• 제목/요약/키워드: Primary Medical Facilities

검색결과 106건 처리시간 0.023초

간호간병통합서비스 도입에 따른 서울의료원 병동부 시설환경변화 연구 (A Study on the Change of Physical Environment in Seoul Medical Center by Providing Comprehensive Nursing Service)

  • 김명윤;채철균
    • 의료ㆍ복지 건축 : 한국의료복지건축학회 논문집
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The research looks at differences between the 'General ward' and the 'Comprehensive nursing ward' in Seoul Medical Center, regarding the facility improvements and changes in nursing services. It investigates and analyzes spatial problems and improvement needs through a survey and conduct investigation of staffs. It is to propose the primary data for the architectural planning of the future ward with the comprehensive nursing service. Methods: Targeting the comprehensive nursing ward, changes of the physical environment and spatial problems are analyzed through a field survey, behavior investigation, present-condition investigation, and floor plan analysis. Results: The workforce is increased by approximately twice the amount of the nursing staffs in the comprehensive nursing ward, compared to the pre-general ward. When utilizing the general ward, various spatial problems arise due to the restrictions of the facility condition. Because Sub N.S is an important facility as a part of the nursing work function in the ward of the comprehensive nursing service, the opinions of staffs must be considered when selecting a location and composing a space. Implications: It can be used as a primary data for the comprehensive nursing ward when architectural planning of a new hospital.


  • 한명화;이명숙;이송자
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to follow the patient referral system operated from the primary health care facilities to the hospital in a rural area of Korea. The subject for this study was sampled from a community health development project carried out by the Korea University in Yeoju Kun, Kyonggi Province. The data of referred patients from primary health care facilities were collected during the period from January 1989 to December 1989. The data was sorted out by a computer system using Database package. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Characteristics of the referred patients were: males $32.0\%$. and females $68.0\%$. The more elderly of the patients visited to the hospital after having been referred there by CHPs or public physicians, $25.9\%$ has been to hospital on at least one previous occasion as against $74.1\%$ for whom it was there first visit. 2. The majority of patients who were referred to a hospital where: medicine $44.3\%$ and orthopedics$16.4\%$, major diseases were : diseases of digestive system $(21.3\%)$ ; symptoms and ill defined conditions $(17.3\%)$ ; diseases of the muscular skeletal system and connective tissue$(14.2\%)$. chronic illness was $82.0\%$ and acute illlness was $18.0\%$. 3. From Community health practitioners more patients referred than the public physicians. Categoris of diseases of the referred patients were different between community health practitioners and public physicians. Due to the. respective differences between the medical restrictions put on the nursing staffs at the community health practitioners and public physicians. From this study it was recommended to define the reason of differences between ~he two groups in futher study. Study as to 1) why one group should be referring more for hospital treatment than the other. And 2) why the two agencies should be referring different diseases.

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Bed-type과 Stand-type 상용 전신계수기(Whole Body Counter)의 성능 비교 (Performance Comparison of Bed-type and Stand-type Commercial Whole Body Counter Made by Canberra for Internal Exposure Monitoring)

  • 김봉기;하위호;권태은;박민석;이준호;김종민;이상경;정규환
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2018
  • Whole-Body counters have been used to evaluate the internal contamination of gamma emitting radionuclides. Among the whole-body counters used in domestic nuclear facilities, Fastscan made by CANBERRA contains 2 NaI(Tl) detectors and is generally used to monitor the primary internal exposure. It has the advantage of achieving MDA even with short time measurements. Accuscan is a bed type, and has good energy resolution because it is composed of HPGe detector. Since the Accuscan with better energy resolution than Fastscan has better able to identify radionuclides, it is used to monitor secondary internal exposure. Some nuclear facilities have only Fastscan. We analyzed statistically whether Fastscan is enough to ensure accuracy and precision comparing with Accuscan. To do this, we prepared a CRM created by the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science. We also obtained the data of 6 Fastscans and 5 Accuscans in domestic nuclear facilities. As a result of the study, although Fastscan compared with Accuscan is not as accurate as the Accuscan, the precision is statistically same. However, accuracy of Fastscan is in compliance with international standards except low energy range. In terms of accuracy and precision except radionuclides emitting low energy, it is possible to measure radioactivity inside workers even in nuclear facilities where only Fastscan is used.

