• Title/Summary/Keyword: Process Development and Design

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Design and Implementation of a Main Memory Index based on the R-tree for Moving Object Databases (이동체 데이터베이스를 위한 R-tree 기반 메인 메모리 색인의 설계 및 구현)

  • Ahn, Sung-Woo;An, Kyoung-Hwan;Lee, Chaug-Woo;Hong, Bong-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.8 no.2 s.17
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the need for Location-Based Services (LBS) has increased due to the development of mobile devices, such as PDAs, cellular phones and GPS. As a moving object database that stores and manages the positions of moving objects is the core technology of LBS, the scheme for maintaining the main memory DBMS to the server is necessary to store and process frequent reported positions of moving objects efficiently. However, previous works on a moving object database have studied mostly a disk based moving object index that is not guaranteed to work efficiently in the main memory DBMS because these indexes did not consider characteristics of the main memory. It is necessary to study the main memory index scheme for a moving object database. In this paper, we propose the main memory index scheme based on the R-tree for storing and processing positions of moving objects efficiently in the main memory DBMS. The proposed index scheme, which uses a growing node structure, prevents the splitting cost from increasing by delaying the node splitting when a node overflows. The proposed scheme also improves the search performance by using a MergeAndSplit policy for reducing overlaps between nodes and a LargeDomainNodeSplit policy for reducing a ratio of a domain size occupied by node's MBRs. Our experiments show that the proposed index scheme outperforms the existing index scheme on the maximum 30% for range queries.

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A Study on Development of a Curriculum for Teachers in Culture & Art Education: Focused on Cartoon & Animation Courses (문화예술교육을 위한 교사차원 교육과정 개발과정 연구 -만화 애니메이션 과목을 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoo Shin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.43
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    • pp.387-433
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    • 2016
  • The ability to develop curriculums is a crucial factor in evaluating the expertise of a teacher who teaches culture & art education. Establishing a one-year plan for classes is an effort to create a well-designed curriculum for the year and also to foresee the big picture of classes in the corresponding year. A curriculum should not be composed of merely educational content or a series of knowledge and skills. It should be well-designed, based on principles of a coherent plan. This study examines organizational principles on which common curriculums are based on and looks at how a curriculum can be designed, especially for cartoon & animation classes, as part of Culture & Art education, and which factors should be considered in planning. In the process of forming such a curriculum, these steps should be followed: considering educational standards for cartoon animation classes; determining the learning experience, organizing the learning experience; and, lastly, evaluating the level of learning. In addition, effective teaching strategies that reflect the characteristics of a class on cartoon animation should be formulated. This study suggests actual examples of an effective annual curriculum for cartoon animation classes based on all the factors presented above.

The Development and Effects of STEAM Programs based on Engineering for Young Children (유아를 위한 공학중심 융합인재교육(E-STEAM)프로그램의 개발 및 효과)

  • Lee, Suki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.211-225
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the E-STEAM program emphasizing the engineering design process and apply them to young children to examine their effects on scientific problem-solving ability and communication ability. In order to develop the E-STEAM program, activities were organized by reviewing previous studies and websites related to STEAM and engineering education. The organized activities were selected as final activities after consulting with experts. To examine the effectiveness of the program, 50 subjects(experimental group: 25, control group:25) participated in K kindergarten in G city. The experimental group took part in the E-STEAM activities during 7 weeks, while the control group took part in the traditional science activities. The procedure for this study consisted of a pre-study, a pre-test, the treatment, and a post-test schedule. The results of this study were as follows: First, the experimental group showed significantly higher score than the control group in total problem-solving ability. Second, the experimental group showed significantly higher score than the control group in total communication ability. These findings suggest that the experience of E-STEAM activities for young children can be effective teaching-learning methods for young children's problem solving ability and communication ability.

An Index Structure for Substructure Searching In Chemical Databases (화학 데이타베이스에서 부분구조 검색을 위한 인덱스 구조)

