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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Prediction of the Fatigue Life

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Accelerated Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life of Pb-Free Solder Joints for PZT Ceramic Resonator (PZT 세라믹 레조네이터 무연솔더 접합부의 열-기계적 피로 가속수명)

  • Hong, Won-Sik;Park, No-Chang;Oh, Chul-Min
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.337-343
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we optimized Pb-free Sn/Ni plating thickness and conditions were optimized to counteract the environmental regulations, such as RoHS and ELV(End-of Life Vehicles). The B10 life verification method was also suggested to have been successful when used with the accelerated life test(ALT) for assessing Pb-free solder joint life of piezoelectric (PZT) ceramic resonator. In order to evaluate the solder joint life, a modified Norris-Landzberg equation and a Coffin-Manson equation were utilized. Test vehicles that were composed of 2520 PZT ceramic resonator on FR-4 PCB with Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu for ALT were manufactured as well. Thermal shock test was conducted with 1,500 cycles from (40±2)C to (120±2)C, and 30 minutes dwell time at each temperature, respectively. It was discovered that the thermal shock test is a very useful method in introducing the CTE mismatch caused by thermo-mechanical stress at the solder joints. The resonance frequency of test components was measured and observed the microsection views were also observed to confirm the crack generation of the solder joints.

Development and Sensitivity Analysis of Life Estimation Program for Turbine Rotors (터빈로터 수명예측 프로그램의 개발 및 민감도 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Sil;Seok, Chang-Sung;Suh, Myung-Won;Hong, Kyung-Tae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.10 s.181
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    • pp.2654-2663
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    • 2000
  • Steam turbine rotors are the most critical and highly stressed components of a steam power plant; therefore, the life expectancy of the turbine rotor is an important consideration for the safety of a steam power plant. The objective of this paper is to develop a life estimation program for turbine rotors for all possible operating conditions. For this purpose, finite element analysis was carried out for four normal operating modes (cold, warm, hot and very hot starts) using ABAQUS codes. The results are made into databases to evaluate the life expenditure for an actual operating condition. For any other possible abnormal operating condition, the operating data are transmitted to the server (workstation) through a network to carry out finite element analysis. Damage estimation is carried out by transmitting the finite element analysis results to the personal computer, and then the life expectancy is calculated.

The Effect of Stress Ratio on Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate and Arrest Behavior in 7075-T735 Al Alloy (7075-T735 Al 합금의 피로균열 진전속도와 정류거동에 미치는 응력비의 영향)

  • 오세욱;강상훈;허정원;김태형
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 1992
  • The understanding and appllication of fatigue crack propagation mechanism in variable amplitude loading is very important for life prediction of the air travel structures. Particularly, the retardation and arrest behavior of fatigue crack propagation by single tension overloading is essential to the understanding and appllication of fatigue crack propagation mechanism in variable amplitude loading. Numerous studies of the retardation behavior have been performed, however investigations of the arrest behavior have not been enough yet. As for the arrest behavior, Willenborg had reported that the overload shut-off ratio [Rso=(KOL)/Kmax)crackarrest] had been the material constant, but recently several investigators have reported that the overload shut-off ratio depends upon the stress ratio. In this study, authors have investigated the effect of stress ratio on the threshold overload shut-off ratio to generate arrest of fatigue crack growth in high tensile aluminum alloy 7075-T735 which have used in material for air travel structures, It has been 0.4\leqqR0.4 till now, the region of stress ratio investigated. The threshold overload shut-off ratio has decreased as stress ratio has increased in overall region of -0.4\leqqR0.4 and the linearity has been seen in this material. Moreover, the experimental equation between Rso and R has been made; The relation has been Rso=R+2.6.

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A novel monitoring system for fatigue crack length of compact tensile specimen in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic

  • Baoquan Xue;Jibo Tan;Xinqiang Wu;Ziyu Zhang;Xiang Wang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.1887-1894
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    • 2024
  • Fatigue strength of the structural materials of lead-cooled fast reactors (LFRs) and accelerator-driven systems (ADS) may be degraded in liquid metal (Lead or lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE)) environments. The fatigue crack growth (FCG) data of structural materials in liquid LBE are necessary for damage tolerance design, safety assessment and life management of key equipment. A novel monitoring system for fatigue crack length was designed on the compliance method and the monitor technology of crack opening displacement (COD) of CT specimens by the linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) system. It can be used to predict the crack length by monitoring the COD of CT specimens in harsh high-temperature liquid LBE using a LVDT system. The prediction accuracy of this system was verified by FCG experiments in room temperature air and liquid LBE at 150, 250 and 350 ℃. The first results obtained in the FCG test for T91 steel in liquid LBE at 350 ℃ are presented.

