• Title/Summary/Keyword: Precipitate

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Microbial Leaching of Iron from Magnetite (미생물을 이용한 자철석으로부터 철 침출에 관한 연구)

  • Roh, Yul;Oh, Jong-Min;Seo, Yong-Jae;Jang, Hee-Dong
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4 s.50
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    • pp.265-275
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    • 2006
  • It is in its infancy to use bacteria as a novel biotechnology for leaching precious and heavy metals from raw materials. The objective of this study was to investigate biogeochemical processes of iron leaching from magnetite reduction by iron-reducing bacteria isolated from intertidal flat sediments, southwestern part of Korea. Microbial leaching experiments were performed using commercial magnetite, Aldrich magnetite, in well-defined mediums with and without bacteria. Water soluble Fe production was determined by ICP analysis of bioleached samples in comparison to uninoculated controls, and the resulting precipitated solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The extent of iron leaching from magnetite in the aerobic conditions (Fe = 107 ppm) was higher than that in the anaerobic environments (Fe = 94 ppm). In the anaerobic conditions, Fe(III) in commercial magnetite was also reduced to Fe(II), but no secondary mineral phases were observed. Amorphous iron oxides formed in the medium under aerobic conditions where there was sufficient supply of oxygen from the atmosphere. SEM observation suggests that the reduction process involves dissolution-precipitation mechanisms as opposed to solid state conversion of magnetite to amorphous iron oxides. The ability of bacteria to leach soluble iron and precipitate amorphous iron oxides from crystalline magnetite could have significant implications for biogeochemical processes in sediments where Fe(III) in magnetite plays an important role in the largest pool of electron acceptor as well as the tool as a novel biotechnology for leaching precious and heavy metals from raw materials.

Neutralization of Acid Rock Drainage from the Dongrae Pyrophyllite Deposit: A Study on Behavior of Heavy Metals (동래 납석광산 산성 광석배수의 중화실험: 중금속의 거동 특성 규명)

  • 염승준;윤성택;김주환;박맹언
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2002
  • In this study, we have investigated the geochemical behavior and fate of heavy metals in acid rock drainage (ARD). The ARD was collected from the area of the former Dongrae pyrophyllite mine. The Dongrae Creek waters were strongly acidic (pH : 2.3~4.2) and contained high concentrations of $SO_4$, Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd, due to the influence of ARD generated from weathering of pyrite-rich pyrophyllite ores. However, the water quality gradually improved as the water flows downstream. In view of the change of mole fractions of dissolved Fe, Al and Mn, the generated ARD was initially both Fe- and AA-ich but progressively evolved to more Al-rich toward the confluence with the uncontaminated Suyoung River. As the AR3 (pH 2.3) mixed with the uncontaminated waters (pH 6.5), the pH increased up to 4.2, which caused precipitation of $SO_4$-rich Fe hydroxysulfate as a red-colored, massive ferricrete precipitate throughout the Dongrae Creek. Accompanying the precipitation of ferricrete, the Dongrae Creek water progressively changed to more Al-rich toward downstream sites. At the mouth of the Dongrae Creek, it (pH 3.4) mixed with the Suyoung River (pH 6.9), where pH increased to 5.7, causing precipitation of Al hydroxysulfate (white precipitates). Neutralization of the ARD-contaminated waters in the laboratory caused the successive formation of Fe precipitates at pH<3.5 and Al precipitates at higher pH (4~6). Manganese compounds were precipitated at pH>6. The removal of trace metals was dependent on the precipitation of these compounds, which acted as sorbents. The pHs for 50% sorption ($pH_{50}$) in Fe-rich and Al-rich waters were respectively 3.2 and 4.5 for Pb, 4.5 and 5.8 for Cu, 5.2 and 7.4 for Cd, and 5.8 and 7.0 for Zn. This indicates that the trace metals were sorbed preferentially with increasing pH in the general order of Pb, Cu, Cd, and Zn and that the sorption of trace metals in Al-rich water occurred at higher pH than those in Fe-rich water. The results of this study demonstrated that the partitioning of trace metals in ARD is not only a function of pH, but also depends on the chemical composition of the water.