관할지역 주민의 보건진료소에 대한 태도와 이용양상 (Utilization Pattern and Percept ion and Attitude of Rural Residents towards Primary Health Post)

  • 박춘나;박재용;한창현
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2001
  • 보건진료소 관할지역주민들의 보건진료소에 대한 이용양상과 인식도를 파악하기 위하여 2000년 12월 10일부터 2001년 1월15일까지 경상북도 상주시 지역 24개 보건진료소 관할지역 753가구(가구원 1,803명)에 대해 설문조사를 실시하였다. 전체가구원의 지난 2주간의 급성질환 이환율은 29.6%이었으며 이들의 의료기관 이용률은 98.3% 이었다. 연령별로는 60-69세가 35.4%로 가장 높았는데 연령이 높을수록, 학력이 낮을수록 이환율이 높았다. 전체 가구원의 1년간 만성질환 이환율은 19.2%이었으며 이들의 의료기관 이용률은 92.8% 이었다. 만성질환 이환율은 70세 이상에서 37.2%로 가장 높았고, 연령이 높을수록, 학력이 낮을수록 유의하게 높았다. 급성질환시 의료이용은 보건진료소 이용이 89.5%로 대부분을 차지하였으며, 만성질환시에는 보건진료소 이용이 40.2%이었고 병 의원 이용이 48.9%이었다. 조사시점 이전 1년간의 보건진료소 이용 경험률은 94.8%이었고 진료목적 이외 방문 경험률은 72.2%이었으며, 73.3%의 응답자가 보건교육을 받은 경험이 있었다고 하였다. 응답자의 98.5%가 보건진료소의 위치를 알고 있었고, 건강관리에 도움이 된다는 인식이 98.6%, 지역발전과의 관련성에는 84.3%가 큰 역할을 수행한다고 하였으며, 보건진료소의 필요성에 대해서는 97.4%가 필요하다고 응답하였다. 보건진료소의 주된 업무는 질병치료, 예방접종, 건강상담 순으로 인식하였으며 보건진료소가 중점적으로 시행해주기를 원하는 업무는 주민건강상담 및 관리가 31.6%로 가장 높았다. 보건진료소 진료비에 대해서는 88.9%가 싸다고 하였고, 보건진료원의 친절도는 98.4%가 친절하다고 하였으며 서비스 만족도도 97.0%로 매우 높았다. 보건진료소에 대한 불만사항은 약의 종류가 부족하다가 42.9%로 가장 높았고 시설이 좋지않다가 15.8%이었다. 조사대상 지역주민들은 지리적 여건과 경제적 여건에 의해 보건진료소를 많이 이용하고 있었으며 보건진료소에 대한 주민들의 만족도도 높았고 필요성도 절감하고 있었다. 그리고 질병치료업무 이외의 보건사업에 대한 요구도 많았고 의약품과 의료시설 및 장비에 대한 불만이 큰 점을 감안하여 보건진료소를 계속적으로 유지 운영하되 보건진료소의 기능의 재정비, 시설 장비의 보강, 그리고 보건진료원의 교육훈련강화를 통해 벽오지 주민에게 바람직한 의료서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 적극 지원해야 할 것이다.

