• 제목/요약/키워드: Public Agricultural Land

검색결과 120건 처리시간 0.027초

제주도의 농업기후 분석 II. 무인관측강에 의한 기상실황자료 수집 및 증발산위 계산 (Agricultural Climatology of Cheju Island II. Potential Evapotranspiration Based on Near-Real Time Data Measured by Automated Weather Stations)

  • 윤진일
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.504-511
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    • 1990
  • 도내 중산간지대 농업개발 지원을 위해 필요한 기후자료를 수집하고 수집된 자료로부터 농업기후지수의 하나인 증발산위를 계산하는 과정에 대하여 연구하였다. 섬의 동쪽과 서쪽 중산간지대 기후를 대표할 수 있는 두 지점에 무인관칙소를 설치하고 퍼스컴통신 기술을 이용해 일사, 기온, 지온, 습도, 풍향, 풍속 및 항수자료를 수집하였다. 1989년 6월 한달간 수집된 자료를 이용해 두 지점간 일기상 특성을 분석하였으며, Penman식에 의해 증발산위값을 추정하였다. 상대적으로 풍부한 순폭사에너지와 남서기류에 의한 Fohn현상에 의해 섬의 동쪽 중산간지대가 서쪽에 비해 1-2도 가량 높은 기온을 유지하였다. 지온은 두 지점간에 차이가 없었으며 최고 및 최저온도 출현시각은 기온에 비해 4시간 지연되었다. 바람은 서쪽에서 강했으며 주야간 해륙풍 순환 현상도 동쪽에 비해 뚜렷하였다. 계산된 증발산위값은 동쪽이 서쪽에 비해 6% 높았으며 해안지대 추정값에 비해 30% 가량 높았다.

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미래 시나리오 기후조건하에서의 사과 '후지' 품종 재배적지 탐색 (The Suitable Region and Site for 'Fuji' Apple Under the Projected Climate in South Korea)

  • 김수옥;정유란;김승희;최인명;윤진일
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.162-173
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    • 2009
  • 기후변화에 따른 작물 재배적지의 이동에 관한 정보는 농업분야 적응전략의 기초이기 때문에 연구자들뿐 아니라 정책결정자들도 큰 관심을 보인다. 하지만 재배적지의 개념을 분석차원에서 구체적으로 구현하는 일이 어렵기 때문에 아직 실용적인 적지판정법이 개발된 적이 없다. 본 연구에서는 미래 시나리오 기후조건에서 사과 '후지'의 재배적지를 조사하기 위해 GIS 기반의 탐색기법을 이용하여 전자기후도, 토양전자지도, 수치지형정보, 농업기후 및 작물품질 예측모형 등을 종합적으로 활용, 체계적인 적지판정기법을 구현하였다. '후지'를 대상으로 한 적지판정 1차기준은 지표피복, 경사도, 토성이며, 2차 기준은 월동기간 중 동해위험도, 늦서리 피해위험도, 생육가능기간 등 기후조건, 3차기준은 과피의 색택, 과형지수 등 품질조건이다. 이들 조건을 지리정보시스템의 속성 레이어로 구현하고 중첩분석을 통해 재배적지를 검색하였다. 이 방법을 현재평년(1971-2000년)과 A1B 시나리오의 미래평년(2011-2040년, 2041-2070년, 2071-2100년) 기후에 적용하여 남한 전역을 대상으로 재배적지를 검색한 결과 현재평년의 경우 전국의 6.5%가 후지 재배적지에 해당하였고 2011-2040년 평년기후에는 전국의 약 1.8%, 2041-2070년 평년에는 0.3%, 2071-2100년 평년에는 전국의 0.1%까지 감소하여 전국규모에서 재배적지의 한계선 북상추세를 감지할 수 있었다. 뿐만 아니라 개별 주산지 내에서도 적지이동 양상을 정밀하게 추적할 수 있음을 확인하였다.

