• 제목/요약/키워드: Public Safety System

검색결과 1,131건 처리시간 0.028초

건설공사 발주 공공기관의 안전점검 체계구축에 관한 연구 (Establishment of a Safety Inspection System for Public Institutions Ordered Construction Projects)

  • 박응호;이수동;정기효
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2023
  • Public institutions have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees and the public. One way to do this is to implement a systematic safety inspection system based on risk assessments and continuous improvements. This study developed a systematic safety inspection system for public institutions that are ordered construction projects. The proposed system in this study consists of a three-step process: (1) developing safety grade evaluation tables, (2) preparing and conducting safety inspections, and (3) evaluating and improving safety management grades. The first step is to develop safety grade evaluation tables by analysis and diagnosis of the construction site's work type, disaster statistics, and related laws. The second step is to conduct safety inspections using the developed evaluation tables. The third step is to determine the safety management grade based on the results of the safety inspection, and to improve risk factors found during the safety evaluation. The proposed system was implemented in highway construction projects carried out by public institutions. The results showed that the proposed system has two major effects: (1) reducing accident-related deaths and injuries, (2) improving safety management levels by continuous evaluation and improvement. The proposed system can be utilized in construction projects ordered by public institutions to improve the level of occupational safety and health.

원자력 규제정책에 대한 국민신뢰도 평가 SD모델 연구 (System Dynamic Model Study of Public Trust on Nuclear Regulation Policy)

  • 곽미애;차현주;김성현;정관용
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to simulate public trust on nuclear regulation policy. The first of all, public trust variables and the model were developed and analysed by system dynamic method. The model are consisted of the operator safety culture level, regulatory competence levels, the public satisfaction and public trust level. The scenario is made up three type which base scenario, the system operator's safety culture level and accident event level. First. the simulation results of standard scenario shows that rapidly declining public satisfaction and trust level of the national safety after Japan's nuclear accident in November 2011. Second, operator safety culture level and simulated divided into three levels. The results showed that a greater impact on the public satisfaction if bad than good case. Finally, the size of the accident was simulated divided into three levels levels(no accident, medium, serious accidents). the results showed a weak effect against the regulatory capacity and safety performance levels but showed a significant impact on public satisfaction and confidence level.

공공부문의 건설공사 안전관리 개선방향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Improvement of Safety Management of Public Sector in the Construction Industries)

  • 신동혁;이명구;윤영근;오태근
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2019
  • Various safety measures have been established and implemented in order to reduce construction accidents. However, statistics data on at construction sites still show higher accident and mortality rates than other industries. As a result of investigating the causes of accidents occurring in the construction industry, most accidents resulted from the failure of the system. Therefore, the existing safety management system of the construction site is monitored so that it operates properly in the field, and it is an important factor to actively participate in construction work. In order to overcome this, the government emphasized on-site inspections and planning and implementation confirmation by public institutes to ensure the effectiveness of the safety management system through amendment of the Construction Technology Promotion Act, but the orderer' safety capability and manpower are insufficient at present. Therefore, in this study, the safety management system, such as design for safety, safety management plan, safety check, safety management cost, etc. specified in the Construction Technology Promotion Act, is regularly checked and confirmed to improve the effectiveness of the safety management system as well as to improve the safety management system of the construction site by deriving measures to strengthen the public function of the government.

항공안전투자 공시제도 현황 분석 및 향후 발전 방안 연구 (Analyzing the Public Disclosure of Aviation Safety Investment System and Studying Future Development Strategies)

  • 남승주;이엘리사;송운경
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2024
  • Korean aviation authority required air service providers to submit public disclosure of aviation safety investment to encourage proactive and voluntary safety investments. In 2023, two airport operators and seventeen airlines disclosed their safety investment results and plans for the first time. This study aims to examine and analyze the current status of the disclosure system, identify insights for its development, and set directions for the future. Safety investments by airport operators decreased by 14.3% in 2022 compared to 2021 due to decreased aviation demand. Airline increased their safety investment by 46% to 4 trillion won, investing heavily in MRO and aircraft replacement, leading to a decrease in the average fleet age by 0.8 years. FSCs have shown a significantly higher level of safety investment compared to LCCs. However, LCCs show higher safety investment relative to revenue. It is necessary to consider the characteristics of each operator as well as the scale when comparing safety investments. A roadmap is suggested based on the importance of disclosure items for the strategic approach and improvement measures for the aviation safety investment disclosure system.

한국과 주요 외국의 안전보건교육제도에 관한 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on the Safety and Health Education System between Korea and other Countries)

  • 정승래;박현진;장성록
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2016
  • After the Se-wol ferry disaster in Korea, the safety issue was highly spotlighted in a number of media, and consequently the ministry of public safety and security was newly established under the public attention. In addition to this, a recent earthquake in Gyeonju suggested the training issues for public such as evacuation and public safety. Regarding the industry, one of significant reasons causing the accidents were inadequate training, in execution of safety manual or inexperienced first response. Although the engineering or scientific study provided a basis of the industry safety and health in Korea a study focusing on the safety and health education system should be highlighted in that the law is the only way to execute the policy. In this manner, the goal of current study was to compare the safety and health education system in Korea to other countries including America, England and Germany. Especially, the law for training method, contents, supervision and punishment was analyzed. Result showed (1) lack of a structured training course for educating safety and health education trainer, (2) no training system of safety and health education to public or workers, and (3) less specific law for supervision and punishment as compared to the America, England and Germany.

