• 제목/요약/키워드: Primary students

검색결과 1,437건 처리시간 0.028초

추심경호적지방(追寻更好的地方): 유포장적소비품적산업적가지속발전(有包装的消费品的产业的可持续发展) (Seeking a Better Place: Sustainability in the CPG Industry)

  • Rapert, Molly Inhofe;Newman, Christopher;Park, Seong-Yeon;Lee, Eun-Mi
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2010
  • "对我们而言, 成为一名负责的公民和一份成功的事业之间没有区别.....他们对今天的沃尔玛是完全一样的." Lee Scott, 沃尔玛的CEO在2005年卡崔琳娜飓风灾难之后(Esty and Winston 2006) Lee Scott的声明标志着可持续发展的一个新的时代. 作为一个被全球生产商和零售商所关注的全世界最大规模的经销商确认了他们的可持续发展的意图. 近十年来, 环保运动不断增长, 并扩展到全世界. 公司已经诞生, 产品已被创造, 学术期刊 已经展开, 政府已经承诺—所有这一切都在追求可持续发展(Peattie and Crane 2005). 虽然进展的确比一些人渴望的慢了一些, 但是很多大规模的经销商已经为环保做出了可持续发展的努力. 为了更好的理解这个运动我们同时提供高管和消费者参与的有包装的消费品产业的角度. 该研究依赖于三个潜在主题: (1)概念和证据表明,公司为很多理由进行可持续发展 (2)在有包装的消费品行业中, 可持续发展活动的数量在持续增长 (3), 因此, 必须探索可持续发展在消费者意识中起的作用. 根据这些主题, 143名大学生和101名企业高管参加了调查来评估一系列的有关可持续发展的变量包括愿意支付, 行为意图, 态度和偏好. 结果显示高层管理者相信可持续发展的三个最主要的原因是(1)盈利能力的机会; (2)以实现对环境的义务; (3)对顾客和股东负责. 大学生的三大原因: (1)对环境的责任; (2)为子孙后代负责, 和(3):一种有效的管理资源. 虽然企业高管和大学生对支持可持续发展的理由不同, 但是企业高管和消费者的报告显示了对剩下大部分的可持续发展问题的相似性. 另外, 当我们要求消费者去评估6个关键问题的重要性时(医疗保健, 经济, 教育, 犯罪, 政府支出, 和环境), 保护环境仅排在第四位(Carlson 2005). 这6个问题都被认为是重要的, 三个最重要的是(1)改善教育;(2)本地区的经济发展,以及(3)卫生保健. 为了可持续发展的持续性, 我们也将预期结果. 反映社会, 企业利益表现的新定义和执行期的延长同样被揭示出来(Ehrenfeld 2005; Hitchcock and Willard 2006). 基于文献我们发现了三个基本范畴的结果:(1)改进组成的满意度, (2)分化的机会, 以及(3)金融奖励. 在每一种分类中, 我们发现从可持续发展活动中导致11种不同结果的几个特定的结果. 我们的调查结果表明,最有可能的结果最高的前五项依序为公司的可持续发展追求的是:(1)绿色的消费者将会更令人满意;(2)公司形象会更好, (3)公司的责任将得到加强, (4)会降低能源成本;(5)产品将会更多的创新. 另外, 为更好的理解消费者的环境 "身份" 和在市场购买中愿意显示出这个 "身份" 的有趣的交集, 我们扩展了以前Experian Research(2008) 的研究. 因此,受访者分为四个不同类型的绿色消费者(行为绿色,想法绿色, 潜在绿色, 或真正褐色)来获得更好的理解绿色消费者. 我们评估这些消费者愿意从事环保行为评估三种选择. (1)购物零售商支持环保措施;(2)支付更多来保护环境, 以及(3)支付更高的税收,政府可以支持环保措施. 想法绿色消费者表示最愿意改变, 紧随其后的是行为绿色消费者, 潜在绿色消费者和褐色消费者. 这些差异都是显著的(p<.01). 结论和启示我们采用描述性研究, 旨在促进我们理解战略领域的可持续性. 确切地说, 该研究以特定的偏好, 意图, 愿意支付, 行为和态度填补了进行比较与对比的持续性的商业管理者和消费者意见的文献的空白, 对从业人员, 能获得一个战略观点. 此外, 许多结果已经说明, 受访者愿意为产品付出更多来保护环境. 其他特定的结果表明, 女性受访者始终比男性强愿意交流, 为这些产品付更多的钱, 在环保的零售商. 了解这些额外的信息, 实践者现在有了更多的特定市场, 对目标和交流他们为可持续发展所做出的努力. 虽然这项研究仅仅是最初的一步了解实践者和消费者对于可持续发展的异同, 我们的结果对实践与研究都有帮助. 未来的研究应向测试其他变量的影响关系, 以及其他特殊行业.

