• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pre-surgery

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  • Chang, Hyun-Ho;Kim, Jae-Seung;Kang, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.344-348
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    • 2001
  • Isoflurane and enflurane are currently used on orthognathic surgery in Korea. Since starting to use enflurane and isoflurane in orthognathic surgery, we have questioned their effect on liver function. Many studies have reported liver function after enflurane and isoflurane anesthesia. Although both enflurane and isoflurane are less hepatotoxic than halothane, some cases of liver dysfunction have been reported after enflurane and isoflurane anesthesia. And, we know that isoflurane is less hepatotoxic than its predecessors, enflurane. But, fulminant liver failure and necrosis were also reported after isoflurane anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to compare immediate liver function in healthy orthognathic surgical patients receiving enflurane or isoflurane anesthesia. To assess the effect of enflurane and isoflurane on liver function, we measured pre-and post-operative serum concentrations of aspartate aminotransferase(AST), and alanine aminotransferase(ALT), alkaline phosphatase(ALP), total bilirubin(Tbil).

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3 Dimensional Computer Simulated Cutting Guide for the Mandibuloplasty : A Preliminary Case Report

  • Choi, Jong-Woo;Jeong, Woo Shik;Oh, Tae Suk
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.80-82
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    • 2015
  • The mandibuloplasty for the facial aesthetic reason has been the one of the most popular procedures in aesthetic facial bone surgery in East Asia. Most East Asian women prefer smaller-looking and smooth-shaped facial contour. Prominent mandible angle which are common in Asia would be the main problem for smooth facial contour. In addition, recently, the mandibular body and broad chin shape also are known to be remodeled in order to get the ideal smooth facial shape. However, mandibuloplasty is not that easy to cut because many patients has inward mandibular angle and the visual field in operation is limited. The aim of this trial is to try to provide the prefabricated cutting guide for the symmetric and appropriate mandibuloplasty with the surgeons. Preoperative computed tomography(CT) data were processed for the patient and computer simulation model was produced. Then, mandibuloplasty was done on the computer simulation screen. Based on this data, customized cutting guide was made. This prefabricated cutting guide was used in real mandibuloplasty bilaterally. Premade cutting guide for the mandibuloplasty based on the computer simulation turned out to be very successful in this patient. Individualized approach for each patient could be an ideal way to manage the patients in near future.

Orthognathic surgery and temporomandibular joint symptoms

  • Jung, Hwi-Dong;Kim, Sang Yoon;Park, Hyung-Sik;Jung, Young-Soo
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.37
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    • pp.14.1-14.11
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this article is to review temporomandibular joint symptoms as well as the effects of orthognathic surgery(OGS) on temporomandibular joint(TMJ). The causes of temporomandibular joint disease(TMD) are multifactorial, and the symptoms of TMD manifest as a limited range of motion of mandible, pain in masticatory muscles and TMJ, Joint noise (clicking, popping, or crepitus), myofascial pain, and other functional limitations. Treatment must be started based on the proper diagnosis, and almost symptoms could be subsided by reversible options. Minimally invasive options and open arthroplasty are also available following reversible treatment when indicated. TMD manifesting in a variety of symptoms, also can apply abnormal stress to mandibular condyles and affect its growth pattern of mandible. Thus, adaptive developmental changes on mandibular condyles and post-developmental degenerative changes of mandibular condyles can create alteration on facial skeleton and occlusion. The changes of facial skeleton in DFD patients following OGS have an impact on TMJ, masticatory musculature, and surrounding soft tissues, and the changes of TMJ symptoms. Maxillofacial surgeons must remind that any surgical procedures involving mandibular osteotomy can directly affect TMJ symptoms, thus pre-existing TMJ symptoms and diagnoses should be considered prior to treatment planning and OGS.

Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Facial Features

  • Papoian, Vardan;Mardirossian, Vartan;Hess, Donald Thomas;Spiegel, Jeffrey H
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.567-571
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    • 2015
  • Background Bariatric surgeries performed in the USA has increased twelve-fold in the past two decades. The effects of rapid weight loss on facial features has not been previously studied. We hypothesized that bariatric surgery will mimic the effects of aging thus giving the patient an older and less attractive appearance. Methods Consecutive patients were enrolled from the bariatric surgical clinic at our institution. Pre and post weight loss photographs were taken and used to generate two surveys. The surveys were distributed through social media to assess the difference between the preoperative and postoperative facial photos, in terms of patients' perceived age and overall attractiveness. 102 respondents completed the first survey and 95 respondents completed the second survey. Results Of the 14 patients, five showed statistically significant change in perceived age (three more likely to be perceived older and two less likely to be perceived older). The patients were assessed to be more attractive postoperatively, which showed statistical significance. Conclusions Weight loss does affect facial aesthetics. Mild weight loss is perceived by survey respondents to give the appearance of a younger but less attractive patient, while substantial weight loss is perceived to give the appearance of an older but more attractive patient.

Factors Influencing Body Temperature in Elderly Surgical Patients (가온요법을 받은 노인 수술 환자의 체온과 영향요인)

  • Kwon, Mi Hee;Byeon, Young Soon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that affect body temperature in elderly operation patients using a warming method and to examine differences in post operative body temperature by characteristics of the patients. Methods: Data were collected from 200 patients, aged 65 years or more undergoing surgery with a warming method. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test and multiple regression with the SPSS 18.0 Program. Results: The mean score for body temperature of elderly operation patients using a warming method after surgery was $36.1{\pm}0.6^{\circ}C$ including 74 patients with hypothermia and 126 patients with normal body temperature. The body temperature according to general characteristics differed by age and whether the surgery was emergency surgery or not. The body temperature according to surgery-related factors differed by anesthesia type, length of operation, anesthesia time, magnitude of surgical procedure, amount of fluid, transfusion requirements, and preoperative body temperature. Factors influencing body temperature were age, BMI, transfusion requirements and preoperative body temperature. Conclusion: The results indicate that age, BMI, transfusion requirements and preoperative body temperature significantly influenced on body temperature after surgery. Thus preoperative body temperature needs to be maintained through pre-warming as a nursing intervention.