지역공동체 상생을 통한 전통경관 보전방안 - 명승 남해 가천마을 다랑이 논을 사례로 - (A Preservation of Traditional Landscape through Co-Prosperity in Local Communities - In Case of "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae", Scenic Site -)

  • 김동현
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 남해 가천마을 다랑이 논을 사례로 지속가능한 전통경관을 보존하기 위해 전통경관의 변화양상과 그 요인을 살펴보고, 지역 공동체와 상생할 수 있는 보전방안을 모색하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 남해 가천마을 다랑이 논의 전통경관은 경작지 확보를 위해 급경사의 지형에 석축을 쌓고 논두렁을 좁게 만든 것이 특징이다. 이를 위해 지역 공동체 구성원들은 오랫동안 쌓아온 그들의 전통지식을 통해 전통경관을 유지해 왔으나, 문화재 지정 이후 표준화된 석축의 축조방식을 적용하면서 다랑이 논 고유의 경관이 변화되었다. 최근 문화재청에서는 이러한 문제점을 인식하고 지역 공동체 구성원들의 직접보수체계로 회귀함으로써 남해 가천마을 다랑이 논이 과거의 경관을 되찾아가고 있다. 둘째, 남해 가천마을 다랑이 논의 전통경관이 변화하게 된 요인으로는 크게 자발적 보존의식 감소, 보존회의 제한적인 관리범위, 농업인구 감소, 전통기술 숙련자 부족 등이 확인되었다. 문화재 지정 이후 국가나 지자체의 정책지원에 대한 기대심리는 오히려 기존 경작지를 방치하면서 훼손이 가속화 되었고, 농업인구의 부족 또한 동일한 결과를 초래하였다. 보존회에서 이를 보존하기 위해 노력하고 있으나 관리인력의 과부족 현상이 심화되고 있으며, 수익 양극화에 의한 주민들 간의 갈등이 고조되는 문제점으로 확산되었다. 이외에 계단식 영농기술과 석조 축조 기능 등 전통지식의 상실이 우려되고 있다. 셋째, 전통경관 보전을 위한 지역 공동체와의 상생방안을 제언하자면, 전문인력의 배치와 관·민 연계체계로 영농 참여자의 확대 및 수익창출을 모색해야 한다. 또한 보존회를 매개로 수익 분배체계를 개선하여 관리권한을 강화하고 참여를 유도하는 것이 바람직하다. 이외에 계단식 영농 기술과 석축 축조 기능 전승 교육을 위한 지원체계가 요구된다.

도시농업인과 공무원의 도시농업 인식 비교·평가 (A Comparative Study on the Recognition of Urban Agriculture between Urban Farmers and Public Officials)

  • 박원제;구본학;박미옥;권효진
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.90-103
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 도시농업인과 공무원의 도시농업에 대한 인식비교를 바탕으로 정부 및 지자체에 의해 진행되고 있는 도시농업 정책문제점을 파악하고, 향후 장기적으로 활성화될 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 국내 외 도시농업의 최근 경향과 관련법령 및 제도에 대한 고찰을 통해 시사점을 도출하였으며, 도시농업인과 공무원을 대상으로 설문조사를 시행하였다. 연구결과, 도시농업을 활성화시키기 위해서는 첫째, 도심 내 주거공간을 세밀히 분석하여 옥상녹화, 도시텃밭, 공원녹지 등 이용 가능한 경작지를 확보해야 한다. 둘째, 도시농업의 지속성을 확보하기 위해서는 국가적으로 우리나라 실정에 맞는 도시농업 관계법을 제정하고, 제도적 기술적 차원에서 뒷받침해 주어야 한다. 셋째, 도시민과 공무원간에 네트워크를 형성하여 경작활동 시 문제점 및 개선사항에 대해 건의하고, 농업기술 등을 활발히 교류할 수 있는 방안을 마련해야 한다. 넷째, 도시농업에 참여하고자 하는 도시민들에게 재배방법과 관리방법에 대한 교육 및 다양한 참여프로그램을 제공함으로써 텃밭을 활성화시켜야 한다. 다섯째, 조경관련협회를 통해 전문적인 정규교육과 실무프로그램을 마련해야 한다. 여섯째, 도시민의 흥미를 일으킬만한 프로모션 활동이 수반되어 자발적인 참여를 유도하여야 한다. 끝으로 도시농업 공원 및 도시농업시설에 대한 법적 근거를 마련하여야 하며, 향후 도심 내 도시농업이 안정적으로 지속될 수 있도록 다각적인 정책의 모색과 실천이 추진되어야 한다.

