• 제목/요약/키워드: Policy Alternatives

검색결과 721건 처리시간 0.025초

인문.사회과학과 과학기술부분 협력 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Cooperation between the Humanities & Social Sciences and Natural Science & Technology)

  • 이종수
    • 기술혁신학회지
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.125-140
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    • 2000
  • The paper studies on the cooperation between the humanities & social sciences and natural science & technology in 1990's. The article showed policy alternatives about the crisis of humanities & social sciences. That was science wars and we heard that was announced by Sokal affair. In this article, the author inquired into the Korean research policy's crisis and presented the policy alternatives about the crisis of humanities & social sciences and natural science & technology in various ways. In the concrete, the policy alternatives are cultural critique of technology and science and science & development of domain about interdisciplinary studies at the humanities & social science and natural science & technology. In conclusion, First, the author showed the appraisal and institutionalization of interdisciplinary studies. Second, the researcher proposed few policy alternatives and developmental area of interdisciplinary studies between the humanities & social sciences and natural science & technology.

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A Study on the Forest Management Policy and Revitalization Alternatives of the Private Forest Management in Korea

  • Woo, Jong-Choon;Choi, In-Hwa
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2009
  • This study is tried to investigate and analyze the changing history of Korean forest management policy and revitalization alternatives of the private forest management. Korean forest management policy could be divided by two group periods, one is the forestry policy age through afforestation and reforestation, the other is the forestry policy age through forest management. Recently, the revitalization policy for the private forest management was evaluated through the result analysis of the 4th forest basic planning age for 10 years that is gone from 1998 to 2007, but it is not sufficient for the private forest management revitalization, and has still some fundamental problems. Therefore, this study is aimed to present various kinds of plans for the private forest management revitalization during the 5th forest basic planning age that has begun since the beginning of 2008.

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A Study on Small Business Development and Support Policies

  • Yun, Jeong-keun;Jeong, Eun-hye
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2012
  • The number of small businesses being founded nationally is constantly increasing and various kinds of aggressive efforts are being made to remain competitive. As such, political support by the government for small businesses that have great productivity and competitiveness must increase. The founding of small businesses is being promoted by the government in order to boost the economy, and interest in founding new businesses is high amongst not only college students, but even general workers. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine problems regarding the founding of small businesses, and to give new businesses a competitive edge by presenting political answers to these problems. After analyzing the status of current issues concerning the foundation of small businesses, this paper suggests some positive policy alternatives. Existing studies on small businesses were focused on the promotion of small and medium distributors, and studies on policy alternatives aimed directly at promoting the businesses are, so far, insufficient. Further studies are required to examine political alternatives from the perspective of the roles of non-profit organizations, which the Government is responsible for, in supporting small business.

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구조적 홍수방어 대안의 정책성 평가 방법 개발 (Development of a Policy Assessment Mothed for Structural Flood Defensive Alternatives)

  • 변성호;이정호;안재현;김태웅
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국방재학회 2008년도 정기총회 및 학술발표대회
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    • pp.703-706
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    • 2008
  • 현재 유역종합치수계획의 구조적 홍수방어시설의 평가는 다차원홍수피해액 산정방법에 의해 수행되어지고 있으며, 건설교통부(2004)에서 제시한 경제성 분석과 안전 위험성, 지속 가능성을 고려하여 계층화분석(AHP)기법을 통하여 최적대안이 선정되고 있다. 그 결과 홍수방어시설의 정책성 분석의 결여로 인해 사회적 문제, 민원발생, 정부기관간의 마찰 등 많은 문제가 발생하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이같은 문제를 해결하기 위해 유역종합 치수계획을 위한 계층화분석(AHP)기법의 정책성 평가의 계층구조를 재구성하고, 구조적 홍수방어시설의 최적대안 선정을 위해 정책적 세부 평가항목별 가중치를 설정하여 계층화분석(AHP)기법에 적용할 수 있는 정책적 평가기법을 개발하였다. 정책적 평가기법을 개발하기 위해서 치수사업의 정책성 평가 항목과 가중치 설정에 대해 전문가 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사 결과와 한국개발연구원에서 제시한 국가 공공사업의 예비타당성 조사를 위한 가중치를 비교 분석하였다. 치수경제성에 높은 가중치를 부여하였던 과거와 달리 설문조사 결과는 치수경제성이 중요하지만 정책성 분석 역시 중요하다는 인식의 변화와 기본 평가항목을 추가하여 정책성 분석의 세부 평가항목의 다양성이 필요하다고 나타났다.