Fatigue Behavior of STS316L Weldments and Degradation Characteristic Evaluation by Ultrasonic Test (STS316L 용접부의 피로거동 및 초음파시험에 의한 열화특성 평가)

  • Nam, Ki-Woo;Park, So-Soon;Ahn, Seok-Hwan;Do, Jae-Yoon;Park, In-Duck
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.156-164
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    • 2003
  • STS316L had been used as the structural material for energy environmental facilities, because austenite stainless steels like 316L have superior mechanical properties of which toughness, ductility, corrosion resistant and etc. However, those welded structures are receiving severe damage due to increasing of the aged degradation. Most studies until now have been carried out against fatigue behaviors of weldments, and were not well studied on nondestructive evaluation methods. In this study, the fatigue crack propagation behavior of STS316L weldment usually used for vessels of the nuclear power plant was investigated. Also, the degradation characteristics of 316L stainless steel weldments were evaluated by the ultrasonic parameter such as ultrasonic velocity, attenuation factor and time-frequency analysis. The results of this study can be used as a basic data for the prediction of the fatigue crack life of weldments structures without disjointing or stopping service of structures in service.

A Study on the Life Prediction and Quality Improvement of Joint in IC Package (플라스틱 IC 패키지 접합부의 수명예측 및 품질향상에 관한 연구)

  • 신영의;김종민
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 1999
  • Thermal fatigue strength of the solder joints is the most critical issue for TSOP(Thin Small Outline Package) because the leads of this package are extremely short and thermal deformation cannot be absorbed by the deflection of the lead. And the TSOP body can be subject to early fatigue failures in thermal cycle environments. This paper was discussed distribution of thermal stresses at near the joint between silicon chip and die pad and investigated their reliability of solder joints of TSOP with 42 alloy clad lead frame on printed circuit board through FEM and 3 different thermal cycling tests. It has been found that the stress concentration around the encapsulated edge structure for internal crack between the silicon chip and Cu alloy die pad. And using 42 alloy clad, The reliability of TSOP body was improved. In case of using 42 alloy clad die pad(t=0.03mm). $σ_{VMmax}$ is 69Mpa. It is showed that 15% improvement of the strength in the TSOP body in comparison with using Cu alloy die pad $(σ_{VMmax}$=81MPa). In solder joint of TSOP, the maximum equivalent plastic strain and Von Mises stress concentrate on the heel of solder fillet and crack was initiated in it's region and propagated through the interface between lead and solder. Finally, the modified Manson-Coffin equation and relationship of the ratio of Nf to nest(η) and cumulative fracture probability(f) with respect to the deviations of the 50% fracture probability life (N_{f 50%}) were achieved.

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Prediction of flexural behaviour of RC beams strengthened with ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete

  • Murthy A, Ramachandra;Aravindan, M.;Ganesh, P.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.65 no.3
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    • pp.315-325
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    • 2018
  • This paper predicts the flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened with a precast strip of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). In the first phase, ultimate load capacity of preloaded and strengthened RC beams by UHPFRC was predicted by using various analytical models available in the literature. RC beams were preloaded under static loading approximately to 70%, 80% and 90% of ultimate load of control beams. The models such as modified Kaar and sectional analysis predicted the ultimate load in close agreement to the corresponding experimental observations. In the second phase, the famous fatigue life models such as Papakonstantinou model and Ferrier model were employed to predict the number of cycles to failure and the corresponding deflection. The models were used to predict the life of the (i) strengthened RC beams after subjecting them to different pre-loadings (70%, 80% and 90% of ultimate load) under static loading and (ii) strengthened RC beams after subjecting them to different preloading cycles under fatigue loading. In both the cases precast UHPFRC strip of 10 mm thickness is attached on the tension face. It is found that both the models predicted the number of cycles to failure and the corresponding deflection very close to the experimental values. It can be concluded that the models are found to be robust and reliable for cement based strengthening systems also. Further, the Wang model which is based on Palmgren-Miner's rule is employed to predict the no. of cycles to failure and it is found that the predicted values are in very good agreement with the corresponding experimental observations.


  • Kim, Yooil;Jeon, Yu-Chul;Kang, Joong-Kyoo;Han, Yong-Sub
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 2002
  • It depends on the joint configuration, dimensions and constraints on the joint whether the residual stress at the root of single-sided butt weld is tensile or not. Therefore, recommendation is generally made that high R ratio should be used in the fatigue test of this type of joint in order to prevent excessively long life caused by compressive residual stress. in this research, the residual stress profile in butt weld joint was obtained through compliance method, using successive extension of a slot and measurement of the variation of strain during the slot extension. The residual stress profile was firstly assumed to be the linear summation of Legendre polynomials up to 9th order excluding 0th and 1st order. Strain variation on the surface was measured while the slot was being extended by cutting to find out the 8 unknown coefficients of each polynomial tenn. The cut was made by the electric discharge machine. It was concluded that the residual stress near the surface stayed positive, however, it turned into the negative value as soon as it passed through 2 or 3 mm depth. Several fatigue tests were also carried out under zero stress ratio. Test results showed that fatigue life coincides well with the design cuive of butt joint in British Standards, which supports that it is tensile residual stress that exists near the weld root.