밭농사의 수자원 함양과 홍수조절 기능에 대한 계량화 평가 (Evaluation of Function of Upland Farming for Preventing Flood and Fostering Water Resources)

  • 현병근;김무성;엄기철;강기경;윤홍배;서명철
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.163-179
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    • 2003
  • 밭농사의 다원적 기능중 재해방지인 홍수방지 기능과 수자원함양 기능에 대하여 기존에 보고된 결과를 수정 보완하였으며, 계량화 평가 방법간 비교 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 밭농사의 홍수조절 기능을 분석하기 위하여 (1) 홍수가세 강우량-물 유출량A(I-1), (2) 작토층 깊이${\times}$기상율(I-2), (3) 홍수가세 강우량-물 유출량B(I-3), (4) 작토층 깊이${\times}$유효공극율(I-4)을 검토하였으며, 이중 모형식 I-1이 물 유출량에 대한 데이터의 유용성이나 실제 홍수조절 기능을 평가하는데 있어서 가장 적합할 것으로 판단되었다. 2. 밭농사 수자원함양 기능을 평가하기 위하여 (1) [포화수리전도도${\times}$투수기간${\times}$(1-하천유입율)](II-1), (2) [강수량${\times}$지하수 함양율${\times}$(밭면적/총국토면적)](II-2), (3) [토양수분보유량(입목지)-토양수분보유량(무입목지)](II-3)을 검토하였다. 이중 모형식 II-1이 자료의 유용성이나 지하수함양 기여율을 고려해 볼 때 수자원함양 기능을 평가하는데 가장 적합할 것으로 생각되었다. 3. 모형식 I-1에 의해 평가된 밭농사의 홍수조절량은 연간 ha 당 883 Mg이었으며 우리 나라 밭 전체로는 645 백만 Mg에 해당되었다. 모형식 II-1에 의해 평가된 수자원함양량은 연간 ha당 94.1 Mg었으며, 우리 나라 밭 전체로는 69 백만 Mg 이었다. 4. 밭농사에 의한 다원적 기능을 대체법에 의해 경제적 가치를 평가하였는데, 밭농사의 홍수조절 기능을 다목적 댐 건설비용으로 계산할 경우 1조 4283억원으로 평가되었으며, 수자원함양 기능을 물 값을 적용하여 평가할 경우 86억원에 해당되었다.

Forestry in Malaysia : An Institutional Overview

  • Nor, Salleh Mohd.
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제76권3호
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 1987
  • Forestry as with all land matters, under the Constitution, is a State matter. Thus the States, numbering 14, have considerable autonomy in decisions on forestry and related matters. However, the Federal Government, having jurisdiction over such issues as defence, education and research, endeavours to coordinate, standardise and advise the States on matters where the States have jurisdiction. However, forestry being a major revenue earner, is jealously guarded by the States. Under such circumstances and recognising the interdependencies of impacts of decisions at the State level, the institutional organisations play an important role in coordinating state activities to ensure that the benefits to the country as a whole are not sacrificed in favour of interests of individual state. Various legislative mechanisms have been established to ensure this coordinated effort. A National Forestry Council forms the apex of national political coordination. The Federal Forestry Department is responsible for coordination of developmental activities at the State level, which are implemented be the State Forestry Departments within Peninsular Malaysia. Research is carried out centrally by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia(FRIM), a statutory body formed in 1985 from a research division of the Forestry Department. The Stares of Sabah and Sarawak have their own Forestry Departments, independent of the Federal Department, and each with its own research unit independent of FRIM. Tertiary education in forestry is the sole responsibility of the Agricultural University at Serdang with a campus for Diploma level training in Sarawak. In the developmental area in the State of Sabah, institutions have been formed to focus on specific areas of activities. The Sabah Foundation is responsible for the long term development of the State forests with a concession of about one million ha. Sabah Forest Development Authority(SAFODA) was formed to carry out reforestation of denuded areas. Sabah Forest Industries Ltd.(SFI) is responsible for the country's only integrated pulp and paper industry with its own afforestation program to support its resource supply. In Peninsular Malaysia various states have established State Corporations to manage large "sustained yield" concessions. While wildlife and state parks are managed by the respective forestry departments in Sabah and Sarawak, it is the responsibility of a separate department in Peninsula Malaysia called the Department of Wildlife and National Parks(under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment). Timber trade legislation and promotion in the Peninsular is the responsibility of the Malaysian Timber Industries Board(MTIB) for Peninsular Malaysia and the Sarawak Timber Industries Development Corporation(STIDC) in Sarawak. In the area of NGOs ; the Institute of Foresters Malaysia, is the professional body of forestry in the country. A Malaysian Forestry Society caters for the public participation and interest. Other environmentally related NGOs such as the Malayan Nature Society, the Environmental Protection Society, World Wildlife Fund, Friends of the Earth and the Consumers Associations also involve themselves in specific forestry activities. A number of timber trade associations are also formed by the private sector to assist the industries.

