• 제목/요약/키워드: Psychological Effects

검색결과 2,576건 처리시간 0.026초

A Study on the Effect of Authentic Leadership of Hospital Organization on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Focusing on Mediating Effect of LMX (병원 조직의 진성리더십 유형이 조직몰입과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : LMX의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yeonsook
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study is to clarify the structural relationship between the direct supervisor and organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior through mediation of the Leader-member exchange (LMX) in the hospital organization, and to confirm the mediating effect of the LMX. Through this study, we will provide basic data on the aspects of HR to enhance organizational immersion and organizational civic behavior in hospital organizations, and present suggestions on academic contribution and effective organizational operation measures. Research design, data, and methodology - This study is to investigate the relationship between authentic leadership and OC and OCB of the organization member, which is proposed to secure more active and high competitiveness in the recent changing medical environment, with multi-regression and B&K(1986) method. For this purpose, 653 employees of senior hospitals in Seoul and Kyeong-In area were surveyed using structured questionnaires. Each questionnaire was composed of 7-point scale, and each hypothesis was testified by multiple leaner regression and by BK method for testifying mediator effect. Result - As a result of the analysis, it was found that the male and non-medical staff had higher recognition level than the medical staff in the LMX, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. In the senior management or more than 5 years' experience group, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior were recognized higher than the group of subordinate managers. Second, authentic leadership has a positive influence on LMX, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, and LMX has a significant positive impact on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, as a result of analyzing LMX mediating effect in the relationship of authentic leadership and organizational effectiveness by BK method, LMX had partial mediating effects between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior, and between authentic leadership and organizational commitment. Conclusion - Results of the study confirmed that all the members of the hospital organization that were lacking served as positive factors for the relationships of authentic leadership and LMX, and authentic leadership and organizational effectiveness. It is expected that the hospital organization will be able to suggest such as the organizational approach to expect high organizational effectiveness centering on authentic leadership ability as psychological capital.

Explicating Personal Health Informatics Experience (퍼스널 헬스케어 디바이스 사용자 경험 연구)

  • Shin, Dong-Hee;Cho, Hoyoun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.550-566
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    • 2017
  • Recent advances in wearable devices and quantified-self movement increase the number of personal informatics application that may cause an concern to health industry and user. In this light, the goal of this study is to identify more effective ways of design and evaluation of personal informatics application for self-tracking and delivering health information to users. For this goal, this study conducted areal-world study that processes such that user can assess, be aware of, and self-reflect on their data and behavior activity. In doing so, this study aims to determine the psychological effects of forms of health feedback (comparative vs. non-comparative) and presentation modes (text vs. image) on users' tendencies toward health conservation. Results from a between-subjects experiment revealed that health information in a comparative and textual format was more effective in encouraging health conservation in participants than identical information presented in a non-comparative and image format. In addition, participants' level of health consciousness emerged as a significant predictor. Through this analysis of quantitative data and inferences, this study make a number of contributions to the user affordance research and its methodology of health informatics study and designing personal informatics application that support user's behavior change in various contexts.

A Study on Relation Ship Between the Mode of Feeding and the Occurrence of Otitis Media (수유양상과 중이염 발생과의 관계)

  • Baek, Ye-Young;Kim, Il-Ok
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.70-81
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    • 2003
  • The otitis media has the highest rate of occurrence in 6-36 month after birth, and relatively high rate of occurrence to six years old. It is one of major cause for hearing loss problem because of its high rate of recurrence. The researcher observed at bed that feeding posture and feeding habit at night have some relationship with occurrence of otitis media. I found that medical research in this area was very weak, and it caused her to concentrate her research on the topic. This paper was undertook a retrospective case-control study to find out the relationship between the mode of feeding and the occurrence of otitis media among the otitis media patients and the healthy persons. As the controling groups, the researcher chose fifty eight mothers whose children received the treatment of otitis media(6-36 months after birth) from the pediatrics clinic of two general hospitals in Seoul, as the patient group, and forty five mothers who consulted with their child to well baby clinic at the general hospital and kindergarten in Seoul as the control group. The results of the survey can be summarized as followed : 1. "Otitis media patient group may have more lying posture mothers while feeding than the healthy control group". The first hypothesis is supported by the fact that the children who have lying posture feeding habit mothers are more easily exposed to otitis media than those who have sitting posture feeding habit mothers as the analysis show : $X^2=8.142$, p = .017 2. "Otitis media patient group may have higher rate of sleeping habit with milk bottle on the month at night than the healthy control group does". The second hypothesis was supported by the fact that the patients group has higher rate of expected sleeping habit than the healthy group dose as the analysis show : $X^2=4.35$, p = .037 3. "Otitis media can be found more in the artificial feeding group than in the healthy children group". The hypothesis is rejected by the analysis, $X^2=1.550$, p = .416. Though the hypothesis is not supported by this research, we need to encourage mothers to feed mother's breast milk on the ground that healthy group has mother's milk feeding tendency, and the best food for infants is their mother's milk, and psychological-sociological effects of breast feeding os quite good for children. It will improve the health of infants. It can be summarized as follows : Otitis media is more concerned with posture of feeding and night feeding habits than feeding modes. On the basis of this survey, feeding education problem for mothers of infants need to be developed. In the education, sitting-embracing posture of feeding, mother's breast feeding, and prohibition of children's lying posture feeding at night need to be emphasized.

