• 제목/요약/키워드: Psychological Restorativeness Scale

검색결과 9건 처리시간 0.024초

Development, Reliability and Factor Structure of a Korean Perceived Restorativeness Scale Using Forest Users

  • Shin, Won Sop;Yeoun, Poung Sik
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제97권2호
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2008
  • The Korean version of Perceived Restorativeness Scale was administered to 150 SanEum Recreational Forest visitors to investigate it's psychometric properties. Factor analysis revealed that the scale consists primarily of four factors related to compatibility, preference, being away and coherence. The internal consistency of the scale was positive. Based on these tests, it appears that the scale is a sound measure of restorativeness or psychological health benefits from forest experience.

도심 가로정원의 심리적 회복효과에 관한 연구 (The Effect of Street Gardens on Psychological Restoration)

  • 권현숙;함연경;김혜령;윤희연
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.35-51
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    • 2017
  • 가로정원은 서울시 가로환경 개선 사업의 일환으로, 보행자들에게 심미적 만족과 심리적 안정감을 제공하기 위한 휴식공간으로 설치되었다. 본 연구에서는 실제 가로정원이 이용자의 심리적 향상을 돕는지 고찰하기 위해, 가로정원과 이에 상응하는 비교대상지를 선정하여 설문조사를 실시하고, 결과를 비교하였다. 서울시에 위치한 총 9개의 가로정원 중 강남대로, 디지털로, 테헤란로에 설치된 가로정원을 대상지로 선택하였으며, 비교대상지로는 동일 대로상에 위치하며 물리적 환경이 유사하나 가로정원 사업이 시행되지 않은 3개의 장소를 선정하였다. 설문은 주의회복이론(Attention Restoration Theory: ART)을 근거, '매력감(Fascination), '벗어남(Being away)', '짜임새(Coherence)', '규모(Scope)'를 중심으로 구성된 회복환경지각척도-11(Perceived Restorativeness Scale-11) 질문과, 심리적 회복을 유도한 설계 요소를 묻는 질문으로 구성하였고, 요인분석, 신뢰도 분석, 독립표본 t-검정을 이용하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 가로정원은 이용자들의 심리적 회복에 비교적 긍정적 효과를 미치며, 특히 이용자들에게 매력감과 흥미로움을 부여한다고 나타났다. 그러나 가로정원은 이용자들에게 고단한 현실에서 벗어나는 듯한 느낌을 주지 못하여 심리적 향상효과의 한계를 드러냈다. 심리적 회복효과를 유도한 가로정원의 물리적 요소는 나무벤치, 나무, 꽃으로 나타나, 자연적인 요소가 인공적 요소보다 심리적 회복에 긍정적 영향을 준다는 심리회복 이론에 부합하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 가로정원 사업을 추진함에 있어 계획 및 설계 가이드라인 개발에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

A Study on Users' Perception of the Healing Power of Forest Environments: Focused on the Visitors of Bunseong Mountain

  • Han, Yeong-Seon;Koo, Chang-Duck
    • 인간식물환경학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2019
  • This study surveyed the general characteristics and forest use characteristics of forest visitors, the healing power of natural environments and Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) to find out whether humans can feel the healing effects of natural environments. The target area of this study was the natural environments of Bunseong Mountain in Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. A total of 50 questionnaires were analyzed. Female visitors and those aged between 40s to 60s accounted for 62% and over 70% respectively. All the surveyed respondents answered 'yes' to the question about the healing effects of Bunseong Mountain and natural environments, and 84% of them answered that they can get 'psychological and physical healing' in Bunseong Mountain. Many respondents chose oxygen, sunlight, and landscape as a healing factor. To the questions about the specific form or conditions of the natural environments that have the healing effects, those who answered 'forest' was the highest (72%), and they described thickness of forests, gentle slope and clean air as their conditions. The average score of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) using a 7-point Likert scale was 5.14. The results of this study indicate that respondents perceive Bunseong Mountain as a restorative environment and think that they can enjoy the healing effects of Bunseong Mountain and natural environments.

