• Title/Summary/Keyword: Processing Map

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A Watermarking Scheme for Shapefile-Based GIS Digital Map Using Polyline Perimeter Distribution

  • Huo, Xiao-Jiao;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Seong-Geun;Moon, Kwan-Seok;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.595-606
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a robust watermarking scheme for GIS digital map by using the geometric properties of polyline and polygon, which are the fundamental components in vector data structure. In the proposed scheme, we calculate the lengths and the perimeters of all polylines and polygons in a map and cluster them to a number of groups. Then we embed the binary watermark by changing the mean of lengths and perimeters in an embedding group. For improving the safety and robustness, we permute the binary watermark through PRNS(pseudo-random number sequence) processing and embed it repeatedly in a model. Experimental results verified that our scheme has a good invisibility, safety and robustness to various geometric attacks and also our scheme needs not the original map in the extracting process of watermark.

Parallel Processing of Satellite Images using CUDA Library: Focused on NDVI Calculation (CUDA 라이브러리를 이용한 위성영상 병렬처리 : NDVI 연산을 중심으로)

  • LEE, Kang-Hun;JO, Myung-Hee;LEE, Won-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2016
  • Remote sensing allows acquisition of information across a large area without contacting objects, and has thus been rapidly developed by application to different areas. Thus, with the development of remote sensing, satellites are able to rapidly advance in terms of their image resolution. As a result, satellites that use remote sensing have been applied to conduct research across many areas of the world. However, while research on remote sensing is being implemented across various areas, research on data processing is presently insufficient; that is, as satellite resources are further developed, data processing continues to lag behind. Accordingly, this paper discusses plans to maximize the performance of satellite image processing by utilizing the CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture) Library of NVIDIA, a parallel processing technique. The discussion in this paper proceeds as follows. First, standard KOMPSAT(Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite) images of various sizes are subdivided into five types. NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is implemented to the subdivided images. Next, ArcMap and the two techniques, each based on CPU or GPU, are used to implement NDVI. The histograms of each image are then compared after each implementation to analyze the different processing speeds when using CPU and GPU. The results indicate that both the CPU version and GPU version images are equal with the ArcMap images, and after the histogram comparison, the NDVI code was correctly implemented. In terms of the processing speed, GPU showed 5 times faster results than CPU. Accordingly, this research shows that a parallel processing technique using CUDA Library can enhance the data processing speed of satellites images, and that this data processing benefits from multiple advanced remote sensing techniques as compared to a simple pixel computation like NDVI.

MRQUTER : A Parallel Qualitative Temporal Reasoner Using MapReduce Framework (MRQUTER: MapReduce 프레임워크를 이용한 병렬 정성 시간 추론기)

  • Kim, Jonghoon;Kim, Incheol
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2016
  • In order to meet rapid changes of Web information, it is necessary to extend the current Web technologies to represent both the valid time and location of each fact and knowledge, and reason their relationships. Until recently, many researches on qualitative temporal reasoning have been conducted in laboratory-scale, dealing with small knowledge bases. However, in this paper, we propose the design and implementation of a parallel qualitative temporal reasoner, MRQUTER, which can make reasoning over Web-scale large knowledge bases. This parallel temporal reasoner was built on a Hadoop cluster system using the MapReduce parallel programming framework. It decomposes the entire qualitative temporal reasoning process into several MapReduce jobs such as the encoding and decoding job, the inverse and equal reasoning job, the transitive reasoning job, the refining job, and applies some optimization techniques into each component reasoning job implemented with a pair of Map and Reduce functions. Through experiments using large benchmarking temporal knowledge bases, MRQUTER shows high reasoning performance and scalability.

The Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Addition of Rosemary Extract, Sodium Acetate and Calcium Lactate Mixture on the Quality of Pre-cooked Hamburger Patties during Refrigerated Storage

  • Muhlisin, Muhlisin;Kang, Sun Moon;Choi, Won Hee;Lee, Keun Taik;Cheong, Sung Hee;Lee, Sung Ki
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.134-142
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    • 2013
  • The effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP; 30% $CO_2$+70% $N_2$ or 100% $N_2$) and an additive mixture (500 ppm rosemary extract, 3,000 ppm sodium acetate and 1,500 ppm calcium lactate) on the quality of pre-cooked hamburger patties during storage at $5^{\circ}C$ for 14 d was evaluated. The addition of the additive mixture reduced aerobic and anaerobic bacteria counts in both 30% $CO_2$-MAP (30% $CO_2$+70% $N_2$) and 100% $N_2$-MAP (p<0.05). The 30% $CO_2$-MAP was more effective to suppress the microbial growth than 100% $N_2$-MAP, moreover the 30% $CO_2$-MAP combined with additive mixture resulted in the lowest bacterial counts. The hamburger patties with additive mixture showed lower CIE $L^*$ and CIE $a^*$, and higher CIE $b^*$ than those with no additive mixture. The 30% $CO_2$-MAP tended to decrease the TBARS during storage regardless of the addition of additives. The use of 30% $CO_2$-MAP in combination with additives mixture was effective for maintaining the quality and extending the shelf-life of pre-cooked hamburger patties.

