• Title/Summary/Keyword: Possible traffic capacity

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Optimal Route Location using Possible Traffic Capacity and Virtual Running and Application at Road Design in the City Centre (도심지 도로설계에서 가능교통량과 가상 주행을 통한 최적노선선정)

  • Choi, Hyun;Song, Suck-Jin;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2005
  • This paper use virtual running after possible traffic capacity application for optimal route location. General road is designed the design after we examine an alternate adequacy investigation and an execution design sufficiently. Various road user's requirement must be reflected from the beginning. But it is difficult to contain the various suitable design criteria because we consider the existing 2-dimension element. First of all, this study chose optimal route, used traffic assignment and 3D simulation. Then selected optimal route through the consistent road construction by analyzing road driving simulation of 3-dimension data and the urban landscape. possible traffic capacity and virtual running will be able to do the urban landscape analysis harmonizing with the environment; equally, it could be objectively solve the problem of a civil appeal.

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Power Control Based Call Admission Control Method of the CDMA PCS System

  • 이강원;국광호;최정락
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 1999
  • This paper proposes a new call admission control method to enhance the reverse link capacity of a cell with heavy traffic in the CDMA PCS system under the uneven traffic load between cells. Since the capacity of a cell in the CDMA system is restricted by the total interference caused by terminals in the own cell and the adjacent cells, we can enhance the capacity of a cell by reducing the interference from other cells if possible. Our power control method allows that the signal powers received in base stations with heavy traffic be larger than those received in base stations with light traffic in order to make the interference due to other cells in the cells with heavy traffic relatively small. In the previous study, it was assumed that the signal power received by each base station in the CDMA PCS system is same when the call admission control algorithm is implemented. We could show that the reverse link capacity of a cell in the CDMA PCS system can be increased about 20% under our call admission control method.

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Performance Analysis of Coordinated Cognitive Radio Networks under Fixed-Rate Traffic with Hard Delay Constraints

  • Castellanos-Lopez, S. Lirio;Cruz-Perez, Felipe A.;Rivero-Angeles, Mario E.;Hernandez-Valdez, Genaro
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2014
  • Due to the unpredictable nature of channel availability, carrying delay-sensitive traffic in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is very challenging. Spectrum leasing of radio resources has been proposed in the so called coordinated CRNs to improve the quality of service (QoS) experienced by secondary users (SUs). In this paper, the performance of coordinated CRNs under fixed-rate with hard-delay-constraints traffic is analyzed. For the adequate and fair performance comparison, call admission control strategies with fractional channel reservation to prioritize ongoing secondary calls over new ones are considered. Maximum Erlang capacity is obtained by optimizing the number of reserved channels. Numerical results reveal that system performance strongly depends on the value of the mean secondary service time relative to the mean primary service time. Additionally, numerical results show that, in CRNs without spectrum leasing, there exists a critical utilization factor of the primary resources from which it is not longer possible to guarantee the required QoS of SUs and, therefore, services with hard delay constraints cannot be even supported in CRNs. Thus, spectrum leasing can be essential for CRN operators to provide the QoS demanded by fixed-rate applications with hard delay constraints. Finally, the cost per capacity Erlang as function of both the utilization factor of the primary resources and the maximum allowed number of simultaneously rented channels is evaluated.

Dynamic Capacity Concept and its Determination for Managing Congested Flow (혼잡교통류 관리를 위한 동적 용량의 개념 및 산정방법)

  • Park, Eun-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.3 s.74
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2004
  • The capacity concept presented in the Highway Capacity Manual is for steady-state traffic flow assuming that there is no restriction in downstream flowing, which is traditionally used for planning, design, and operational analyses. In the congested traffic condition, the control objective should be to keep the congested regime from growing and to recover the normal traffic condition as soon as possible. In this control case, it is important to predict the spatial-temporal pattern of congestion evolution or dissipation and to estimate the throughput reduction according to the spatial-temporal pattern. In this context, the new concept of dynamic capacity for managing congested traffic is developed in terms of spatial-temporal evolution of downstream traffic congestion and in view of the 'input' concept assuming that flow is restricted by downstream condition rather than the 'output' concept assuming that there is no restriction in downstream flowing (e.g. the mean queue discharge flow rate). This new capacity is defined as the Maximum Sustainable Throughput that is determined based on the spatial-temporal evolution pattern of downstream congestion. And the spatial-temporal evolution pattern is estimated using the Newell's simplified q-k model.

A New Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks with Multiple Radios and Channels

  • Ko, Sung-Won;Cho, Jeong-Hwan;Hong, Kwon-Eui
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.26-40
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    • 2010
  • We propose a new routing protocol, MCQosR, that is based on bandwidth estimation, admission control, and a routing metric, MCCR - suitable for wireless ad-hoc networks with multiple radios and channels. To use the full capacity of a wireless link, we assume a node with multiple radios for full duplex operation, and a radio using multiple channels to exclude route-intra interference. This makes it possible to use the capacity of a wireless link. Then, to provide bandwidth and delay guarantee, we have a radio with a fixed channel for layer-3 data reception at each node, used to estimate the available bandwidth and expected delay of a wireless link. Based on the estimate of available bandwidth and delay, we apply the call admission control to a new call requiring bandwidth and delay guarantee. New calls with traffic that will overflow link or network capacity are rejected so the accepted calls can use the required bandwidth and delay. Finally, we propose a routing metric, MCCR, which considers the channel contentions and collisions of a wireless link operating in CSMA/CA. MCCR is useful for finding a route with less traffic and distributing traffic over the network to prevent network congestion as much as possible. The simulation of the MCQosR protocol and the MCCR metric shows traffic is distributed and guaranteed service is provided for accepted calls.