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우리나라 응급의료기금 운영실태 및 문제점 (A Study on Improvement of EMS Fund Using in Korea)

  • 백홍석
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2005
  • In Korea, EMS Fund Operation seems to move the opposite direction to right way. The most initial EMS fund was consumed loan for some emergency patients without any particular results. Since 2002, the use of EMS fund also has shown a tendency to shift one side. By the results, it was 44.3% to support emergency medical centers, so called hospital EMS system and 28.4% to purchase ambulances and helicopters, and 1.6% to operate Central Medical Center, prehospital base in the EMS fund consumed in 2004. It was never supported for the environmental improvement and development of universities, colleges, and private EMS units having the primary responsibilities. The initial EMS fund using should be used for prehospital base, e.g., prehospital staffs, communications, and facilities and balanced development between public and private EMS units than any other fund using.

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진료와 술기 수행의 교육전략 (Educational Strategies for Clinical and Technical Skills Performance)

  • 노혜린
    • 의학교육논단
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.132-144
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to provide the background of developing guides to clinical performance and basic clinical skills and to introduce how to teach and learn using the guide. The students' performance problems presented in an objective clinical skills examination were disease-centered tertiary hospital clinical care, incomplete performance, doing by rote, and an exam-oriented learning attitude. The problems were caused by a tertiary hospital-based educational environment as well as schools and faculty who are unfamiliar with the concept of patient-centered care. The purpose of the guide to clinical performance and basic clinical skills is to overcome these problems and address the causes. The guides show a clinical presentation approach to primary care; clinical care integrated with knowledge, skills, and attitude; a schematic approach; and a patient-centered attitude. To achieve these goals, a strategy to change the educational culture is important. Curricular reform, faculty development, and improving educational facilities and environments are suggested.

치매노인을 돌보는 가족원의 부양부담감과 가정간호요구도 (The Home Care Need and the Burden of a Primary Family Care Giver with Senile Dementia Patients)

  • 손영주;강기선;김수진
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.423-440
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    • 2000
  • This research was conducted to identify the following: the home care needs of patients with dementia and the burden on the primary family care giver: to provide basic data required to develop nursing intervention for the care giver: and to suggest recommendations for medical institutions and social services that could reduce the burden on the families of people suffering from dementia. subjects of this research were 53 patients of the two Public Health Centers of Cheju Province who are suffering from dementia and their families. The instrument used in the research was Kuen. Jung Don (1994)' s assessment tool of burden in the primary family care giver who has parents with senile dementia and Yoo. Young Mi(1998)'s assessment tool of home care need. modified by the researcher in the questionnaire by a Likert rating scale. The period of data collection was from February 8. 2000 to March 10. 2000. Collected data was analyzed by SPSS, using mean, standard deviation. ANOVA, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The result of this research was that there was not a significant correlation between the burden on the care giver and the level of dementia, its duration, the patient's ability to perform daily tasks, the period of care giving. and the use of social services, although the lower the patient's ability to perform daily tasks. and the worse the care giver's own health situation, the higher the burden on the primary family care giver. The following suggestions are made based on the results of this research. 1. More than half of the subjects don't use social facilities and services. More publicity and referral efforts are needed about medical institutions. nursing institutions and other facilities that specialize in services for dementia sufferers and their families. 2. Nursing services should include intensive education for the primary care giver in the most important aspects of home care. 3. Further research should be done, and should include data from all parts of Cheju Province.

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상용치료원 보유가 의료기관 종별 선택에 미치는 영향: 대형병원 환자집중현상 완화방안을 중심으로 (The Effect of Having Usual Source of Care on the Choice among Different Types of Medical Facilities)

