• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pouring height

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Analysis on Heat of Hydration for Height of Shell Concrete Pouring in Reactor Containment Building (원자로건물 외벽 타설 높이 산정을 위한 수화열 해석)

  • Kim, Jwa-Young;Park, Jong-Hyok;Lee, Han-Woo;Bang, Chang-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.165-166
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    • 2012
  • A thermal stresses by heat of hydration was analyzed according to a change of a pour height in reactor containment building. In case of more than 3.6m pouring height a crack index by heat of hydration analysis resulted in less than 1 because there is not a construction joint of vertical direction and for a self-restraint effect of circumferential section shape. Therefore detailed consideration on a mixture proportion of binder type, quantity in concrete and selection of a form in seasonal air temperature is needed for a control of tensile stress by heat of hydration.

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Casting Simulation on the Integrated Twin-Scroll Turbine Housing with Exhaust Manifold

  • Kang, Ho-Jeong;Yun, Pil-Hwan;Cheon, Joo-Yong;Kim, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Chung-Min;Park, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, the casting design of the integrated twin-scroll turbine housing with exhaust manifold using stainless steel is investigated. Due to the complexity in its geometry and the poor castability of stainless steel, it is more crucial to set up the appropriate casting design to avoid casting defects. Gas porosity and shrinkage formation with the changes of gating systems (one-/two-side), riser conditions and pouring temperatures are examined via casting simulation and virtual castings. Simulation results show that two-side gating system produced better quality casting than that of one-side gating system, minimizing the gas content of the castings and it is also verified by X-ray analysis for the virtual castings. For the changes of riser conditions and pouring temperatures in the two-side gating system, it is found that the change of the height of two risers plays an important role in obtaining the best quality by reducing shrinkage defects.

Flexural performance of composite beams with open-web π-shaped steel partially-encased by concrete

  • Liusheng Chu;Yunhui Chen;Jie Li;Yukun Yang;Danda Li;Xing Ma
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.419-428
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    • 2024
  • Prefabricated partially-encased composite (PEC) structural component is widely used in construction industry due to its superior structural performance and easy assembly characteristic. However, the solid web in traditional PEC components tends to split concrete into two halves, thus potentially reduces structural integrity and requires double concrete pouring. To overcome the above disadvantages, a new PEC beam with open-web π-shaped steel is proposed in this paper. Four open-web PEC beams with varying sectional height, flange thickness and web void rate were constructed and tested under flexural loads. During experimental tests, all beams exhibited typical flexural failure modes with strong moment capacities and excellent ductility. Owing to the unique construction form of web opening, steel-concrete bonding properties were enhanced and very small relative steel-concrete slips were observed. Experimental results also showed that the flexural capacity of such PEC beams increased with the increase of the sectional height and flange thickness, while was not affected by the web void rate. At last, a flexural capacity formula of the open-web PEC beam was proposed based on the whole section plastic rule. The formula results agreed well with experimental results.

Effects of Coating Materials on Fluidity and Temperature Loss of Molten Metals from Runner Systems in Full Moulds.

  • Cho, Nam-Don;Kim, Yong-Hyun;Choi, Jung-Kwon
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1990
  • The full mould casting process in one of the newly developed techniques which has many advantages. Unbonded sand mould has been prepared for the major mould and $CO^2$ gas mould has been used occasionally for comparison. Patterns were built up with expanded polystyrene and coated with three different materials. Silica, graphite and zircon were used for the coating layer. The effects on fluidity and temperature loss of molten metals were investigated. The molten metals were Al-5% Si alloy, Cu-30% Zn alloy and gray iron of approximately 4.0% of carbon equivalent. Experimental variables were runner section area, superheat, sprue height, coating materials, coating thickness and apparent density of EPS pattern. The effects of coating materials on fluidity and temperature loss of the molten metals during transient pouring are summarized as follows : As runner section area, superheat and sprue height increased, fluidity increased. Temperature loss decreased as runner section area and sprue height increased. However, reversed effects were observed in the case of superheat increment. The coating materials decreased the fluidity of each alloy in the order of silica, graphite and zircon. Zircon brought to the highest temperature loss among the coating materials used. The fluidity increased in the order gray iron, Cu-30% Zn and Al-5% Si alloy while temperature loss in the reverse order. Especially in case of reduced pressure process, the fluidity was increased apparently. Al-5% Si alloy showed the lowest temperature loss among the alloys. The increment of the apparent density of EPS pattern resulted in the fluidity decrease and temperature loss increase. The relation between fluidity and temperature loss of each alloy can be expressed by the following equation within the coating thickness limit of 0.5-1.5㎜. F^*={\frac{a}{T^*-b}}-c$ where, $F^*$ : fluidity in the Full mould, $T^*$ : temperature loss in the mould. a : parameter for full mould. b, c : constants.

