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Effects of Economic Strain and Family Conflict on Children's Adjustment : Focused on Interaction Effects of Children's Stress and Coping Strategies (경제적 곤란과 가족갈등이 아동의 적응에 미치는 영향: 아동의 스트레스와 스트레스 대처방식의 상호작용을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Hye-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.133-164
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    • 2005
  • This study examined the effects of children's perceived stress of economic strain, resulting family conflict, and stress coping strategies on their adjustment. Dimensions of children's adjustment studied in this research were problem behaviors (aggression, delinquency, withdrawal and anxiety depression) and school adjustment. Interaction effects between children's stress variables and coping strategies on the adjustment were also explored. 1,115 fifth to eighth graders from Chungbuk regions participated in self-administered structured questionnaires. Data were processed with SPSS PC 10.0 statistical package. Results were: First, the level of children's problem behaviors and school adjustment indicated differences according to their academic achievement, gender, and their age. Middle schoolers with rather low grade average reported higher level of aggression, delinquency, withdrawal and that of depression/anxiety. Boys tended to be more prone to external problems while girls to internal problems. Second, stresses originated from children's perceived economic strain and family conflicts showed consistent meaningful explanatory power on adjustment. Boys' adjustment was influenced by stress from economic strain and family conflict while girls by family conflict and academic achievements. The support seeking coping strategy among others was the most popularly employed coping strategy of children followed by aggressive coping strategy. In boys' cases, interaction effects of stress and coping strategies were significant in all of the adjustment variables, the more frequent the use of support seeking coping strategies, the lower the problem behavior, while interaction effect of family conflict stress and support seeking coping strategies played the opposite significant role in girls' cases. Further research efforts are required. Research results suggest; when developing a program facilitating children's adjustment, training on stress coping strategies should be considered as a potent new arena of interest.

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Effect of Sexual Attitude and Sexual Desire of Aged People in the Institution on Coping Behavior Toward Sex (시설노인의 성태도, 성욕구가 성 대처행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Yoo-Ho;Kim, Youn-Jeong;Kim, Yong-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.226-236
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    • 2010
  • This study attempted to identify the effect of senescent sexual attitude and desire of 352 aged people living in institutions on coping behavior. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows: Firstly, the negative sexual attitude was higher than the positive one of the aged people, the subjects of this study, and their sexual desire and coping behavior showed a low level, falling short of the median. Secondly, as for the positive sexual attitude of aged people in the institution, the point of sexual attitude of those under age 65 appeared high. As for the negative attitude, the point was higher among those over 89 in age, that of the group who graduated from elementary and middle schools was also high, showing a U-turn curve in the order of those with an academic background of high school and above and those with no academic background. Thirdly, as for sex drive, the point of sexual attitude of those under age 65 appeared high in cases where persons engaged in the institution look at the relationship between aged men and women as good and in cases where aged people in the institution see the relationship among their fellow aged people as good. As for the desire for sexual relationship, the lower their ages were, their points were higher; and in terms of academic background, the highest were those with none, followed by those who graduated from high school and above and by those who did from elementary and middle schools, showing a U-turn curve. Fourthly, as for the problem-focused coping behavior of aged people in the institution with respect to coping behavior toward the sex, the lower their ages were lower, the higher their points were, and the points were also high in cases where persons engaged in the institution look at the relationship between aged men and women as good and in cases where aged people in the institution see the relationship among their fellow aged people as good. As for the problem-evading coping measure, the points for men at age between 66 and 75 appeared high in cases where persons. Fifthly, the higher the positive sexual attitude of aged people in the institution was, the lower their negative sexual attitude was while the higher the sex drive and the desire for sexual relationship were; and they were shown to do problem-focused coping behavior and problem-evading coping behavior well. Sixthly, the more positive their sexual attitude was, the higher the sex drive and the desire for sexual relationship were, the better they were shown to do problem-focused coping behavior

The Major Factors Influencing Technostress and the Effects of Technostress on Usage Intention of Mobile Devices in the Organization Context (조직 내에서 테크노스트레스에 영향을 미치는 요인 및 테크노스트레스가 조직 내 스마트 기기 활용에 미치는 영향)

  • Seil Hong;Byoungsoo Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-74
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    • 2017
  • The development of smart devices has affected employees' working environments and their lives. However, using smart devices is causing employees to experience technostress. This study aims to investigate the effects of technostress in using smart devices on usage intention in an organization. Moreover, the study investigates the effect of employees' stress-coping methods on the intention to use smart devices. This study posits familiarity, use innovativeness, role ambiguity, system vulnerability, technological limitation, and ubiquity as the antecedents of technostress. Data collected from 317 users who have experience in using smart devices in organizations are empirically tested against a research model using the PLS graph. Analysis results show that role ambiguity, system vulnerability, and technological limitation significantly influence technostress. Moreover, users take up emotion-focused coping behaviors because of technostress. Emotion-focused coping behaviors affect usage intention in organizations. However, technostress and problem-focused coping behaviors do not directly affect usage intention in organizations.