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Effects of Anger Expression on Self-Esteem in Dental Hygiene Students (치위생전공 학생의 분노표현이 자아존중감에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Yang-Keum;Yu, Ji-Su;Kim, Han-Hong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.210-216
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between anger expression and self-esteem of female college students of dental hygiene. Participants were 598 female students who majored in dental hygiene from randomly selected colleges, located in Daejeon and Chungcheongbuk-do. Data were gathered from May 20 to June 5, 2014, using structured questionnaires. The major findings of the study were as follows: the correlation between anger expression and self-esteem was analyzed, and self-esteem was found to have a weak significant negative correlation with anger expression. On analyzing data to explore which variables affected self-esteem, it was found that self-esteem was influenced by grade, school record, harassment, language psychological violence, and bullying. The above-mentioned findings suggest that anger expression is related to self-esteem. After graduation from college, dental hygiene students, encounter a variety of interpersonal relationships in their work. Therefore self-esteem programs need to be developed and implemented at an individual, departmental, and collegiate level to help students learn to respect themselves and others, and to provide appropriate care.

Development and Validation of the Scale to Measure Acculturation Stress of Parents-in-law who have a Foreign Daughter-in-law (외국인 며느리를 둔 시부모의 문화적응 스트레스 척도 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Soon-Dool;Park, Hyun-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • 제63권2호
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    • pp.319-336
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    • 2011
  • There is recent recognition that the approach toward family members is crucial for understanding problems in multi-cultural families by emerging from typical approach focused on migrant women. While researches have reported serious conflicts and adaptation problems from cultural difference between parent-in-law and foreign daughter-in-law, cultural stress of parent-in-law has not been systematically examined. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a scale to measure acculturation stress of parent-in-law who have a foreign daughter-in-law. The sample consisted of 266 parents-in-law from three provinces of South Korea. Initially, 16 items were generated based on the existing scale of acculturation stress and they are tested by item-analysis through the descriptive and correlational analysis. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to investigate the factor structure of the scale and a confirmatory factor analysis was used to validate the scale. By item-analysis, five items were deleted from initial scale items because of redundancy. Findings from an exploratory factor analysis provided the evidence that the scale consists of three factors which are the perception of prejudice and discrimination, conflicts from different cultural value, and daily discomfort. Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ for the scale is 0.86. Multiple fit indices from confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the hypothesized three-factor model for acculturation stress achieved a good fit with the data. Results showed the evidence for the reliability and validity of the scale for acculturation stress of the parent-in-law who have foreign daughter-in-law. The scale would have potential effects for assessing psychological stress for parent-in-law in research and clinical practice. Further implications and limitation of the study and suggestions for future studies were discussed.

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A comparative study of consumer evaluation according to category similarity and store type of bi-national product (복합원산지제품의 카테고리 유사성 및 매장유형에 따른 소비자평가의 비교연구)

  • Son, Jeyoung;Kang, Inwon
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.193-212
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    • 2017
  • In order to evaluate the evaluation of bi-national products, this study was classified according to product category similarity. In addition, by comparing the types of stores, we tried to suggest alternatives that can be practically applied to companies producing composite origin products. For this purpose, this study is applied to the analysis of bi-national product by product categories, such as public luxury, public luxury, private luxury, and private necessity, based on the psychological bases of consumers. The types of stores are divided into department store/direct store, outlet/discount store to elaborate measurement. As a result of the verification, it was found that brand evaluation and store evaluation had interactive effects depending on product type and store type. Specifically, in the case of public luxury goods, outlets/discount stores in both brand evaluation and store evaluation showed positive evaluation than department store/direct store. In the case of private necessity, there was no significant difference in brand evaluation, but in store evaluation, department store/direct store was confirmed that they had a relatively positive evaluation than outlets/discount stores. As a result, it was verified that consumers' evaluations can be changed according to the type of sales store for each product.

