• 제목/요약/키워드: Prediction of the Fatigue Life

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EDISON Co-rotational Plane Beam Transient analysis solver를 이용한 위험 Gust profile 역-추적 알고리즘 개발

  • 정지섭;김세일;신상준
    • EDISON SW 활용 경진대회 논문집
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    • 제6회(2017년)
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2017
  • Gust load is a very important load factor in designing various structures of an aircraft and judging its stability. This is because the blast effect on the aircraft in operation increases the risk of damage to the structure of the aircraft and causes a negative impact such as shortening the fatigue life by generating vibration. Particularly in the case of wing, a change in angle of attack is caused by gust load, and an additional lift acts on the wing, thereby being exposed to various excitational environments. Severe structural damage to the aircraft may occur if the natural frequencies of the aircraft wing are close to or coincident with the frequencies of the gust load applied to the wing. Recent trends of research include flight dynamics analysis considering discontinuous gusts or structural optimization of the blades under gust load. A number of studies have been conducted to interpret gust load response in consideration of irregularities in gusts. In this paper, we tried to imagine the situation of the aircraft subjected to the gust load as realistic as possible, and proposed an algorithm to track back the critical gust profile according to given aircraft characteristics from the viewpoint of preliminary engineering prediction.

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초소형 박막구조물의 기계적 특성 평가소자 설계 및 분석 기법 (Analytical Methodology and Design Consideration of Advanced Test Structure for the Micromechanical Characteristics of MEMS device)

  • 이세호;박병우;권동일
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1998년도 추계학술대회 논문집 학회본부 C
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    • pp.1010-1013
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    • 1998
  • In micromechanical system (MEMS) such as microactuators. thin film has been widely used as structural material. MEMS materials have difference with bulk in terms of mechanical properties. So, we design the advanced test structure for micromechanical properties of MEMS. The designed structure includes the newly developed pre-crack and it is driven by electrostatic force. To measure the fracture toughness, the pre-crack formation in the test structure is developed with conventional etching process. The advanced test structure is fabricated by application of semiconductor technology. After this, we propose analytical methodology to evaluate the fracture toughness and fatigue properties through a prediction of crack behavior from the variations of stiffness and frequency. Additionally, life time of a mirror plane used in DVD(Digital Video Disk) is measured as a function of capacitance and applied voltage under the accelerated conditions. Ultimately, we propose the method to evaluate the micromechanical reliabilities of the MEMS materials using the advanced test structure.

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컴플라이언스법에 의한 다층 맞대기 이음의 잔류응력 추정 (Residual Stress Prediction in Multi-layer Butt Weld Using Crack Compliance Method)

  • 김유일;이장현
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2012
  • It depends on the joint configuration, dimensions and constraints of the joint whether the residual stress at the root of single-sided butt weld is tensile or not. Therefore, recommendation is generally made that high R ratio should be used in the fatigue test of welded joint in order to prevent excessively long life caused by compressive residual stress. In this research, the residual stress profile in butt weld joint was obtained through compliance method, using successive extension of a slot and measurement of the variation of strain during the slot extension. The residual stress profile was firstly assumed to be the linear summation of Legendre polynomials up to 9th order excluding 0th and 1st order. Strain variation on the surface was measured while the slot was being extended by cutting to find out the 8 unknown coefficients of each polynomial term. The cut was made by the electric discharge machine. It was concluded that the residual stress near the surface is positive valued, however, it turned into the negative value as soon as it passed through 2 or 3 mm of the depth.

언더필을 고려한 Sn-1.0Ag-0.5Cu 조성의 솔더볼을 갖는 플립칩에서의 보드레벨 낙하 및 진동해석 (Board Level Drop Simulations and Modal Analysis in the Flip Chips with Solder Balls of Sn-1.0Ag-0.5Cu Considering Underfill)

  • 김성걸;임은모
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2012
  • Drop simulations of the board level in the flip chips with solder joints have been highlighted for years, recently. Also, through the study on the life prediction of thermal fatigue in the flip chips considering underfill, its importance has been issued greatly. In this paper, dynamic analysis using the implicit method in the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is carried out to assess the factors effecting on flip chips considering underfill. The design parameters are size and thickness of chip, and size, pitch and array of solder ball with composition of Sn1.0Ag0.5Cu. The board systems by JEDEC standard is modeled with various design parameter combinations, and through these simulations, maximum yield stress and strain at each chip are shown at the solder balls. Modal analysis is simulated to find out the relation between drop impact and vibration of the board system.

