• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preservice teachers

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Types of Scientific Questions Generated in Observational Activity by Elementary Students and Preservice Teachers (초등학생들과 초등예비교사들이 관찰활동에서 생성한 과학적 의문의 유형)

  • Lee, Hye-Jeong;Jeong, Jin-Su;Park, Kuk-Tae;Kwon, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.1018-1027
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to identify and compare the types of scientific questions which were generated by elementary students and preservice teachers on the tasks of scientific observation. To identify the types of scientific questions, 4 observing tasks, dry grapes contained in soda pop, candlelight, celery, and a rock were administered to 40 sixth elementary students and 20 elementary preservice teachers. And then, the types and frequency of scientific questions generated by them were compared. The results showed that the types of scientific questions were classified into conjectural questions, causal questions, predictive questions, methodical questions and applicative questions. Further more, subordinate questions to the above questions were classified into object exploration questions and object verification questions, explicans exploration questions and explicans verification questions, result exploration questions and result verification questions, example exploration questions and example verification questions. Subordinate questions did not come out from the methodical questions. The types of scientific questions generated by elementary students and preservice teachers were identical, however, there were differences in frequency. This study supports that elementary students also have cognitive capability to generate various scientific questions. The results of this study may be used as a teaching strategy for the guidance of the direction and the method of scientific inquiry.

A Study on the Knowledge of Elementary School Textbooks Related to Strata from the Perspective of Core Competency-Based Education and the Concept of Preservice Elementary Teachers (핵심역량중심교육 관점에서 지층관련 초등과학교과서의 지식과 예비초등 교사들의 개념 연구)

  • Moon, Byoung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents related to the strata in the elementary science textbooks and to investigate the strata concepts of preservice elementary teachers. As a result of the study, most of the strata knowledge in elementary textbook has an explicit sentence structure, such as A is B. it is limited to being used as a subject of discussion and debate among students in science classes. Formal knowledge, although its meaning is clear, is disadvantageous as a material for core competency education. Regarding strata concepts, 70% of preservice elementary teachers thoughts that heat and pressure were the only key factors in turning sediments into hard rocks. Regarding whether information about the natural information in the geological period can be obtained through the strata, 20% thought that information on the natural environment could be obtained only through fossils and not from the strata. Even 80% of preservice elementary school teachers who thought that informations on the past natural environment could be obtained from the stratum showed a lot of scientific misconceptions in the information contents. In conclusion, in order to increase the effect of core competency education through elementary science education, it is necessary to review the form and contents of strata knowledge presented in elementary science textbooks.

Suggestion of the Scientific Argumentation PCK Developmental Model for Preservice Earth Science Teachers through an Instructional Design Program Using Argumentation Structures (논증구조 수업설계 프로그램을 통한 예비 지구과학 교사의 과학논증 PCK 발달 모델 제안)

  • Park, Won-Mi;Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.76-90
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    • 2022
  • In this study, after applying the argument structure class design program for 20 preservice earth science teachers, we conducted individual in-depth interviews, analyzed the data, and derived a scientific argumentation PCK development model. The scientific argumentation PCK development model consists of three dimensions: Scientific argumentation PCK, PCK ecosystem, and reflective practice. Scientific argumentation PCK is demonstrated in the process of designing or executing classes using argumentation structures as an instructional reasoning tool. PCK ecosystem, consisting of the existing conventional PCK components, is a dimension surrounding the scientific argumentation PCK, and these two dimensions develop by interacting with each other. Reflective practice regulates each dimension and develops it in various ways by mediating the two dimensions of the scientific argumentation PCK and the PCK ecosystem. The conclusions drawn based on the results are as follows: First, preservice science teachers can demonstrate scientific argumentation PCK in the process of design and implementation of lessons using argumentation structures as a pedagogical reasoning tool. Second, it is necessary to develop the PCK for pedagogical reasoning tools such as scientific argumentation PCK in advance for the development of science teachers' PCK, since the scientific argumentation PCK can develop various components of the PCK ecosystem. Finally, it is necessary to use scientific argumentation PCK to support the preservice teacher's reflective practice, seeing that the scientific argumentation PCK promotes the development of PCK ecosystem components by inducing reflective practice.

