• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pre-form

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Local Buckling Strength of PFRP I-Shape Compression Members Obtained by LRFD Design Method and Closed-Form Solution (하중저항계수설계법 및 정밀해법에 의한 PFRP I형 단면 압축재의 국부좌굴강도)

  • Choi, Jin-Woo;Seo, Su-Hong;Joo, Hyung-Joong;Yoon, Soon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2014
  • Fiber reinforced polymeric plastic (FRP) materials have many advantages over conventional structural materials, i.e., high specific strength and stiffness, high corrosion resistance, right weight, etc. Among the various manufacturing methods, pultrusion process is one of the best choices for the mass production of structural plastic members. Since the major reinforcing fibers are placed along the axial direction of the member, this material is usually considered as an orthotropic material. However, pultruded FRP (PFRP) structural members have low modulus of elasticity and are composed of orthotropic thin plate components the members are prone to buckle. Therefore, stability is an important issue in the design of the pultruded FRP structural members. Many researchers have conducted related studies to publish the design method of FRP structures and recently, referred to the previous researches, pre-standard for LRFD of pultruded FRP structures is presented. In this paper, the accuracy and suitability of design equation for the local buckling strength of pultruded FRP I-shape compression members presented by ASCE are estimated. In the estimation, we compared the results obtained by design equation, closed-form solution, and experiments conducted by previous researches.

The Grid and Axis in Modern Architecture From Durand to Le Corbusier (현대건축에서 그리드와 축에 관한 연구 -듀랑에서부터 르 코르뷔제까지-)

  • Pai, Hyung-Min
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.11 no.4 s.32
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    • pp.99-115
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    • 2002
  • Centered on Durand and Le Corbusier, this study analyses the changing status of the grid and axis in modern architecture. In the Renaissance, the taxis grid operated as a contour grid, defining the elements and space of the building as part of closed harmonized world. In his Pre'cis des lec., ons d'architecture, Durand provides the most explicit demonstration of a new modem grid in which its lines function as spatial and structural axes. In principle these axes are coordinates for the placements of a priori elements but in Beaux-Arts practice, as Durand himself acknowledged, they involve a simultaneous process in which the spatial axis sets up the basic parti and the structural axis is developed into the building's poche'. As a coordinate, Durand's grid provides a place for the 'subject' to enter the architectural process. At the same time, it is the object of the subject's gaze, the dense site of the subject's transformative actions. Though Le Corbusier is noted for his frequent attacks on the academic system, his architecture should be seen within the continuity of the classical tradition. He redefines the Beaux-Arts axis as a moving and seeing observer, and continues the discipline of the plan, the essential discipline of the Beaux-Arts system. In his dialectics, an intellectual scheme which extends to his commentators, the intention and will of the subject must come in tune with the objective material form of the building. Like Durand, Le Corbusier's axis provides the medium for the subject to enter. Unlike the Beaux-Arts system, however, Le Corbusier's mobile subject no longer has a holistic view of the building previously provided by the central axis. If there is a parti for Le Corbusier, it consists of the domino grid as a potential, but nonetheless, tangible form. In comparison with the Beaux-Arts structural grid, his gaze no longer lingers on their lines because they no longer constitute a formal process tied to the development of a thick articulated structure. Le Corbusier's grid constitutes a 'loose' form, one that breaks down the hierarchical nature of the Beaux-Arts system.

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Membrane Topology of Helix 0 of the Epsin N-terminal Homology Domain

  • Kweon, Dae-Hyuk;Shin, Yeon-Kyun;Shin, Jae Yoon;Lee, Jong-Hwa;Lee, Jung-Bok;Seo, Jin-Ho;Kim, Yong Sung
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.428-435
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    • 2006
  • Specific interaction of the epsin N-terminal homology(ENTH) domain with the plasma membrane appears to bridge other related proteins to the specific regions of the membrane that are invaginated to form endocytic vesicles. An additional $\alpha$-helix, referred to as helix 0 (H0), is formed in the presence of the soluble ligand inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate [$Ins(1,4,5)P_3$] at the N terminus of the ENTH domain (amino acid residues 3-15). The ENTH domain alone and full-length epsin cause tubulation of liposomes made of brain lipids. Thus, it is believed that H0 is membrane-inserted when it is coordinated with the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate [$PtdIns(4,5)P_2$], resulting in membrane deformation as well as recruitment of accessory factors to the membrane. However, formation of H0 in a real biological membrane has not been demonstrated. In the present study, the membrane structure of H0 was determined by measurement of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) nitroxide accessibility. H0 was located at the phosphate head-group region of the membrane. Moreover, EPR line-shape analysis indicated that no pre-formed H0-like structure were present on normal acidic membranes. $PtdIns(4,5)P_2$ was necessary and sufficient for interaction of the H0 region with the membrane. H0 was stable only in the membrane. In conclusion, the H0 region of the ENTH domain has an intrinsic ability to form H0 in a $PtdIns(4,5)P_2$-containing membrane, perhaps functioning as a sensor of membrane patches enriched with $PtdIns(4,5)P_2$ that will initiate curvature to form endocytic vesicles.