Ways of Coping and Health-Related Hardiness in University Students (대학생의 스트레스 대처방식과 강인성)

  • Kim, Nam-Sun;Kwon, MI-Kyung;Kim, Hye-Won;Lee, Kyu-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this descriptive study was to explain the relationship between ways of coping and health-related hardiness in university students at G city. Method: The participants were a convenience sample of 250 students. The data were collected by a questionnaire given to the students between June 1 to June 10, 2006. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Results: The most frequently used method of coping was pursuit of social support. The mean score for level of health-related hardiness was 3.34±0.55. There were significant differences in ways of coping according to satisfaction with college life (F=4.036, p=.008). There were significant differences in health-related hardiness according to smoking or not (F=6.237, p=.002). There were positive correlation between problem focused coping and hardiness (r=.357, p=.000), between social support and hardiness (r=.345, p=.000), between hope seeking thought and hardiness (r=.247, p=.000). In regression analysis, ways of coping was significantly influenced by hardiness(16.6%). Conclusion: The results suggest that programs for strengthening hardiness can be considered as significant nursing interventions for helping university students cope with stress.

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Coping Strategies Utilized in the Caregiving Situation and Predictors of Health Responses among Informal Caregivers of Older Adults (노인대상자를 돌보는 비전문 간호제공자의 대응기전과 건강반응 예측요인)

  • Lee, Hae-Jung;Song, Rha-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.893-904
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    • 2000
  • The sample of this study consisted of 140 informal caregivers who provided care to the older adults(over 60 years of age) in Great Cleveland, USA. Self-rated questionnaires were utilized to collect information. The purpose of the study was to identify coping strategies most frequently utilized by informal caregivers of older adults and to examine predictors of the caregivers' health responses to the caregiving situation applying Lazarus and Folkman stress model(1984). Stepwise multiple regression was used to identify significant predictors among caregivers' demographic-socio-economic factors, older adult's dependency of activities of daily living(ADLs), caregiver's appraisal to the caregiving situation, and coping strategies. Informal caregivers (N=140) included in the study utilized help-seeking and problem-solving coping strategies more than self-blame and minimization of threat coping strategies. Caregivers' responses to the caregiving situation were observed by caregivers' perceived physical health, depression and life satisfaction. For perceived physical health, threat appraisal, older adult's dependency on ADLs, existential growth coping strategy, and monthly income accounted for 25% of the variance. Caregivers who appraised the caregiving situation as more threatening, reported higher dependency on ADLs, used more existential growth coping strategy, and had higher monthly income reported better physical health. For depression, threat appraisal, stress appraisal, existential growth coping strategy, self-blame coping strategy, and monthly income accounted for 48% of the variance. Caregivers who used more existential growth coping and less self-blame coping, appraised the situation as less threatening, less stressful, and had higher monthly income reported less depression. For life satisfaction, self-blame coping, existential growth coping, monthly income, stress appraisal accounted for 49% of the variance. Caregivers who used more existential growth coping, less self-blame coping, less stress appraisal, lower monthly income reported better life satisfaction. In conclusion, informal caregivers in this study utilized positive coping strategies such as problem-focused, existential growth, help-seeking, rather than negative coping strategies including self-blame. When they utilized positive coping strategies more often, caregivers experienced higher perceived physical health, higher life satisfaction and lower depression. Therefore, nursing intervention which utilized positive coping strategies is needed to enhance informal caregivers to have positive health responses to the caregiving demands.

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A study on the grief and coping pattern of mothers who have a chronically ill child (만성질환아를 가진 어머니의 비통감과 이에 대응하는 정도에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Jeong-Seok;O, Ga-Sil
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 1990
  • This study was done in order to identify symptoms of grief and patterns of coping in mothers of chronically ill children. Nurses, as health professionals, must understand helpful coping methods for mothers who have chronically ill children. Based on this knowledge, nurses can develop appropriate nursing intervention strategies, and so help the mothers to develop effective ways of coping and give support to mothers with chronically ill children in process of coping with this grief. The research questions guiding this research were: 1. what type of grief does the mother have at the time of child's diagnosis and at present\ulcorner 2. what are the problems confronting the mother 3. what are the coping patterns of the mother\ulcorner 4. is there a difference according to child's diagnosis in the mother's grief and coping pattern\ulcorner The subject for this study were obtained by taking a convenience sample of 120 mothers with a chronically ill child. Interviews took place in four medical school hospitals and one medical center in Seoul from March 19th to May 16th 1990. The tools used in this study were Mcfarlan's(1983), Grief contents, Folkman & Lazarus(1983), Ways of Coping and Hymovich's (1983) the Chronicity Impact and Coping Instrument. The findings were as follows; 1. Grief items had a maximum score of three points. The highest item scrores at the time of diagnosis, were in order, heart broken, talkative, and could not do anything, at the present, 'talkative', 'heart broken' and 'busy myself with other things'. 2. The problems confronting the mothers were 'worry about ill child's future', 'her responsibilities in taking care of the ill child.' 3. Most of the mothers used similar ways of coping, that is 'problem focused coping', 'detachment', 'wishful thinking', 'seeking social support" and 'focusing on the positive and hardly any of them used 'tension reduction'. 4. There was a sinificant difference in coping methods according to the childs diagnosis, leukemia, cancer hemophillia and nephrotic syndrome. The most frequently used coping method was detachment, especially for the mother of the child with. 5. At the time of diagnosis there was a positive correlation between the level of grief and the coping method of detachment and seeking social support.