U-Pb(SHRIMP) and K-Ar Age Dating of Intrusive Rocks and Skarn Minerals at the W-Skarn in Weondong Deposit (원동 중석 스카른대에서의 관입암류와 스카른광물에 대한 U-Pb(SHRIMP) 및 K-Ar 연대)

  • Park, Changyun;Song, Yungoo;Chi, Se Jung;Kang, Il-Mo;Yi, Keewook;Chung, Donghoon
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 2013
  • The geology of the weondong deposit area consists mainly of Cambro-Ordovician and Carboniferous-Triassic formations, and intruded quartz porphyry and dyke. The skarn mineralized zone in the weondong deposit is the most prospective region for the useful W-mineral deposits. To determine the skarn-mineralization age, U-Pb SHRIMP and K-Ar age dating methods were employed. The U-Pb zircon ages of quartz porphyry intrusion (WD-A) and feldspar porphyry dyke (WD-B) are 79.37 Ma and 50.64 Ma. The K-Ar ages of coarse-grained crystalline phlogopite (WD-1), massive phlogopite (WDR-1), phlogopite coexisted with skarn minerals (WD-M), and vein type illite (WD-2) were determined as $49.1{\pm}1.1$ Ma, $49.2{\pm}1.2$ Ma, $49.9{\pm}3.6$ Ma, and $48.3{\pm}1.1$ Ma, respectively. And the ages of the high uranium zircon of hydrothermally altered quartz porphyry (WD-C) range from 59.7 to 38.7 Ma, which dependson zircon's textures affected by hydrothermal fluids. It is regarded as the effect of some hydrothermal events, which may precipitate and overgrow the high-U zircons, and happen the zircon's metamictization and dissolution-reprecipitation reactions. Based on the K-Ar age datings for the skarn minerals and field evidences, we suggest that the timing of W-skarn mineralization in weondong deposit may be about 50 Ma. However, for the accurate timing of skarn mineralization in this area, the additional researches about the sequence of superposition at the skarn minerals and geological relationship between skarn deposits and dyke should be needed in the future.

Physicochemical Characteristics of Galactomannan by Fractionation to Evaluate Heterogeneity (불균일 성질을 평가하기 위한 분획화된 galactomannan의 이화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Yee;Lee, Eun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.428-433
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    • 2013
  • Heterogenous samples of locust bean gum (galactomannan) were prepared into homogeneous substances. Locust bean gum was fractioned using ammonium sulfate (14.11-23.08%, w/w). The intrinsic viscosity was obtained by extrapolating reduced viscosity versus concentration by using an Ubbelohde viscometer. The ranges of intrinsic viscosity for fractions that not included protein (F3-F6) and fractions that included protein (F1-F2) were 9.89-8.10 and 8.44-4.59, respectively. Values for Huggins' coefficient (k'), which depends on physical interactions, were 0.46-0.78. Increasing ammonium sulfate concentration was associated with a weak trend towards lower molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC): $M_w$ ranged from 674 to 617 kg/mol and [${\eta}$] from 9.80 to 8.10 dL/g between F3 and F6. The evaluations of those fractions by using SEC and the Ubbelohde viscometer produced very similar values, as predicted. We verified the application of a gradient of ammonium sulfate to precipitate locust bean gum into fractions of different molecular size and show structural variations.

Bone Conduction Loss in Chronic Otitis Media (만성중이염에서의 골도장애)

