• Title/Summary/Keyword: Prevention Attitudes

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The Effect of Content Layout in Mobile Shopping Product Page on Product Attitude and Purchase Intention: Focusing on Consumer Cognitive Responses Depending on Regulatory Focus (모바일 쇼핑몰 상세페이지 콘텐츠 레이아웃 형태가 제품태도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 조절초점에 따른 소비자 인지 반응 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyunghee;Seo, Bonggoon;Park, Dohyung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.193-210
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    • 2022
  • The rapid development of mobile technology and the improvement of network speed are providing convenience to various services, and mobile shopping malls are no exception. Although efforts are being made to promote sales by combining various technologies such as customized recommendations using big data and specialized personalization services based on artificial intelligence, most mobile shopping malls have the same detailed page information structure including detailed product information. In this context, in this study, it was determined that the content layout of the product detail page and the mobile product detail page layout tailored to the consumer's preference should be presented according to the consumer's preference. Based on Higgins' Regulatory Focus Theory, a study of consumer propensity revealed that the content layout arrangement on a product detail page, when presented in an F-shape, informs the consumer that it is organized. If presented in a Z-shape, vivid information was recognized, and it was examined whether the product attitude and purchase intention were affected. As a result, when the content layout composition was presented as a layout arrangement in the form of a sense of unity and organization, prevention-focused consumers were positively affected by product attitudes and purchase intentions, and promotion-oriented consumers felt freedom. When presented in an arrangement, it was confirmed that the product attitude and purchase intention were affected.

Psychological functions and values of counterfactual thinking (사후가정사고의 심리적 기능과 응용적 가치)

  • Taekyun Hur
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.171-190
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    • 2002
  • Counterfactual thinking refers to a mental simulation of "What might have been," a cognitive process of once-possible-but-unrealized alternatives to facts, Counterfactuals have been reported to produce intensive emotional experiences, specifically regret. The present research reviewed and tried to integrate the previous inconsistent findings in the view of functional value of counterfactuals. Social psychologists proposed that counterfactuals could be categorized into upward(thoughts of better alternatives) versus downward(thoughts of worse alternatives) and additive versus subtractive. Counterfactual processes are more likely to occur following negative or unexpected rather than positive expected outcome, consistent with the minimization-mobilization hypothesis. Downward counterfactuals serve affective functions(to make one feel better) through contrast effects. Upward counterfactuals serve preparative functions(to prepare and improve performance in the future similar tasks) through causal inferences. Also, upward counterfactuals have been demonstrated in several studies to be followed by success-related attitudes and intentions and actual performance improvement. Furthermore, in terms of regulatory focus, downward counterfactuals were related with the prevention focus(to maintain the current status and upward counterfactuals were related with the promotion focus(to improve the current status). Those findings from numerous studies support that counterfactuals are functional to serve human ongoing motives. In conclusion, applicability and limitation of functional value of counterfactual thinking were discussed.