  • 김두리
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2016
  • Background: Concentration of patients to large hospitals is serious problem in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to propose appropriate policy direction to relieve concentration of patients to large hospitals. It is focused on evaluation of the possibility of family doctor system as a policy alternative to relieve concentration of patients to large hospital by empirically analyzing the effect of usual source of care (USC) on large hospitals medical care use. Methods: Korea Health Panel conducted 2009, 2012, 2013 by KIHASA (Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs) and NHIS (National Health Insurance Service) was used for analysis. For dependent variables, first, the ratio of the amount of using large hospital to total amount of using medical care, and second, the amount of using large hospital are estimated. Independent variables are having an USC and type of USC. Panel analysis was done with above variables. Results: Main results are as follows. First, having an USC increases using large hospital. Second, having a domestic clinic type USC decreases using large hospital and ratio of using large hospital. Third, the effect of domestic clinic type USC is greater in older group, less income group, worse health status group, not having private insurance group, and having chronic disease group. Conclusion: These results show that family doctor program can be a policy alternative to relieve concentration of patients to large hospital. Nonetheless, primary care system in Korea is unsatisfied. It is recommended to reinforce primary care system and family doctor system to relieve concentration of patients to large hospitals.

북한의 간호교육 -반세기동안의 변화와 전망- (Nursing Education in North Korea: Past 50 Years and Future)

  • 이꽃메
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.437-449
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: To understand the development of nursing education of North Korea after 1945. Method: First, collecting primary sources published in NK. Second, collecting secondary sources published in South Korea. Third, interview with South Korean medical personnels who visited NK. Forth, interview with medical personnels who escaped NK. Result: After 1945 NK increased health care facilities in short time and had the policy of training medical personnel in short time. Nursing education was focused on the basic practice. NK could begin free medical treatment for the laborer in 1947. Post Korean War restoration and free medical treatment system of national level in 1950s and 1960s served to the health promotion of NK population. The medical personnel training policy continued and the number of R.N. in NK had increased 13 times in 15 years. NK has tried to increase the quality of health care service and medical personnel since 1970s. Nursing education in medical colleges is three-year course but 6 month training courses in general hospitals continue. They focus on primary prevention and oriental medicine in nursing curriculum reflecting the characteristics of NK medial care. But English and high technology is very poor, and there is no computer related curriculum. Conclusion: nursing education in NK has developed reflecting the changes of NK society and health care since 1945. After 1980s NK is in deep economic depression and it is hard to recover from the state with their hands. In this state, we cannot expect the development of nursing education in NK.

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중동호흡기증후군과 지카바이러스의 대응사례분석을 통한 해외유입 신종감염병 예방시스템 구축 방안 (Developing Prevention System of Overseas Infectious Disease Based on MERS and Zika Virus Outbreak)

  • 김자영;방준석
    • 한국임상약학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.330-340
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    • 2016
  • Objective: The outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) started in South Korea in May 2015 and the end of crisis was declared in December 2015 by Korea Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC). However, Zika virus emerged in less than 2 months following MERS and showed higher mortality than other countries. This study is to assess the current prevention system of overseas infectious diseases, based on MERS and Zika virus outbreak and to suggest effective response system for the future. Methods: We conducted two surveys on medical specialists working at tertiary general hospitals regarding the effectiveness of responding system by KCDC against MERS and Zika virus and education in individual medical institutions using 5-Likert points. Response system was examined in three different periods as initial period, spreading period, and post disease period. Results: Although medical specialists received the notifications in initial period, no practical prevention was proven to be placed in responding stage by medical facilities (averagely 3.5/5 points in total and sub-analyses). During spreading period, there were several academic seminars conducted, which were evaluated as helpful. In post disease period, all answered that there were changes on patient treatment in all medical facilities, with mainly report system and the treatment regulations in case of suspicious patients for infection. Only 49% respondents answered positive on the possibility of initial responses. For questionnaire items regarding Zika virus, all answered that there were notifications prior to the first outbreak of the infected patient. Eighty% of respondents were aware of 'the Guideline system for traveling to dangerous areas', and answered that the system was moderately effective (averagely 3.8/5 points in total). For the effectiveness of prevention measures for foreign novel disease by KCDC, the average point was 3.0 in both of total and sub-analyses. Conclusion: There is not enough response system to prevent infectious disease in medical institutional and governmental levels in Korea. It would warrant the modification of overall medical system to improve preventive measures for initial spread of such diseases.