  • 김종선;김시영
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1979.05a
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    • pp.3.2-3
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    • 1979
  • Bone conduction loss is one of the most common complication in chronic otitis media, and is mostly high frequency loss. Of 233 tympanomastoidectomy ears, 187 ears were considered eligible for this study. A histopathological change was examined in the natural otitis media of guinea pigs. It is our intention to analyze the pattern of bone conduction loss in chronic otitis media, and to correlate this findings with clinical and pathological changes in human and animal otitis media. l) In unilateral cases, a significant difference in bone conduction threshold was observed between normal and diseased ears, and between each frequency with significant interaction between 2KHz and 4KHz (p 0.01). 2) Using one way analysis of variance, mean bone conduction was compared with the duration of disease. We observed a significant difference (p 0.05) between each group of duration, except between 11-15 and 15-20 years group. 3) A comparison of bone conduction between stapes loss group and intact stapes group revealed significant t ratio (p 0.01) at each frequency. The effect of stapes loss on each frequency was evaluated, using one way analysis of variance. there were significant difference(p 0.05) between 250Hz and 500Hz. and between 2KHz and 4KHz. 4) A comparison of bone conduction between round window obliteration and nonobliteration group revealed significant t ratio (p 0.01) at each frequency. Using one way analysis of variance. the effect of round window obliteration was evaluated in each frequency. We observed significant difference (p 0.05) between 250Hz and 500Hz. and between 2KHz and 4KHz. 5) A comparison of bone conduction between cholesteatoma and non -cholesteatoma group revealed significant t ratio (p 0.01) only in 2KHz and 4KHz. No significant differency was observed in mean bone conduction. 6) In a histopathological study of natural otitis media in guinea pig, we observed inflammatory infiltration of the round window membrane, serofibrinous precipitate in the scala tympani, and degeneration of the organ of Corti most significant near the basal turn. These changes would explain high tone bone conduction loss in the process of chronic otitis media.

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Hypolipidemic Effects of Peptide Fractions of Casein on Serum Lipids in Rats Fed Normal or High Fat Diet (정상 또는 고지방식을 섭취한 흰쥐에서 Casein 펩타이드 분획물이 혈청 지질농도에 미치는 영향)

  • 오주환;이연숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2002
  • In the recent studies, many researchers are interested in foods as functional components rather than nutrient sources. Cow's milk is considered as an excellent food sources because of its many nutrients. Casein is a major milk protein and has been reported to have hyperlipidemic and hypercholesterolemic effects. But several reporters have suggested that peptide fractions and hydrolysate of casein have hypolipidemic effects differing from intact protein, casein. Therefore, the objective of the study was to investigate how the casein peptide fractions affect lipid metabolism in rats fed normal or high fat diets. The peptide fractions and hydrolysate of casein were obtained by casein hydrolysis with trypsin. The male rats (Sprague-Dawley), weighing approximately 150 g, were fed each experimental diet containing casein (CAS), casein hydrolysate (CH), casein hydrolysate precipitate (Cpt) and two kinds of peptide fractions (CL & CB) for three weeks, respectively. In the exit I, the male rats were fed normal fat diets (7% soybean oil & cholesterol-free; Expt. I), and in the expt II, fed high fat diets (18% beef tallow & 1% cholesterol; Expt. II). Crude protein contents were calculated from nitrogen contents. Amino acid composition of each fraction was also analyzed. The concentration of total lipid, total cholesterol and triglyceride in serum, liver and feces were measured. As the results of study, tole rats fed peptide fractions with normal fat diets (Expt. I) had no effects on total lipid, total cholesterol and triglyceride concentration in serum and liver and fecal excretion. However, in the rats fed hydrophobic casein peptide fractions (CB) with high fat diet, fecal lipids excretion were significantly increased and the lipids concentration of serum and those of liver tended to decrease, numerically.