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Prediction Model of Exercise Behaviors in Patients with Arthritis (by Pender's revised Health Promotion Model) (관절염 환자의 운동행위 예측모형 (Pender의 재개정된 건강증진 모형에 의한))

  • Lim, Nan-Young;Suh, Gil-Hee
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.122-140
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    • 2001
  • The aims of this study were to understand and to predict the determinent factors affecting the exercise behaviors and physical fitness by testing the Pender's revised health promotion model, and to help the patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis perform the continous exercise program, and to help them maximize the physical effect such as muscle strength, endurance, and functional status and mental effects including self efficacy and quality of life, and improve the physical and mental well being, and to provide a basis for the nursing intervention strategies. Of the selected variables in this study, the endogenous variables included the physical fitness, exercise score, exercise participation, perceived benefits of action, perceived barriers of action to exercise, activity-related affect(depression) and perceived self-efficacy, interpersonal influences(family support), situational factors(duration of arthritis, fatigue) and the exogenous variables included personal sociocultural factor(education level), personal biologic factor(body mass index), personal psychologic factor(perceived health status) and prior related behavior factors(previous participation in exercise, life-style). We analyzed the clinical records of 208 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative arthritis who visited the outpatient clinics at H university hospital in Seoul. Data were composed of self reported qustionnaire and good of fitness score which were obtained by padalling the ergometer of bicycle for 9 minutes. SPSS Win 8.0 and Window LISREL 8.12a were used for statistical analysis. Of 75 hypothetical paths that influence on physical fitness, exercise participation, exercise score, perceived benefits of action, perceived barriers of action to exercise, activity-related affect(depression) and perceived self-efficacy, interpersonal influences(family support), situational factors(duration of arthritis, fatigue), 40 were supported. The physical fitness was directly influenced by life-style, perceived health status, education level, family support, fatigue, which explained 12% of physical fitness. The exercise participation were directly influenced by life-style, education level, past exercise behavior, perceived benefits of action, perceived barriers of action, depression and duration of arthritis, which explained 47% of exercise participation. Exercise score were directly affected by perceived self efficacy. BMI, life-style, past exercise behavior, perceived benefits of action, family support, perceived health status. perceived barriers of action, and fatigue, which explained 70%. Perceived benefits of action was directly influenced by BMI, life-style, which explained 39%. Perceived barriers of action were directly influeced by past exercise behavior, perceived health status, which explained 7%. Perceived self efficacy were directly influeced by level of education, perceived health status, life-style, which explained 57%. Depression were directly influeced by past exercise behavior, BMI, life-style, which explained 27%. Family support were directly influeced by life-style, perceived health status, which explained 29%. Fatigue were directly influeced by BMI, life-style, perceived health status. which explained 41%. Duration of arthritis were directly influeced by life-style, past exercise behavior, BMI, which explained 6%. In conclusion, important variables for physical fitness were life-style, and variable affecting exercise participation were life-style. Perceived self-efficacy of exercise was a significant predictor of exercise score. BMI, Life-style, perceived benefits of action, family support, past exercise behavior showed direct effects on perceived self-efficacy. Therefore, disease related factor should be minimized for physical performance and well being in nursing intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and plans to promote and continue exercise should be seeked to reduce disability. In addition, Exercise program should be planned and performed by the exact evaluation of exercise according to the ability of the patients and the contents to improve the importance of exercise and self efficacy in self control program, dedicated educational program should be involved. This study suggest that the methods to reduce the disease related factors, the importance of daily life-style, recognition of benefit of exercise, and educational program to promote self efficacy should be considered in the exercise behavior promotion and nursing intervention for continous performance. The significance of this study is also thought to provide patients with chronic arthritis the specific data for maximal physical and mental well being through exercise, chronic therapeutic procedure, daily adaptation and confrontation in nursing intervention.

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Characteristic Validation of High-damping Printed Circuit Board Using Viscoelastic Adhesive Tape (점탄성 테이프를 적용한 고댐핑 적층형 전자기판의 기본 특성 검증)

  • Shin, Seok-Jin;Jeon, Su-Hyeon;Kang, Soo-Jin;Park, Sung-Woo;Oh, Hyun-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2020
  • Wedge locks have been widely used for spaceborne electronics for mounting or removal of a printed circuit board (PCB) during integration, test and maintenance process. However, it can basically provide a mechanical constraint on the edge of the board. Thus, securing a fatigue life of solder joint for electronic package by limiting board deflection becomes difficult as the board size increases. Previously, additional stiffeners have been applied to reduce the board deflection, but the mass and volume increases of electronics are unavoidable. To overcome the aforementioned limitation, we proposed an application of multi-layered PCB sheet with viscoelastic adhesive tapes to implement high-damping capability on the board. Thus, it is more advantageous in securing the fatigue life of package under launch environment compared with the previous approach. The basic characteristics of the PCB with the multi-layered sheet was investigated through free-vibration tests at various temperatures. The effectiveness of the proposed design was validated through launch vibration test at qualification level and fatigue life prediction of electronic package based on the test results.