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농촌 공간 환경영향요인 분석을 위한 무인항공기 적용 가능성에 관한 실험적 연구 - 홍성군 갈산면의 태양광 발전시설과 빈집을 중심으로 - (An Experimental Study on the Applicability of UAV for the Analysis of Factors Influencing Rural Environment - Focusing on Photovoltaic Facilities and Vacant House in Galsan-Myeon, Hongseong-gun -)

  • 안필균;엄성준;김수연;김용균
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2022
  • Rural spaces are increasingly valuable as areas for introducing renewable energy infrastructure to achieve carbon neutrality. Rural areas are the living grounds of rural residents, and the balance of conservation and development for rural areas is important for the introduction of reasonable facilities. In order to maintain a balance between development and preservation and to introduce reasonable renewable energy facilities, it is necessary to develop a current status survey and an effective survey method to utilize a space capable of introducing renewable energy facilities such as idle land and vacant houses. Therefore, this study was conducted to verify the readability using an unmanned aerial vehicle, and the main results are as follows. The detection of photovoltaic power generation facilities using unmanned aerial vehicles was effective in analyzing the location and area of photovoltaic panels located on the roofs of buildings, and it was possible to calculate the expected power generation by region through the area calculation of photovoltaic panels. The vacant house detection can be used to select an investigation target for an vacant house condition survey as it can identify damage to buildings that are expected to be empty houses, management status, and electricity supply facilities through aerial photos. It is judged that the unmanned aerial vehicle detection capability can be utilized as a method to improve the efficiency of investigation and supplement the data related to solar power generation facilities and vacant houses provided by public institutions. Although this study detected the status of solar power generation facilities and vacant houses through high-resolution aerial image analysis, as a follow-up study, automatic measurement methods using the temperature difference of solar power generation facilities and general characteristics of vacant houses that can be read from the air were investigated. If the deriving research is carried out, it is judged that it will be possible to contribute to the improvement of the accuracy of the detection result using the unmanned aerial vehicle and the expansion of the application range.

한국의 지역개발과 댐건설 (Regional Development And Dam Construction in Korea)

