• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public Safety System

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A Case Study of the Risk Identification in Construction Project (건설사업의 리스크 식별에 관한 사례연구)

  • Ahn, Sanghyun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2015
  • In the construction industry, risk management has gained constant attention as the factor not only to evaluate global competitiveness of the country but also to secure competitiveness of public institutions and private companies. For effective construction risk management, the specific work process improvement that can be employed in the field in terms of risk management of the entire corporation such as financial, insurance and safety management is necessary. To manage construction risks, what is important is the step to identifying inherent risks in the construction project. The identification of risks will be followed by the step to seeking ways to establish and manage strategies responding to the risks. This study suggests ways and processes to make a checkslit to identify risks through case studies. To that end, the focus will be placed on working process improvement of risk identification among stages to manage construction risks such as risk identification and analyses, planning to respond to risks, risk monitoring and management. The case study checklists show that setting up the system to classify risks by stage is helpful to figure out causes of risks to reduce or eliminate risk factors. The checklist making process that considers features of the project is expected to contribute to successful completion of the project by enabling effective risk identification and systematic risk management.

Fire Service Policy Theory for Establishing Fire Science (소방학의 학문적 정체성 확립을 위한 소방정책론 정립방안)

  • Ryu, Sang-Il;Lee, Jae-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.421-432
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    • 2010
  • In Korea, about 80 academic departments related to fire science are in operation throughout the country, but fire science is not included as a branch science in the science classification system acknowledged by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and its position as a science is not solid yet. In response to this problem, research is being made actively to establish fire science recently. This study aims at composing the fire service policy theory which is one of sub areas of fire science. First, the concept of fire service policy should be established, and fire service policies should be divided into different types. In addition, it is necessary to examine the direction of the development of fire service policies in Korea, and the unique characteristics of fire service policies should be described. Next, we will mention fire service policy making and participants, theories on the determinants of fire service policies, the execution of fire service policies, and the evaluation of fire service policies. Particularly, based on the peculiarity of fire service, it is necessary to explain policies on fire prevention and precaution, fire investigation, rescue and first aid, public campaigns for safety and prevention, fire insurance, etc. Finally, we suggest the future directions of fire service policies according to the change of environment in the future.

Increasing Transnational Threats and Terrorism and Establishment of Integrated Border Security Systems: Focused on U.S., Canada and Australia (초국가적 위협 및 테러리즘 증가와 통합국경안보체계 구축: 미국, 캐나다, 호주를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Taeyoung
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2017
  • Since the September 11, 2001, transnational crimes and terrorism have increased, the importance of border security has been emphasized and integrated CIQ capability has been required. The U.S., Canada, and Australia are consolidating CIQ to strengthen border security, focusing on strengthening travelers and goods immigration control and airports, ports and land border security. In 2003, the U.S. established the Customs and Border Protection(CBP) under the Department of Homeland Security. Canada also established the Canada Border Services Agency(CBSA) under the Public Safety Canada in 2003. The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service was integrated with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection(DIBP) and the Australian Border Force was established in 2015. However, Korea operates a distributed border management system for each CIQ task which is unable to respond to complex border threats such as illegal immigration, entry of terrorists, smuggling of drugs, and gun trade in the airports, ports and land borders. In order to solve this problem, it is possible to consider integrating sequentially the customs and quarantine services which have high similarities, and to integrate the entire CIQ tasks with the Korea Customs Service delegated to the immigration control duties in the mid to long term. There is also a plan to benchmark the CIQ single accountability agencies in the U.S., Canada, and Australia in accordance with the Korean situation and to establish a new integrated border security organization.

A Study of Policy Direction on O2O industry developing (O2O산업 발전을 위한 정책방향 연구)

  • Kim, Hee Yeong;Song, Seongryong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of O2O industry policy for solving the conflict problems with the traditional industry stakeholder and for enhancing the regulations as new industry development is inevitable. We make use of TAIDA that is one of scenario methods to accomplish the purpose and suggest the direction of policy. First, it is needed to prepare directly by government the environment that new business models are able to emerge easily with various consulting services and information supports like public system servers and IT infra, it is practical support policy. Second, positive legal application for new business and making the law for new business are needed in legal issues situation as soon as possible. Third, the conflicts with old and new industry would be managed to the direction of "predictable" progressively. Incongruity among laws, safety and security problems, and the conflict of stakeholder are urgent. Because of the limit in this study, it is expected that O2O industry is categorized in detail aligned to the characteristics and that new policies along to the separate industry areas are developed by the following study.

