• Title/Summary/Keyword: Productive reflection

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A Case Study on Reflection and Practice of an Elementary School Teacher in the Process of Planning, Executing and Criticizing a Lesson on Division with Decimals (소수 나눗셈 수업의 계획, 실행, 비평 과정에서 초등교사의 성찰과 실천에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Sangmee
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.309-327
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    • 2018
  • This study is a case study of an elementary school teacher's reflection and practice in the process of planning, executing and criticizing his lesson on division with decimals. The purpose of this study was to clarify what kinds of problems an elementary school teacher was thinking about and how his focus was changing in the process of planning and executing a lesson and criticizing his lesson with his peers. The teacher was set in three periods: a teacher planning a lesson, a teacher executing a lesson, and a teacher criticizing his or her own lesson. Each period was analyzed in eight aspects: Establishing the goals for mathematics, implementing tasks, connecting mathematical representations, facilitating mathematical discourse, posing questions, building procedural fluency from conceptual understanding, supporting productive struggles, and using evidences of students' thinking.

Empirical Analysis on the Industrial Productivity in the Electricity·Gas·Water Service Sector

  • Zhu, Yan Hua;Kang, Joo Hoon;Park, Sehoon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2015
  • The early studies indicated that the firm with monopoly power is likely to engage in X-inefficiency such as a managerial slack. The reflection of the X-inefficiency theory has led to the issue that the public sector may be more inefficient than the private sector. In Korea like other many countries the electricity gas water service which can be considered as natural monopoly have been provided mostly by the public sector. In order to provide the empirical evidence to the argument that the public sector may be more inefficient than the private sector this paper estimated the four types of Solow residual which is called the total factor productivity in the electricity gas water service industry with the associated empirical model and compared its productivity with one in the manufacturing industry. The empirical results do not support the argument that the public sector may be more inefficient or less productive than the private sector.

Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Novice Secondary Science Teachers through Collaborative Reflection (초임 중등 과학교사들의 협력적 성찰을 통한 수업 전문성 발달)

  • Shin, Minkyoung;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated how collaborative reflection between novice secondary science teachers promoted the development of teaching professionalism. We intentionally selected research participants who shared sufficient rapport. Data were collected by videotaping the classes taught by participants, pre-talk, post-interviews and nine collaborative reflection processes. All data were transcribed and analyzed. Results indicated that all three teachers showed changes in teaching practice. Minyoung's practice involved a teacher-led lecture, but through collaborative reflection, she could create a learning environment to enhance students' power and ownership in her class. Emphasizing academic rigor, Soyoung used to teach content outside the scope of the curriculum, but through collaborative reflection, she became more considerate of students' understanding. Finally, in Jiyeon's classes inquiry activities and theoretical explanations were separated from each other. However, she repeated her efforts to improve her class after collaborative reflection, allowing students to construct explanations through activities. In this study, three factors that promoted the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge through collaborative reflection were identified. First, the different teaching orientations of the three teachers who participated in this study, promoted sharing of opinions through collaborative reflection. Second, reflection based on teaching practice enabled practical feedback on the class, which enhanced the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. Third, the equal status and formation of rapport between the three teachers created an environment for productive reflection. These results suggest that future teacher education programs should target communities that can promote collaborative reflection based on teachers' teaching practice.

A Study on the Development of Database for Lighting Design System (조명 설계 시스템을 위한 데이터베이스 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 조성오
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.196-203
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    • 2004
  • In The Lighting design is important to acknowledge appearance space. Development of artificial light makes a extension to life space in the Modern life. With the rapid development of efficient light sources, have lighting design acquired the tools that allow artificial lighting to be produced with adequate illuminance levels. However, by the task of defining the objectives and methods behind discipline, of deciding on the criteria by which the artificial lighting that is now provide many available data to be anpaied. The main concern is which illuminace levels and types of lighting will ensure optimum visual performance, high productive and safety at design which are affordable. This study is support to standard design process with material reflection rate, installing the lighting fixture, task illuminance level and automatic arithmetic calculation during the lighting design. Lighting Design database can check and support other final lighting level. A quantitative light that is primarily oriented toward providing a recommended illuminance level, the criterion of develop a concept that goes beyond the requirements that would ensure productivity and safety to meet the needs of the architecture and interior space. illuminance level is compose to space task and space code according to KS A 3011. To be able to design the visual effect of an environment the central reference quantity has to provided the Database.