  • Lee Hwangu;Cha Jaehyuk
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.641-649
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    • 2004
  • The relationship between chemical structures and biological activities is researched briskly in the area of 'Medicinal Chemistry' At the base of these structure-based drug design tries, medicinal chemists search the existing drugs of similar chemical structure to target drug for the development of a new drug. Therefore, it is such necessary that an automatic system selects drug files that have a set of chemical moieties matching a user-defined query moiety. Substructure searching is the process of identifying a set of chemical moieties that match a specific query moiety. Testing for substructure searching was developed in the late 1950s. In graph theoretical terms, this problem corresponds to determining which graphs in a set are subgraph isomorphic to a specified query moiety. Testing for subgraph isomorphism has been proved, in the general case, to be an NP- complete problem. For the purpose of overcoming this difficulty, there were computational approaches. On the 1990s, a US patent has been granted on an atom-centered indexing scheme, used by the RS3 system; this has the virtue that the indexes generated can be searched by direct text comparison. This system is commercially used(http://www.acelrys.com/rs3). We define the RS3 system's drawback and present a new indexing scheme. The RS3 system treats substructure searching with substring matching by means of expressing chemical structure aspredefined strings. However, it has insufficient 'rerall' and 'precision‘ because it is impossible to index structures uniquely for same atom and same bond. To resolve this problem, we make the minimum-cost- spanning tree for one centered atom and describe a structure with paths per levels. Expressing 2D chemical structure into 1D a string has limit. Therefore, we break 2D chemical structure into 1D structure fragments. We present in this paper a new index technique to improve recall and precision surprisingly.

Development of an Edge-based Point Correlation Algorithm Avoiding Full Point Search in Visual Inspection System (전탐색 회피에 의한 고속 에지기반 점 상관 알고리즘의 개발)

  • Kang, Dong-Joong;Kim, Mun-Jo;Kim, Min-Sung;Lee, Eung-Joo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.3
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2004
  • For visual inspection system in real industrial environment, it is one of most important tasks to design fast and stable pattern matching algorithm. This paper presents an edge-based point correlation algorithm avoiding full search in visual inspection system. Conventional algorithms based on NGC(normalized gray-level correlation) have to overcome some difficulties for applying to automated inspection system in factory environment. First of all, NGC algorithms need high time complexity and thus high performance hardware to satisfy real-time process. In addition, lighting condition in realistic factory environments if not stable and therefore intensity variation from uncontrolled lights gives many roubles for applying directly NGC as pattern matching algorithm in this paper, we propose an algorithm to solve these problems from using thinned and binarized edge data and skipping full point search with edge-map analysis. A point correlation algorithm with the thinned edges is introduced with image pyramid technique to reduce the time complexity. Matching edges instead of using original gray-level pixel data overcomes NGC problems and pyramid of edges also provides fast and stable processing. All proposed methods are preyed from experiments using real images.

UX Design Proposal for Educational Software Service Middle-aged and Elderly (중·고령층 키오스크 교육용 소프트웨어 서비스를 위한 UX 디자인)

  • Yoon, Yea-Jin;Ha, Kwang-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2021
  • The transition into a digital society has been accelerated in many aspects of our everyday social activities, and thereby, the unmanned order and payment system via kiosk has already has been seen commonly throughout the social community. Yet, the majority of the mid-to-elderly population have been experiencing difficulties utilizing this newly emerged unmanned system, resulting in the emergence of digital alienation among those age groups. In regard to this phenomenon, this study is intended to explore ways to improve the digital divide concerning the issues related to the unmanned order payment kiosks. In this process, the study involved close examination of various research perspectives on improving the digital divide and proceeded with the focus on both empirical and literature research on providing education on kiosk utilization. In addition, the study identified the limitations to the current kiosk education and proposed improved kiosk-education software UX that may help curtail the limitations. Through this, one was able to identify areas in which the efficacy of the education applied in kiosk usage and derived new measures that could improve the system. One anticipates having the results of this study put to use as research materials on educational service development to expand the opportunities of kiosk education for those mid-to-elderly age groups who experience a day-to-day digital alienation.

Development of Virtual Makeup Tool based on Mobile Augmented Reality

  • Song, Mi-Young;Kim, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2021
  • In this study, an augmented reality-based make-up tool was built to analyze the user's face shape based on face-type reference model data and to provide virtual makeup by providing face-type makeup. To analyze the face shape, first recognize the face from the image captured by the camera, then extract the features of the face contour area and use them as analysis properties. Next, the feature points of the extracted face contour area are normalized to compare with the contour area characteristics of each face reference model data. Face shape is predicted and analyzed using the distance difference between the feature points of the normalized contour area and the feature points of the each face-type reference model data. In augmented reality-based virtual makeup, in the image input from the camera, the face is recognized in real time to extract the features of each area of the face. Through the face-type analysis process, you can check the results of virtual makeup by providing makeup that matches the analyzed face shape. Through the proposed system, We expect cosmetics consumers to check the makeup design that suits them and have a convenient and impact on their decision to purchase cosmetics. It will also help you create an attractive self-image by applying facial makeup to your virtual self.

