• 제목/요약/키워드: Pre-commissioning

검색결과 18건 처리시간 0.02초

Bayesian Theorem-based Prediction of Success in Building Commissioning

  • Park, Borinara
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.523-526
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, building commissioning has often been part of a standard delivery practice in construction, particularly in the high-performance green building market, to ensure the building is designed and constructed per owner's requirements. Commissioning, therefore, intends to provide quality assurance that buildings perform as intended by the design and often helps achieve energy savings. Commissioning, however, is not as widely adopted as its potential benefits are perceived. Owners are still skeptical of the cost-effectiveness claims by energy management and commissioning professionals. One of the issues in the current commissioning practice is that not every project is guaranteed to benefit from the commissioning services. This, coupled with its added cost, the commissioning service is not acquired with great acceptance and confidence by building owners. To overcome this issue, this paper presents a unique methodology to enhance owner's predicting capability of the degree of success of commissioning service using the Bayesian theorem. The paper analyzes a situation where a future building owner wants to use a pre-commissioning in an attempt to refine the success rate of the future commissioned building performance. The author proposes the Bayesian theorem based framework to improve the current commissioning practice where building owners are not given accurate information how much successful their projects are going to be in terms of energy savings from the commissioning service. What should be provided to the building owners who consider their buildings to be commissioned is that they need some indicators how likely their projects benefit from the commissioning process. Based on this, the owners can make better informed decisions whether or not they acquire a commissioning service.

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Challenges and Strategies for Commissioning of FLNG

  • Lee, Dong Hyun;Seo, Kwang Su;Yeo, Jong Su;Kim, Myung Ki
    • Journal of Advanced Research in Ocean Engineering
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2016
  • After the construction of offshore plants, the function and integrity of system in offshore plants should be commissioned. As the executor of many FLNG projects, Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd has faced some challenges for commissioning which are not similar to those in other offshore project. This study shows the differences between the commissioning of typical offshore projects and the one of FLNG projects. By the characteristics of offshore, performing the commissioning activity of FLNG near shipyard as much as possible reduces the risk of malfunction. The possible solutions to achieve these strategies are introduced.

건조 공법에 따른 해저 파이프라인 내부 상대습도 변화 특성 연구 (Study on the Change of Relative Humidity in Subsea Pipeline According to Drying Method)

  • 양승호
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.406-413
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    • 2022
  • 해저 파이프라인 예비커미셔닝(Pre-commissioning) 단계는 입수(Flooding), 배수(Venting), 하이드로테스팅(Hydrotesting), 탈수(Dewatering), 건조(Drying), 질소충진(N2 Purging)의 공정과정으로 구성된다. 이 중 건조와 질소충진 과정은 운용 중 파이프라인 내부에 하이드레이트(Hydrate)의 발생과 가스 폭발의 위험을 방지하기 위해 상대습도를 이슬점 아래로 감소 및 유지되도록 규정되어 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 해저 파이프라인 예비커미셔닝 중, 공기건조(Air Drying)와 질소충진 공정과정에 대한 해석법을 개발하고 현장계측 결과와의 상호 비교를 통해 해석법의 활용가능성을 평가하는 데 있다. 해저 파이프라인 내부 상대습도 평가를 위한 방법으로 전산열유체(CFD)를 활용한 해석기법을 도입·적용하였고 해양공사 해저 파이프라인 공기건조와 질소충진 공정과정에 대한 현장계측 결과와 잘 일치함을 확인하였다. 개발된 공기건조와 질소충진 해석법 및 평가방법을 향후 해저 파이프라인 예비커미셔닝 작업의 사전 엔지니어링 도구로 활용할 경우, 작업생산성 향상에 크게 기여할 것으로 사료된다.