Effects of $TGF-{\beta}1$ on Cellular Activity of Minocycline-Pretreated Human Periodontal Ligament Cells (($TGF-{\beta}$)이 Minocycline을 전처리한 사람 치주인대세포의 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Seung-Oh;You, Hyung-Keun;Shin, Hyung-Shik
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.469-490
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    • 1996
  • The initial events required for periodontal regeneration is the attachment, spreading, and proliferation of appropriated cells at the healing sites. These have been reported that minocycline stimulates the attachment of periodontal ligament cells, and also $TGF-{\beta}1$ enhances the proliferation of periodontal ligament cells. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of $TGF-{\beta}1$ on the cellular activity of minocycline treated human periodontal ligament cells. Periodontal ligament cells were obtained from the explants of healthy periodontal ligaments of extracted 3rd molars or premolar teeth extracted from the patients for orthodontic treatment. The cells were cultured in minimal essential medium(${\alpha}-MEM$) supplemented with 10.000units/ml penicillin, $10,000{\mu}g/ml$ streptomycin and 10% FBS(fetal bovine serum) at $37^{\circ}C$ in a humidified atmosphere of 5% carbon dioxide and the 5th to the 8th passages of the cells were used. To evaluate the effect of minocycline on cell attachment, the cells were seeded at a cell density of $1.5{\times}10^4$ cells/well in 24-well culture plates and treated with $20{\mu}g/ml$ and $100{\mu}g/ml$ of minocycline for 1.5 h. After trypsinization, the cells were counted with hemocytometer and were taken photographs for observation of cellular morphology. To evaluate the effect of $TGF-{\beta}1$ on minocycline-pretreated periodontal ligament cells, the cells were seeded at a cell density of $1{\times}10^4$ cells/ well in 24-well culture plates and treated with $20{\mu}g/ml$ and $100{\mu}g/ml$ of minocycline for 1.5 h. After incubation, 1 and 10ng/ml of $rh-TGF-{\beta}1$ were also added to the each well and incubated for 1 and 2 days, respectively. Then, MTT assay, DNA synthesis($^3H-thymidine\;assay$), and protein and collagen assay(3H-proline assay) were carried out. In the MIT assay, after 200ul MTT solutionlconeentration of 5mg/ml) were added to the each well of the 24-well plates and incubated for 3 hours, and 200 ul DMSO were added so as to dissolve insoluble blue formazan crystals which was formed in incubated period. Then it read plates on a ELISA reader. For mitogenic assay, 1 uCi/ml $^3H-thymidine$ was added to each well for the final 2 hours of the incubation periods. After labeling, the wells were washed 3 times with ice cold PBS and 4 times with 5% TCA to remove unincorporated label and precipitate the cellular DNA. DNA, with the incorporated $^3H-thymidine$, was solubilized with 500 ul of 0.1% NaOH/0.1% SDS. A 250 ul aliquot was removed from each well and placed in a scintillation vial with 4ml of scintillation cocktail. Using an liguid scintillation counter, counts per minute(CPM) were determined for each samples. 3 uCi/ml $^3H-proline$ was added to each well for the final 4 hours of the incubation periods and total protein and percent collagen synthesis were carried out. The results indicate that minocycline treated group with $100{\mu}g/ml$ concentration for 1.5 hours significantly increased than that of control in cell attachment, and cell process is also evident compared with that of control in cell morphology, and the cellular activity and DNA synthesis rate of cells treated minocycline and $TGF-{\beta}1$ significantly increased than that of control values, but were below to values of the $TGF-{\beta}1$ only treated group in MIT assay and $^3H-thymidine\;assay$, and the total protein synthesis of minocycline and $TGF-{\beta}1$ treated group also significantly increased than that of control values, but the percent collagen synthesis of tested group significantly decreased to compared with control. On the above the findings, the tested group of minocycline and $TGF-{\beta}1$ did not increase the effect on the cell activity than $TGF-{\beta}1$ only tested group and the tested group of minocycline inhibited cell activity. This results indicate that minocycline was effective on cell attachment in early stage, but it is harmful to cell activity, that inhibitory effect of minocycline was compensated with stimulatory effect of $TGF-{\beta}1$.

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Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Rapidly Solidified Zr-Ni-Cu-Al-Ti Alloy (급냉응고법으로 제조한 Zr-Ni-Cu-Al-Ti 합금의 열적, 기계적 성질)

  • Choe, Ik-Seok;Han, Tae-Gyo;Ji, Yong-Gwon;Im, Byeong-Mun;Kim, Yeong-Hwan;Kim, In-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2001
  • The thermal and mechanical properties of amorphous Z $r_{62-x}$N $i_{10}$C $u_{20}$A $l_{8}$ $Ti_{x}$ (x=3, 6, 9at%) alloys were investigated. The crystallization process was confirmed as amorphous longrightarrow amorphous + Z $r_2$A $l_3$+ Zr + (Ni,Ti) longrightarrow Z $r_2$Cu + Al + (Ni,Ti) for 3at%Ti, amorphous longrightarrow amorphous + Al longrightarrow $Al_2$Ti + NiZr + CuTi for 6at%Ti and amorphous longrightarrow amorphous + Zr + Al longrightarrow Zr + $Al_2$Zr + Al $Ti_3$+ CuTi for 9at%Ti. lickers hardness ( $H_{v}$ ) increased with increasing volume fraction( $V_{f}$ ) of pricipitates for all concerned compositions. Tensile fracture strength ($\sigma_{f}$ ) showed a maximum value 1219MPa at $V_{f}$ = 38% for 3at%Ti, 1203MPa at $V_{f}$ = 2% for 6at%Ti and 1350MPa at $V_{f}$ = 5% for 9at%Ti. The $\sigma_{f}$ was rapidly decreased after showing the maximum value. The $V_{f}$ corresponding to rapidly decreased $\sigma_{f}$ coincided with the $V_{f}$ transited from ductile to brittle fracture surface.ace.