A Study of Formative Characteristics in the Art to Wear on Constructivism - Focusing on Russian Avant-Garde Artist - (구성주의(構成主義) 예술의상(藝術衣裳)의 조형적(造形的) 특성(特性) 연구(硏究) - 러시아 아방가르드 예술가(藝術家)들의 작품(作品)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Yang, Chieu-Kyung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2001
  • Artist's creative works is accomplished in the very complicated network being in fluenced each other, getting celebrate from surround and center, and showing repetition and change. It took an important role of 1920's culture with new social and mental feature generated by revolution. It also has been influenced on an intellectual paradigm and artistic tendency. According to the feather the Art to Wear of Constructivism, at first, design as absolution of folk art in Russia prior to the concept is coming up to systematic design and useful article's performance. Courageous arrangement of color and rhythm is unique. The second is a tendency clothing design of productirism. It is connected with material culture and artists insisted creature of productive material that is a essential in life than Arts in museum. The third, tendency clothing design of minimalism emphasis functional aspect that is produced industrial aesthetics. The examples are simply designed and functional cloths for sorking uniform. This thesis is studied about clothing and textiles of major artists, formative property, and international reflection from October revolution in 1917 that is strengthen a system by introducing a new economic policy to a five year plan.

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A Study on a Framework to Achieve the Sustainability of Apparel Brands (의류 브랜드의 지속가능성 실천을 위한 프레임워크 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Syn, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.60 no.9
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    • pp.136-149
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    • 2010
  • One of the most important objectives that apparel company will pursue in 21 century is to achieve the critical factors of the sustainability. The concept of sustainability is to meet the demands for the valuable life of contemporary generation and to satisfy the desires for preservation of the species and the productive life of future generation by protecting the earth environment from the waste and pollution and by developing and maintaining harmoniously main economical, social, environmental and cultural factors. The practice of sustainability was focused only on the environmental factors in past. Now, the effective and efficient practice of sustainability should be fulfilled and executed in social factors of the responsibility company has, in economical factors and in the cultural factors that is the critical in fashion industry. The purpose of the study is to develop the practical framework consisting of four sustainable factors which apparel brand should refer and apply to the practice of sustainability. By executing the practical factors of the frameworks, apparel company can take a lot of advantages. By practicing the environmental factors, company can get Eco-efficiency. Apparel company can take the social responsibility by performing social sustainable factors, can make economical quality growth by fulfilling economical sustainable factors, and can understand cultural diversity by executing cultural sustainable factors. As one of the most important preparation in 21 century industry, the apparel brand should have an interest in and require the practical management of sustainability, objective setting and practice of brand unit, reflection on the sustainability in brand planning.

Exploring the Role of Collaborative Reflection in Small Group Argumentation: Focus on Students' Epistemic Considerations and Practices (소집단 논변 활동에서 협력적 성찰의 역할 탐색 -학생들의 인식적 고려와 실행을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Hanbit;Ha, Heesoo;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to explore students' epistemic practices and considerations, which are explained as underlying epistemic thoughts that guide their epistemic practices, during argumentation in science classrooms. We also investigated how collaborative reflection facilitated the development of such epistemic considerations. Two seventh-grade classes participated in this study by engaging in argumentation activities and collaborative reflection after classes. A group with students' change in epistemic aspects and the influence of collaborative reflection clearly revealed from their practices was chosen as a focus group. We recorded their class discussions and collaborative reflections with the researchers. Transcriptions of the recordings and checklists we collected during the collaborative reflections were used for analysis. Results showed evident changes in the students' epistemic considerations and practices and four factors facilitating such developments were identified. First, the researcher facilitating the students to recognize each other as collaborators during collaborative reflection led development of epistemic considerations on "audience using the knowledge products." Second, the collaborative reflection facilitated construction of context for peer interactions where the students encouraged each other to participate in the discussion, resulting in the development of other students' epistemic considerations on "justifications in knowledge products." Third, the items provided on the checklists explicitly delineated expectations on their practices in argumentation, also facilitating development of epistemic considerations. Lastly, the students' imitation of the researcher's pattern of discourse facilitated construction of causal explanation and development of epistemic considerations on "nature of the knowledge products." This study will contribute to the construction of strategies that develop students' epistemic considerations and productive epistemic practices in argumentation.

