• Title/Summary/Keyword: Project Map

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Case Study on the Library Service Innovation Applying Service Design Methodology (서비스디자인 방법론을 적용한 도서관서비스 혁신 사례분석)

  • Lee, Byeong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2016
  • Service design is a process and methodology for innovating or creating service. This study analyzed library case that applied service design method to library service innovation and creation. The object of this case studies include 7 library such as Copenhagen's municipal library, State Library of Victoria, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Georgia institute of technology library, North carolina state university library. This study analyzed separately to service design requirements, stake-holders, period, process, tools, result and main feature. The implications obtained through this case study are as follows: (1) The design of the library service are focused on user-centered services, future service creation. (2) The service design for library is designed by the collaboration of all stake-holder. (3) From the point of view of period, the service design is continuous, and it has a nature of the project. (4) The service design in library focus on user experience, processes and prototypes development and application. (5) The service design in library are applied to the new tool such as blue print, customer journey map, touch-point, shadow, persona. (6) The purpose of the service design in library is improved and created services, and is has holistic approach.

Directions and Current Issues on the Policy of Prevention and Management for Hypertension and Diabetes, and Development of Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Model in Korea (우리나라 고혈압·당뇨병 예방관리사업 정책 동향과 분석 그리고 한국형 만성질환 예방관리 모형)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Lee, Jung-Jeung;Hwang, Tae-Yoon;Lee, Jin-Yong;Yoo, Weon-Seob;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Kim, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Jong-Yeon;Park, Ki-Soo;Hwang, Bo-Young
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.13-40
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this manuscript was to propose the policy and perspectives of prevention and management for hypertension and diabetes in Korea. Methods: Authors reviewed the chronic disease prevention and management projects and models were executed in Korea until now, and analyzed and evaluated their performances. Results: In the circumstances of Korea, the following several requisites should be improved ; Specific Korean strategy for development and pursuing of national level policy agenda for chronic disease management must be established. There are a need to establish several means of supplementing the weaknesses of the current chronic disease management policies and programs. Firstly, development and distribution of contents of guidelines on the systematic project execution regime (regarding systematization of local community, subjects and contents of the projects) with guarantee for the quality of chronic disease prevention and management are necessary. Secondly, there is a need for development of information system that can lead the chronic disease management programs currently being implemented. Thirdly, there is urgent need to develop resources such as cultivation of manpower and facilities for provision of education and consultation for the patients and holders of risk factors of chronic disease. Fourthly, there is a need for means of securing management system and financial resources for operation of policies and programs. Conclusions: The results can be able to use as a road map, models, and direction and strategies of policies for chronic disease prevention and management of Korea.

Analysis on Reflection Characteristics of the Key Competencies Proposed by the OECD Education 2030 in the 2015 Revised Home Economics Curriculum (OECD Education 2030에서 제안된 핵심역량의 2015 개정 가정과 교육과정 반영 특성 분석)

  • Yang, Ji Sun;Yoo, Taemyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.113-135
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics reflected in the 2015 revised home economics curriculum for the key competencies presented in the OECD education 2030 project. The results indicate that first, in general, about 46.5% of the competencies could be classified into the skill, attitude and value category; 17% into the learning concept framework category; 24.2% into the competency development cycle category; and 12.5% into the complex competency category. Overall, the competencies of the OECD learning framework are found to be reflected primarily in the achievement standards(59%), followed by characteristics(16.1%), teaching-learning and assessments orientation(9.4%), content system(8%), and goals(7.6%). Second, the key competencies were reflected in the middle school curriculum, more often in the descending order of action, problem-solving, communication, respect, creative thinking, conflict resolution, empathy, critical thinking, self-regulation, and student agency. In the high school curriculum, the competencies were reflected more often in the descending order of action, empathy, problem-solving, anticipation, global competence, self-regulation, student agency, literacy for sustainable development, reflection, and critical thinking. Third, the heat map shows that the competencies corresponding to the third and fourth levels are most frequently reflected in the curriculum. Therefore, it is advisable to develop effective plans to execute and support the reflection of key competencies in the curriculum. Through this study, home economics educators are expected to understand the inter-connectivity between the key competencies emphasized by the OECD learning framework and the competencies of home economics as a practical subject, and to scrutinize how to help individual students develop their overall competencies and be prepared for the future.

