcement entities. In addition, the increased safety and efficiency obtained by mandating remote ID will make it possible to operate drones over populated areas and beyond visual lines of sight. In addition, remote ID will allow drones to be safely integrated into unmanned traffic management systems and the national airspace. Remote ID devices can be categorized by type, i.e., broadcast remote ID or network remote ID. The broadcast remote ID, which has high technical maturity and will be applied in the near future, is primarily considered to ensure the security of drones. The network remote ID, which is being developed and tested and will be applied in the distant future, can be used additionally to ensure the safety and the efficiency of the national airspace. In this paper, we analyze the trends on regulation and standardization activities for drone remote ID primarily in the United State and Europe.

Safe Web Using Scrapable Headless Browser in Network Separation Environment

  • Jung, Won-chi;Park, Jeonghun;Park, Namje
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a "Safe Web Using Scrapable Headless Browse" Because in a network separation environment for security, It does not allow the Internet. The reason is to physically block malicious code. Many accidents occurred, including the 3.20 hacking incident, personal information leakage at credit card companies, and the leakage of personal information at "Interpark"(Internet shopping mall). As a result, the separation of the network separate the Internet network from the internal network, that was made mandatory for public institutions, and the policy-introduction institution for network separation was expanded to the government, local governments and the financial sector. In terms of information security, network separation is an effective defense system. Because building a network that is not attacked from the outside, internal information can be kept safe. therefore, "the separation of the network" is inefficient. because it is important to use the Internet's information to search for it and to use it as data directly inside. Using a capture method using a Headless Web browser can solve these conflicting problems. We would like to suggest a way to protect both safety and efficiency.

Estimation of Crowd Density in Public Areas Based on Neural Network

  • Kim, Gyujin;An, Taeki;Kim, Moonhyun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.9
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    • pp.2170-2190
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    • 2012
  • There are nowadays strong demands for intelligent surveillance systems, which can infer or understand more complex behavior. The application of crowd density estimation methods could lead to a better understanding of crowd behavior, improved design of the built environment, and increased pedestrian safety. In this paper, we propose a new crowd density estimation method, which aims at estimating not only a moving crowd, but also a stationary crowd, using images captured from surveillance cameras situated in various public locations. The crowd density of the moving people is measured, based on the moving area during a specified time period. The moving area is defined as the area where the magnitude of the accumulated optical flow exceeds a predefined threshold. In contrast, the stationary crowd density is estimated from the coarseness of textures, under the assumption that each person can be regarded as a textural unit. A multilayer neural network is designed, to classify crowd density levels into 5 classes. Finally, the proposed method is experimented with PETS 2009 and the platform of Gangnam subway station image sequences.

Simulation of Contaminant Draining Strategy with User Participation in Water Distribution Networks

  • Marlim, Malvin S.;Kang, Doosun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.146-146
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    • 2021
  • A contamination event occurring in water distribution networks (WDNs) needs to be handled with the appropriate mitigation strategy to protect public health safety and ensure water supply service continuation. Typically the mitigation phase consists of contaminant sensing, public warning, network inspection, and recovery. After the contaminant source has been detected and treated, contaminants still exist in the network, and the contaminated water should be flushed out. The recovery period is critical to remove any lingering contaminant in a rapid and non-detrimental manner. The contaminant flushing can be done in several ways. Conventionally, the opening of hydrants is applied to drain the contaminant out of the system. Relying on advanced information and communication technology (ICT) on WDN management, warning and information can be distributed fast through electronic media. Water utilities can inform their customers to participate in the contaminant flushing by opening and closing their house faucets to drain the contaminated water. The household draining strategy consists of determining sectors and timeslots of the WDN users based on hydraulic simulation. The number of sectors should be controlled to maintain sufficient pressure for faucet draining. The draining timeslot is determined through hydraulic simulation to identify the draining time required for each sector. The effectiveness of the strategy is evaluated using three measurements, such as Wasted Water (WW), Flushing Duration (FD), and Pipe Erosion (PE). The optimal draining strategy (i.e., group and timeslot allocation) in the WDN can be determined by minimizing the measures.