Performance Evaluation of Balance Ability Equipment Using VR (VR을 이용한 균형능력 측정장비의 성능평가)

  • Yoon, Sangcheol;An, Howon;Ahn, Taekwon;Choi, Haesung;Lee, Byoungkwon;Seo, Dongkwon;Lee, Kyuhwan;Jung, Sangwoo;Yi, Jaehoon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : Conventional Balance Measurement can only measure the center of gravity and the shaking movement of the body. As a result, it has the disadvantages of not responding to visual changes and blocking functions of variables. This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of new equipment that measures the balance of the body using changes in body segment and pressure using the acceleration sensor to compensate for the disadvantages of the existing equipment. Methods : To this end, balance ability was measured in 43 healthy male/female adults without orthopedic injuries and nervous system damage in the last 6 months. in a situation where the visual information was restricted by Virtual Reality (VR) gear, all subjects measured and evaluated the balance ability utilizing the new equipment. Balance measurement (Prime Medilab, Korea) and Wii fit (Nintendo, Japan) were used to measure the balance ability of the subjects, and the balance ability test was performed in 4 postures using each device for data acquisition. The test duration for each posture was 30 seconds. For data acquisition, the average value of three experiments measured using each equipment was analyzed, and the statistical test was performed using the independent sample and the corresponding sample t-test, and the significance level was set to α=.05. Results : As a result of measuring the balance ability using individual equipment, blocking visual information using VR gear, the average speed, maximum speed, and moving area of the COP increased equally. It was found that the obtained absolute size of the result in Wii was somewhat larger than that of BM. Conclusion : It is considered that in the future research, it is necessary to measure changes in the body's center of gravity through image analysis, etc., to make clear comparison and evaluation of the usability.

A Study on the Occurrences and Preventive Strategies of Accident in Children (초등학생의 안전사고 실태 및 예방전략에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Bae Jeong-Yi
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.435-448
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    • 2002
  • Accidents are important causes of death and disability in children. They also have enormous financial implications. Young children become an victim of accidents easily because of their physical fragileness and their coping behavior being vulnerable to any actions taken by accidents. Once they have a accident, the children whose not fully developed, suffer from devastating long-term after-effects. Lee, Lee, Kang and Han(1995) reported that ninety percent of accidents can be prevented. But there is no national system to manage, evaluate and analyse the information about child accidents, even though it is necessary for accident prevention policies and health promotion of the general public. The purpose of the study was to determine how often children have accidents and define the accident prevention strategies in children. The investigator conducted a descriptive study by performing the surveys, interviews, and workshops for the 2,458 young children, 10 teachers, and 1,494 parents. The data collection for the study began on September 2000 and completed on April 20, 2001. The analysis of the data was done with Window SPSS 10.0 for descriptive statistics. Among those children, 1,298 children(52.8%) injured from accidents. The children who had accident answered that they injured from traffic accident(27.3%), inside the home(26.3%), on the playground(17.0%), during playtime(13.6%), in the school(5.9%) and food poisoning(7.1%). To define accident prevention strategies for the school children, the parents and the teachers who had a special interest in this topic formed a special task force under the guidance of the investigator. The team was charged to prepare the basis of content materials by identifying the problems, setting standards for the program, prioritizing the process, and selecting the methods of implementation and evaluation. Eight issues and concerns identified by the team were: 1)allowing young children to learn undesirable habits and behaviors that would bother others without knowing; 2) not guarding young children from car accident; 3)unattended accident at playground; 4) considering home places safe; 5)unattended accident at school. These issues were found to be coinciding with the actual child accident cases occurred recent years in Korea. Greater efforts are required to reduce unnecessary deaths and disability from childhood accidents. This study gave a very useful and important data to prepare accident prevention educational program and to prepare accident prevention strategies.

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Barrier Free Accessibility to Trains for All

  • Rentzsch, Manfred;Seliger, Denis;Meissner, Thomas;Wessner, Claudia
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2008
  • This paper is the output of a collaborative European project concerning the barrier free accessibility for disabled persons to regional and long distance trains in Europe. Disabled people represent around 13% of the population in Europe. This is approximately 63 million people. The range of disabilities includes people with reduced mobility including wheel chair users, viewing and hearing impaired people and other forms of impairment. Improving accessibility aims at contributing to the provision of public transport services to all citizens in an equitable way. The purpose of the project was to analyse and to evaluate the existing solutions at selected European railways for all required modules at the entrance (doors, information and safety solutions), to derive a design concept, to develop a mock-up in meeting the needs of rail travellers with the above mentioned impairments and to test it with user groups. The project also aims at deriving components for the determination of standards. The EUPAX Design Mock-up test was performed to verify the advantages of the layout of the train segment including the different modules such as access area (including the access door, gaps between platform and train as well as boarding aid devices), entrance vestibule, information systems inside and outside the train, emergency facilities, toilet with all conveniences and the additional test arrangements regarding push buttons, steps and emergency equipment. For this purpose a questionnaire was developed for the assessment of the EUPAX segment and the additional test arrangements. With the help of this questionnaire it was possible to execute a quantitative and qualitative evaluation. During three test phases 67 experts and handicapped persons from 6 countries have evaluated the Industrial Design mock-up based on this questionnaire. The test group covered persons from North (Denmark) to the South (Italy) and from the West (Spain) to the Middle of Europe (Germany). This is especially important for the generalization (harmonisation) of the results for all European countries. According to COST 335 the information for people with reduced mobility should be clear, concise, accurate and timely. So that all information can be received from persons, they must be transferred on at least two of the three possible ways (acoustical, visual, tactile), a so called "2-sense-principle". Based on the results ergonomic specifications/ solutions for the ergonomic design of the access area, the acoustic, visual and tactile information and the emergency devices including the emergency communication system were developed, related to the benefiting passenger groups.