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7-Ketocholesterol Induces Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis via Akt Degradation (7-Ketocholesterol에 의한 Akt 감소와 혈관평활근세포의 세포자멸사)

  • Seo, Kyo Won;Kim, Chi Dae;Lee, Won Suk
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.226-233
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    • 2016
  • Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) apoptosis has been identified in various vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis and restenosis after angioplasty, and has been known to precipitate atherosclerotic plaque instability and rupture. Oxysterols are known as inducers of apoptosis in VSMC, and 7-ketocholesterol (7KC) is the major nonenzymically formed oxysterol in atherosclerotic lesions. The precise mechanism underlying VSMC apoptosis is still poorly understood. In this study, we investigated whether 7KC causes apoptosis, and characterized its apoptotic mechanisms in primary cultured rat aortic VSMC. Cell viability was assessed by MTT assay and trypan blue assay. Apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry, immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation, and Western blot analyses. 7KC markedly decreased the VSMC viability in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, and increased the production of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a major end-product of lipid peroxidation, which also decreased the VSMC viability. Pretreatment with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, a well-known reagent of lipid peroxidation-derived aldehydes, significantly restored the 7KC-decreased viability of VSMC. Furthermore, HNE, as well as 7KC, reduced the level of total Akt, a major mediator of cell survival. The 7KC-decreased level of total Akt was significantly restored by pretreatments with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine and N-acetylcysteine. Lactacystin, a proteasome inhibitor, protected VSMC against apoptosis and Akt degradation, but did not inhibit HNE production. In the immunoprecipitation assay, 7KC increased HNE-modified Akt. From the results, it seems that, in atherosclerotic lesions, 7KC induces HNE production in VSMC, and this HNE binds to Akt, proceeding to proteasomal degradation of Akt, through which mechanism the atherosclerotic plaque instability may be facilitated.

Hydrolysis of Rice Syrup Meal Using Various Commercial Proteases (쌀 시럽박의 단백질 가수분해 특성)

  • Kim, Chang-Won;Park, Jin-Woo;Choi, Hyuk-Joon;Han, Bok-Kyung;Yoo, Seung-Seok;Kim, Byung-Yong;Baik, Moo-Yeol;Kim, Young-Rok
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2011
  • Rice syrup meal (RSM) was enzymatically hydrolyzed using eight commercial proteases (Protamex, Neutrase, Flavourzyme, Alcalase, Protease M, Protease N, Protease A, Molsin F) for 4 hr at optimum pH and temperature. Proteolytic hydrolysates were examined in supernatant and precipitate using Lowry protein assay, semimicro Kjeldahl method and gravimetric method using weight difference before and after enzymatic hydrolysis. Although RSM contains a high amount of protein (71.2%), only a very small amount of protein was hydrolyzed. Two proteases (Protease M and Protease N) were found to be the most effective in the hydrolysis of RSM protein. In Lowry method, 57.5 and 59.0 mg protein/g RSM were hydrolyzed after Protease M and Protease N treatments, respectively. In gravimetric method, 80.0 and 85.4 mg protein/g RSM were hydrolyzed after Protease M and Protease N treatments. In Kjeldahl method, 67.43 and 70.43 mg protein/g RSM were hydrolyzed after Protamex and Protease N treatments, respectively. For synergistic effect, two or three effective commercial proteases (Protease M, Protease N and Protease A) were applied to RSM at one time. The highest hydrolysis of RSM protein was observed in both Lowry protein assay (80.3 mg protein/g RSM) and gravimetric methods (153.2 mg protein/g RSM) when three commercial proteases were applied at one time, suggesting the synergistic effect of those proteases.