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결장루형성술 환자 간호를 위한 일 연구

  • 모경빈
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 1970
  • This study is designed to find out proper nursing activities for the needs of the colostomy patients, i.e., mental and psychological as well as physical needs for rapid recovery, and to help them build up the follow-up care for proper social adjustment. The study is based on 268 cases out of 381 colostomy patient's records kept in Ewha Womans University Hospital, Yonsei Medical Center, and National Medical Center in between the period from Jan. 1953 to Jan. 1970. The items of study are mainly on etiology, sex, age, duration of hospitalization, mortality rate, seasonal frequency, time from the onset of illness to the admission of the hospital, signs and symptoms. 1. Frequency of onset by etiology: Neoplastic disease 112 cases (42%), Inflammatory disease 33 cases (12%), Congenital malformation 30 cases (11%), Intussusception 25 cases (9.3%), Trauma 24 cases (9%), Volvulus 17 cases (6.3%), and Crohn's disease 6 cases (2.2%). 2. By sex: male 167 cases (62.9%), and female 101 cases (37.1%). So the ratio of portion of male and female 2:1. 3. By age: under 1·year·old 27 cases (10.1%) highest, 41-50 yrs 54 cases (20.2%), 51-60 yrs 42 cases (15.5%), above 71 yrs 5 cases (1.9%). 4. Duration of hospitalization: the shortest is 2-days and the longest is 470 days. 1-20-days 52%, 40-60 days 14%. 5. Mortality rate: Under the 10-days-admission 19.5%, and the beyond 30-days-admission 3.9%. 6. Seasonal frequency: Higher in summer (32% ). 7. Signs and symptoms: abdominal pain (56%), abdominal distention (54%), vomiting (40%), bloody mucoid diarrhea (38%) , pain of anal region (18%), abdominal tenderness, anorexia, indigestion, constipation, disuria, tenesmus, high fever and chilling sensation, bile tingled vomiting. Nursing activities for the patient's physical needs are as follows: Skin care for colostomy region, Prevention of colostomy constriction and depression, Removal of an offensive odor, The use of colostomy bag-selection for, and demonstration of the use of inexpensive colostomy irrigation equipment, Personal hygiene, general skin care, care of hair, finger nails and toe-nails, Oral hygiene, sleep and rest, aquate, Daily activities, etc. Measures for regulation of bowl movement. Keeping the instruction of taking food, Preparing the meal and help for anorexia, Constipation and it's solution, Prevention of diarrhea, helping the removal of mucous, and stretch constricted steam as needed. Nursing activities for pt's socio-psychological needs are as follows; Help the patient to make decision for the operation, Remove pt's anxiety toward operation and anesthesia, To meet the pt's spiritual needs at his death bed, Help to establish family and friends cooperation, Help to reduce anxiety at the time of admission and it's solution, Help to meet religious need, Help to remove pt's anxiety for loosing his job and family maintenance, Follow-up studies for 7 cases have been done to implement the present thesis. The items of the personal interviews with the patients are as follows: Acceptability for artificial anus, The most anxious thing they had in mind at the time of discharge, The most anxious thing they hat·e in mind at present, Their friends and family's attitudes toward the patient after operation, Relations with other colostomy patients, Emotional damage from the operation, Physical problem of enema, irrigation, Control of diet, Skin care, Control of offensive odor, Patient's suggestions to nurses during hospital stay and after discharge. In conclusion, the follow-up care for colostomy patients shares equal weight or perhaps more than the post-operative care. The follow-up care should include the spiritual care for moral support of the patient, to drag him out of isolation and estrangement, and make him fully participate in social activities. It is suggested that the following measures would help to rehabilitate the colostomy patients (1) mutual acquaintance with other colostomy patients if possible form a sort of club for the colostomy patient to exchange their experiences in care (2) through the team work of doctor, nurse and rehabilitation specialists, to have a sort of concerted effort for betterment of the patient.

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Could a Product with Diverged Reviews Ratings Be Better?: The Change of Consumer Attitude Depending on the Converged vs. Diverged Review Ratings and Consumer's Regulatory Focus (평점이 수렴되지 않는 리뷰의 제품들이 더 좋을 수도 있을까?: 제품 리뷰평점의 분산과 소비자의 조절초점 성향에 따른 소비자 태도 변화)

  • Yi, Eunju;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.273-293
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    • 2021
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the size of the e-commerce has been increased rapidly. This pandemic, which made contact-less communication culture in everyday life made the e-commerce market to be opened even to the consumers who would hesitate to purchase and pay by electronic device without any personal contacts and seeing or touching the real products. Consumers who have experienced the easy access and convenience of the online purchase would continue to take those advantages even after the pandemic. During this time of transformation, however, the size of information source for the consumers has become even shrunk into a flat screen and limited to visual only. To provide differentiated and competitive information on products, companies are adopting AR/VR and steaming technologies but the reviews from the honest users need to be recognized as important in that it is regarded as strong as the well refined product information provided by marketing professionals of the company and companies may obtain useful insight for product development, marketing and sales strategies. Then from the consumer's point of view, if the ratings of reviews are widely diverged how consumers would process the review information before purchase? Are non-converged ratings always unreliable and worthless? In this study, we analyzed how consumer's regulatory focus moderate the attitude to process the diverged information. This experiment was designed as a 2x2 factorial study to see how the variance of product review ratings (high vs. low) for cosmetics affects product attitudes by the consumers' regulatory focus (prevention focus vs. improvement focus). As a result of the study, it was found that prevention-focused consumers showed high product attitude when the review variance was low, whereas promotion-focused consumers showed high product attitude when the review variance was high. With such a study, this thesis can explain that even if a product with exactly the same average rating, the converged or diverged review can be interpreted differently by customer's regulatory focus. This paper has a theoretical contribution to elucidate the mechanism of consumer's information process when the information is not converged. In practice, as reviews and sales records of each product are accumulated, as an one of applied knowledge management types with big data, companies may develop and provide even reinforced customer experience by providing personalized and optimized products and review information.

