• Title/Summary/Keyword: Port Planning

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Strategic Vitalization Method of AMP Installation through SWOT/AHP Analysis (SWOT/AHP 분석을 통한 전략적 AMP 설치 활성화 방안)

  • Kim, In-Ho;Lee, Kang-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2019
  • Recently the concentration of fine dust and ultra fine dust becomes so bad, which seriously threatens the health and even the life of people. So, government started to investigate several ways to reduce the amount of fine dust and ultra fine dust. From a few years ago it has been known that ships anchored at port emit a lot of pollution and seriously affect air quality of neighboring cities. To reduce the pollution emitted by ship AMP (Alternative Maritime Power Supply) has been proposed, which uses the electricity instead of bunker C oil or diesel. Many developed countries already installed AMP to improve air quality in port area. Korea is in the stage of planning to install AMP at port. However, there are many complicated problems to be handled before AMP installation. Due to huge initial cost and long period of construction ship owner and habour operating company are reluctant to AMP installation. And there are serious technological difficulties in constructing AMP in existing harbour. Lack of AMP core technology and operational difficulties of AMP are also big challenges to be conquered. In this study SWOT/AHP method is used to find strategic and efficient ways to handle above complicated challenges and then to vitalize the AMP installation.

An Investigation for Evaluation of the Safety of the Ship's Transit in the Planned Channel of Asan Port (아산항 계획 항로에서의 선박 통항의 안전성 평가 검토)

  • 이동섭;윤점동;정태권
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 1994
  • This paper was a part of the risk management in planning a channel. It utilized Korea Marine Training & Research Institutes(KMTRI) which Houses a real-time, full-mission shiphandling simulator to examine the safety of the ship's transit in the planned channel of Asan port. 6 competent Captains participated in this study. The vessel modelled was a 60,000-ton ship. The two variables(factors) examined were environ-mental conditions such as flood-and-ebb current condition and day-and-night condition. The two variables were combined to produce four experimental conditions. To evaluate the safety of the environmental conditions, two categories of performance measures were analyzed. They were vessel's proximity to channel boundary and vessel controalbility. The findings regar-ding the effects of environmental conditions were as follows : - Closest Point of Approach(CPA) to channel boundary was enough for 60,000-ton ship to transit th-rough the channel with 99.999% confidence level. - Closest Point of Approach(CPA) to channel boundary further was under against-current condition than under with-current condition. -Vessel controlability was better under against-current condition than under with-current condition. -Vessel controlability was better under inbound transit than under outbound transit.

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A Study on the Change of Water Quality in the Vicinity of Mokpo Harbor Due to the Discharges from Yongsan River Estuary Weir and Yongam-Kumho Sea Dike (영산강 하구둑과 영암-금호방조제 방류에 의한 목포항 주변 수역의 수질변화에 관한 연구)

  • 정대득;이중우;국승기
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.419-426
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    • 1999
  • It is essential for port planning, coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area and discharged water from estuary barrage and basin etc. Mokpo sea area downstreams from a long river and two large basins, the Yongsan river and Yongam-Kumho basins discharging much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood control and prohibition of salt intrusion to the inland fresh water area. In this study, the numerical calculations were carried out for the analysis of diffusion characteristics due to discharging operation, adapting the results of tidal current simulation ADI methord is applied to the governing equation for the movement of sea water and diffusion and 6-point method to the advection terms of diffusion equation. As the results of this study, it is known that the discharging operation causes increasing and/or decreasing of current velocity and enlarging and/or depressing of pollutant diffusion limits depending on the distance from the discharging gates and the mode of discharging operation. To utilize these result, the linked gate operation and the method increasing exchange of sea water must be considered.

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Consideration of Surveying the Site for Lighthouse in Harbor Plan (항만계획에 있어서 등대부지측량의 고찰)

  • 장용구;이중우;강인준;이호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 1999
  • Harbor design and construction plan in Korea becomes the most hot issue both in the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office and in the related port industries. Production of the plane and cross section maps together with the profile map for harbor project is done firstly and is important in all procedure because it is the most basic datum in counting the constructional expense for determination of the area and capacity. As the expense assigned on surveying part among the total expenses of harbor planning and construction in Korea is very small, it is difficult to make exact maps. Moveover, because the method used to make such maps is mostly traditional surveying such as plane table surveying , offset surveying, stadia surveying and level surveying, etc, it is difficult to get precise three dimensional maps. Therefore, for making more precise map in the harbor project, we have to use the newest surveying equipment. This study discusses the method of old surveying and recent surveying used for the three dimensional map of the site for lighthouse which gives navigational aids for the in-and out-bound ships. The authors are proposing a method for more precise three dimensional positioning in this study.