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A Study on Analysis of Damaged Facilities in Rural Area by Storm and Flood Hazard (풍수해에 의한 농촌지역 피해시설 현황 분석)

  • Lim, Chang-Su;Oh, Yun-Kyung;Lee, Seung Chul;Kim, Eun-Ja;Choi, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2016
  • Disasters that occur most frequently in rural areas are drought, flood, damages from wind and cold weather. Among these, damages from storm and flood and drought are the main disasters and recently, these are occurring on a large scale due to unusual weather conditions. Under such circumstances, projects and researches on disasters in rural areas are under way but they are mostly targeting one area or making approaches focusing on repair facilities, maintenance project of facilities in small streams, and disaster management, so there have not been enough studies on the current status of overall damaged facilities in the rural areas. Against this backdrop, through the analysis of the current status of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, this study aims to provide base data for policies needed for disaster recovery planning and maintenance work of rural areas. For the analysis of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, using the annual report on disasters issued by Ministry of Public Safety and Security and based on the occurrence rate of estimated damage in each city and district for the past 10 years(2004~2013), 8 areas with the highest number of occurrence and cost of damage were found from each province and target areas were selected. Then, regarding the selected target areas, the General Plan for Reducing Damages from Storm and Flood, which is the report on top-level plan for preventing disasters, was secured and the current status of damaged facilities were analyzed. After organizing the analysis of current status, the tendency of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, the items of damaged facilities depending on the types of storm and flood damages, and risk factors were suggested. Based on this result, in order to generalize the results of follow-up researches, it is thought that disaster recovery planning and establishing the system of remodeling items necessary for maintenance work would be possible by analyzing damage investigation items recorded in additional researches on rural areas, researches on natural disasters, and recovery plan instructions and by conducting on-site investigation on the damaged villages from storm and flood in rural areas.

Effective Defense Mechanism Against New Vulnerability Attacks (신규 취약점 공격에 대한 효율적인 방어 메커니즘)

  • Kwak, Young-Ok;Jo, In-June
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 2021
  • Hackers' cyber attack techniques are becoming more sophisticated and diversified, with a form of attack that has never been seen before. In terms of information security vulnerability standard code (CVE), about 90,000 new codes were registered from 2015 to 2020. This indicates that security threats are increasing rapidly. When new security vulnerabilities occur, damage should be minimized by preparing countermeasures for them, but in many cases, companies are insufficient to cover the security management level and response system with a limited security IT budget. The reason is that it takes about a month for analysts to discover vulnerabilities through manual analysis, prepare countermeasures through security equipment, and patch security vulnerabilities. In the case of the public sector, the National Cyber Safety Center distributes and manages security operation policies in a batch. However, it is not easy to accept the security policy according to the characteristics of the manufacturer, and it takes about 3 weeks or more to verify the traffic for each section. In addition, when abnormal traffic inflow occurs, countermeasures such as detection and detection of infringement attacks through vulnerability analysis must be prepared, but there are limitations in response due to the absence of specialized security experts. In this paper, we proposed a method of using the security policy information sharing site "snort.org" to prepare effective countermeasures against new security vulnerability attacks.

A Study on the Method for Managing Hazard Factors to Support Operation of Automated Driving Vehicles on Road Infrastructure (자율주행시스템 운행지원을 위한 도로 인프라 측면의 위험 요소 관리 방안)

  • Kim, Kyuok;Choi, Jung Min;Cho, Sun A
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 2022
  • As the competition among the autonomous vehicle (AV, here after) developers are getting fierce, Korean government has been supporting developers by deregulating safety standards and providing financial subsidies. Recently, some OEMs announced their plans to market Lv3 and Lv4 automated driving systems. However, these market changes raised concern among public road management sectors for monitoring road conditions and alleviating hazardous conditions for AVs and human drivers. In this regards, the authors proposed a methodology for monitoring road infrastructure to identify hazardous factors for AVs and categorizing the hazards based on their level of impact. To evaluate the degrees of the harm on AVs, the authors suggested a methodology for managing road hazard factors based on vehicle performance features including vehicle body, sensors, and algorithms. Furthermore, they proposed a method providing AVs and road management authorities with potential risk information on road by delivering them on the monitoring map with node and link structure.