The Development of Hemodiafiltration Treatment Compliance Indicators and Discriminant Standards, Development of Hemodiafiltration Treatment Compliance Measurement - Convergent Form(HDFTCM-CF) : Focused on On-line Hemodiafiltration (혈액여과투석 환자의 치료이행 지표와 분류기준, 융합형 혈액여과투석 치료이행 측정도구 개발 : 온라인 혈액여과투석을 중심으로)

  • Hur, Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.269-282
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    • 2015
  • This study is to define the hemodiafiltration treatment compliance indicators and discriminate standards for hemodiafiltration patients and development of hemodiafiltration treatment compliance measurement-convergent form. Date was collected from 300 on-line hemodiafiltration patients. To verify the hemodiafiltration treatment compliance indicators and discriminate standards, used construct validity and content validity by clinical professional group. Discriminant ability of 3 indicators-interdialysis weight gain rate(IWGR), serum phosphate level, rate of self change of total hemodiafiltration treatment time(SCR-HEFTT)- is 95.6%(wilks ramda=.256, p=.002). And hemodiafiltration treatment compliance measurement-convergent form has 91.7% discriminant accuracy. Hemodiafiltration treatment compliance is important that nurses can aware pre-stage of complication and give appropriate nursing intervention. Also this measurement can be used for foundation data of the nursing intervention development that prevent dialysis patient's complication.


  • Kum, Kee-Yeon;Lim, Kyoung-Ran;Jung, Il-Young;Lee, Sung-Jong;Lee, Chan-Young
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2000
  • The aim of this study was to compare shaping ability of nickel-titanium rotary files with different taper in simulated resin canals. The instruments used in this study were GT with .04 taper ProFile with ISO-sized tip, .04 taper ProFile with ISO-sized tip alone, and .02 taper Naviflex file and all canals were prepared by crown-down technique. A total of 30 composite images were made from pre- and post-canal scanned images using Scanjet 4C scanner and Corel photopaint 8.0 and then, prevalence of canal aberrations was measured. The amount of coronal substance the instruments removed was also calculated two-dimensionally on digitized images with the Brain C software to compare the relative enlarging efficiency. Finally, the prepared internal canal form was evaluated three-dimensionally with impression technique. The results were as follows; 1. The incidence of zipping in Naviflex group was significantly high compared to the other two groups(P<.05). 2. The amount of coronal substance the GT combined group removed was significantly larger than the other two groups(P<.05). 3. The GT combined group produced canals with good taper and flow. Under the conditionas of this study, the combined use of larger tapered nickel-titanium rotary files prepared simulated canals safely, efficiently and with good three-dimensional form.

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The Change of Christian Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers through Development of Bible-Based Early Childhood Language Education Activities (성경에 기초한 유아 언어 교육 활동 개발을 통한 기독 예비 유아 교사의 변화)

  • Kim, Min-Jung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.61
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    • pp.165-201
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the development of language education of Christian early childhood education by exploring the change of pre-Christian preschool teachers through the development of biblical language education activities. Interviews, surveys, action plans, and reflections of 19 Christian education students who participated in the development of bible-based language education activities for children based on the language of early childhood language, were conducted from September 3 to December 28, 2018. The data were collected through a portfolio. By analyzing the collected data, the key categories were derived and categorized. For the objectification of data analysis and interpretation, two thematic and early childhood education specialists were identified. As a result, the preparatory Christian teacher experience for the development of bible-based langage education activities for young children was categorized into cognitive change, personality change and practical change. First, through the development of bible-based early childhood language education activities, Christian pre-service early childhood teachers have brought cognitive changes as 'processes not outcomes', 'integration not separation', 'living non-curriculum' and 'meaning not effect'. In developing bible-based language education activities for young children, Christian pre-service early childhood teachers experienced a cognitive change in the 'process of language education activities' rather than the developmental achievements and results of early childhood language education. Christian pre-service early childhood teachers recognized the necessity of 'integration of listening-speaking-reading-writing', not the separation of early childhood language education. They recognized the importance of 'informal language education in kindergarten life', as well as teacher-centered formal language education. In addition, they have made a cognitive change that 'child-centered meaningful language education experience' is more important than the effectiveness of early childhood language education. Second, in developing bible-based language education activities for young children, Christian pre-service early childhood teachers showed personality changes as 'confident teachers', 'professional teachers', and 'teachers with reflective thoughts and attitudes'. Finally, in developing bible-based language education activities for young children, Christian pre-service early childhood teachers recognized the power of positive language and practiced it to form habits of using the right language and to link Christian education with early childhood education. Through the development of bible-based language education activities for young children, Christian pre-service early childhood teachers are equipped with the heart attitude and enthusiasm required to become true early childhood teachers for young children in unpredictable educational conditions and rapidly changing educational realities. Teacher efficacy has improved. In the future, it is expected that various teacher education programs linking Christian education and early childhood education will be continuously and systematically implemented.