Ethnosientific Approach of Health Practice in Korea (한국인의 건강관행에 대한 민속과학적 접근)

  • 김귀분;최연희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.396-417
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    • 1991
  • In order that nursing care an essential quality of nursing practice be acceptable and satisfying, it is necessary that client's culture be respected and that nursing practice be appropriate to that culture. Since cultural elements are an important influence on health practices and life patterns related to medical treatment, recovery from and prevention of disease, nurses need to have an understanding and knowledge of social and cultural phenomena to aid in the planning of nursing interventions. To understand the health practices surrounding health and illness, the health beliefs and practices of both folk and professional healing systems should be ascertained. Cultural data are required to provide care of high quality to clients and to reduce possible conflict between the client and the nurse. It is nursing's goal to provide clients from various cultures with quality nursing care which is satisfying and valuable. The problem addressed by this study was to identify Korean health practices which would contribute to the planning of professional caring practice with the culture : ultimately this study was intended to make a contribution to the development of the science of nursing. The concrete objectives of this study were ; 1) to identify Korean health practices, 2) to interpret the identitial health practices through traditional cultural thought, and 3) to compare the Korean health practices with those of other cultures. The investigator used the ethnosceintific approach outlined by spradly in a qualitative study. To discover ancestral wisdom and knowledge related to traditional health practeces, the subjects of this study were selected from residents of a small rural mountain village in south west Korea, a place considered to be maintaining and transmitting the traditional culture in a relatively well -preserved state because of being isolated from the modern world. The number of subjects was 18, aged 71 to 89. Research data were collected from January 8 to March 31, 1990. Five categories of health practices were identified : “Manage one's own mind”, “Moderation in all thing”, “Live in accord with nature”, “Live in mutuality with others”, and “Live to the best of one's ability”. Values derived from these ways of thinking from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism help fashion a traditional way of life, examplified by the saying “Benifience to all”. Korean thought and philosophy is influenced primerily by Confucianism, Confucian principles of ethics, embedded deeply in the peoples' minds, form the idea that “heaven and human being are intimately united” based on concept that “heaven is, so to speak, reason”. Twoe Gae's theory of existential subjectivity develops the concept of self which is the basis of the spirit of reverence in modern Confucian philosophy. The human md is granted from heaven out of the idea of matter, and what control the mind is the spirit of reverence. Hence the idea of “The primacy of the mind" and provided that one should control one's own mind. The precepts of duty to parents, respect for elders and worship of ancestors, and moderation in all behavior put a restraint on life which directed that one live earnestly according to Nature's laws with their neighbors. Not only Confucianism, but also Buddism and Taoism have had an important effect upon these patterns of ideas. When compared with western culture, Korean health practices tend to be more inclusive, abstract and intuitive while westerner health practices found to be mere concrete, practical and personal. Values and beliefs based and pragmatism and existentialism infuence western civilization, Ethical values may be founded on utilitarianism, which considers what is good for the persons in their circumstances as the basis of conduct and takes a serious view of their practical lives including human aspirations rather than an absolute truth. These philosophical and ethical ideas are foundations for health practices related to active, practical and progressive attitudes. This study should be enable nursing not only to understand clients as reflections of the traditional culture when planning nursing practice, but to dovelop health education corresponding to cultural requiments for the purpose of protection against disease and improvement of health, and thus promote sound health practice. Eventually it is hoped that through these processes quality nursing care as the central idea of the science of nursing will be achieved.

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A Reliability and Validity Study of the Korean versions of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire version 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) and the Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA) (한국판 섭식장애검사-자기보고형 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) 및 한국판 임상손상평가(CIA)의 신뢰도와 타당도 연구)

  • Bang, Eun Byul;Han, Cho Long;Kim, Yu Ri;Kim, Mirihae;Lee, Young Ho;Heo, Si Young;Kim, Youl-Ri
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, version 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) and the Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA) measure attitudes and behavioral features of eating disorders and impairments secondary to eating disorders, respectively. The aims of this study were to examine the reliability and the validity of the Korean versions of the EDE-Q version 6.0 and the CIA. Methods : Four hundred nineteen participants (370 female university students and 49 women with eating disorders) completed the EDE-Q version 6.0, the CIA, the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Weight Concern Scale (WCS). Results : Excellent internal consistencies were obtained for the EDE-Q version 6.0 (Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.92$) and the CIA (Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.91$). Exploratory factor analysis of CIA extracted the 3 factors of personal, social, and cognitive impairments, as the original CIA had. The EDE-Q version 6.0 and the CIA were well correlated with the BSQ and the WCS, in respect to their contextually concordant variables. Patients with eating disorders had higher scores both in the EDE-Q 6.0 and the CIA than university women had, supporting good discriminant validity. Conclusions : The EDE-Q version 6.0 and the Korean versions of the CIA had adequate reliability and validity. These data will help clinicians and researchers to use the EDE-Q and the CIA in diagnosis, prevention and intervention of eating disorders in Korea.