A Study on the Street Facilities for the Sustainability Improvement of the Coastal Street - Focused on the Street Facilities around Jeju Island Beach - (해안 가로의 지속가능성 향상을 위한 가로 시설물 연구 - 제주도 해수욕장 주변 가로시설물을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ja Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.42-56
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    • 2017
  • In Korea, which has three sides of the sea, various waterfront spaces are being developed and developed along with various coastal landscapes. However, there are a lot of cases that do not consider the regional characteristic of the coast or the characteristic of the coastal landscape. In many cases, the street facilities cause the landscape degradation and the use inconvenience because of incongruity with the scenery, aging and lax management. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect the specificity of the coastal landscape in planning and directing the street facilities, harmonizing with the surrounding natural environment, and consideration of sustainability. However, there is no research or planning index for sustainable street facilities considering the coastal characteristics. Therefore, this study suggests plan elements to improve the sustainability of the street facilities on the shore and proposes them as basic plan elements, and suggests what kind of improvements should be made to improve the sustainability of coastal facilities in Korea. Based on the plan elements derived from the plan, we checked the problems and complementary points of coastal street facilities in Korea by analyzing the current status of the street facilities around the Jeju Island beach from a sustainable point of view, and suggested plan indicators that should be supplemented to improve sustainability. We surveyed the street facilities such as walkway blocks, benches, pagoda, drinking fountain, trash cans, bicycle shelters, fences, guide maps, streetlights, and shower rooms in 10 beaches in Jeju Island. This study analyzed the sustainability characteristics of the each factor of these facilities by surveying the reflectivity of the 23 plan indicators from the six aspects derived from the sustainability planning factor as conformity, partial reflection, non - reflection, and nonconformity. The results of the analysis showed that the functional aspect was the highest with 68.3%, the material aspect (53%), the landscape aspect (22.3%), the productive aspect (14.7%) and the morphological aspect (12.2%), and maintenance / management (10.6%). In addition, the facilities with the lowest fitness in each aspect are bicycle shelter in landscape aspect, bicycle storage box and trash can in form aspect, shower room in material aspect, trash can in functional aspect, showroom, guide maps and drinking fountain in product aspect, showroom In maintenance aspect. In order to improve the sustainability of coastal facilities in the future, it is necessary to complement the administrative and landscape aspects. In coastal facilities, it is necessary to consider the sustainability planning index, especially for showers, taking into account the specificity of beaches. Consideration should be given to various aspects of sustainability for bike shelters and trash facilities. Through this study, we have proposed the plan elements to systematize, supplement, and improve the planning index for sustainability improvement in coastal facilities planning.

A Study on The Textuality and Reader′s Interpretation mentioned in The AD - especially on innisfree advertisement- (광고에 나타난 텍스트성과 수용자 해석에 관한 연구 - 이니스프리 광고를 중심으로 -)

  • 김민수
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and understand decoding process of the Advertising - text to users a various aspects of semiotic approaches. Further more, through this study, show the sign- structures of the ad-text. For this purpose this study has chosen about the AD of publication of constant period that explore the variable characteristics, access the audience's meaning - structures. Through this analysis , grasp the point of internal and external linked structures. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; ㆍ The AD were applied using the transformational signifier of sign-system rather than the reflection of life's quality and products itself. Moreover to show itself meaning, the ad should do selection of transformation of thought than information-oriented. ㆍ The AD-text can be produced its productive efforts as well as decoding process of audience through various linked channel. Association, structured linking, audience's decoding, thematic structures are very important points in order to read the AD.

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Problems of Teaching Pupils of Non-Specialized Classes to Program and Ways to Overcome Them: Local Study

  • Rudenko, Yuliya;Drushlyak, Marina;Osmuk, Nataliia;Shvets, Olha
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2022
  • The development and spread of IT-technologies has raised interest in teaching programming pupils. The article deals with problems related to programming and ways to overcome them. The importance of programming skills is emphasized, as this process promotes the formation of algorithmic thinking of pupils. The authors determined the level of pupils' interest to programing learning depending on the age. The analysis has showed that the natural interest of younger pupils in programming is decreasing over the years and in the most productive period of its study is minimized. It is revealed that senior school pupils are characterized by low level of interest in the study of programming; lack of motivation; the presence of psychological blocks on their own abilities in the context of programming; law level of computer science understanding. To overcome these problems, we conducted the second stage of the experiment, which was based on a change in the approach to programing learning, which involved pupils of non-specialized classes of senior school (experimental group). During the study of programming, special attention was paid to the motivational and psychological component, as well as the use of game technologies and teamwork of pupils. The results of the pedagogical experiment on studying the effectiveness of teaching programming for pupils of nonspecialized classes are presented. Improvement of the results provided the use of social and cognitive motives; application of verbal and non-verbal, external and internal means; communicative attacks; stimulation and psychological setting; game techniques, independent work and reflection, teamwork. The positive effect of the implemented methods is shown by the results verified by the methods of mathematical statistics in the experimental and control groups of pupils.