A Study on the Charge of Water Quality in the Vicinity of Mokpo Harbor due to the Discharges from Yongsan River Estuary Weir and Yongam-Kumho Sea Dike (영산강 하구둑과 영얌-금호방조제 방류에 의한 목포항 주변 수역의 수질변화에 관한 연구)

  • 정대득;이중우;국승기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 1999
  • It is essential for port planning, coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area and discharged water from the estuary barrage and basin, etc. Mokpo sea area has downstream from a long river and two large basins, the Yongsan river and Yongam-Kumho basins, discharging much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood and prohibition of salt intrusion to the inland fresh water area. In this study, the numerical calculation were carried out for the analysis of diffusion characteristics due to discharging operation, adopting the results of tidal current simulation. ADI method is applied to the governing equation for the movement of sea water and diffusion and 6-point method to the advection terms of diffusion equation. As the results of this study, it is known that the discharging operation causes increasing and/or decreasing of current velocity and enlarging and/or depressing of pollutant diffusion limits depending on the distance from the discharging gates and the modes of discharging operation. To utilize these result, the linked gate operation and the method increasing exchange of sea water must be considered.

Prediction of Motion State of a Docking Small Planing Ship using Artificial Neural Network

  • Hoang Thien Vu;Thi Thanh Diep Nguyen;Hyeon Kyu Yoon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 2024
  • Automatic docking of small planing ship is a critical aspect of maritime operations, requiring accurate prediction of motion states to ensure safe and efficient maneuvers. This study investigates the use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to predict motion state of a small planing ship to enhance navigation automation in port environments. To achieve this, simulation tests were conducted to control a small planing ship while docking at various heading angles in calm water and in waves. Comprehensive analysis of the ANN-based predictive model was conducted by training and validation using data from various docking situations to improve its ability to accurately capture motion characteristics of a small planing ship. The trained ANN model was used to predict the motion state of the small planning ship based on any initial motion state. Results showed that the small planing ship could dock smoothly in both calm water and waves conditions, confirming the accuracy and reliability of the proposed method for prediction. Moreover, the ANN-based prediction model can adjust the dynamic model of the small planing ship to adapt in real-time and enhance the robustness of an automatic positioning system. This study contributes to the ongoing development of automated navigation systems and facilitates safer and more efficient maritime transport operations.

International Tourists 'Attitude to Theme Park Development of Busan

  • Hwang, Young-Woo;Yhang, Wii-Joo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.345-349
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    • 2003
  • A theme park is a tourism destination attracting a lot of tourists. Many local authorities establish theme parks within their own territory. Busan Metropolitan City tries to host an attractive theme park, and to make the city known as the tourism destination for 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a policy and management strategy of theme park based on questionnaire analysis for international tourists visiting Busan. First, it is needed to supply low land price to reduce construction cost and to attract investors from the public and private sectors. Second, the theme park has to have attractive themes and new events for repeaters. Third, infra structures related to the theme parks should be provided for the easy accessibility. Finally more emphasis should be placed on public relation and service education for employees.

A Study on the Ocean Resort Planning Using Floating Island (플로팅 인공섬을 이용한 해양리조트계획 연구)

  • Lee, Han-Seok;Song, Hwa-Cheol;Cho, Hyung-Jang;Kang, Young-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.187-188
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    • 2010
  • 플로팅 아일랜드 리조트 조성을 위한 자연환경 및 인프라시설을 충분히 갖추고 있는 부산은 플로팅 구조물에 대한 관심이 크다. 따라서 본 연구는 플로팅 아일랜드 리조트 조성을 위한 전제조건과 대상지 선정을 위한 6가지 고려사항들을 통해 후보지를 선정하고 각 후보지에 적합한 시설을 제시하였다. 또한 조성 후보지에 플로팅 인공섬 리조트 기본계획을 실시하였다.

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A Study on Development of GPS Simulation Tool Kit (GPS Simulation System 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 양원재;전승환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1998
  • Ship's positino data obtaining method is ine of the very important factor innavigation . Nowadays, GPS(Global Positioning System) using the earth orbiting satellites are equipped and operated for the position finding. Because it provides more precise position information than other equipments and is very convenient for navigator. In this study, it is designed to develop the GPS simulator for everybody being able to proactise the GPS operating skill like as navigation planning, navigation calculating etc. And also, it can be operated with personal computer without real GPS receiver. This simulation system is based on the real GPS receiver system and built by the visual basic 5.0 program. And it displays the ship's position and navigating information and plots the ship's moving track on the screen in real time according as initial setup data-main engine's rpm, rudder angle, depature position and waypoint.

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해양공간계획 적용을 통한 해상교통관제구역의 효율적 관리 방안

  • Kang, Yoon Ho;Jeong, Jung Sik;Kim, Joo-Sung;Sim, Jae Ho;Byun, Ki Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2014.06a
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    • pp.300-302
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    • 2014
  • 해상교통관제(VTS, Vessel Traffic Service)는 초창기 정보 전달 역할에서 최근에 선박의사결정지원과 정보통신기술이 결합된 e-Navigation의 중심축으로 그 역할이 확대 되고 있다. 관제 구역은 선박이 항해하는 항로, 정박지, 준설구역, 급유작업, 수상레져 활동, 낚시등 다양한 해양 활동이 동시에 이뤄지고 있다. 따라서 발전하는 관제센터의 역할에 발맞춰 관제 구역에도 해양공간계획(MSP, Marine Spatial Planning) 개념을 도입하여 구역에 대한 관리를 강화해 나갈 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 해양공간계획을 도입한 선행 연구 사례를 검토하고 이를 우리나라 해상교통관제에 적용하기 위한 제안을 하고자 한다.

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