학령기 집단따돌림 피해 및 가해아동의 인격성향에 관한 연구 - 한국아동인성검사를 이용하여 - (A STUDY ON THE PERSONALITY TRAIT OF BULLYING & VICTIMIZED SCHOOL CHILDRENS)

  • 진혜경;김종원;최윤정
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2001
  • 최근 학교 아동들 사이에 집단따돌림현상이 문제화되고 있다. 학급에서 여러명의 학생이 특정 학생을 놓고 집중적으로 괴롭히고 따돌리는 현상은 비단 따돌림을 당하는 아동뿐만 아니라, 따돌림을 하는 아동들에게도 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이러한 따돌림의 원인은 다양하며 그중 따돌리거나 따돌림을 당하는 아동의 인격적 측면도 중요하리라 생각된다. 따라서 본 연구는 집단 따돌림의 피해군, 가해군, 피해 및 가해군과 무경험군 사이에 인격성향의 차이점이 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 1999년 3월부터 1999년 8월까지 서울에 소재한 초등학교 6학년에 재학중인 아동 215명(남자 115명, 여자 100명)을 대상으로 하였다. 아동과 아동의 보호자에게 집단따돌림의 여부에 관한 설문지를 배부하여 조사하였으며 아동의 보호자에게 한국아동인성검사(Korean Personality Inventory for Children, 1997)를 실시하여 아동에 관한 자료들을 조사하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS version 통계 처리 프로그램을 사용하였고 각 집단간 차이는 ANOVA, post hoc scheffe test, Student’s t-test로 분석하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1) 피해군, 가해군, 피해 및 가해군과 무경험군은 각각 11명(5.1%), 56명(26.0%), 11명(5.1%), 137명(63. 7%)이었다. 2) 따돌림피해의 빈도에 있어 1회 15명(7.0%), 2회 4명(1.9%), 3회이상 3명(1.4%)이었다. 또한 따돌림 가해빈도는 1회 40명(18.6%), 2회 17명(7.9%), 3회이상 10명(4.7%)이었다. 3) 집단따돌림의 피해군, 가해군, 피해 및 가해군과 무경험군에 있어 한국아동인성검사상 결과는 다음과 같았다. (1) 무경험군에 비하여 피해군은 자아탄력성(p=.00)척도가 유의하게 낮았으며, 과잉행동(p=.00), 정신증척도(p<.01)는 유의하게 높았다. (2) 무경험군에 비하여 피해 및 가해군은 자아탄력성척도(p=.00)가 유의하게 낮았고, 신체화(p=.00). 과잉행동척도(p=.00)는 유의하게 높았다. (3) 가해군에 비하여 피해군은 사회관계(p=.00), 정신증(p<.01), 자폐증척도(p=.00)가 유의하게 높았다. (4) 가해군은 무경험군과 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 이상으로 보아 피해아동은 상황에 따른 적응력이 떨어져 적절히 대응하지 못하며, 대인관계를 잘 갖지 못하고 행동이 부산하거나 충동적인 면이 있어 또래관계에서 소외되고, 정서적으로 불안정, 의사소통의 어려움 및 사회기술이 떨어지고 사회적으로 고립되는 인격성향을 보이며, 이러한 특성은 피해전의 특성일수도 있으나, 피해로 인해 생긴 문제일수도 있을 것으로 생각된다. 피해 및 가해아동도 피해아동처럼 적응력이 떨어져 적절히 대응하지 못하고 행동이 부산하거나 충동적인 면이 있으나 사회적 관계를 맺는 기술의 문제나 정신증적인 특성, 자폐증적인 특성을 보이지 않고, 자신이 피해후 갖게된 분노감, 우울, 불안 등을 신체화시키고, 그러한 느낌에서 벗어나기 위해 다른 친구를 가해하는 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 과정을 통하여 피해아동보다 피해후 발생하는 사회적 위축이나 적응상의 문제가 더 적을 것이다. 또한 가해 아동은 인격성향에 있어서 특이소견이 없었던 바 사회문화적, 교육적 측면에서의 접근이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

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농촌(農村) 주민(住民)들의 의료필요도(醫療必要度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study Concerning Health Needs in Rural Korea)