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Community Care for Cancer Patients in Rural Areas: An Integrated Regional Cancer Center and Public Health Center Partnership Model

  • Kang, Jung Hun;Jung, Chang Yoon;Park, Ki-Soo;Huh, Jung Sik;Oh, Sung Yong;Kwon, Jung Hye
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.226-234
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The accessibility of medical facilities for cancer patients affects both their comfort and survival. Patients in rural areas have a higher socioeconomic burden and are more vulnerable to emergency situations than urban dwellers. This study examined the feasibility and effectiveness of a cancer care model integrating a regional cancer center (RCC) and public health center (PHC). Methods: This study analyzed the construction of a safety care network for cancer patients that integrated an RCC and PHC. Two public health institutions (an RCC in Gyeongnam and a PHC in Geochang County) collaborated on the development of the community care model. The study lasted 13 months beginning in February 2019 to February 2020. Results: The RCC developed the protocol for evaluating and measuring 27 cancer-related symptoms, conducted education for PHC nurses, and administered case counseling. The staff at the PHC registered, evaluated, and routinely monitored patients through home visits. A smartphone application and regular video conferences were incorporated to facilitate mutual communication. In total, 177 patients (mean age: 70.9 years; men: 59%) were enrolled from February 2019 to February 2020. Patients' greatest unmet need was the presence of a nearby cancer treatment hospital (83%). In total, 28 (33%) and 44 (52%) participants answered that the care model was very helpful or helpful, respectively. Conclusion: We confirmed that a combined RCC-PHC program for cancer patients in rural areas is feasible and can bring satisfaction to patients as a safety care network. This program could mitigate health inequalities caused by accessibility issues.

Development of BPR Functions with Truck Traffic Impacts for Network Assignment (노선배정시 트럭 교통량을 고려한 BPR 함수 개발)

  • Yun, Seong-Soon;Yun, Dae-Sic
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.4 s.75
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    • pp.117-134
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    • 2004
  • Truck traffic accounts for a substantial fraction of the traffic stream in many regions and is often the source of localized traffic congestion, potential parking and safety problems. Truck trips tend to be ignored or treated superficially in travel demand models. It reduces the effectiveness and accuracy of travel demand forecasting and may result in misguided transportation policy and project decisions. This paper presents the development of speed-flow relationships with truck impacts based on CORSIM simulation results in order to enhance travel demand model by incorporating truck trips. The traditional BPR(Bureau of Public Road) function representing the speed-flow relationships for roadway facilities is modified to specifically include the impacts of truck traffics. A number of new speed-flow functions have been developed based on CORSIM simulation results for freeways and urban arterials.

Development of a Tailored Analysis System for Korean Working Conditions Survey

  • Seo, Hwa Jeong
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2016
  • Background: Korean Working Conditions Surveys (KWCS), referencing European Working Conditions Surveys, have been conducted three times in order to survey working condition and develop work-related policies. However, we found three limitations for managing the collected KWCS data: (1) there was no computerized system for managing data; (2) statistical KWCS data were provided by limited one-way communication; and (3) the concept of a one-time provision of information was pursued. We suggest a web-based public service system that enables ordinary people to make greater use of the KWCS data, which can be managed constantly in the future. Methods: After considering data characteristics, we designed a database, which was able to have the result of all pairwise combinations with two extracted data to construct an analysis system. Using the data of the social network for each user, the tailored analysis system was developed. This system was developed with three methods: clustering and classification for building a social network, and an infographic method for improving readability through a friendly user interface. Results: We developed a database including one input entity consisting of the sociodemographic characteristics and one output entity consisting of working condition characteristics, such as working pattern and work satisfaction. A web-based public service system to provide tailored contents was completed. Conclusion: This study aimed to present a customized analysis system to use the KWCS data efficiently, provide a large amount of data in a form that can give users a better understanding, and lay the ground for helping researchers and policy makers understand the characteristics.