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A Study on Development of a Curriculum for Teachers in Culture & Art Education: Focused on Cartoon & Animation Courses  

Park, Yoo Shin (서울석관초등학교)
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2016 , pp. 387-433 More about this Journal
The ability to develop curriculums is a crucial factor in evaluating the expertise of a teacher who teaches culture & art education. Establishing a one-year plan for classes is an effort to create a well-designed curriculum for the year and also to foresee the big picture of classes in the corresponding year. A curriculum should not be composed of merely educational content or a series of knowledge and skills. It should be well-designed, based on principles of a coherent plan. This study examines organizational principles on which common curriculums are based on and looks at how a curriculum can be designed, especially for cartoon & animation classes, as part of Culture & Art education, and which factors should be considered in planning. In the process of forming such a curriculum, these steps should be followed: considering educational standards for cartoon animation classes; determining the learning experience, organizing the learning experience; and, lastly, evaluating the level of learning. In addition, effective teaching strategies that reflect the characteristics of a class on cartoon animation should be formulated. This study suggests actual examples of an effective annual curriculum for cartoon animation classes based on all the factors presented above.
Cartoon & Animation Education; Culture & Art Education; Curriculum Developement; Backward Design; Artist Teacher;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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