  • 안경모
    • 물과 미래
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 1976
  • Because of differences in thoughts and ideology, our country, Korea has been deprived of national unity for some thirty years of time and tide. To achieve peaceful unification, the cultivation of national strength is of paramount importance. This national strength is also essential if Korea is to take rightful place in the international societies and to have the confidence of these societies. However, national strength can never be achieved in a short time. The fundamental elements in economic development that are directly conducive to the cultivation of national strength can be said to lie in -a stable political system, -exertion of powerful leadership, -cultivation of a spirit of diligence, self-help and cooperation, -modernization of human brain power, and -establishment of a scientific and well planned economic policy and strong enforcement of this policy. Our country, Korea, has attained brilliant economic development in the past 15 years under the strong leadership of president Park Chung Hee. However, there are still many problems to be solved. A few of them are: -housing and home problems, -increasing demand for employment, -increasing demand for staple food and -the need to improve international balance of payment. Solution of the above mentioned problems requires step by step scientific development of each sector and region of our contry. As a spearhead project in regional development, the Saemaul Campaign or new village movement can be cited. The campaign is now spreading throughout the country like a grass fire. However, such campaigns need considerable encouragement and support and the means for the desired development must be provided if the regional and sectoral development program is to sucdceed. The construction of large multipurpose dams in major river basin plays significant role in all aspects of national, regional and sectoral development. It ensures that the water resource, for which there is no substitute, is retained and utilized for irrigation of agricultural areas, production of power for industry, provision of water for domestic and industrial uses and control of river water. Water is the very essence of life and we must conserve and utilize what we have for the betterment of our peoples and their heir. The regional and social impact of construction of a large dam is enormous. It is intended to, and does, dras tically improve the "without-project" socio-economic conditions. A good example of this is the Soyanggang multipurpose dam. This project will significantly contribute to our national strength by utilizing the stored water for the benefit of human life and relief of flood and drought damages. Annual average precipitation in Korea is 1160mm, a comparatively abundant amount. The catchment areas of the Han River, Keum River, and Youngsan River are $62,755\textrm{km}^2$, accounting for 64% of the national total. Approximately 62% of the national population inhabits in this area, and 67% of the national gross product comes from the area. The annual population growth rate of the country is currently estimated at 1.7%, and every year the population growth in urban area increases at a rising rate. The population of Seoul, Pusan, and Taegu, the three major cities in Korea, is equal to one third of our national total. According to the census conducted on October 1, 1975, the population in the urban areas has increased by 384,000, whereas that in rural areas has decreased by 59,000,000 in the past five years. The composition of population between urban and rural areas varied from 41%~59% in 1959 to 48%~52% in 1975. To mitigate this treand towards concentration of population in urban areas, employment opportunities must be provided in regional and rural areas. However, heavy and chemical industries, which mitigate production and employment problems at the same time, must have abundant water and energy. Also increase in staple food production cannot be attained without water. At this point in time, when water demand is rapidly growing, it is essential for the country to provide as much a reservoir capacity as possible to capture the monsoon rainfall, which concentarated in the rainy seaon from June to Septesmber, and conserve the water for year round use. The floods, which at one time we called "the devil" have now become a source of immense benefit to Korea. Let me explain the topographic condition in Korea. In northern and eastern areas we have high mountains and rugged country. Our rivers originate in these mountains and flow in a general southerly or westerly direction throught ancient plains. These plains were formed by progressive deposition of sediments from the mountains and provide our country with large areas of fertile land, emminently suited to settlement and irrigated agricultural development. It is, therefore, quite natural that these areas should become the polar point for our regional development program. Hower, we are fortunate in that we have an additional area or areas, which can be used for agricultural production and settlement of our peoples, particularly those peoples who may be displaced by the formation of our reservoirs. I am speaking of the tidelands along the western and southern coasts. The other day the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery informed the public of a tideland reclamation of which 400,000 hectares will be used for growing rice as part of our national food self-sufficiency programme. Now, again, we arrive at the need for water, as without it we cannot realize this ambitious programme. And again we need those dams to provide it. As I mentioned before, dams not only provide us with essential water for agriculture, domestic and industrial use, but provide us with electrical energy, as it is generally extremely economical to use the water being release for the former purposes to drive turbines and generators. At the present time we have 13 hydro-electric power plants with an installed capacity of 711,000 kilowatts equal to 16% of our national total. There are about 110 potential dams ites in the country, which could yield about 2,300,000 kilowatts of hydro-electric power. There are about 54 sites suitable for pumped storage which could produce a further 38,600,000 kilowatts of power. All available if we carefully develop our water resources. To summarize, water resource development is essential to the regional development program and the welfare of our people, it must proceed hand-in-hand with other aspects of regional development such as land impovement, high way extension, development of our forests, erosion control, and develop ment of heavy and chemical industries. Through the successful implementation of such an integrated regional development program, we can look forward to a period of national strength, and due recognition of our country by the worlds societies.

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Landsat 녹색식생지수를 이용한 서울시 도시녹지 변화 조사 (A Change Detection of Urban Vegetation of Seoul with Green Vegetation Index Extracted from Landsat Data)