  • 이성관;김두희;정종학;정극수;박상빈;최정헌;홍순호;라진훈
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.29-94
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    • 1974
  • Today most developed countries provide modern medical care for most of the population. The rural area is the more neglected area in the medical and health field. In public health, the philosophy is that medical care for in maintenance of health is a basic right of man; it should not be discriminated against racial, environmental or financial situations. The deficiency of the medical care system, cultural bias, economic development, and ignorance of the residents about health care brought about the shortage of medical personnel and facilities on the rural areas. Moreover, medical students and physicians have been taught less about rural health care than about urban health care. Medical care, therefore, is insufficient in terms of health care personnel/and facilities in rural areas. Under such a situation, there is growing concern about the health problems among the rural population. The findings presented in this report are useful measures of the major health problems and even more important, as a guide to planning for improved medical care systems. It is hoped that findings from this study will be useful to those responsible for improving the delivery of health service for the rural population. Objectives: -to determine the health status of the residents in the rural areas. -to assess the rural population's needs in terms of health and medical care. -to make recommendations concerning improvement in the delivery of health and medical care for the rural population. Procedures: For the sampling design, the ideal would be to sample according to the proportion of the composition age-groups. As the health problems would be different by group, the sample was divided into 10 different age-groups. If the sample were allocated by proportion of composition of each age group, some age groups would be too small to estimate the health problem. The sample size of each age-group population was 100 people/age-groups. Personal interviews were conducted by specially trained medical students. The interviews dealt at length with current health status, medical care problems, utilization of medical services, medical cost paid for medical care and attitudes toward health. In addition, more information was gained from the public health field, including environmental sanitation, maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis control, and dental health. The sample Sample size was one fourth of total population: 1,438 The aged 10-14 years showed the largest number of 254 and the aged under one year was the smallest number of 81. Participation in examination Examination sessions usually were held in the morning every Tuesday, Wenesday, and Thursday for 3 hours at each session at the Namchun Health station. In general, the rate of participation in medical examination was low especially in ages between 10-19 years old. The highest rate of participation among are groups was the under one year age-group by 100 percent. The lowest use rate as low as 3% of those in the age-groups 10-19 years who are attending junior and senior high school in Taegu city so the time was not convenient for them to recieve examinations. Among the over 20 years old group, the rate of participation of female was higher than that of males. The results are as follows: A. Publie health problems Population: The number of pre-school age group who required child health was 724, among them infants numbered 96. Number of eligible women aged 15-44 years was 1,279, and women with husband who need maternal health numbered 700. The age-group of 65 years or older was 201 needed more health care and 65 of them had disabilities. (Table 2). Environmental sanitation: Seventy-nine percent of the residents relied upon well water as a primary source of dringking water. Ninety-three percent of the drinking water supply was rated as unfited quality for drinking. More than 90% of latrines were unhygienic, in structure design and sanitation (Table 15). Maternal and child health: Maternal health Average number of pregnancies of eligible women was 4 times. There was almost no pre- and post-natal care. Pregnancy wastage Still births was 33 per 1,000 live births. Spontaneous abortion was 156 per 1,000 live births. Induced abortion was 137 per 1,000 live births. Delivery condition More than 90 percent of deliveries were conducted at home. Attendants at last delivery were laymen by 76% and delivery without attendants was 14%. The rate of non-sterilized scissors as an instrument used to cut the umbilical cord was as high as 54% and of sickles was 14%. The rate of difficult delivery counted for 3%. Maternal death rate estimates about 35 per 10,000 live births. Child health Consultation rate for child health was almost non existant. In general, vaccination rate of children was low; vaccination rates for children aged 0-5 years with BCG and small pox were 34 and 28 percent respectively. The rate of vaccination with DPT and Polio were 23 and 25% respectively but the rate of the complete three injections were as low as 5 and 3% respectively. The number of dead children was 280 per 1,000 living children. Infants death rate was 45 per 1,000 live births (Table 16), Family planning: Approval rate of married women for family planning was as high as 86%. The rate of experiences of contraception in the past was 51%. The current rate of contraception was 37%. Willingness to use contraception in the future was as high as 86% (Table 17). Tuberculosis control: Number of registration patients at the health center currently was 25. The number indicates one eighth of estimate number of tuberculosis in the area. Number of discharged cases in the past accounted for 79 which showed 50% of active cases when discharged time. Rate of complete treatment among reasons of discharge in the past as low as 28%. There needs to be a follow up observation of the discharged cases (Table 18). Dental problems: More than 50% of the total population have at least one or more dental problems. (Table 19) B. Medical care problems Incidence rate: 1. In one month Incidence rate of medical care problems during one month was 19.6 percent. Among these health problems which required rest at home were 11.8 percent. The estimated number of patients in the total population is 1,206. The health problems reported most frequently in interviews during one month are: GI trouble, respiratory disease, neuralgia, skin disease, and communicable disease-in that order, The rate of health problems by age groups was highest in the 1-4 age group and in the 60 years or over age group, the lowest rate was the 10-14 year age group. In general, 0-29 year age group except the 1-4 year age group was low incidence rate. After 30 years old the rate of health problems increases gradually with aging. Eighty-three percent of health problems that occured during one month were solved by primary medical care procedures. Seventeen percent of health problems needed secondary care. Days rested at home because of illness during one month were 0.7 days per interviewee and 8days per patient and it accounts for 2,161 days for the total productive population in the area. (Table 20) 2. In a year The incidence rate of medical care problems during a year was 74.8%, among them health problems which required rest at home was 37 percent. Estimated number of patients in the total population during a year was 4,600. The health problems that occured most frequently among the interviewees during a year were: Cold (30%), GI trouble (18), respiratory disease (11), anemia (10), diarrhea (10), neuralgia (10), parasite disease (9), ENT (7), skin (7), headache (7), trauma (4), communicable disease (3), and circulatory disease (3) -in that order. The rate of health problems by age groups was highest in the infants group, thereafter the rate decreased gradually until the age 15-19 year age group which showed the lowest, and then the rate increased gradually with aging. Eighty-seven percent of health problems during a year were solved by primary medical care. Thirteen percent of them needed secondary medical care procedures. Days rested at home because of illness during a year were 16 days per interviewee and 44 days per patient and it accounted for 57,335 days lost among productive age group in the area (Table 21). Among those given medical examination, the conditions observed most frequently were respiratory disease, GI trouble, parasite disease, neuralgia, skin disease, trauma, tuberculosis, anemia, chronic obstructive lung disease, eye disorders-in that order (Table 22). The main health problems required secondary medical care are as fellows: (previous page). Utilization of medical care (treatment) The rate of treatment by various medical facilities for all health problems during one month was 73 percent. The rate of receiving of medical care of those who have health problems which required rest at home was 52% while the rate of those who have health problems which did not required rest was 61 percent (Table 23). The rate of receiving of medical care for all health problems during a year was 67 percent. The rate of receiving of medical care of those who have health problems which required rest at home was 82 percent while the rate of those who have health problems which did not required rest was as low as 53 percent (Table 24). Types of medical facilitied used were as follows: Hospital and clinics: 32-35% Herb clinics: 9-10% Drugstore: 53-58% Hospitalization Rate of hospitalization was 1.7% and the estimate number of hospitalizations among the total population during a year will be 107 persons (Table 25). Medical cost: Average medical cost per person during one month and a year were 171 and 2,800 won respectively. Average medical cost per patient during one month and a year were 1,109 and 3,740 won respectively. Average cost per household during a year was 15,800 won (Table 26, 27). Solution measures for health and medical care problems in rural area: A. Health problems which could be solved by paramedical workers such as nurses, midwives and aid nurses etc. are as follows: 1. Improvement of environmental sanitation 2. MCH except medical care problems 3. Family planning except surgical intervention 4. Tuberculosis control except diagnosis and prescription 5. Dental care except operational intervention 6. Health education for residents for improvement of utilization of medical facilities and early diagnosis etc. B. Medical care problems 1. Eighty-five percent of health problems could be solved by primary care procedures by general practitioners. 2. Fifteen percent of health problems need secondary medical procedures by a specialist. C. Medical cost Concidering the economic situation in rural area the amount of 2,062 won per residents during a year will be burdensome, so financial assistance is needed gorvernment to solve health and medical care problems for rural people.