Learning Experiences of the Project Approach in Early Childhood Preservice Teachers (예비유아교사가 경험한 프로젝트 접근법)

  • Yang, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.457-467
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to find out how those taking early childhood preservice teachers experience their learning through learner-centered education and the meaning given by such experiences to grasp their values. Especially, to look into experiences of learning the project approach theory studied and directly experienced, which is one of the early childhood educational approach methods, data on participatory observation, personal interviews, personal reflective journals, activity reports and ect. were collected and analyzed by the current writer, who fully participated in the class. The meaning of early childhood preservice teacher'experiences in the project approach was analyzed from the two aspects of 'my' learning activities and 'teacher's teaching activities. In the aspect of 'my' learning activities, they got indulged through purposeful practices in the process of tackling problems that originated from personal interest and wanted to share the joy of learning they'd had with others. Aware of themselves as doers of behavior and thinking, they were found to be able to focus an 'my' own learning activities based on these learning experiences of theirs. In the aspect of 'teacher's teaching activities, project theories and practices done at the same time helped them internalize the project and they learned possible changes ign the project by experiencing actual cases. To sum up, the project approach has its meaning in that it not only helps teachers learn theoretical knowledge but also have reflective thinking through their experiences as doers of learning and form practical knowledge. Accordingly, it indicates th need for intensive discussion on the project approach as a way to educate pre-teachers or current ones.

An Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers' Reflective Thinking for Tasks on Polar Coordinates

  • Oh, Hye Mi;Park, Jee Hyun;Kwon, Oh Nam
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2013
  • It is the first time that there is a subject, advanced mathematics in the 2009 revised high school curriculum. Therefore it is posing a challenge to the teachers who are teaching it. At the advanced level, it is important for learners to reflect on their mental mathematical activities. This research analysed pre-service secondary teachers' reflective thinking in solving the tasks specific for the teaching and learning of polar coordinates. We report how and through what process mathematical tasks that can create disequilibrium for pre-service secondary teachers enable reflective thinking and expand preservice secondary teachers' thoughts and recognition of defining reflective thinking in looking back on one's problem solving and thinking processes.

Exploring Preservice Secondary Science Teachers' Abilities of Developing Inquiry Questions in the Content of Earth Science (중등 예비 과학교사들의 지구과학영역 탐구문제 개발 능력 분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon;Park, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.294-305
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    • 2012
  • Scientific literacy has long been as one of the key goals of science education, and using scientific inquiry in school science has became an important objective to be achieved. The processes of scientific inquiry consist of proposing/developing inquiry question, designing and conducting investigation, collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, and communicating the results. However, most students experience mainly collecting and transforming data in inquiry processes in science class and they are barely exposed to the opportunities of proposing/developing inquiry questions. Middle school earth science preservice teachers participated in this study (N=36) and their abilities of developing inquiry questions were surveyed. Participants' abilities of developing inquiry questions were investigated whether they were enhanced with activities using the Inquiry Questions Development Guide (IQDG). Also, this study was interested in whether there was any relationship between abilities of developing inquiry questions and designing inquiry investigation. The results of this study were as follows; first, the level and preciseness of inquiry questions and its preciseness developed by participating teachers were enhanced after experiencing IQDG. In addition, teachers' dominating inquiry question-types were two: one is a 'relationship-inquiry question' in which students could discover the relationship between results found in the given experimental situations and the other one is a 'why-how inquiry problem' in which students could explore a cause or a process that results in the outcomes. Finally, the higher level of and preciseness the of inquiry questions were identified as an important factor the determined teachers' abilities of designing more logical investigation. A process of proposing/developing inquiry question was identified as one of the most important processes contributing to a success of scientific inquiry investigation.

The Characteristics of the Elementary Gifted Children and the Direction of Korean Gifted Education Perceived by the Preservice Elementary Teachers (봉사학습을 경험한 예비교사의 초등영재아동의 특성과 영재교육 방향에 대한 인식)

  • Kim, Rah Kyung
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2017
  • In order to succeed in gifted education, it is necessary to educate teachers with professional skills and qualities that meet the psychological characteristics of gifted students and satisfy their educational desires. The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of the science/mathematics gifted students the preservice teachers who participated in the service learning in the hothousing center annexed to the university, and the direction in which the Korean hothousing should proceed. For this, the service learning was conducted in the hothousing institution targeting three students attending A education college for 12 weeks. As a result of study, the gifted children showed the outstanding cognitive, affective, and creative natures which were expressed positively or negatively according to the situation. The study participants recognized the teachers had a duty to admit the distinctive nature of the individual gifted children and to provide the specially contrived education for them for the qualitative improvement of the Korean hothousing. Simultaneously they thought the gifted children should be regarded as ordinary children before the gifted persons and treated as the children. The necessity for preservice teachers to take the hothousing lectures requisitely and provide the learning chance focusing on the practical contents beyond the hothousing teacher training was brought forward in order to develop the systematic hothousing curriculum.