BEMS 데이터의 통계적 분석에 기반한 공조기 최적 예냉운전 모델 개발 (Developing Optimal Pre-Cooling Model Based on Statistical Analysis of BEMS Data in Air Handling Unit)

  • 최선규;곽노열;구상헌
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제26권10호
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    • pp.467-473
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    • 2014
  • Since the operating conditions of HVAC systems are different from those for which they are designed, on-going commissioning is required to optimize the energy consumed and the environment in the building. This study presents a methodology to analyze operational data and its applications. A predicted operation model is to be produced through a statistical data analysis using multiple regressions in SPSS. In this model, the dependent variable is the pre-cooling time, and the independent variables include the power output of the supply air inverter during pre-cooling, the supply air set temperature during pre-cooling, the indoor temperature-indoor set temperature just before pre-cooling, supply heat capacity, and the lowest outdoor air temperature during non-cooling/non-heating hours. The correlation coefficient R2 of the multiple regression model between the pre-cooling hour and the internal/external factors is of 0.612, and this could be used to provide information related to energy conservation and operating guidance.

주위 온도변화가 다층구조 해저 파이프라인 내부 압력변화에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Ambient Temperature Change on the Internal Pressure Change of Multi-Layered Subsea Pipeline)

  • 양승호
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.772-779
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    • 2019
  • 해저 파이프라인은 자원개발을 포함한 에너지산업 및 철강산업과 연계한 고부가가치 산업으로서 상당한 관심을 받아왔다. 해저 파이프라인의 설계와 설치 프로젝트 수행을 위해서는 다양한 핵심요소기술들이 필요하다. 특히, 해저 파이프라인의 안전한 운영을 위해서는 예비커미셔닝을 통한 철저한 사전검증과정이 필수 불가결한 부분이다. 해저 파이프라인 예비커미셔닝 과정 중 하이드로테스팅 공정은 파이프라인 주위 온도변화에 크게 영향을 받는 것으로 알려져 있으나 이에 관한 이론적, 수치해석적 접근방법을 활용한 연구는 미미한 편이다. 본 연구에서는 해저 파이프라인의 예비커미셔닝 과정 중 하이드로테스팅 공정에 대해 과도열전달 해석법을 활용하여 내부 온도변화량 산정 및 이를 활용한 파이프라인 내부 압력변동량 예측법을 제시하였고 예측된 결과를 현장 실계측 데이터와 비교·검토하여 그 유효성을 입증하였다. 제안된 해석절차는 해저 파이프라인 설치 프로젝트 수행 사전단계에서부터 파이프라인 열전달 시뮬레이션을 통해 압력변동량 예측을 가능하게 함으로써 해저 파이프라인 설치 프로젝트의 생산성 향상에 크게 기여할 것으로 사료된다.

HVDC DC CT 선형성 최적화 및 시스템 적용에 대한 연구 (Linearity Optimization of DC CT and a Study on the Application of HVDC System)

  • 최용길;이은재;최호석;이욱화
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제63권6호
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    • pp.758-763
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    • 2014
  • These days, the advantages of DC power system are consistently stand out in korea that was a small power loss and high stability. Needs of DC power transmission technology is focused In the midst of a smart grid and environment friendly generation technology boom that is needed for next generation technology. Researches and businesses for HVDC(High Voltage Direct Current) system has been began. But, Needs of HVDC equipment and system commissioning technology are not on the rise until now. In particular, South Korea's HVDC technology is after the foot runner of advanced country and company. In addition, There is no experience for equipment verification and commissioning technology. And Experts of HVDC are rare. Who has been fully understood hardware and system as a whole, and identified all the equipment's characteristic. Recently, Academia and industry are recognized a needs of HVDC technology. But it does not received a recognition of technical value. In this paper, introduce issues when we apply the IEEE's verification method for HVDC system, especially DC current measurement system, DC CT(Direct Current Transformer), among the HVDC equipments. And Proposes remedial methods on the issue in order to recognize the necessity that was HVDC equipments's verification and commissioning technology research should be focused on.