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치과병원 내원환자의 만족도 조사분석 (A study on the gratification of the patient in the Dental Hospital)

  • 김민영;이근우;문홍석;정문규
    • 대한치과보철학회지
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2008
  • 오늘날의 시장 경제는 소비자 중심으로 빠르게 변모하고 있다. 이는 점점 가속화 되어가는 소비자의 생활수준과 교육수준의 향상, 다양한 대중매체를 통한 구매자의 상품에 대한 접근의 용이성에 기인한다. 다양한 선택의 대안 속에서 자신의 가치를 만족시킬 수 있는 상품을 선택할 수 있는 소비자 중심의 시장 경제체제는 소비자의 소득수준의 증가와 전 국민 의료보험의 실시로 인한 의료 수요확대를 통해 의료분야에서도 그 두각을 나타내고 있다. 최근 우리나라의 의료계는 의료기관의 수 및 의료 인력의 증가로 인해 경쟁이 강화되고 있는 실정이고, 이러한 경쟁 강화를 통해 소비자의 시장 선택의 폭은 넓어지게 되었다. 이런 시점에 소비자의 입장에서 본 의료서비스에 있어서의 고객만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인, 서비스의 문제점, 개선점에 대한 조사와 연구는 필요 불가결하다고 하겠다. 이 연구는 2006년 1월 23일부터 4월 15일 까지 서울시에 소재한 연세대학교 치과병원에 내원한 환자 784명을 대상으로 진행되었으며 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 자기기입식 방법으로 자료를 수집하여 이를 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 1. 응답자의 사회인구학적인 특성은 성별이나 결혼여부는 적절하게 표본이 추출 된 것으로 보이나 직업에서는 학생 및 대학(원)생, 내원이 유와 현재 받고 있는 치료에 있어서는 교정치료가 높은 비율로 나타났다. 2. 치과병원에 대한 전반적인 만족도는 전체의 74%가 높은 만족을 나타내었다. 3. 독립변수들 중 구체적 서비스 항목에 대해서는 '서비스시스템', '친절도', '설명', '대기시간설명', '예약시스템', '응급상황에의 대처', '치과진료경험의 풍부', '치과적 지식의 유무', '병원의 규모', '소독', '내부시설', '주차' 에 대한 만족도는 높게, '치료비', '치료 준비시간', '대기시간', '치료시간', '예약기간' 에 대한 만족도는 낮게 나타났다. 4. 독립변수들 간의 상관관계 분석을 실시하였고 이들 사이에는 높은 선형관계가 없었다. 5. 독립변수들과 종속변수 사이의 상호관련성을 평가하기 위한 프로빗 회귀분석 결과 총 34개의 독립변수 중에서 불편감 해소, 서비스 시스템, 친절도, 설명, 한 번 내원 시 치료시간, 예약시스템, 지식의 유무, 내부시설에 대한 만족도의 8개 독립변수가 유의수준 1%하에서 서로 높은 상호관련성을 보였다. 고객의 만족은 전적으로 고객의 주관적인 평가에 의존한다. 환자들의 욕구가 다양화되고 고급화되면서 의료서비스에 대한 기대수준이 높아지고 있기 때문에 이에 부합하는 서비스를 제공하는 것이 의료서비스의 고객인 환자를 만족시키는 필수 요건이 된다. 많은 의료기관이 환자를 중심으로 하여 고객만족을 위한 병원, 고객감동을 위한 병원이 되기 위하여 노력을 하고 있으며, 이는 치과의료 분야에 있어서도 적용되고 있는 현실이다. 내원환자들의 만족도를 향상시키기 위해서는 이 연구의 결과를 기초로 한 새로운 병원 경영 전략의 수립과 그로 인한 의료 서비스의 질 향상으로 고객이 만족하는 양질의 의료서비스를 제공하는 노력이 필요하리라 여겨진다.