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Study on Industrial Fatigue of Working Girls in a Spinning and Weaving Industry (근로여성과 산업피로에 관한 조사연구)

  • 김광자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 1971
  • This Study was undertaken to evaluate the present health status and fatigue of the workers in T. Industrial Company in Pusan in Jan. 1971. The results were based on a question are from 354 working girls. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The largest portion of the workers, 20.2% of the questioned employees, were observed to lie at age 20. 2. Regarding their formal education, 76.0% of them had completed middle school. while only 7. 1% had graduated from high school, . 3. 63.0% receive 7-8 hrs. of sleep a day while 18.4% receive S-6 hrs. of sleep a day. 4. 36.4% spend leisure time reading: while 15.5% spend it resting and thinking. 5. 53.8% of them live in the company′s dormitory and 31.6% live at home. 6. Time spent in travel to work: 32.8% spent 40-49 min., 23.6% spent 10-29 min. 7. The shift times were reported as: 44.1% wonting from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. and 33.9% working from 6. A.M. to 2. P.M. which is what they are doing now. 8. Regarding symptoms of fatigue: 1) Physical symptoms were: 48.3% complained of "feeling bean in the legs, ", and 39.3% complained of "general exhaustion. " 2) Psychological symptoms were: 37.6% said that "it is boring to talk"and 26.3% said" they had a desire to be alone". 3) Nitrogenic symptoms were 49.7% complained of "asthenopia"and 37.0% complained of"vertigo and "staggering legs". 9. When asked about the most fatiguing time during work, the following information was reported: 25.2% felt the first hour in the morning was most fatiguing while 22.9% felt the sixth hour in the evening, and 22.8% eelt the fifth hour at night was. 10. 38.4% complained of sleepiness at 3 A.M. and 35.0% at 4 A.M. during night work. 11. 38.1% found Sunday the most fatiguing work day and 20.% found Monday. 12. The results of the effects of their work on certain diseases: 51.1% showed those with anemia as most effected by work. 13. In their Response to the question, "do you eat breakfast\ulcorner"57.0%, the largest portion, answered, " none at all ": 36.3%, enough. 14. Regarding the accident rate relating to the length of time employed at the company 28.5% was the highest accident rate from 5year to 6 year. As a result of this study, it could be concluded that the employer should consider the following points: 1. employ according to the worker′s vocational aptitude. 2. adjust the shifts. 3. offer rest time and off days, and establish recreational facilities. In the end we can contribute to the promotion of the workers of the workers and to the prevention of accidents due to industrial fatigue.

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Uncertainty, Self-Efficacy & Coping in Parents′ of Children with Cancer (암환아 부모의 질병에 대한 불확실성, 자기효능감 및 대처정도)

  • Oh Won Oak;Park Eun Sook
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.274-285
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    • 1998
  • Improvements in therapy have resulted in increasing numbers of children being successfully treated for cancer. However the agrressiveness of therapy & uncertainty about prognosis are associated with many adverse effects, psychological as well as physical for both the child & family. The purpose of this study were to measure the degree of perceived uncertainty, self-efficacy & coping, and then to examine the relationship between the perceived uncertainty, self-efficacy & coping in parents of children cancer patients. The subjects of this study consist of 140 parents with pediatric cancer, registered at pediatric cancer ward & Out Patient Department. Data was collected from July 1st to August 15th 1998. The tools used in this study were Mishel's the Parents' Perception of Uncertainty Scale (28 item, 4 likert scale), Shere's Self-Efficacy Scale (17 item, 5 likert scale) & Folkman & Lazarus Ways of Coping Checklist(34 items, 4 likert scale). Data was analyzed by t-test, Anova, Pearson Correlation coefficient. Results of this study are summerized as follows 1. Parents perceived their uncertainty to be slightly high(Mn 2.41). The degree of perceived uncertainty by the four components were followed as lack of clarity (2.60), unpredictability(2.59), ambiguity(2.51) & lack of information(1.90). The degree of perceived uncertainty of parents with pediatric cancer revealed to be influenced significantly by the family outcome, reliability about health care provider & perceived severity of illness. 2. The range of parents' self-efficacy was measured iron 35 to 85 point, so revealed slightly high. The degree of self-efficacy related to be Influenced signiicantly by the sequency of child birth, family religion & degree of perceived support. 3. The degree of parents' coping was measured slightly high (Mn 2.78). The degree of coping related to be influnced significantly by the sequency of child birth, number of sible & degree of perceived support. 4. parents' uncertainty was related inversely to the parents' self-efficacy(r=-.38, p<.001) & coping(r=-.26, p<.001). And also parents' self-efficacy was positively related to coping(r=.56, p<.001) From the above results, it can be concluded that predicting & controlling parents' uncertainty with children cancer are necessary to improve positive coping strategies. This information may be used as a foundation for developing nursing interventions to decrease perceived uncertainty & to foster self-efficacy & coping for parents with children cancer.