공동주택의 화재안전성능 평가방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on Evaluation Plan of Fire Safety Performance for Public Building)

  • 구재현
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2019
  • 소방활동 관점에서 공동주택은 화재시 구조적 관리적 문제점을 가지고 있으므로 피난장애 발생 및 연소확대 위험성이 큰 것으로 조사되었다. 공동주택의 다양한 화재취약요인들을 분석한 결과, 안전시스템, 소방시설, 건축물 안전, 일반안전 분야로 평가분야를 도출하였으며 이에 따른 평가요소들을 제시하였다. 이와 함께, 6개의 국내외 공동주택 화재안전성능 인증제도 현황을 비교분석함에 따라 국내외 인증제도의 특성을 분석하였다. 결론적으로, 인증제도의 5개의 융합적 추진방향 및 4개 평가분야별 22개 평가항목들을 도출하였으며, 이를 기반으로 3개의 공동주택 화재안전성능 인증제도의 융합적 도입 방안을 수립하였다.

Occupational Exposure to Physical and Chemical Risk Factors: A Systematic Review of Reproductive Pathophysiological Effects in Women and Men

  • Soleiman Ramezanifar;Sona Beyrami;Younes Mehrifar;Ehsan Ramezanifar;Zahra Soltanpour;Mahshid Namdari;Noradin Gharari
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2023
  • The human reproductive system can be affected by occupational exposure to many physical and chemical risk factors. This study was carried out to review the studies conducted on the issue of the pathophysiological effects of occupational physical and chemical risk factors on the reproductive system of females and males. In this systematic review, the databases such as "Google Scholar," "Pub-Med," "Scopus," and "Web of Science" were used. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA 2020), the studies included in our study were published between 2000 and 2021. In order to extract the required data, all sections of the articles were reviewed. Out of 57 articles we reviewed, 34 articles were related to field studies and 23 articles to clinical studies. Among them, 43 studies dealt with the pathophysiological effects of chemical agents, six studies dealt with the pathophysiological effects of physical factors, and 8 studies dealt with the pathophysiological effects of physicochemical factors on the human reproductive system. Physical (noise, heat, and radiofrequency radiation) and chemical (such as carbamate and organophosphate pesticides, benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, NO2, CS2, manganese, lead, nickel, and n-hexane) risk factors had pathophysiological effects on the human reproductive system. The presence of these risk factors in the workplace caused damage to the human reproductive system. The rate of these negative pathophysiological effects can be reduced by performing appropriate managerial, technical, and engineering measures in work environments.

재난안전망 앱 보안 체계 구축 (Establishment of a public safety network app security system)

  • 백남균
    • 한국정보통신학회논문지
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    • 제25권10호
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    • pp.1375-1380
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    • 2021
  • 우리나라는 재난안전통신망 개통 초기로 응용서비스 앱에 대한 보안 대응은 아직은 미흡한 실정이기에, 이에 대한 선제적 보안 대응이 반드시 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 재난안전통신망에서 앱을 유통하는 앱 스토어와 전용 단말에서 앱이 동작되는 안드로이드 운영체제에 대한 잠재적 취약점을 사전 예방하고자 '재난안전망 앱 보안 체계 구축'을 제안하였다. 응용서비스 앱이 재난안전통신망 모바일 앱스토어에 등재하고자 하기 위해서는, 우선 악성 및 정상 앱에 대한 데이터 셋을 구축하여 피쳐를 추출하고 가장 효과적인 AI 모델을 선정하여 정적 및 동적 분석을 수행한다. 분석 결과에 따라 악성 앱이 아닌 경우에 대해서 '안전 앱 인증서'를 인증하여 공인 앱에 대한 신뢰성을 확보한다. 궁극적으로 재난안전통신망 앱의 보안 사각지대를 최소화하고 인증된 앱의 재난안전 응용 서비스 지원으로 재난상황에 대한 통신망의 안전성을 확보할 수 있다.

여객선 공영제 도입 방안에 대한 연구 (A Study on Introduction Method of Passenger Ship Public Operating System)

  • 신해미;노창균
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 2014년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.167-168
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    • 2014
  • 연안여객선은 도서민의 감소로 인한 경영수지악화로 신규선 투입과 운항 횟수 증가와 같은 서비스 개선을 기대하기 어렵다. 또한 안전관리의 미흡과 낮은 임금 및 근로 환경의 문제로 우수 선원의 수급이 어려워 선박 운항의 안전성 또한 문제가 되고 있다. 공공성과 안전성 확보를 위해 공영제를 도입한 운영체계 개선이 필요하다. 여러 현실적 제약이 있지만 보조항로부터 시행하면서 안전관리 강화 등을 통해 부실한 업체의 면허를 회수해 공영항로를 확보해 간다면 공영제를 통한 운영체계 개선이 가능할 것이다.

  • PDF

Danger detection technology based on multimodal and multilog data for public safety services

  • Park, Hyunho;Kwon, Eunjung;Byon, Sungwon;Shin, Won-Jae;Jung, Eui-Suk;Lee, Yong-Tae
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.300-312
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    • 2022
  • Recently, public safety services have attracted significant attention for their ability to protect people from crimes. Rapid detection of dangerous situations (that is, abnormal situations where someone may be harmed or killed) is required in public safety services to reduce the time required to respond to such situations. This study proposes a novel danger detection technology based on multimodal data, which includes data from multiple sensors (for example, accelerometer, gyroscope, heart rate, air pressure, and global positioning system sensors), and multilog data, which includes contextual logs of humans and places (for example, contextual logs of human activities and crime-ridden districts) over time. To recognize human activity (for example, walk, sit, and punch), the proposed technology uses multimodal data analysis with an attitude heading reference system and long short-term memory. The proposed technology also includes multilog data analysis for detecting whether recognized activities of humans are dangerous. The proposed danger detection technology will benefit public safety services by improving danger detection capabilities.