일 도시의 초등학교 학생의 수면습관과 행동, 정서, 주의력, 학습과의 관계 (Differences in Sleep Patterns are Related to Behavior, Emotional Problems, Attention and Academic Performance in Elementary School Students of a South Korean Metropolitan City)

  • 탁희종;이지호;이장명;정석훈;이재원;심창선;윤재국;성주현;방수영
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.182-191
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the sleep patterns of South Korean elementary school children and whether the differences in sleep patterns were related to behavior, emotional problems, attention and academic performance. Method: This study included a community sample of 268 boys and girls from fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade classes in a South Korean metropolitan city from November to December 2010. The primary caregivers completed a questionnaire that included information on demographic characteristics, as well as the Child's Sleep Habit Questionnaire (CSHQ), the Korean version of Child Behavior Checklist (K-CBCL), the Korean version of the Learning Disability Evaluation Scale (K-LDES), the Korean version of ADHD Rating Scale (K-ARS) and the Disruptive Behavior Disorder Scale (DBDS). We conducted analyses on the CSHQ individual items, between the subscales, on the total scores and on the K-CBCL, the K-LEDS, the K-ARS and the DBDS. Results: Based on the findings from the CHSQ, the subjects had significantly higher scores for bedtime resistance ($9.18{\pm}2.17$), delayed sleep onset ($1.32{\pm}0.62$), the sleep duration ($4.19{\pm}1.52$) and daytime sleepiness ($14.10{\pm}3.55$) than the scores from the previous reports on children from western countries. The total CHSQ score showed positive correlations to all subscales of the K-CBCL : withdrawn (r=0.24, p<.005), somatic complaint (r=0.24, p<.005) and anxious/depressive (r=0.38, p<.005). Bedtime resistance was associated with oppositional defiant disorder (r=0.15, p<.05) and a positive correlation was demonstrated between sleep anxiety and the oppositional defiant disorder score (r=0.13, p<.05), night waking and the conduct disorder score (r=0.16, p<.05). Delayed sleep onset was related with low performance on the K-LDES with respect to thinking (r=-0.17, p<.05) and mathematical calculation (r=-0.17, p<.05). Conclusion: The results of this study reconfirm Korean children's problematic sleep patterns. Taken together the results provide that the reduced sleep duration and disruption of sleep pattern can have a significant impact on emotion, behavior, performance of learning in children. Further studies concerning more diverse psychosocial factors affecting sleep pattern will be helpful to understanding of the sleep health in Korean children.

서울시(市) 대기오염(大氣汚染)이 시민보건(市民保健)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) (Epidemiological Study of Air Pollution and Its Effects on Health of Urban Population)