Using GIS to Estimate Estuarine Wetlands in Three Major Estuaries and to Quantify Wetland Changes over the Last Century (GIS를 활용한 하구의 습지추정 및 변화추이 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, Paikho;Lee, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2007
  • Estuarine wetland, where freshwater meets saltwater, is a transitional ecosystem that is valuable ecologically for a variety of reasons, such as feeding and breeding sites for birds, fish, and wildlife. However, research on the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of estuarine wetlands in Korea is rare. As a fundamental basis for wetland conservation, this study quantified the wetlands in three major estuaries, and evaluated the temporal dynamics of the wetlands since the 1910s. In particular, this study classified the wetland types into mud flat, sand, and emergent-plant types, and estimated the change of each wetland type, using topographic maps produced in the 1910s, 1970s, and 2000s. The wetlands in both the Han and Youngsan River estuaries have declined since the 1910s, but the rate of wetland decline was relatively low before the 1970s, compared to that since the 1970s. The impact of human activities, such as the Youngsan Watershed Comprehensive Development Project and the construction of estuary barrages, has disrupted the estuary cycles and destroyed huge amounts of wetland in the Youngsan estuary. By contrast, estuarine wetlands have been preserved in the small Gahwa estuary, and provide a variety of habitats for plants and wildlife. A special management strategy for wetlands should be established as soon as possible.

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  • Lee, Dae-Hee;Pak, Soo-Jong;Yuk, In-Soo;Nam, Uk-Won;Jin, Ho;Lee, Sung-Ho;Han, Jeong-Yeol;Yang, Hyung-Suk;Kim, Dong-Lak;Kim, Geon-Hee;Park, Seong-Je;Kim, Byung-Hyuk;Jeong, Han
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.473-482
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    • 2005
  • Many technical challenges are being tried for a large space infrared telescope, which is one of the major objectives of the Strategic Technology Road Map (STRM) of KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute), As one of these challenges, KASI and KBSI (Korea Basic Science Institute) have started a cooperation project for developing a space infrared cryogenic system with KIMM (Korea Institute of Machinery as Materials) and i3system co. In this paper, we generate optical requirements for the Protomodel of Space Infrared Cryogenic System (PSICS), and design a single lens optical system with a bandpass of $3.8\~4.8{\mu}m$, a field of view of $15^{\circ}\times12^{\circ}$, and an angular resolution of $0.047^{\circ}$, to develop a further complex optical system.

A Study on Interpolation methods and size of grid to the various topographical characteristics for the construction of DEM(Digital Elevation Model) (수치표고모형(DEM) 구축을 위한 지형별 보간 방법 및 격자크기에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Je-Yoon;Koo, Jee-Hee;Hong, Chang-Hee;Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2001
  • We are able to construct and utilize DEM(Digital Elevation Model) throughout the NGIS(National Geographic Information System) project. It is important that interpolation methods and appreciate size of grid for the construction of accurate DEM(Digital Elevation Model). There were several references related to the DEM(Digital Elevation Model) construction method, however they couldn't consider various topographical characteristics in the korea. In this study, we recommended that suitable interpolation method for each topographic element. After dividing Poonggi area into mountain, hill, urban, agricultural land, we constructed DEM(Digital Elevation Model) with various interpolation methods and grid size using 1:5,000 digital map. Then evaluated accuracy using elevation data which extracted from air-photo. The interpolation methods were analyzed and compared for various topographical conditions. As a result, Kriging method was superior to TIN method for all the topographical conditions. Another experiment was performed to examine optimal grid space for DEM with each topographical condition. 10m grid space was most suitable for mountain area and hilly districts, while 30m grid space was most suitable for urban area and farm land.

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Traits of Water Level Control by Sluice Gates and Halophyte Community Formation in Saemangeum (새만금 배수갑문 수위조절 특성과 염생식물 군락지 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Sin, Myoung-Ho;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2010
  • In order to examine the traits of sluice gate water control, halophyte community formation and their inter-relations in Saemangeum, both water level condition and halophyte community formation were analyzed periodically and spatially on the topographic map with Surfer, Saemageum Spatial Analysis System, and related field reports. The traits of water level condition are that average water level in the growing period of halophytes was similar to annual average water level, annual low level and high level appeared in the growing period, and water level was usually maintained within a range of -1.0m~0.5m above mean sea level, but it has changed more frequently year by year. Routine water level control, natural disaster prevention, construction, and civil appeal took major percentages of the reasons for sluice gate's opening and shutting. Since 2007, not only the overall control frequency of sluice gate but also its control frequency for construction and natural disaster prevention have increased outstandingly. Halophyte community had formed at a rate of 1,209ha/year in the 4,315 ha land in 2008, 6.3 times larger than in 2005, and 2,382 ha above around 1.0m was estimated to be artificially vegetated, 89.1 % of the 2,673ha-size sown area. High water level was found to be a more possible determinant than average water level or low water level in halophyte community formation and it was thought to be secondary factors whether tillage was conducted or/and whether surface sealing formed.