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The Effects of Cinema Costumes on Fashion -Based onEdith Head's Work- (영화예술에 나타난 의상이 유행에 미친영향 - Edith Head의 영화 의상을 중심으로 -)

  • 이정희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • 제31권
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    • pp.145-164
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    • 1997
  • Cinema costume can stimulate the public to synchronize with and replicate what they see in the movies. Especially when the public thinks the stars in the movies . Especially when the public thinks the stars in the movies are beautiful or dramatic the styles of cinema costumes powerfully affect them. Thus cinema costume designers quickey become fashion designers. Edith Head who strongly believed cinema costumes to be an effective means of portraying the Character's personality and psychological make-up was an innovative designer whose costumes manifested this belief. She enhanced the character's individual image and distinction for the public through her artistic design in costumes. She adapted a realistic approach but her costumes invariably produced aesthetic ef-fects. Since the Academy Awards added the category of costume design she led the field with 35 nominations and eight oscars during 33 years of her productive work. Edith head was a dominant figure in costume design; her creations were highly renowned as an art form while they gained popularity. The purpose of this study was to reveal the ef-fects of Edith Head's cinema costume designs on fashion. This study was also to emphasize the powerful influence on ashion of cinema costume and cinema costume designers in general. The study was done through literature movies for which she created costumes fashion magazines and Edith Head's original sketches. The influence of Edith Head's costume de-sign on fashion is as follows: 1. She introduced and lead the casual fashion in the 1950's combining simplicity and sophistication. 2. She altered uniforms and reconstructed public clothing for multiple functions. 3. She rearranged high school prom dresses through the movie 'A Place in the Sun" to en-hance characteristic of each gender and the Dandy Look of the 1930's into men's apparel in the 1970's through the movie "The Sting" 4. She expanded the traditional style in the 1940's and became a leader in ecological style. 5. She adapted glitter from astronaut's ap-parel into public clothing. 6. She resturctured Sabrina Pants in the 1960's to accentuate the individuals strength by overcoming one's weakness without minimi-zing it's aesthetic appeal and reintroduced the pants in the 1990's. 7. She introduced elegant negligees to gen-eral public and maintained it in the public do-main. As it is revealed Edith Head's costume de-sign not only impacted the field of fashion dur-ing her time but also is presently influencing modern fashion throughout the world as it is witnessed by repeated reintroduction of her fashion styles. Reviewing her cinema costumes it is concluded that cinema costumes it is concluded that cinema costumes powerfully af-fect the public through a visual channel more than any other routes. Cinema costumes can become the origin of fashion by stimulating the public to synchronize with and replicate what they see in the movies. Since cinema costumes can launch fashion trend it requires further research. Based on what is revealed in this study. it would be beneficial to examine how cinema costumes affect people socially and culturally and how they could provide resources for re-search in fashion trends. It is also the writers opinion that there should be more designers such as Edith head who could lead the field of costume design into the twenty-first century.

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Effect of Arousal Control Training Conjugated Heart Rate Biofeedback for National Substitute Archery Players (심박수 바이오피드백기법을 활용한 국가대표 후보 양궁선수의 각성조절훈련 효과 분석)

  • Hong, Seong-Taek
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제11권9호
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    • pp.469-484
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of arousal control training conjugated heart rate biofeedback for national substitute three archery players. The arousal control training programs was developed on previous researches and 3 archery experts and 1 sport psychologist had meetings. The training programs contained as orientation, breathing regulation, progressive relaxation technique, heart rate biofeedback, cognitive restructuring, routine and consisted of 24 weeks. XCOACH was utilized as heart rate biofeedback instrument. The effects was examined on competitive state anxiety inventory-2, archery score and ranking, observation, interviews and self assessment. As the results, the score of subfactor was improved on somatic state anxiety, cognitive state anxiety and self-confidence. As the results of observation, interviews and self assessment, the ability of arousal control was enhanced by using effective psychological skills conjugated heart rate biofeedback.