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The design of outlet in inter-cross slope with tunnel which it applied forming artificial ground (인공지반을 적용한 사교하는 사면에서의 터널 갱구부 설계)

  • Park, Chal-Sook;Kwan, Han;Lee, Kyu-Tak;Kim, Bong-Jae;Yun, Yong-Jin;Kim, Kwang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.1532-1548
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    • 2008
  • The tunnel type spillways is under construction to increasing water reservoir capacity in Dae-am dam. The tunnel outlet was planned to be made after installing slope stabilization system on natural slope there. Generally, the tunnel outlet is made perpendicularly to the slope, but in this case, it had to be made obliquely to the slope for not interrupting flow of river. Because of excavation in condition of natural slope caused to deflecting earth pressure, the outlet couldn't be made. So, artificial ground made with concrete that it was constructed in the outside of tunnel for producing the arching effect which enables to make a outlet. We were planned tunnel excavation was carried out after artificial ground made. Artificial ground made by poor mix concrete of which it was planned that the thickness was at least 3.0m height from outside of tunnel lining and 30cm of height per pouring. Spreading and compaction was planned utilized weight of 15 ton roller machine. In order to access of working truck, slope of artificial ground was designed 1:1.0 and applied 2% slope in upper pert of it for easily drainage of water. In addition to, upper pert of artificial ground was covered with soil, because of impaction of rock fall from upper slope was made minimum. The tunnel excavation of the artificial ground was designed application with special blasting method that it was Super Wedge and control blasting utilized with pre-percussion hole.

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An Effect on the Properties of High Flowing Concrete by Materials Variations-Focused on Inchon LNG Receiving Terminal #213,214 Tanks- (사용재료의 품질변동이 고유동콘크리트의 특성에 미치는 영향-인천 LNG 인수기지 #213,214-TK를 중심으로-)

  • 권영호;김무한
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2000
  • This research investigates experimentally an effect on the properties of the high flowing concrete to be poured in the under-ground slurry wall of Inchon LNG receiving terminal(#213,214-TK) according to variations of concrete materials. Variables for sensitivity test were selected items as followings. 1) Concrete temperature (3cases), 2) Unit water (5cases), 3) Fineness modulus of fine aggregate (5cases), 4) Particle size of lime stone powder (3cases), 5) Replacement ratio of blast-furnace slag (4cases) and 6) Addition ratio of high range water reducing agent (5cases). And fresh conditions of the super flowing concrete should be satisfied with required range including slump flow(65$\pm$5cm), 50cm reaching time of flow(4~10sec), V-lot flowing time(10~ 20sec), U-box height(min. 300mm) and air content(4$\pm$1%). As results for sensitivity test, considered flow-ability, self-compaction and segregation resistance of the high flowing concrete, material variations and conditions of fresh concrete should be satisfied with the range as follwings. 1) Concrete temperature are 10~2$0^{\circ}C$(below 3$0^{\circ}C$), 2) Surface moisture of fine aggregate is within $\pm$ 0.6%, 3) Fineness modulus of fine aggregate is 2.6$\pm$0.2, 4)Replacement ratio of blast-furnace slag is 45~50% and 5) Addition ratio of high range water reducing agent is within 1%. Based on the specification for quality control, we successfully finished concrete pouring on the under-ground slurry wall having 75,000㎥(#213,214-TK) and accumulated real date in site.

A study on the Identification of Sources for Benzene Detected in the Casting Process (주조공정에서의 벤젠 발생원 규명에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Doe Suk;Lee, Seong Min;Lee, Byoung Jae;Kim, Young Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study was to identify the sources of benzene detected in airborne of casting workplace where benzene was not used as raw material. We have identified benzene by GC/FID and GC/MSD. In this pilot test, small size iron chamber(diameter 30 cm, height 20 cm) was used. As the raw materials, new sand, recovered sand, and mixed casting sand(new sand + solidifying agent + organic resin + coating material) was tested, respectively. In the new sand benzene was not detected, but in the recovered sand and the mixed casting sand was detected. Xylenesulfonic acid(solidifying agent), one of the mixed casting sand ingredients was thought to product benzene by thermal decomposition above $400^{\circ}$..., but the other raw materials(organic resin and coating material) were thought not to product benzene. In this experiment, the most of benzene by thermal decomposition was produced within 1 hour after pouring the iron solution($1560^{\circ}$...) in small size iron chamber. When the mixed casting sand with coating material was used, the concentration of the produced benzene was average 2.91 ppm(range 1.98~3.72 ppm), and without coating material, benzene concentration was average 0.11 ppm(range 0.08~0.14 ppm).