  • 정규철
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 1969
  • The urban population of our country is rapidly increasing due to many factors of social structure, and sociologists are predicting that the increase rate of the urban population will be over 50% in 1980's. Above all, the population of the capital city of Seoul, is at present more than four millions. Such centring of people in cities, together with the improvement of the standards of living, caused rapid increase in the amount of fuel consumption, and this consumption of fuels became one of the primary sources of the air pollution in cities. Moreover, the heavy traffic, construction of many tall buildings, and the increasing number of new factories due to the industrial development-all these are contributing to make the matter of air pollution worse and worse in the Metropolitan, whose geographical location is quite unfavorable considered from the view point of air pollution. Most homes in Seoul use briquet as fuel, while oils are used in tall buildings. The CO, $SO_2$, and smoke that come from burning of these fuels are a great threat to the health of the urban population. With the purpose of examining the influence of air pollution upon the public health, written inquiries were made upon respiratory diseases, and the carboxyhemoglobin saturation in the blood was measured to determine whether the air pollution may affect the health of the urban population. Method of Health Examination (1) Investigation of Respiratory Diseases Patients' records were examined to figure out the monthly ambulance rate of respiratory patients to the total number of patients treated. On the other hand, by using the questionnaire form approved by the Medical Research Council's Committee on Research into Chronic Bronchitis, investigators interviewed the examinees and inquired into the respiratory symptoms. (2) Measuring of Carboxyhemoglobin Saturation From the ear lobe of the examinees, with the use of the melangeur for the white blood cell counting, blood was taken, and after diluting it ten times with 0.1% $Na{2}CO_{3}$, again diulting it 20 times with 0.5% $Na_{2}\;CO_{3}$, its absorbancy was measured. The following results are obtained from the investigation. (1) It was found out that 7.7% of the total patients under treatment were suffering from upper respiratory infection, acute or chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema and bronchiectasis. Of them all, patients with upper respiratory infection numbered the greatest with 4.8% and patients with acute or chronic bronchitis the next with 2.1%, and their monthly ambulance rate was high from December to February during the winter, and from April to May and from September to October during the changeable seasons. (2) The daily ambulance rate of respiratory patients, it was revealed, had a close connection with the concentration of $SO_2$ and CO in the air. (3) It was found out that men were more subject to respiratory disease than women, and both men and women were more liable to the diseases with the advancing of age. (4) People living at Choong-ku with the heavy traffic and in the industrial zones of Yeungdungpo had high frequency of respiratory symptoms. (5) Considered from the view point of occupations, high frequency was found among those without job, with jobs unknown, merchants and intdustrial workers, whose social status was rather low and traffic policemen who were always exposed to the exhaust gas of cars. As for women, the frequency was detected in the order of those from high to low, housewives who were exposed to briquet gas, women with jobs unknown, women without jobs, whose social status was low. (6) Ex-smokers rather than smokers, of both sexes, had higher frequency. As for men, heavy smokers had high frequency, while in women light smokers had rather high frequency which was presumed to be due to their average old age. (7) Men's average of carboxyhemoglobin saturation was 9.48%, while women's was 11.3%, higher than men's. (p<0.05). Age meant no difference in the case of men, but as for women, the saturation was remarkably high between the ages from 20 to 60. (8) No regional difference was detected in the carboxyhemoglobin saturation. (9) The carboxyhemoglobin saturation was found, in the case of men, in the order of office workers, traffic policemen, students, the unemployed, merchants and industrial workers, drivers; and as for women, the order was housewives, office workers, merchants and industrial workers. (10) No significant correlation was found between the carboxyhemoglobin saturation and the concentration of CO detected in kitchens, or between the carhoxyhemoglobin saturation and the passing of time after exposure to briquet gas. No difference of carboxyhemoglobin saturation was detected between smokers and non-smokers, and the degrees of smoking; only, significant negative correlation was found between the passing of time after smoking and the carboxyhemoglobin saturation. It is ture that air pollution causes or aggravates the respiratory diseases, increases the carboxyhemoglobin saturation in the blood, but what seems to be more hazardous to the health is the air polluted by the briquet gas in the kitchens and on-dol rooms rather than the atmospheric air pollution.

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PHV 척도를 기준한 피하지방후, 근과 골 변인의 사춘기 발육분출에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Adolescent Growth Spurt of Skinfold, Muscle and Bone Variables Aligned on Peak Height Velocity in Boys and Girls)

  • 신상근
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2006
  • 인간의 신체적 발육에 있어서 현저한 변화를 보이며, 다른 연령기에 비해 신체교육의 가능성이 크다고 인식되는 아동기와 사춘기 남 녀를 대상으로 생리학적 연령의 PHV 척도를 기준한 피하지방후, 근과 골 변인의 사춘기 발육분출 변화 양상을 분석 평가 하였다. 신장의 PHV 출현은 남자의 경우 $13{\sim}14$세 사이 이며, 여자는 2년 빠른 $11{\sim}12$세 사이인 것으로 나타났다. 체지방의 4개부위에 대한 피하지방후합은 남자의 경우 PHV 출현 -2년에 $8.9mm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로, 여자는 PHV 출현 +2년에 $11.3mm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로 PV에 각각 도달 하였으며, 남 녀 모두 사춘기발육분출 에서 증감의 변동이 많은 양상을 나타내었다. 상완골폭에 있어서 남자의 경우 PHV 출현 -3년과 +2년에 $0.6cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$$0.5cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로 2번의 PV에 도달하는 bi-modal 현상을 보였고, 여자는 PHV 출현 -1년에 $0.3cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로 PV에 도달하였다. 대퇴골폭에 있어서 남자는 PHV 출현과 동일시점에 $0.4cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로, 여자는 PHV 출현 -2년에 $0.4cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로 각각 PV에 도달하였다. 근육의 상완이두근 최대위에 있어서 남자는 PHV 출현 +2년에 $2.6cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$, 여자는 PHV 출현 +1년에 $1.0cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로 PV에 각각 도달 하였고, 하퇴위에 있어서 남자는 PHV 출현 +2년에 $1.9cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$, 여자는 PHV 출현과 동일한 시점에 $1.6cm{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로 PV에 도달 하였다. 전체적으로 보아 PHV 척도를 기준으로한 피하지방후 발육의 경우, 남자는 PHV 출현 이전, 여자는 PHV 출현이후, 골의 발육은 남 녀 모두 PHV 출현 이전, 근육의 발육은 남 녀 모두 PHV출현 이후 PV에 각각 도달하는 양상을 보였다.