산림의 시각요소가 인체의 심리.생리에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Forest Scenes on Psychophysiological Responses)

  • 이정희;신원섭;연평식;유리화
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제98권1호
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2009
  • 자연을 비롯한 산림 경관은 인간의 심리적 안정에 큰 역할을 한다고 알려져 왔다. 본 연구는 산림 경관의 심리적 안정 효과를 실증적으로 밝혀내고자 수행되었다. 자료의 수집을 위하여 도시, 산림, 산림과 물에 해당되는 각 9개의 경관이 선정되었다. 이들 3 종류의 총 27개 경관사진이 30명의 피험자에게 심리적 생리적 영향이 미치는지를 조사하였다. 심리적 안정을 나타내는 뇌파(${\alpha}$파)와 PRS(Perceived Restorativeness Scale), PANAS(Positive and Negative Affect Schedule)점수가 각각 생리적, 그리고 심리적 연구변수로 측정되었다. 자료의 분석결과 산림과 물, 산림, 그리고 도시 경관 순으로 생리적 심리적 안정에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.

Physiological and psychological effects of nature-based outdoor activities on firefighters in South Korea

  • Sang-Eun Lee;Heon-Gyo Kwon;Jisu Hwang;Hyelim Lee;Dawou Joung;Bum-Jin Park
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제51권1호
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    • pp.9-23
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the physiological and psychological effects of a nature-based outdoor activity program in an environment reflecting the characteristics of forest and coastal areas on 30 firefighters (average age: 40.4 ± 9.8 years) who are frequently exposed to dangerous situations. Blood pressure, pulse pressure, and heart rate variability were used as physiological measurement indicators, and the Korean versions of PANAS (positive affect and negative affect schedule), WEMWBS (Warwick-Edinburgh mental well-being scale), and PRS (perceived restorativeness scale) were used as psychological measurement indicators. For four days and three nights, the participants experienced programs at Hallyeohaesang Nature Center and the surrounding mountains, seas, and islands, utilizing forest resources such as trekking on forest trails, walking barefoot, taking aromatic footbaths, meditating in forest oxygen domes, and lying on relaxation chairs, and programs utilizing marine resources such as taking a boat to an island, walking on forest trails with seascape views, and sailing on a yacht. Participants' systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure decreased, and participants' positive emotions increased and negative emotions decreased after the program. There was a statistically significant increase in mental well-being and perceived restorative environment. Through this study, it was found that nature-based outdoor activity programs based on forest and marine resources are effective in physiological and psychological stability of firefighters. It is hoped that the results of this study will be applied to other high-risk workers for PTSD, who have high stress levels, by combining forest healing and marine healing, and expanding the scope and diversity of programs in more diverse environments and conditions.

경관의 치유적 특질이 관광지 방문 선호 및 만족에 미치는 영향 - 경주 유산경관에 대한 미국인의 평가를 중심으로 - (Inflnuence of the Restorative Quality of Landscape on the Visiting Preference and Satisfaction for Tourist Destination - An Evaluation of Heritage Landscape of Kyongju by Americans -)

  • 이영경
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2006
  • The Attention Restoration Theory (ART) developed by Kaplan and Kaplan proposes that effortful directed attention required in normal life can be fatigued. Restoration can occur in a setting that has restorative qualities. The restorative quality described by the ART involves four concepts: being away, fascination extent, and compatibility. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the restorative quality of landscape influenced the preferences and satisfaction of visitors to an heritage landscape. Four kinds of heritage landscapes of Kyongju were used as environmental surrogates and 150 americans participated in the study. Hartig et al.'s Revised Perceived Restorativeness Scale (RPRS) was used as the psychological measure for the restorative quality, along with other measurement constructs such as cultural uniqueness and novelty. The results showed that RPRS was a reliable measurement tool for assessing the restorative quality of artificial landscapes. Factor analysis identified three valid factors: escape-fascination compatibility, anti-extent. Among the three factors, only two, escape-fascination and compatibility, were found to have important effects on visiting preference and satisfaction. Specifically, higher levels of preference and satisfaction were associated with higher levels of escape-fascination and compatibility. The results indicate that the restorative quality has a high possibility to be used as a frame of reference for assessing various types of landscapes, from natural to artificial. It was also proposed that restorative quality could better explain the experience of the landscape strongly related to specific purpose or motivation.