A Study on the Analysis of Virus Barrier Materials in a Chest X-ray Laboratory to Respiratory and Droplet Infections Only Patients (호흡기 및 비말감염 환자 전용 흉부 X-선 검사실의 바이러스 차단제 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Ju;Lee, Jun-Ho;Choi, Kwan-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2022
  • In this study, envisioned a laboratory equipped with virus blocking equipment for chest X-ray examinations of respiratory or droplet-transmitted virus-infected patients, and the material with the least deterioration in X-ray output and image quality among the proven blocking materials that block viruses in the design process. and experimented to find the thickness. As a result, when 1 cm of acrylic was applied, the X-ray output was reduced by only about 3.27 % compared to the absence of the barrier material, the SNR was 40.7 and CNR was 30.9, which was the best. The SSIM index result was analyzed as 0.891, which was analyzed to be implemented as the most similar image compared to the original image. The barrier material applied in the research method was objective in that it used a product approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. the results of this study are expected to provide useful information when installing X-ray examination facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory-related virus-infected patients in the future.

A Study for the Evaluation of Container Modules; The Technology of Korean Container Tree Production Model (한국형 컨테이너 조경수 생산기술로서 컨테이너 모듈의 성능 평가)

  • Jung, Yong-Jo;Lim, Byung-Eul;Oh, Jang-keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2016
  • In landscape design by public institutions, although the costs and species of landscape trees stipulated by the Korean Public Procurement Service(PPS) are generally adhered to, the PPS regulations about planting trees with well-developed rootlets are almost entirely neglected. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of buried container modules, which are a new technology and product in landscape production that is able to reduce the defect rate while complying with regulations. To this end, this study measured rootlet density, rootlet development length, rootlet survival rate on excavation, and impairments of tree growth for 3 months after root pruning, and compared these variables for the container modules with those for trees that underwent root pruning in bare ground, and those that were cultivated in a container above ground. The results were as follows: First, the rootlet density was 88% for the trees in container modules, which was very high. Trees that underwent standard root pruning in bare ground had a somewhat lower density of 64%. Meanwhile, the trees that were cultivated in pots above ground died, invalidating measurement. Second, in terms of rootlet development and rootlet survival rate, the trees in container modules showed a mean length of 10.4cm, and 100% survival rate, indicating that there was no rootlet damage caused by excavation. For the trees that only underwent root pruning in bare ground, the mean length was 25.6cm and the rootlet survival rate was only half that of the trees in container modules, at 56%, demonstrating considerable damage. Rootlet development did not occur at all in the trees grown in pots. Third, the trees in container modules and those that underwent root pruning in bare ground did not show any deaths during the root pruning process, or any impairments such as stunted leaf growth. Conversely, the trees grown in pots nearly all died, and severe impairments of tree growth were observed. As shown by the results above, when we evaluated the performance of buried container modules, they showed the most outstanding performance of the three models tested in this study. The container modules prevent defects by stimulating early rooting in environments that with poor conditions for growth, or in trees that are not suited to the summer environment Therefore, it is expected that they would be an optimal means by which to enable compliance with rules such as the regulation presented by the PPS.

A Study on the Size of Buildings for Utilizing the Limit Slenderness Ratio Approximation Equation of Outrigger Structural System (아웃리거 구조시스템의 한계세장비 근사식 활용을 위한 건물규모에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Jae-Kwang;Choi, Hyun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2019
  • To construct buildings on limited land, the size of the building is important. The development process needs to be minimized because determining the size of a structurally safe building at the planning stage incurs considerable time and cost. This study proposes the Limit Slenderness Ratio Approximation Equation. This study examined an outrigger structure system among several systems proposed for controlling the lateral displacement in tall buildings. This study compared the Limit Slenderness Ratio Approximation Equation with the approximate equation by changing the variables of the building model, and examined the size of the building using the approximate Equation. As an analysis program, the MAIDAS architectural structural analysis program was used to conduct model-specific analysis. The appropriate scale of the building to minimize the error between the approximate value calculated by the Limit Slenderness Ratio Approximation Equation and the analysis result of the structural analysis program is as follows. As the number of outrigger installation increases, the error can be reduced; the ratio of the cores is reasonable, from 20% to 30%, and the arrangement of the column is suitable only for the outer column without an internal column.