아산항 계획 항로에서의 선박 통항의 안전성 평가 검토

An Investigation for Evaluation of the Safety of the Ship's Transit in the Planned Channel of Asan Port

  • 발행 : 1994.05.01


This paper was a part of the risk management in planning a channel. It utilized Korea Marine Training & Research Institutes(KMTRI) which Houses a real-time, full-mission shiphandling simulator to examine the safety of the ship's transit in the planned channel of Asan port. 6 competent Captains participated in this study. The vessel modelled was a 60,000-ton ship. The two variables(factors) examined were environ-mental conditions such as flood-and-ebb current condition and day-and-night condition. The two variables were combined to produce four experimental conditions. To evaluate the safety of the environmental conditions, two categories of performance measures were analyzed. They were vessel's proximity to channel boundary and vessel controalbility. The findings regar-ding the effects of environmental conditions were as follows : - Closest Point of Approach(CPA) to channel boundary was enough for 60,000-ton ship to transit th-rough the channel with 99.999% confidence level. - Closest Point of Approach(CPA) to channel boundary further was under against-current condition than under with-current condition. -Vessel controlability was better under against-current condition than under with-current condition. -Vessel controlability was better under inbound transit than under outbound transit.