The Role of Visitor's Positive Emotions on Satisfaction and Loyalty with the Perception of Perceived Restorative Environment of Healing Garden

  • Jang, Hye Sook;Jeong, Sun-Jin;Kim, Jae Soon;Yoo, Eunha
    • 인간식물환경학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.277-291
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    • 2020
  • Background and objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of visitors' positive emotions on satisfaction and loyalty with the perception of restorative environment of a healing garden created in an urban agriculture expo. Methods: The psychological indicators to the images of the healing garden were analyzed by the visitors' demographic variables and the three factors of plant cultivation activity level: plant cultivation experience, plant preference, and plant-related event. Results: Between age groups and occupational groups, significant differences were found statistically. The Perceived Restorativeness Scale(PRS) showed significantly differences between age groups in repose, fascination and legibility. The Positive Affect & Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS) showed statistically significant differences between age groups in positive emotions. In addition, we investigated the correlation between the PANAS and the three factors of plant cultivation experience level, the four factors of the PRS, satisfaction and loyalty. The three factors of plant cultivation experience level, the four factors of the PRS, satisfaction and loyalty showed a positive correlation with positive emotions and were inversely correlated with negative emotions significantly. Multiple regression analysis with dummy variables was conducted to examine the effects of plant cultivation activity level, attention restoration, and the PANAS on healing garden visitors' satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, among the four factors of the PRS, fascination and positive affectivity were significant variables that affect healing garden visitors' satisfaction and loyalty. Conclusion: The results indicated that the higher the attention restoration of visitors due to the fascination of the healing garden and the higher their positive affectivity and the more they have plant-related memories, the higher their impact on healing garden visitors' satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, fascinating natural environments or greenery landscapes like healing gardens where people can contact plants would reduce negative emotions such as anger and sadness but to increase positive emotions such as pleasure, joy and satisfaction.

Community Gardening Activities and Their Effects on Mental Health of Residents

  • Jang, Hye Sook;Gim, Gyung Mee;Jeong, Sun-Jin;Kim, Jae Soon
    • 인간식물환경학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to find out the effects of plant cultivation activities in the village gardening program hosted by Gyeonggi-do on the psychology and physiology of participants. This study conducted a survey on 20 villagers aged 57.70±9.23 on average and collected their saliva before Session 1 and after the final Session 10. The experiment was conducted by carrying out the village gardening program once a week for total 10 weeks. Psychological assessment was conducted by measuring the level of plant cultivation experience, four elements (repose, fascination, coherence, legibility) of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) and stress levels, and also conducting the Wilcoxon paired signed ranks test. As the result of comparatively analyzing the saliva collected before and after the program, the total cortisol level, which is a stress hormone, decreased with statistical significance after the program (t=14.521, p<.001). The level of plant cultivation activities increased with statistical significance after the program, and the PRS increased with statistical significance in the three elements of repose, fascination and legibility excluding coherence. In addition, as the result of examining the change in the stress level of participants with the sum of all item scores, it was found that the stress level decreased with statistical significance (p<.05) from 17.65 points to 15.30 points after the program. Hence, plant cultivation activities in the village community have positive effects such as attention restoration or stress relief. In addition, the activities can also contribute to mental connection and healthcare of residents.

Assessment of Display and Events of Agro-Healing Experience Center for Visitors Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: A Case Study of 2018 Changwon Agricultural Technology Exhibition

  • Jang, Hye Sook;Gim, Gyung Mee;Jeong, Sun-Jin;Kim, Jae Soon
    • 인간식물환경학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the exhibition displays and events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall in the Agricultural Technology Exhibition 2018 on satisfaction and revisit intention of visitors. A survey was conducted on visitors of the Agro-healing Experience Hall and the responses of 274 visitors excluding 26 cases with inappropriate responses were analyzed. For psychological measurement, the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS), Profile of Mood States (POMS), level of plant gardening experience, satisfaction and loyalty were measured. There was a significant difference among age groups in all four factors of the PRS (repose, fascination, coherence, and legibility). In the case of education level, there was a significant difference in the three factors (repose, fascination, and legibility). In addition, average monthly income showed a significant difference among groups in the two factors (fascination and coherence). As a result of analyzing the mood states of visitors for the exhibition events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall, there was a significant difference among age groups only in the case of vigor (p < .05). As a result of analyzing the correlation between the level of plant gardening activities (3 factors) and PRS (4 factors) in the exhibition events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall, plant preference tendency and plant-related event showed a high positive correlation of 0.5 or more with repose of the PRS factors. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of the level of plant gardening activities, PRS and POMS on the satisfaction and loyalty of visitors. As a result, it was found that in terms of relative explanatory power over independent variables affecting satisfaction and revisit intention, fascination had the greatest effect, followed by vigor, fatigue, and occupation (company employee). The results of this study suggest that exhibition events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall affect repose, fascination or vigor of visitors, and thus can be used positively to increase satisfaction and revisit intention of visitors.