경사균열을 갖는 Skin/Stiffener 구조물의 보수에 의한 균열의 파괴역학적 거동 (A Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Bonded Repaired Skin/Stiffener Structures with Inclined Central Crack)

  • 정기현;양원호;김철;허성필;고명훈
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회논문집A
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    • pp.292-297
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    • 2001
  • Composite patch repair of cracked aircraft structures has been accepted as one of improving fatigue life and attaining better structural integrity. Analysis for the stress intensity factor at the skin/stiffener structure with inclined central crack repaired by composite stiffened panels are developed. A numerical investigation was conducted to characterize the fracture behavior and crack growth behavior. In order to investigate the crack growth direction, maximum tangential stress(MTS) criteria is used. The main objective of this research is the validation of the inclined crack patching design. In this paper, the reduction of stress intensity factors at the crack-tip and prediction of crack growth direction are determined to evaluate the effects of various non-dimensional design parameter including; composite patch thickness and stiffener distance. The research on cracked structure subjected to mixed mode loading is accomplished and it is evident that more work using different approaches is necessary.

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유한요소해석에 기초한 다중 타원구 숏볼의 경사충돌에 의해 생성된 피닝잔류응력해 (The Solution of Peening Residual Stress by Angled Impact of Multi Elliptical Shot Ball Based on Finite Element Analysis)

  • 김태형
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2017
  • Shot peening is widely used to improve the fatigue life and strength of various mechanical parts and an accurate method is important for the prediction of the compressive residual stress caused by this process. A finite element (FE) model with an elliptical multi-shot is suggested for random-angled impacts. Solutions for compressive residual stress using this model and a normal random vertical-impact one with a spherical multi-shot are obtained and compared. The elliptical multi-shot experimental solution is closer to an X-ray diffraction (XRD) than the spherical one. The FE model's peening coverage also almost reaches the experimental one. The effectiveness of the model based on an elliptical shot ball is confirmed by these results and it can be used instead of previous FE models to evaluate the compressive residual stress produced on the surface of metal by shot peening in various industries.

축하중 분포 변화가 콘크리트 포장의 공용성 예측결과에 미치는 영향 연구 (Influence on Predicted Performance of Jointed Concrete Pavement with Variations in Axle Load Spectra)

  • 이경배;권순민;이재훈;손덕수
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : The purpose of this article is to investigate the predicted life of jointed concrete pavement (JCP) with two variables effecting on axle load spectra (ALS). The first variable is different data acquisition methods whether using high-speed weigh-in-motion (HS-WIM) or not and the other one is spectra distribution due to overweight enforcement on main-lane of expressway using HS-WIM. METHODS : Three sets of ALS had been collected i) ALS provided by Korea Pavement Research Program (KPRP), which had been obtained without using HS-WIM ii) ALS collected by HS-WIM before the enforcement at Kimcheon and Seonsan site iii) ALS collected after the enforcement at the same sites. And all ALS had been classified into twelve vehicle classes and four axle types to compare each other. Among the vehicle classes, class 6, 7, 10 and 12 were selected as the major target for comparing each ALS because these were considered as the primary trucks with a high rate of overweight loading. In order to analyze the performance of JCP based on pavement life, fatigue crack and International Roughness Index (IRI) were predicted using road pavement design program developed by KPRP and each ALS with same annual average daily traffic (AADT) was applied to design slab thickness. RESULTS : Comparison ALS of KPRP with those of HS-WIM shows that the ALS of KPRP has a low percentage of heavy spectra such as 6~9 tonnes for single axle, 18~21 tonnes for tandem axle and 27~30 tonnes for tridem axle than other two ALS of HS-WIM in most vehicle classes and axle types. It means that ALS of KPRP was underestimated. And after the enforcement, percentage of heavy spectra close to 10 tonnes per an axle are lowered than before the enforcement by the effect of overweight enforcement because the spectra are related to overweight regulation. Prediction results of pavement life for each ALS present that the ALS of HS-WIM collected before the enforcement makes the pavement life short more than others. On the other hand, the ALS of KPRP causes the longest life under same thickness of slab. Thus, it is possible that actual performance life of JCP under the traffic like ALS of HS-WIM could be short than predicted life if the pavement was designed based on ALS provided by KPRP. CONCLUSIONS : It is necessary to choose more reliable and practical ALS when designing JCP because ALS can be fairly affected by acquisition methods. In addition, it is important to extend performance life of the pavement in service by controlling traffic load such as overweight enforcement.