일부도시국민학교취학아동의 보건생활에 관한 실태조사연구 (A Study on Health Aspects of Daily Life of Elementary School Children in an Urban Area)

  • 구외행
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 1973
  • This study was carried out for the objectives to collect the basic informations on the health behaviors of the elementary school children in an urban area in Korea. Seven hundred students were drawn to fill in the designed questionnaire which carries variety of Questions on health re-lated behaviors in general, eating habits, disease history, mental health, and sex education. Questionnaire were filled in by their parents. Major findings are as follows: ① 55.7% had habits of washing the hands before eating whereas 59.8% trashing their hands after toilet. The others had no idea of washing hands before eating and after toilet. ② 26,5% had habits of brushing the teeth twice a day 54.7% only once in the morning, and 2.6% once only in the evening. Thus, the idea of prevention from decayed teeth seems to be lacking among the school children. ③ Bathing habits were also inquired to get 40.3% of bathing more than once a week, 43.1% once every two weeks, and the rest of 16.6% once every one to three months. ④ 41.7% keep the regular bedding time whereas 58.3% irregular. Physical exercises were con-ducted by 76.6% on the ground while 23.5% did not practice any physical exercises at all. Of those physical exercises, rope skipping occupied 37.5%, and the other 66.9% consisted of 14 different kinds of individual type physical exercises such as gymnastic exercise. The main reasons for not enjoying exercises were different by sex; boys largely complained the inadequacy and lack of gymnastic facilities and girls felt in short of friends who could join the exercises. ⑤ 31.9% of the school children had been taking not much of food while 28.3% had unbalanced diets. Of these unbalanced diets, meat occupied 33.2% to be the priority to have an order of the following items such as vegetables, bread or noodle, and fishes as next to each. For eating habits, 88.5% take simple snack such as bread (38.4%, cookies, fruits, and candies in order. 25.8% of the children were provided such snacks or their parents regularly. Breakfast was sufficiently taken by 45.0% whereas 8.4% had never sufficiently. As to the lunch, 63.6% had sufficiently while 16.8% insufficiently. 70.6% take breakfast with all family members together and 30.4% separately. Correlation of sufficient taking of breakfast and eating together of tile family member's seems to be significant when we compare 72.5% of sufficient takers who enjoy breakfast together with the family members with 55.6% of insufficient takers who enjoy it with the family. This finding allows the investigator to point out the importance of table circumstances for children's eating. ⑥ The most common disease was catching a cold (38.8%), and the second was stomach trouble to be followed by the frequency of car sickness, headache, and skin infection. Doctors are consulted only by 23.9% when they are sick whereas 59.7% resorted to the drug stores. The lower the educational attainment of the parents, the lower the rate of visiting clinics. ⑦ 36.7% of their parents pointed out the problems of personality guidance as the most difficult thing at home 71.3% of their parents worried about and unsatisfied with their children's personality traits. Of these complains of the parents, impatience stood at the top to be tabulated at 24.1%, and 21.1% indicated narrow-mindedness. In line with this primary socialization at home, the most crucial problem seems to be related with the lack or recognition of the parents'own role when we find only 43.1% of the parents understood the importance of their own role for the home education of children; the latter group attributed tile responsibility of personality formation to the children themselves. ⑧ As to the sex educational aspects, 30.9% of children have ever asked about the physiology of reproduction or sexual matters to their parents, of those parents only 17.0% could give the constructive responses to the inquiries of the children. In companies on with these data, 25.6% recognized their own role in sex education for their own children while the large segments of the parents (51.1%) attributed the responsibility of sex education to tile low level of 38.3% who recognized the importance of sex education in the school curriculum and 25.1% of the parents insisted to wait until they get to know naturally about sex. 38.1% of the parents said they had some knowledge on sex from books while 16.9% through mass media. The next groups had common senses of sex from their own parents, school friends and other sources.

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  • 이기수;정규림;고진환;구중회
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1980
  • The purpose of this study was (1) to determine the prevalence of some causes by which dental occlusion might be affected , (2) to determine the prevalence of malocclusion, and types of molar, vertical incisor and horizontal incisor relationships, and (3) to examine the sex difference in the prevalence ratios, and (4) to determine the between-examiner differences in assessing types of dental occlusion. The material consisted of 1281 males and 811 females, total 2091 persons, aged 17 to 21 years. Two examiners who were graduate students in the orthodontic course, examined independently dental occlusion of the material. Before calculating the statistics, the subjects consisted of 156 mates and 164 females, total 320 persons, haying any one or more causes suspected to affect dental occlusion, was eliminated. Then the remained subjects, 1124 males and 647 females, total 1771 persons, were assessed. The results were as follows 1. The prevalence of some causes by which dental occlusion might be affected was 15.32 per cent. The missing rate of any one or more first molars was 8.85 percent, that of any one or more teeth positioned anterior to the first molar was 3.83 per cent. The prevalence of crossbite of the first molar was 0.48 per cent, that of retained primary teeth was 0.77 percent, and that of orthodontic treatment was 0.43 per cent. 8. The rate of between-examiner difference was 12.53 per cent in assessing the types of molar relationship, 18.86 percent in assessing the types of horizontal incisor relationship, and 26.37 percent in assessing the types of horizontal incisor relationship. 3. There was no sex difference in the prevalence ratios of the types of molar relationship. The prevalence of Class I molar relationship was 80.91 percent, that of Class II was 5,03, that of Class II subdivision was 4.01, Percent, that of Class III was 5.99 percent and that of Class III subdivision was 4.07 percent. 4. In the prevalence of the types of horizontal incisor relationship, there were no sex differences except that of Class II division 2. The prevalence of Class I horizontal incisor relationship was 73.12 percent, that of Class II division t was 12.03 percent, that of Class II division 2 was 6.58 percent in male and 4.33 percent in female, and that of Class III was 9.09 percent. 5. In the prevalence of the types of vertical incisor relationship, there were no sex differences except that of deep bite, The prevalence of open bite was 2.20 per cent, that of edge-to-edge bite was 9.15 percent, that of normal bite was 76,34 percent, and that of deep bite was 14.15 percent in male and 9.12 percent in female. 6. There was no sex difference in the prevalence of malocclusion the prevalence of malocclusion was 82.67 percent and that of normal occlusion was 17.33 percent. 7. There was a tendency that when Class I molar relationship changed to Class II, incisor relationships were to be larger overjet or upright upper incisors and deep bite, but when that changed to Class III molar relationship, these were to be cross bite and openbite.