Pre-Service Biology Teachers' Views of the Nature of Science and the Origins of Human Beings: Focusing on Religions (예비 생물교사의 과학의 본성과 인간의 기원에 대한 인식 조사: 종교배경을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Kyunglee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.246-259
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service biology teachers' perception of the evolution. This study was to compare the views of pre-service biology teachers with no religion with those of christian preservice teachers. Subjects were 77 pre-service biology teachers who enrolled in an university and graduate school of education located in Seoul. The instrument of this study was a questionnaire which consisted of 14 items on 2 domains: the nature of science, the origins of human beings. The key results are as follows. Most pre-service teachers showed highly understanding of the characteristics of science. However pre-service biology teachers still possessed naive views on the distinction of law and theory. In terms of the methods of science, many of the pre-service biology teachers considered scientific theories to progress through the accumulation of observation and experiments or through changes and modifications in existing theories. Compared with the pre-service teachers with no religion, christian pre-service teachers had conflicting views and misconceptions about the origins of human beings. The factors of religion were found to be one of the important barriers which prevent them from understanding the origins of human beings. The results suggested that the education program for pre-service biology teachers integrating the concepts and development process of the scientific knowledges should be effective for understanding the nature of science. For pre-service biology teachers, It is important to understand conflicting views of the christian pre-service teachers who understand creationism as a science.

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Changes in Teaching Behaviors and Awareness of Pre-service Mathematics Teachers by Using Survey on Self-reflection during Education Practices (반성적 수업 분석지를 활용한 교육실습에서 중등수학 예비교사의 교수행동 및 인식 변화)

  • Kwon, JongKyum
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.365-384
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to assess the changes that occur to pre-service mathematics teachers by using survey on the self-reflection during their education practices. For four weeks of the education practice period, the changes to pre-service teachers are analyzed from teaching and learning perspectives. The teaching perspective is sub-categorized into lesson contents, teaching methods, and evaluation on teaching, and the learning perspective is sub-categorized into monitoring on learning, support for learning and evaluation on learning. The analysis shows that significant changes occur in teaching contents from the teaching perspective and in all the sub-categories from the learning perspective. Based on the analysis, preservice teachers are suggested to utilize self-reflection programs during their education practices to promote their professionalism in teaching.

Development and Application of the Teacher Education Model for Using Virtual and Augmented Reality Contents in Elementary Science Class (초등 과학 수업에서 가상현실과 증강현실 콘텐츠 활용을 위한 교사 교육 모델의 개발과 적용 사례)

  • Cha, Hyun-Jung;Ga, Seok-Hyun;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.415-432
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    • 2024
  • This study developed and applied the teacher education model and its principles for science classes using Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) content and analyzed preservice elementary teachers' feedback on the teacher education model and the changes in their perceptions as to the use of VR/AR content. First, existing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) teacher education models and prior studies on the use of the VR/AR contents were reviewed to derive the teacher education model to cultivate the VR/AR-TPACK and set the key principles for each of its stages. The developed teacher education model has five stages: exploration, mapping, collaborative design, practice, and reflection. Second, to examine the appropriateness of the model's five stages and principles, we applied it within the regular course of instruction at the university of education, which was attended by 25 preservice elementary teachers. This study collected data from surveys on the perception of the usage of VR/AR contents before and after the course, as well as the group lesson plans prepared by the preservice teachers, and their feedback on the teacher education model. The feedback on the teacher education model and the survey conducted by the preservice teachers before and after the course were analyzed through open coding and categorization. As a result, most preservice teachers expressed positive opinions about the activities and experiences at each stage of the implementation of the teacher education model. Perceptions related to the usage of the VR/AR content changed in three aspects: first, the vague positive perception of the VR/AR content has changed to a positive perception based on specific educational affordance. Second, they recognized the need for preparedness by anticipating potential problems associated with the use of the VR/AR content. Third, they came to view the VR/AR contents as a useful instructional resource that the teachers could use. Based on these results, we discussed the implications for the VR/AR-TPACK teacher education model and assessed the limitations of the research.