KSTAR 헬륨냉동기의 압축시스템 시운전 결과 (Commissioning Results of the Warm Compression System for the KSTAR Helium Refrigeration System)

  • 박동성;장현식;주재준;문경모;조광운;김양수;박주식;권일근;조면철;양승한
    • 대한설비공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한설비공학회 2008년도 동계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2008
  • The main components of the KSTAR helium refrigeration system (HRS) can be classified into the warm compression system (WCS) and the cryogenic devices according to the operating temperature levels. The WCS itself consists of the compressor station (C/S) and the oil removal system (ORS). The process helium is compressed from 1 bar to 22 bar maximum in the C/S and downstream, the ORS removes the oil mixed in the helium to less than 10 ppbw as per the operation criteria of the cryogenic devices of the KSTAR HRS. After the installation, the pre-commissioning and commissioning activities were started on July, 2007. Before the start-up of the C/S, vibration measurement and the skid reinforcement jobs were performed for stable operation of the C/S. The results of the WCS performance tests met the requirements of the KSTAR HRS but satisfied the vibration level criteria only at the compressors' full load condition.

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영광 #1/2 복수기 누수부 보수공사 (Yeonggwang #1/2 steam condenser leakage repair works)

  • 이상철;공창식
    • 대한용접접합학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한용접접합학회 2003년도 춘계학술발표대회 개요집
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    • pp.117-119
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    • 2003
  • Power plant efficiency and availability depend greatly on condenser performance. However, during commissioning of Yeonggwang #1/2 steam condenser sodium leakage occurred, because of tube to tubesheet only roll expanding. Therefore this report is explaining that pre-test for the shake of improvement reliable repair processes & selected sampling tube re-expansion in-situ applications.

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  • Park, Dong-Seong;Chang, Hyun-Sik;Joo, Jae-Joon;Moon, Kyung-Mo;Cho, Kwang-Woon;Kim, Yang-Soo;Bak, Joo-Shik;Cho, Myeon-Chul;Kwon, Il-Keun;Andrieu, Frederic;Beauvisage, Jerome;Desambrois, Stephane;Fauve, Eric
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2008
  • To keep the superconducting (SC) magnet coils of KSTAR at proper operating conditions, not only the coils but also other cold components, such as thermal shields (TS), magnet structures, SC bus-lines (BL), and current leads (CL) must be maintained at their respective cryogenic temperatures. A helium refrigeration system (RRS) with an exergetic equivalent cooling power of 9 kW at 4.5 K without liquid nitrogen ($LN_2$) pre-cooling has been manufactured and installed. The main components of the KST AR helium refrigeration system (HRS) can be classified into the warm compression system (WCS) and the cryogenic devices according to the operating temperature levels. The process helium is compressed from 1 bar to 22 bar passing through the WCS and is supplied to cryogenic devices. The main components of cryogenic devices are consist of cold box (C/B) and distribution box (D/B). The C/B cool-down and make the various cryogenic helium for the KSTAR Tokamak and the various cryogenic helium is distributed by the D/B as per the KSTAR requirement. In this proceeding, we will present the commissioning results of the KSTAR HRS. Circuits which can simulate the thermal loads and pressure drops corresponding to the cooling channels of each cold component of KSTAR have been integrated into the helium distribution system of the HRS. Using those circuits, the performance and the capability of the HRS, to fulfill the mission of establishing the appropriate operating condition for the KSTAR SC magnet coils, have been successfully demonstrated.

KSTAR 저온헬륨설비 시운전 결과 (Commissioning results of the KSTAR helium refrigeration system)

  • 조광운;장현식;박동성;주재준;문경모;김양수;박주식;양승한;에릭포브
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.64-68
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    • 2009
  • To keep the superconducting (SC) magnet coils of KSTAR at proper operating conditions, not only the coils but also other cold components, such as thermal shields (TS), magnet structures, SC bus-lines (BL), and current leads (CL) must be maintained at their respective cryogenic temperatures. A helium refrigeration system (HRS) with an exergetic equivalent cooling power of 9kW at 4.5K without liquid nitrogen $(LN_2)$ pre-cooling has been manufactured and installed for such purposes. In this proceeding, we will present the commissioning and initial operation results of the KSTAR HRS. Circuits which can simulate the thermal loads and pressure drops corresponding to the cooling channels of each cold component of KSTAR have been integrated into the helium distribution system of the HRS. Using those circuits, the performance and the capability of the HRS, to fulfill the mission of establishing the appropriate operating condition for the KSTAR SC magnet coils, have been successfully demonstrated.