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특정의약품의 자가투약행위에 관한 연구 (A Study on Self-medication Beharior of Four Cautious Drugs.)

  • 황미숙
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.46-70
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    • 1987
  • The survey with questionnaire were conducted to grasp the actual condition of four cautious drugs-antibiotics, sedative hypnctics, mincr tranquilizer, analeptics-self -medication behavior through drugstore use and to analyze the primary factors connected with it. The following six objectives were established. 1) To catch the reason why the man who medicate himself buy four cautious drugs at a drugstore, and to know the choice motive of each drug purchased. 2) To grasp the distribution of four cautious drug taken by the man who medicate himself and to analyse the reason of taking the drug. 3) To find out whether the buyer has taken the same drug past and to know the duration and the frequency. 4) To grasp the degree of recognition about four cautious drugs and the attitude toward continuous taking them. 5) To analyze the degree of recognition about the influence on human body and the attitude of medication behavior. 6) To know "the experience of side-effects" and to grasp the kind of the side-effects. The data were collected from 15 drugstores with 677 respondents in seoul from August 17 to september 21, 1987. The following results were obtained. 1) The reasons for drugstore use were first, "for easy access and convenience" (53.7%) second, "for the slightness of illness" (19.9%) third "for the cheap price" (13.2%). According to that result, the factor of "the easy access of drugstore" was most influential. In case of the poor, the factor "for the cheap price "was revealed second (37.3%). And "for the slightness of illness" was second reason in the medically insured (22. 9%), "for the cheap price" was second reason in the others (29%). 2) The kind of drugs purchased were antibiotics (62.8%), analeptics(17.2%), minor tranquilizer(13.3%) and sedative hypnotics (6.7%) on the whole. In teenagers, besides antibiotics the percentage of taking analepits came second (42.4%) and it was revealed that the percentage of sedative hypnotics, minor tranquilizer increase with age. But in proportion to the increase of age, the taking of analeptis decreased. 3) The choice motives of each drug purchased were all different. In case of antibiotics "recommendation of pharmacist" was 39.6%, sedative hypnotics "recommendation of pharmacist" and "my own judgement", 28.9%, respectively, minor tranquilizer "my own judgement", 35.2%. and in case of analeptics "my oun judgement" was most common with 53.5%. 4) The reasons for taking drugs were as follows. antibiotics was taken for the inflammation mitigation of a wound and a swelling (38.5%), sedative hypnotics for the removal of insomnia (97.5%), minor tranquilizer because of restlessness and qloominess(39.3%), and analeptics for the shortening of sleeping hours (35.1%). 5) Those experienced in taking four cautious drugs were 78.2% on the average. It was revealed that antibiotics use duration was "from one week to one month" (38.9%), the frequency was "rarely" (62.1%), sedative hypnotics and minor tranquilizer; "More than three years", (35.7%, 30.4%), respectively, "Somtimes", (43.8%, 35%), respectively. analeptics ; "from one year to three years", (27.6%), "Sometimes", (42.7%). 6) In regard to the source of information in taking drugs, 35.3 percent of male were relied on "recommendation of pharmacist", 32.6 percent of female "my own judgement", There was a difference between below the middle school graduates and over the high school graduates Thease were relied on "recommendation of pharmacist" first, those "my own judgement" first. And "my own judgement" was the first source of specialist(40%), labours(41.4%), salesman(43.5%), and jobless men(36.8%), "recommendation of ralatives on friends" was the first source of students (30.4%), "recommendation of pharmacist" was the first soure of teachers, administrative office workers (39%) and housewives (40.7%). 7) The degree of recognition about four cautious drugs was as follows. "know a little" was (43.0%), "don't know" (30.2%), "know" (26.8%), respectively. In regard to the attitude toward continuous taking them, it was revealed that "I will take it according to circumstamces" was first (56.2%), " I will not take it as possible" was first(56.2%), "I dont know well" (12.9%), "I will take it continuously" (8.3%). 8) About the influence on human body, "if proper, it is effect" was common attitude toward antibiotics (43.6%), "Probably bad influence on the health" was first toward the other drugs (46.2%), In terms of the degree of observance to taking-time and dose of drugs, "suitably" was first (37.3%), "relatively correctly" second (27%), "correctly" (17%). 9) The percentage of four cautious drugs side-effects was 27.5 on the average. The kind of side-effects were eruption and urticaria (28.5%), heart acceleration and so forth. (25.4%), headache and Giddiness, dyspepsia (23%), respectively.

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