A Case Study of Home Health Care for Postpartum Women and their Newborns (산욕부와 신생아의 가정간호 사례연구)

  • Jun, Eun-Mi
    • 모자간호학회지
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1994
  • Presently there is an increasing demand for home health care services due to changes in the demographic structure as a result of an increasing elderly population, socio-economic improvements, and changes in the family structure, as well as the growing number of people with degenerative diseases. In addition to these reasons, rising medical costs and there a shortage of patient beds space in the hospital, particularly since introduction of national medical insurance. There has been an increasing demand for health care health care services. This study was done to identify the basic data for home health care management. It focused on developing client selection criteria, assessment tools, and recording methods. This was accomplished by the researchers visiting the patients in their homes. The research process included preparation investigation, tool development, training of the project researcher, and visiting the clients in their homes. The research tools are as follows : 1. Record development : a) The selection criteria tool for home health care of postpartum women was a structured tool and consisted of four parts. b) The structured assessment tool consisted of a general items, obstetric history, past medical history, methods of feeding, medications taken before admission, laboratory test results, discharge instructions, discharge medications, family tree, economic status, environmental status, a map, health assessment of postpartum women and their newborns. c) The visit note I consisted of the frequency of visits. Visit note II consisted of the date ; nursing problems ; nursing process including the initial assessment ; nursing goal ; visit plan ; postpartum women and their neonate health status, diagnosis, goal, implementation, evaluation, summary, next plan, for visit revision. d) Problem note consisted of the date, problem numbers, nursing diagnosis, problem appearance date problem resolution date. The research results are as follows : 1. Nursing problems : The nursing problems of the postpartum women and their neonates were evaluated by the number of nursing diagnoses and the change in the pattern of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. a) Nursing diagnosis The nursing diagnosis was classified according to physical function, psychosocial function, family system maintained function. b) The changes of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. As the type of nursing diagnosis changed related to the number of visits the number of nursing diagnoses decreased. 2. Contents of home health care : The content was categorized according to assessment, direct care, counseling, education, family care, reporting to with the attending doctor. The recommendations based on the research results are as follows : 1. Tool development Replication of this study is needed to test the validity of the assessment tools used. 2. Home visit a) Home health care nurses should be licensed and qualified. A referral form from the attending doctor is needed for legal protection of nurses. b) The first home visit need to be within 24 hours of discharge from the hospital to decrease the anxiety of frightened postpartum women. c) When the changes occur in the newborn's status, home health care nurses should consult a pediatrician. Communication within the home healthcare team is essential and needs to consistent and done smoothly. 3. Home health care A Study is required to develop protocols for education of staff and for operation of all aspects of this program.

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An Approach of Cost-Benefit Analysis for GIS Project Evaluations (지리정보 사업의 비용편익 분석의 고찰)

  • Kim, Woo-Gwan;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 1998
  • This study begins with emphasis on the approach to public policy development and the extent to which a GIS framework can be used to evaluate projects objectively. This paper relates to public policy making and the use of GIS as a strategic management tool rather than the development of GIS technologies which has been the focus of attention since the advent of the first generation GIS systems in the 1960s. In order to consolidate a view towards public policy, the aim of this study is to show the advantages of using GIS to generate results which could be evaluated by cost and benefit analysis giving options of the alternative methods to estimate the feasibility of projects (both tangible and intangible) in a real public policy scenario. This study also reports that the tangible benefits associated with the GIS projects are better information processing, the easy analysis of data and the cost savings of map updates and printing, whilst the intangible benefits include quality decision making, and precise management of data through computing networks. In GIS context, the task of analysing and evaluating GIS projects is assumed in order to facilitate scientific and quantitative cost-benefit analysis. Previous methods of the cost-benefit analysis has not fully supported the evaluation of the intangible benefits and it has not been possible to make public policy realistic or scientifically understandable limiting decision makers in public domain. With the GIS decision makers are able to explore the potential of projects with this powerful decision supporting tool in practical application. On the basis of its potentials and limitations to cost-benefit analysis, therefore, it can be concluded that more flexible analysis and evaluation methodologies are needed to extend into the intangible benefits. In order to balance the evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative approaches on the cost-benefit analysis new or additional utilities will be required for the next GIS generation appraisal tool.

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Nanocommunication Design in Graduate-Level Education and Research Training (대학원 수준 교육과 연구 훈련에서의 나노소통 설계)

  • Itoh, Tadashi;Akai, Hisazumi;Takeda, Seiji;Ogawa, Hisahito;Ichikawa, Satoshi;Geshi, Masaaki;Ara, Masato;Niioka, Hirohiko
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.423-431
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    • 2010
  • In order to teach the accumulated knowledge of nanoscience, nanoengineering and nanotechnology to graduate school students and young scientists with the sense of public engagement, Osaka University started from 2004 to prepare and offer various kinds of education and training programs such as trans-disciplinary graduate-school minor program, evening course refresher program, short-term international research training program, etc. It offers a series of lectures, partly broadcasted live to satellite classrooms. In addition, the students can join intensive hands-on training programs using modern facilities, allowing them to design, fabricate, measure, characterize and functionalize nanomaterials and nanodevices. In addition, there are four specially designed lectures and research training programs aimed for nanocommunication including social, legal and ethical relationship: "Nanotechnology Career-up Lectures", "Social Engagement on Nanotechnology", "Road Map Design on Nanotechnology", and "Project-Aimed Learning and Training Programs (PAL)". The outline of the whole programs is described together with the specialized programs for nanocommunication.