Factors Affecting Physicians who will be Vaccinated Every Year after Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine in Healthcare Workers (의료종사자의 COVID-19 예방 백신 접종받은 후 향후 매년 예방접종 의향에 미치는 요인)

  • Hyeun-Woo Choi;Sung-Hwa Park;Eun-Kyung Cho;Chang-hyun Han;Jong-Min Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to vaccinate every year according to the general characteristics of COVID-19, whether to vaccinate every year according to the vaccination experience, whether to vaccinate every year according to knowledge/attitude about vaccination, and negative responses to the vaccinate every year In order to understand the factors affecting the vaccination physician every year by identifying the factors of Statistical analysis is based on general characteristics, variables based on vaccination experience, and knowledge/attitudes related to vaccination. The doctor calculates the frequency and percentage, A square test (-test) was performed, and if the chi-square test was significant but the expected frequency was less than 5 for 25% or more, a ratio difference test was performed with Fisher's exact test. Through multiple logistic regression analysis using variables that were significant in simple analysis, a predictive model for future vaccination and the effect size of each independent variable were estimated. As statistical analysis software, SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was used, and because the sample size was not large, the significance level was set at 10%, and when the p-value was less than 0.10, it was interpreted as statistically significant. In the simple logistic regression analysis, the reason why they answered that they would not be vaccinated every year was that they answered 'to prevent infection of family and hospital guests' rather than 'to prevent my infection' as the reason for the vaccination. It was 11.0 times higher and 3.67 times higher in the case of 'for the formation of collective immunity of the local community and the country'. The adverse reactions experienced after the 1st and 2nd vaccination were 8.42 times higher in those who did not experience pain at the injection site than those who did not, 4.00 times higher in those who experienced swelling or redness, and 5.69 times higher in those who experienced joint pain. There was a 5.57 times higher rate of absenteeism annually than those who did not. In addition, the more anxious they felt about vaccination, the more likely they were to not get the vaccine every year by 2.94 times.

The Analysis of the Current Status of Medical Accidents and Disputes Researched in the Korean Web Sites (인터넷 사이트를 통해 살펴본 의료사고 및 의료분쟁의 현황에 관한 분석)

  • Cha, Yu-Rim;Kwon, Jeong-Seung;Choi, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Youl
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.297-316
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    • 2006
  • The increasing tendency of medical disputes is one of the remarkable social phenomena. Especially we must not overlook the phenomenon that production and circulation of information related to medical accidents is increasing rapidly through the internet. In this research, we evaluated the web sites which provide the information related to medical accidents using the keyword "medical accidents" in March 2006, and classified the 28 web sites according to the kinds of establishers. We also analyzed the contents of the sites, and checked and compared the current status of the web sites and problems that have to be improved. Finally, we suggested the possible solutions to prevent medical accidents. The detailed results were listed below. 1. Medical practitioners, general public, and lawyers were all familiar with and prefer the term "medical accidents" mainly. 2. In the number of sites searched by the keyword "medical accidents", lawyer had the most sites and medical practitioners had the least ones. 3. Many sites by general public and lawyers had their own medical record analysts but there was little professional analysts for dentistry. 4. General public were more interested in the prevention of medical accidents but the lawyers were more interested in the process after medical accidents. The sites by medical practitioners dealt with the least remedies of medical accidents, compared with other sites. 5. General public wanted the third party such as government intervention into the disputes including the medical dispute arbitration law or/and the establishment of independent medical dispute judgment institution. 6. In the comparison among the establishers of web sites, medical practitioners dealt with the least examples of medical accidents. 7. The suggestion of cases in counseling articles related to dental accidents were considered less importantly than the reality. 8. Whereas there were many articles about domestic cases related to the bloody dental treatment, in the open counseling articles the number of dental treatment regarding to non insurance treatment was large. 9. In comparing offered information of medical accidents based on the establishers, general public offered vocabularies, lawyers offered related laws and medical practitioners offered medical knowledge relatively. 10. They all cited the news pressed by the media to offer the current status of domestic medical accidents. Especially among the web sites by general public, NGOs provided the plentiful statistical data related to medical accidents. 11. The web sites that collect the medical accidents were only two. As a result of our research, we found out that, in the flood of information, medical disputes can be occurred by the wrong information from third party, and the medical practitioners have the most passive attitudes on the medical accidents. Thus, it is crucial to have the mutual interchange and exchange of information between lawyer, patients and medical practitioners, so that based on clear mutual comprehension we can solve the accidents and disputes more positively and actively.