A Establishment of Visual Component Elements and Investigation Analysis for a House-Gates in Rural Villages (농촌마을 주택대문의 경관구성요소 설정 및 실태파악 - 충남 청양군을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Jin;Cho, Soung-Ho;Song, Byeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of main entrance was to protect the house with the wall and working for the house-gate where people come in and go out. On the other hand, the type of main entrance is changed variously depended on the materials for house and method of construction. Eleven villages in the Chungyang-Gun where the environment of rural villages is well maintained was chosen and researched to make data. These data of visual landscape elements were analysed by using the SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Relations of the visual component elements were analysed by the analysis for frequency and analysis for crosstab. From the above research we could conclude below results. Through review of the pre-researching and researching literatures, 11 types of visual component elements were selected such as the types of the gate, the looking through degree of the gate, the material of the gate, the color of the gate, the plan of the house, the material of the roof, a material of the wall, a color of the wall, the form of the penetration, the area to put, the area of a site, the year of the constructing a building. For the types of the gate, the gate from without the roof has been the most popular since it appeared 41.5%. For the looking through degree of the gate, a complete blockade form has been the most popular since it appeared 63.2%. For the material of the gate, the iron plate has been the most popular since it appeared 32.1%. For the color of the gate, color has been the most popular since it appeared 68.4%. For the plan of the house, 'ㄷ' form has beneath most popular since it appeared 38.3%. For the material of the roof. The Zinc has been the most popular since it appeared 51.9%. For a material of the wall, A cement mortar has been the most popular since it appeared 47.7%. For a color of the wall, Without tile color has hem the most popular since it appeared 67.0%. For the form of the penetration. The plain form has been the most popular since it appeared 54.0%. For tile area of a site, $100m^2{\sim}200m^2$ has been the most popular since it appeared 39.0%. The results of this study can provide to use of indicates four rural-housing reform. From now on, the results look forward to offering the meaning directions for the improvement of rural house gates.

Survey Experiment on Close-Ended and Open-Ended Questions: 2016 Korean General Social Survey (KGSS) (서베이조사실험을 통한 폐쇄형과 개방형 설문 응답 차이: 2016년 한국종합사회조사)

  • Kim, Jibum;Kim, Sori;Kang, Jeong-han
    • Survey Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.127-147
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    • 2017
  • Despite the importance of questionnaires, little survey methodology research on questionnaire design has been conducted in Korea. The purpose of this study was to explore whether two questionnaire forms (close-ended vs. open-ended questions) about 'the most important problem in Korea' elicited similar responses. During the 2016 Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), a random half of respondents were asked the open-ended question form and the remaining half were asked the close-ended question form. While the economy is the most mentioned response (35% vs. 33.2%) to both close-ended and open-ended question forms, there is similarity in the order of highly mentioned responses if we consider that 'politics' is not provided as one of response categories in the close-ended question form. The order of second to fourth response category is crime (24.4%), education (15.4%), and poverty (6.3%) to the closed-ended question form, and politics (10.8%), crime (9.5%), and education (7.6%) to the open-ended question form. Also, the characteristics of respondents who responded with the economy as being the most important are slightly different between the two halves in terms of age, household income, and satisfaction with economic condition. Our findings suggest that we need to be careful when we adopt questions developed in other countries and to consider using survey experiments in pre-testing questionnaire items.

Analytical model for the composite effect of coupled beams with discrete shear connectors

  • Zheng, Tianxin;Lu, Yong;Usmani, Asif
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.369-389
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    • 2014
  • Two-layer coupled or composite beams with discrete shear connectors of finite dimensions are commonly encountered in pre-fabricated construction. This paper presents the development of simplified closed-form solutions for such type of coupled beams for practical applications. A new coupled beam element is proposed to represent the unconnected segments in the beam. General solutions are then developed by an inductive method based on the results from the finite element analysis. A modification is subsequently considered to account for the effect of local deformations. For typical cases where the local deformation is primarily concerned about its distribution over the depth of the coupled beam, empirical modification factors are developed based on parametric calculations using finite element models. The developed analytical method for the coupled beams in question is simple, sufficiently accurate, and suitable for quick calculation in engineering practice.

A Study on the Method of Generating RPC for KOMPSAT-2 MSC Pre-Processing System (KOMPSAT-2 MSC 전처리시스템을 위한 RPC(Rational Polynomial Coefficient)생성 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 서두천;임효숙
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2003
  • The KOMPSAT-2 MSC(Multi-Spectral Camera), with high spatial resolution, is currently under development and will be launched in the end of 2004. A sensor model relates a 3-D ground position to the corresponding 2-D image position and describes the imaging geometry that is necessary to reconstruct the physical imaging process. The Rational Function Model (RFM) has been considered as a generic sensor model. form. The RFM is technically applicable to all types of sensors such as frame, pushbroom, whiskbroom and SAR etc. With the increasing availability of the new generation imaging sensors, accurate and fast rectification of digital imagery using a generic sensor model becomes of great interest to the user community. This paper describes the procedure to generation of the RPC (Rational Polynomial Coefficients) for KOMPSAT-2 MSC.

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