  • 박종화
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to detect and evaluate the change of urban vegetation of Seoul during 1980s. Large areas covered with agricultural crops or forests were converted to residential and commercial areas, roads, schools, sports complexes, etc. There were also widespreas concerns on the deterioration of the quality of urban vegetation due to severe air pollution, overcrowding of nature parks, and idling of farm lands by land speculators. The image used for this study were MSS(Oct. 4, 1979) and TM(Apr. 26, 1990). The Green Vegetation Index of Kauth & Thomas(1976) was for the analysis. The GVI were resampled with 75$\times$75m grids and overlaid with the jurisdictional boundaries of 22 districts of Seoul. The results were reclassified to 6 classes, class 6 representing grids with the most vigorous vegetation or the best vegetation improvement in 1980s. The finding of this study can be summarized as follows : First, the most vigorous vigorous vegetation, in terms of GVI, of the 1979 image can be found at paddy fields located on alluvial near Han River. Broad-leaf forests located on hilly terrains have higher GVI than conifers located on the upper-parts of mountains. The average GVI of the northern part and southern part of Han River are 3.56 and 3.74, respectively. The main reason why the southern part has higher GVI is that there are more prime agricultural lands. Districts of Kangseo, Yangcheon, and Songpa have the highest percentage of grids of GVI class 6, and the percentages are 3.55 %, 3.47 %, and 2.69 %, respectively. Second, the most vigorous vegetation of the 1990 image can be found at the grass lands of the Yongsan golf club and the Sungsu horse racing track. The GVI of farm lands is lower than forest because most agricultural crops are at the early stage of growing season when the TM image was taken. The size of built-up area is much larger than of 1979. On the other hand, vegetation patches surrounded by developed area become smaller and have stronger contrast to surrounding area. The average GVI of the northern part and southern part of Han River are 3.57 and 3.51, respectively. The main reason why the southern part has lower GVI is the at more large-scale urban development projects were carried out in there during 1980s. Districts of Tobong, Nowon, and Seocho have the highest percentage of class 6, and the perecentages are 16.58 %, 10.14 %, and 8.50% respectively. Third, the change of urban vegetation in Seoul during 1980s are significant. Grids of GVI change classes 1 and 2, which represent severe vegetation loss, occupy 15.97% of Seoul. Three districts which lost the most vegetation are Yangcheon, Kangseo, and Songpa, where the percentages of GVI class 1 are 13.42%, 13.39% and 9.06%, respectively. The worst deterioration was mainly caused by residential developments. On the other hand, the vegetation of some part of Seoul improved in this period. Grids of GVI change classes 5 and 6 occupy 9.83 % of Seoul. Distircts of Jung, Yongsan, and Kangnam have the highest percentage of grids with GVI change classes 5 and 6, and their percentages are 22.31%, 19.17%, and 13.66%, respectively. The improvement of vegetation occurred in two areas. Forest vegetation is generally improving despite of concerns based on air pollution and heavy use by recreationists. Vegetation in open spaces established in riverside parks, large residential areas, and major public facilities are also improving.

산촌주민(山村住民) 산림보호(山林保護)에 대한 경제적(經濟的) 심리적요인(心理的要因) 분석(分析) -산림생산구조(山林生産構造)에 따르는 경제심리상(經濟心理狀)- (An Analysis of Economic and Psychological Factors on the Forest Protection of the Mountain People in Jeonbuk Province -On the Economic Psychological Status Associated with Structure in Forest Production-)

  • 이광원;김재생
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 1977
  • 산림보호(山林保護)와 관련된 산촌주민(山村住民)의 산림(山林)에 대한 경제적(經濟的) 심리적요인(心理的要因)을 분석(分析)한 결과 산촌농가(山村農家)의 산림수익(山林收益)에 대한 전망(展望)은 비교적(比較的) 높은 편이나 그의 소유규모(所有規模) 가계충족경제형태(家計充足經濟形態)이고 자본(資本)의 영세성(零細性)과 도벌(盜伐)등 사후관리(事後管理) 등에 우려(憂慮)를 표하고 있는데 불법산림채취(不法山林採取)의 가장 큰 이유가 되는 연료(燃料)해결 문제가 큰 난제(難題)의 하나였다. 더욱 문제가 되는 것은 산촌(山村)에 거주하면서도 산림(山林)을 소유(所有)하지 않은 계층(階層)으로 연료(燃料)의 대부분(大部分)을 타인(他人)이나 국공유림(國公有林)에서 몰래 채취하고 있는데 산림(山林)은 베어쓸 수도 있다는 삼림공유(山林公有)의 자세와 산림법(山林法)의 운용도 문제시(問題視)하지 않는 산림보호(山林保護)에 극히 소극적이었다. 이것은 평야부산촌(平野部山村)에서 보다 산간부산촌(山間部山村)에서 심한 경향(傾向)이 있었으며 이에 대한 산림법(山林法)의 운용(運用)이나 교육(敎育)에 문제점을 제기할 수 있었다.

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