The Operation Analysis of Signalized Intersections Using ICU Method (ICU 방법을 활용한 신호교차로 운영분석)

  • Kim, Young Chan;Jeon, Jae Hyeon;Jeong, Young Je;Kim, Eun Jeoung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.1D
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2009
  • The capacity analysis of signalized intersection usually includes a HCM method used at home and abroad and a ICU method this study presents. The HCM method focuses on operation analysis measuring an intersection's delay in terms of given traffic volume, signal operation, and intersection structure data. This method includes planning and design analysis, but these analyses are complex due to being possible through repetitive operation analysis. However the ICU method is a powerful tool for planning and design analysis, because these are possible through brief traffic volume and geometry structure data and consider minimum green time. In this study, the authors studied the ICU method and compared the HCM and ICU by analyzing traffic volume scenarios. Also to consider effectiveness for application of the ICU method, the authors applied the ICU to capacity analysis of intersections on urban arterial for setting major intersection and effect analysis for changing crosswalk type, the number of lane, lane use and operation form of left turn. The result of the analyses shows that the ICU method can measure correct capacity of intersection consist of a broad road in urban area, and is effective for planning and design analysis. This study is expected that traffic experts can grasp correct intersection's capacity and carry out a proper planning or improvement by applying the ICU method to planning and design analysis.

Development of Analysis Model and Improvement of Evaluation Method of LOS for Freeway Merging Areas (고속도로 합류부 분석모형 개발 및 서비스수준 평가 기법 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Jun;Park, Jae-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.7 s.93
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2006
  • The analytic methodology of a merging area in KHCM(2004) supposes that congestion nay occur when traffic demand is more than capacity However, in many cases, congestion on merging area occurs when summation of traffic demand of main line and ramp is less than capacity, and in present methodology analysis of how main line and ramp flow effect on congestion occurrence is difficult. In this study, the model that is able to estimate traffic flow condition on merging area in accordance with the combination of main line and ramp demand flow is developed. Main characteristic of the model is estimation of maximum possible throughput rate and maximum throughput rate according to the combination of main line and ramp demand flow. Through the estimation of maximum possible throughput rate and maximum throughput rate. it was Possible to predict whether congestion would occur or not and how much maximum throughput rate and congestion would be on merging area. On one hand, in present LOS evaluation methodology on merging area, congestion state is determined as un-congested flow if demand flow is less than capacity. Therefore, to establish more reasonable In evaluation method, new criterion of LOS evaluation on merging area was searched based on the model of this study.

A Study on Optimum Control of Marine Traffic(II) - In the Domain of Passage - (해상 교통량의 효율적 관리 방안에 관하여 (II) - 일반 수로의 경우 -)

  • 윤명오;이철영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1991
  • As increasing needs of marine transportation , world merchant fleet and ship's size were enlarged and it caused frequent disasters in human lives and natural environment. By the reason of the above, they started to establish the Vessel Traffic System (VTS) at the European coast in 1960' and most of advanced contries established and managed it to prevent the sea traffic accidents in these days. The concept of traffic control at sea can be divided into three types. First, the initial gathering of informations about ship's identity and movement etc.. Second, monitoring of the traffic flow and amendment of instructions. Third , organization and direction of ships by allocating routes and speeds. Where the goal of traffic control is safety of traffics and developing effectiveness of navigation channel, if traffic volume is less tan channel capacity then the above first or second level of control would be sufficient but if it is bigger than that , more positive policy of control should be adopted as same as third type of the above. In this paper where the strategy of VTS is focused on the control of traffic density to be spread equality, as possible , all over the navigation channels and also improvement of effectiveness , it suggests algorithm to assign the vessels to the channels with balanced traffic density , and other algorithms using D.P. to sequence the vessels assigned to one channel in optimum order which decreases the mean waiting time in sense of channel effectiveness with numerical examples.

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Analysis of Critical Time Headway and Capacity for Freeway Merging Area (고속도로 합류부 임계차두간격 및 용량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • 최재성;이승준
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2001
  • The objective of the paper is to analyze the traffic characteristics for freeway merging area. Freeway merging area is different from basic section due to ramp vehicles. Therefore, to understand the traffic characteristics of (leeway merging area, this study focused on two factors including critical time headway required in merging maneuver and maximum possible merging volume. In this paper, new model that adopts critical time headway instead of critical time gap in calculating the maximum possible merging volume based on probability function was developed In previous studies, for calculating the maximum possible merging volume, it was considered that merging vehicles could merge freely if a given time gap was greater than the critical time gap. Also, the critical time gap was used as the same value in all traffic flow conditions. But, a time gap required in merging maneuver could be changed, even to the same driver, because difference of relative speed varies in different traffic flow conditions. So, in some cases, the critical time gap could be insufficient value in merging maneuver. Therefore, in this study. a calculating procedure for critical time headway in all traffic flow conditions was presented. Also, the maximum possible merging volume and capacity for freeway merging area were calculated by using the previously found critical time headway.

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On the Design of Extending Airspace for Improving Incheon International Airport Capacity (공역확장을 통한 인천국제공항 수용능력 향상에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Young-Jong
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.103-107
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a secure alternative for improving airspace capacity of Incheon International Airport. Since the direction of simultaneous independent approaches to runway 15/16 radar-guided approach for ILS approach procedures for the need to provide control services, in view of the radar is the smallest possible no-fly zone airspace propose the demilitarized zone (P-518) adjustment. If possible simultaneous independent approaches to secure a temporary increase in the holding area due to traffic, the military training airspace gradually secured a total of 10 miles by 5 miles, some military training airspace in Osan Approach Control is proposed to include in Seoul Approach Control.