Design and Implementation of Object Reusing Methods for Mobile Vector Map Services (모바일 벡터 지도 서비스를 위한 객체 재사용 기법의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Jin-Deog;Choi, Jin-Oh
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.3
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 2003
  • Although the reuse of the cached data for scrolling the map reduces the amount of passed data between client and server, it needs the conversions of data coordinates, selective deletion of objects, cache compaction and object structuring step in the clients. The conversion is a time- intensive operation due to limited resources of mobile phones such as low computing power, small memory. Therefore, in order to control the map efficiently in the vector map service based mobile phones, it is necessary to study the methods which reuse cached objects for reducing wireless network bandwidth and overwhelming the limited resources of mobile phones as well. This paper proposes the methods of reusing pre-received spatial objects for map control in the mobile vector map service system based on client-server architecture. The experiments conducted on the Web GIS systems with real data show that the proposed method is appropriate to map services for mobile phone. We also analyze the advantages and drawbacks between the reuse of cached data and transmission of raw data respectively.

The Procedure for Improving Structural Methodology or Information engineering Methodology (구조적 또는 정보공학 소프트웨어 개발 방법론 개선 절차)

  • Jung, Byung-Kwon;Yoon, Seok-Min
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.6
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    • pp.1083-1090
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    • 2002
  • The software development methodology has not caught up with the rapid change of information technology. Most of the software development projects use structural methodology or information engineering methodology. If established software development methodologies don't reflect technologies applied to the project, the project may be performed ineffectively. This paper describes a model in which we can apply a new information technology to an already existed structural methodology or information engineering methodology. This model uses the technique of the divide and conquer that software development life cycle is divided into phases, each phase is divided into viewpoint- areas and the software development processes of a new information technology are applied to each small area. By using the design phase this paper shows application example, in which I applied web-based development processes to CS@RoadMap Methodology of KCC Information & Communication, a system provider in Korea. The CS@RoadMap Methodology reflecting the Web technology, Web@RoadMap Methodology, has been applied to the public-domain projects.

Design of Framework for Implementation of the New Paradigm Map (신 패러다임 맵 구현을 위한 프레임워크 설계)

  • Kim, Sun-Woo;Yang, Kwang-Ho;Park, Ki-Shik;Park, Ju-Young;Ra, In-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, We propose the futuristic map using variety technology of advanced ICT-based. The futuristic maps are expected to developed into a new format of user participation to express the results in various formats through the understanding and interpretation of the facts and phenomena of tangible and intangible that exist in the real world. In the future, the map is expected to be developed into form of a new paradigm map made in real time that economy, industry, the collection of information necessary for everyday life, processing, usage, analysis, distribution and sharing. In this paper, we provide a real-time personalized contents to digitize the information of the real space based on the concept of map, databases, spatial analysis and describes the key technologies that characterized by the representation of time-series data by analyzing and prediction every field macro phenomena of society, economy, culture and etc. And we establish the concepts of the 'New Paradigm Map' for future creative economy.

Automatic Recognition of Local Wrinkles in Textile Using Block Matching Algorithm (블록 정합을 이용한 국부적인 직물 구김 인식)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Jin;Kim, Eun-Jin;Lee, Il-Byeong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.3165-3177
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    • 1999
  • With the recent outstanding advance in computer software and hardware, a number of researches to enhance the manufacturing speed and the process accuracy has been undertaken in many fields of textile industry. Frequently issued problems of automatic recognition of textile wrinkles in a grey scale image are as follows. First, changes in grey level intensity of wrinkles are so minute. Second, as both colors and patterns in a grey scale image appear in grey level intensity, it is difficult to sort out the wrinkle information only. Third, it is also difficult to distinguish grey level intensity changed by wrinkles from those by uneven illumination. This paper suggests a method of automatic recognition of textile wrinkles that can solve above problems concerned with wrinkles, which can be raised in a manufacturing process as one of errors. In this paper, we first make the outline of wrinkles distinctly, apply the block matching algorithm used in motion estimation, and then estimate block locations of target images corresponding to blocks of standard images with the assumption that wrinkles are kind of textile distortions caused by directional forces. We plot a "wrinkle map" considering distances between wrinkles as depths of wrinkles. But because mismatch can occur by different illumination intensity and changes in tensions and directions of the force, there are also undesirable patterns in the map. Post processing is needed to filter them out and get wrinkles information only. We use average grey level intensity of wrinkle map to recognize wrinkles. When it comes to textile with colors and patterns, previous researches on wrinkles in grey scale image hasn't been successful. But we make it possible by considering wrinkles as distortion.istortion.

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Design of a Spatial Filtering Neural Network for Extracting Map Symbols (공간필터를 이용한 지도기소 추출 신경회로망의 구성)

  • Gang, Ik-Tae;Kim, Uk-Hyeon;Kim, Gyeong-Ha;Kim, Yeong-Il;Lee, Geon-Gi
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, a neural network architecture which can extract map symbols by being based on the results of physiological and neuropsychological studies on pattern recognition is proposed. This network is composed of multi-layers and synaptic activities of combining layers are implemented by spatial filters which approximate receptive fields of optic nerve cells. In pattern recognition which is followed by color classification for extracting of map symbols from input image, this network is searching for candidatepoints in lower layers (layer 2, 3) by using local features such as lines and end-points and then processing symbols recognition on those points in upper layer(layer 4) by using global features.

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