Implications of 3-Dimensional Printed Spinal Implants on the Outcomes in Spine Surgery

  • Fiani, Brian;Newhouse, Alexander;Cathel, Alessandra;Sarhadi, Kasra;Soula, Marisol
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.495-504
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    • 2021
  • Three-dimensional printing (3DP) applications possess substantial versatility within surgical applications, such as complex reconstructive surgeries and for the use of surgical resection guides. The capability of constructing an implant from a series of radiographic images to provide personalized anatomical fit is what makes 3D printed implants most appealing to surgeons. Our objective is to describe the process of integration of 3DP implants into the operating room for spinal surgery, summarize the outcomes of using 3DP implants in spinal surgery, and discuss the limitations and safety concerns during pre-operative consideration. 3DP allows for customized, light weight, and geometrically complex functional implants in spinal surgery in cases of decompression, tumor, and fusion. However, there are limitations such as the cost of the technology which is prohibitive to many hospitals. The novelty of this approach implies that the quantity of longitudinal studies is limited and our understanding of how the human body responds long term to these implants is still unclear. Although it has given surgeons the ability to improve outcomes, surgical strategies, and patient recovery, there is a need for prospective studies to follow the safety and efficacy of the usage of 3D printed implants in spine surgery.

Clinical Application for Video-Thoracoscopy in Lung Cancer Surgery Patients (폐암 수술환자에서 흉강경수술의 적용)

  • 김광호;한재열;윤용한;백완기;이응석;김형진
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.392-396
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    • 2002
  • Background: Video-thoracoscopy is known to be an useful method to provide accurate pre-resectional staging in patients with lung cancer in addition to the conventional radiologic studies and mediastinoscopy, for the pleural cavity is inspected directly and biopsy specimens call be obtained. This study is undertaken to evaluate how video-thoracoscopy can be used in deciding pre-resectional stage Material and Method: Video-thoracoscopy was performed in patients with lung cancer who were scheduled for surgical resection based on the radiologic staging and mediastinoscopic biopsy. 37 patients were included in this study. Pre-thoracoscopically 18 cases were in TNM stage 1, 7 in stage 2, and 12 in stage 3. Result: In 15 of 37 cases, video-thoracoscopy could not be performed effectively due to heavy adhesions in the pleural cavity, diaphragmatic and chest wall invasion of tumor and bulky tumor mass es. Mediastinal lymph nodes were positive postresectionally in 6 of these 15 cases. In 22 cases, video-thoracoscopy was performed as usual. Positive mediastinal lymph nodes were identified in 2 cases and exploratory thoracotomy was prevented. Surgical resection were carried out in remaining 20 cases and 5 cases among them had positive mediastinal lymph nodes. Conclusion: We believe that it is difficult to perform pre-thoracotorny video-thoracoscopy for all lung cancer patients for there were many cases that thoracoscory could not be undertaken doe to heavy adhesions in the pleural cavity, tumor involvement of the chest wall and/or diaphragm and bulky tumor mass. However we think it is helpful in preventing unnecessary exploratory thoracotomy for some patients with lung cancer whom pre-thoracotomy video-thoracoscopy was carried out.

Rapid Prototyping and Reverse Engineering Application for Orthopedic Surgery Planning

  • Ahn Dong-Gyu;Lee Jun-Young;Yang Dong-Yol
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes rapid prototyping (RP) and reverse engineering (RE) application for orthopedic surgery planning to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the orthopedic surgery. Using the symmetrical characteristics of the human body, CAD data of undamaged bone of the injured area are generated from a mirror transformation of undamaged bone data for the uninjured area. The physical model before the injury is manufactured from Poly jet RP process. The surgical plan, including the selection of the proper implant, pre-forming of the implant and decision of fixation positions, etc., is determined by a physical simulation using the physical model. In order to examine the applicability and efficiency of the surgical planning technology, two case studies, such as a distal tibia comminuted fracture and an iliac wing fracture of pelvis, are carried out. From the results of the examination, it has been shown that the RP and RE can be applied to orthopedic surgical planning and can be an efficient surgical tool.

Malignant Melanoma Arising in Red Tattoo Ink

  • Joyce, Cormac Weekes;Duff, Gerald;McKenna, Dermot;Regan, Padraic James
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.475-477
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    • 2015
  • We report the case of a 33-year-old male who presented with a malignant melanoma on his anterior chest wall. The lesion was only found in the red ink pigment of the tattoo, as were several in-transit dermal metastases. Possible explanations include a pre-existing lesion which was seeded with red ink or the possibility of the red ink causing an inflammatory reaction leading to malignant transformation. This is the first reported case of a melanoma developing in the red ink pigment of a multi-colored tattoo.

A Case of Dual Ectopic Thyroid (이중 이소성 갑상선 1예)

  • Jung, Ki Hong;Kim, Rok Young;Lee, John Jae Woon;Lee, Dong Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.132-134
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    • 2012
  • Ectopic thyroid is an uncommon embryologic aberration characterized by the presence of thyroid tissue in a site other than its usual pre-tracheal location. Dual ectopic thyroid is extremely rare, only few cases have been reported in the literature. Physical examination, laboratory test and radiologic examinations are usually performed for the diagnosis and therapeutic plan of dual ectopic thyroid. We report a 36-year old female with dual ectopic thyroid in lingual and hyoid regions but without thyroid tissue in its normal area. The diagnosis was made through pathologic examination after surgical resection.