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Relation of Interpersonal Relationship Harmony, Stress Coping and Adjustment to College Life among Nursing students (간호대학생의 대인관계 조화, 스트레스 대처방식과 대학생활 적응의 관계)

  • Yi, Ji-Eun;Kwak, Hye-Weon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.527-537
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the effects of interpersonal relationship harmony and stress coping on the college adjustment among nursing students. The participants were 231. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression. Adjustment to college life significantly correlated with interpersonal relationship harmony and stress coping style. Interpersonal relationship harmony was significantly different according to year, satisfaction with nursing as a major, and academic achievement. Multiple regression analysis showed that interpersonal relationship harmony and stress coping(problem-focused, emotion-focused, hopeful thought) explained 23% of variance in adjustment to college life. The study findings suggest that intervention intended to promote nursing students' adjustment to college life should focus on improving interpersonal relationship harmony and stress coping.

The relationship among self-esteem, life-satisfaction and stress coping style of dental hygiene students (일부 치위생과 학생들의 스트레스 대처방식이 자존감과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ga-Ryoung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.659-665
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : This study aimed to determine the effects of stress coping type on self-esteem and satisfaction with life in dental hygiene students. In particular, an attempt is made to determine the effects of sub-factors of stress coping type on self-esteem and satisfaction with life, get a better understanding of self-esteem and satisfaction with life for dental hygiene students, and provide basic data in developing a program that can identify, prevent, and control the problems with stress for dental hygiene students. Methods : This is descriptive correlation research to determine the relations between self-esteem and stress coping type in dental hygiene students. 212 dental hygiene students at colleges in Ulsan Metropolitan City were asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire from June 10 to 20, 2013; then, 209 copies were used in analysis, with the exception of 3 copies which were excluded from recording. Results : Self-esteem and satisfaction with life were positively affected by active stress coping but were negatively affected by passive stress coping. As for such sub-factors of stress coping type as problem-focused coping, pursuit of social support, emotional relief coping, and hopeful thinking, the sub-factors of active coping type also positively affected self-esteem and satisfaction with life. Self-esteem interacted with the sub-factors of stress coping type and satisfaction with life. Conclusions : Since stress coping type was found to be a factor affecting self-esteem and satisfaction with life for students, the results of this study are expected to be used as basic data in developing a program that can help them cope actively with stress.

The Path Analysis Among Risk-Protective Factors on the Resilience of Children from Divorced Families (이혼가정 아동의 탄력성에 대한 위험-보호요인들 간의 경로 분석)

  • Kim, Seung Kyoung;Kang, Moon Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.261-278
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the paths among the risk-protective factors that related to the resilience based on the Challenge Model. The subjects for this study were 209 children from divorced families in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades of elementary schools in Seoul and Gyunggi-do. As the results, there were 28 paths which affected the resilience of children from divorced families based on the Challenge Model. The protective factors were easy temperament, problem-focused coping style, parental support, peer's support, higher socio-economic status, experiences in therapy, presence of siblings, contact with adult caretakers. The risk factors were higher grade, emotion-focused coping style, and children's gender, especially girls. This result demonstrated that each risk and protective factor not only affected resilience separately but interacted with one another.

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Structural Relationship between Psychosocial Factors Affecting Motivation for Change in Alcoholics

  • Baik, Ok Mi
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between psychosocial factors, such as self-esteem, stress coping, and social support, and motivation for change in alcohol dependent inpatients. This study included 179 inpatients in the 7clinics for alcoholic in Chonbuk. For the analysis of the study questions, this study utilized the structural equation modeling. The results show that self-esteem was related to motivation for change with mediating role of problem-focused stress coping strategy in alcohol dependent inpatients. The study also reveal that self-esteem and social support was directly associated with the motivation for change. Based on the findings, the importance of programs to promote self-esteem and the involvement of family and acquaintances in the treatment process has been suggested.