Sherlock을 활용한 차세대 중형위성용 CCB 솔더 접합부의 기계적 신뢰성 평가 (Mechanical Reliability Evaluation on Solder Joint of CCB for Compact Advanced Satellite)

  • 전영현;김현수;임인옥;김영선;오현웅
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제45권6호
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    • pp.498-507
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    • 2017
  • 최근 우주용 전장품에 다양한 실장형태의 고집적 소자가 적용됨에 따라, 기계적 환경에서의 고신뢰성 확보를 위해 인증모델 제작 전 잠재적 위험요소에 대한 조기진단으로 개발기간 및 비용 절감이 가능한 설계절차 구축이 요구된다. 고신뢰도 전장품 설계를 위해 기존에 적용되어온 Steinberg의 피로파괴이론은 최근 다양한 크기와 실장기법의 소자를 갖는 우주용 전장품에 적용하기에는 이론적 한계와 이들 각각에 대한 모델링 기법에 따라 상이한 결과가 도출되는 등의 한계가 존재한다. 이를 해결하기 위해 소자의 상세 유한요소모델을 구축할 시, 다수의 실장구조를 갖는 고집적화 기판을 모델링하기에는 많은 시간이 소요되는 단점이 존재한다. 본 논문에서는 고신뢰도 전장품 설계기법 구축을 위해 기존 사업에서 적용된 설계와 다른 접근방법의 일환으로 상용 신뢰성 수명예측 도구인 Sherlock을 이용하여 차세대중형위성용 탑재 전장품인 CCB(Camera Controller Box)에 대한 인증시험수준에서의 고장 메커니즘 별 신뢰성 평가를 수행하였다.

3차원 균열을 갖는 구조물에 대한 건전성 평가(II) (Integrity Evaluation for 3D Cracked Structures(II))

  • 이준성
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2013
  • 3차원 균열은 항공기나 압력용기 계통에서 흔히 발견되는 결함중의 하나이다. 균열을 갖는 구조물에 대한 정확한 응력확대계수 해석과 균열성장속도는 파괴강도와 피로수명을 평가하는데 필요로 한다. 3차원 유한요소법은 구조물에 존재하는 표면균열의 응력확대계수를 구하는데 이용되어 진다. 기하모델, 즉 균열을 포함하는 솔리드모델을 정의한 후, 절점이 버켓법에 의해 생성되어 진다. 요소생성은 사변형 솔리드요소를 데라우니 삼각화 기술에 의해 생성하도록 하였다. 시스템의 정확도와 효용성을 체크하기 위해 내압을 받는 원통형용기에 균열이 존재하는 경우의 응력확대계수 해석을 수행하였다. 개발된 시스템을 이용한 해석결과는 ASME 식과 Raju-Newnam식과 비교하여 5%이내의 차이를 보였다.

유리질 중합체의 균열 Healing에 관한 연구 (제1보) -이론 모델링- (A study on Crack Healing of Various Glassy Polymers (part I) -theoretical modeling-)

  • 이억섭
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 1986
  • Crack, craze and void are common defects which may be found in the bulk of polymeric materials such as either themoplastics or thermosets. The healing phenomena, autohesion, of these defects are known to be a intrinsic material property of various polymeric materials. However, only a few experimental and theoretical investigations on crack, void and craze healing phenomena for various polymeric materials have been reported up to date [1, 2, 3]. This may be partly due to the complications of healing processes and lacking of appropriate theoretical developments. Recently, some investigators have been urged to study the healing phenomena of various polymenic materials since the significance of the use of polymer based alloys or composites has been raised in terms of specific strength and energy saving. In the earlier published reports [1, 2, 3, 4], the crack and void healing velocity, healing toughness and some other healing mechanical and physical properties were measured experimentally and compared with predicted values by utilizing a simple model such as the reptation model under some resonable assumptions. It seems, however, that the general acceptance of the proposed modeling analyses is yet open question. The crack healing processes seem to be complicate and highly dependent on the state of virgin material in terms of mechanical and physical properties. Furthermore, it is also strongly dependent on the histories of crack, craze and void development including fracture suface morphology, the shape of void and the degree of disentanglement of fibril in the craze. The rate of crack healing may be a function of environmental factors such as healing temperature, time and pressure which gives different contact configurations between two separated surfaces. It seems to be reasonable to assume that the crack healing processes may be divided in several distinguished steps like stress relaxation with molecular chain arrangement, surface contact (wetting), inter- diffusion process and com;oete healing (to obtain the original strength). In this context, it is likely that we no longer have to accept the limitation of cumulative damage theories and fatigue life if it is probable to remove the defects such as crack, craze and void and to restore the original strength of polymers or polymer based compowites by suitable choice of healing histories and methods. In this paper, we wish to present a very simple and intuitive theoretical model for the prediction of healed fracture toughness of cracked or defective polymeric components. The central idea of this investigation, thus, may be the modeling of behavior of chain molecules under healing conditions including the effects of chain scission on the healing processes. The validity of this proposed model will be studied by making comparisons between theoretically predicted values and experimentally determined results in near future and will be reported elsewhere.

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