Monitoring of Moisture and Dimensional Behaviors of Nail-Laminated Timber (NLT)-Concrete Slab Exposed to Outdoor Air

  • HWANG, Sung-Wook;CHUNG, Hyunwoo;LEE, Taekyeong;AHN, Kyung-Sun;PANG, Sung-Jun;BANG, Junsik;Won, Hyo;OH, Jung-Kwon;YEO, Hwanmyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.301-314
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    • 2022
  • The moisture and dimensional behaviors of a nail-laminated timber (NLT)-concrete slab composed of an NLT-plywood composite and topping concrete are monitored for 385 days. The slab is developed for using as flexural elements such as floors. The humidity control of wood gently introduces significant fluctuations under the ambient relative humidity into the slab, and fluctuations in the relative humidity result in dimensional changes. The equilibrium moisture content of the slab increases from 6.7% to 15.3% during the monitoring period, resulting in a width (radial) strain of 0.58%. The length (longitudinal) strain is negligible, and the height (tangential) strain is excluded from the analysis because of abstruse signal patterns generated. Concrete pouring causes a permanent increase in the width of the NLT-plywood composite. However, the width deforms because the weight of the concrete mixture loosens the nail-laminated structure, not because of the significant amount of moisture in the mixture. The dimensional stabilization effect of the nail-laminated system is demonstrated as the composite strain is lower than the total strain of lumber and plywood, which are elements constituting the nail-laminated structure.

Experimental Study on the Cracking Loads of LB-DECKs with Varied Cross-Section Details (단면 상세가 변화된 LB-DECK의 균열하중에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Youn, Seok-Goo;Cho, Gyu-Dae
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.657-665
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    • 2011
  • LB-DECK, a precast concrete panel type, is a permanent concrete deck form used as a formwork for cast-in-place concrete pouring at bridge construction site. LB-DECK consists of 60 mm thick concrete slab and 125 mm height Lattice-girders partly embedded in the concrete slab. These decks have been applied to the bridges, which girder spacings are short enough to resist longitudinal cracking caused by construction loads. This paper presents experimental research work conducted to evaluate the cracking load of LB-DECKs designed for long span bridge decks. Twenty four non-composite beams and four composite beams are fabricated considering three design variables of thickness of concrete slab, height of lattice-girder, and diameter of top-bar. Static loads controlled by displacements are applied to test beams to obtain cracking and ultimate loads. Vertical displacements at the center of beams, strains of top-bar, crack propagation in concrete slab, and final failure modes are carefully monitored. The obtained cracking loads are compared to the analytical results obtained by elastic analyses. Long-term analyses using age-adjusted effective modulus method (AEMM) are also conducted to investigate the effects of concrete shrinkage on the cracking loads. Based on the test results, the tensile strength and the design details of LB-DECKs are discussed to prevent longitudinal cracking of long span bridge decks.

Experimental Study on Loading Capacity of SY Corrugated Steel Form for RC Beam and Girder (SY 비탈형 보거푸집의 내하성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Bae, Kyu-Woong;Boo, Yoon-Seob;Hwhang, Yoon-Koog;Shin, Sang-Min
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2021
  • Recently, necessities of steel form for reinforced concrete beam and girder have been emphasized in building structures for the reduction of the construction period and the labor cost. SY Beam was developed for the these purposes and is roll-formed using thin steel plate. On this research, we tried to evaluate and verify the performance and behavior of SY Beam under construction loading stage as like pouring in situ concrete. For the standard shape of SY beam, structural modelling with various steel thicknesses has carried out using MIDAS GEN program. From results of modelling, the width and height of SY Beam were determined 600mm and 400mm respectively. For 3 SY Beams, the loading experiment was performed to measure vertical and horizontal displacement under stacking sand, concrete block, and bundle of rebar. As a result, the vertical deflection showed a tendency to decrease as the thickness increased. In the horizontal displacement, the trend according to the thickness was not clearly observed. From the evaluation on the loading experiment, it is considered that the SY Beam can secure both workability and structural safety. In particular, the SY Beam(1.2mm) hardly generates horizontal displacement, so it has excellent load-bearing capacity. So, we judged that the SY Beam with 1.2mm steel plate has excellent performance and consider to be immediately commercially available.