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철도 모달시프트 정책대안 사례 연구 (A Case Study on the Policy Alternatives of Railway Modal-shift)

  • 김영훈
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2011년도 정기총회 및 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2011
  • Climate changes and environmental pollution problems are continuing every year. In Korea, the carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions by the transport sector reached around 20% of pollution. Many countries are enforcing the pollution-control policy. Korean government has introduced the modal shift grants as well as in other countries. In case of nation's transportation plan, the policy basis of green distribution is emphasized. However, the shipper and logistics company have low interests in the modal shift as the massive transportation system. The purpose of this paper is that I studied the policy alternatives for the modal shift of foreign railways., And also I studied the difficult problems at altering the railway freight from domestic road freight and I suggested the alternatives of modal shift to solve those problems.

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맞벌이 가족의 자녀양육방식을 통해 본 아동양육지원의 정책적 함의 (Dual Earner Families' Child Care Alternatives and Policy Implications)

  • 김선미
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated various alternatives for childcare among dual-earner families and discussed implications for public policy development. Eight employed married women and two of their husbands were interviewed about work-family balance. All the interviewees complained that taking cue of the children in dual-earner families is a challenge. They resort to all available alternatives because public childcare support is insufficient and inadequate. There were five different types chilcare: extended family network, public and private institutions, paid help (nannies), rearranging work schedules, and training their children to take cue of themselves. However, all these alternatives entail various problems. More and better childcare facilities and programs should be built and after-school programs should be designed. On the other hand, parents should also make more effort to prioritize children's needs in finding a balance between work and family.

AHP분석을 이용한 도시재생사업의 발전에 대한 정책적 대안에 관한 연구 (A Study on Policy Alternatives to the Development of Urban Regeneration Project Using AHP Analysis)

  • 정삼석
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제25권6_3호
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    • pp.1303-1313
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    • 2022
  • Modern cities need to revitalize the downtown area, which is declining due to population decline, economic recession, and deterioration of the residential environment, economically, socially, and physically by introducing and creating new functions. In addition, the hollowing out of the existing city center is getting worse due to the development of the outskirts of the city. Therefore, the discussion for the development of urban regeneration is the core task of modern cities. This study analyzed based on a basic understanding of urban regeneration projects, and through this, the problems of domestic urban regeneration projects were derived. In addition, the problem factors and major improvement plans of the urban regeneration project were analyzed from the expert's point of view using the AHP analysis technique. Based on this, the purpose is to present policy alternatives for the future development of urban regeneration projects. The problems derived to present the policy alternatives and improvement directions of the urban regeneration project were classified into problems related to goal achievement, problems related to the business itself, and problems related to project results. It was subdivided into sub-categories. This study analyzed the problem factors and major improvements from the expert's point of view by using the AHP analysis technique for the problems of the urban regeneration project. Based on the AHP analysis results and experts' opinions, five policy alternatives for the development of urban regeneration projects were presented.

노인요양보장제도와 재가 간호사업 현황 및 과제 (Policy Alternatives on Developing A Home Health Care System for Long-term Health Care Insurance System in Korea)

  • 유호신
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.148-160
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    • 2005
  • Presented here are policy alternatives for understanding home health care for the long-term health care insurance system which is being developed for elderly people starting 2007. The summary of issues concerning home health nursing care under the long-term care insurance system include; 1) absence of comprehensive and systematic policy in home health care deliverly systems; 2) absence of community based home health agencies that are considered as the community residents in general. In order to overcome these problems and Issues, policy alternatives of home health care should 1) establish a comprehensive home health care policy for homebound persons; 2) establish the foundations for home health care nurses and community based home health care systems; 3) establish home health care facilities and infrastructure; and 4) promote research and development concerning home health care. Conclusively, a home health care system should be built on a comprehensive policy vision based on health policy, especially long-term care insurance system in the near future. Every homebound residents service has to be constructed systematically under suitable facilities considering the consumer characteristics and health conditions. By doing this, the consumer based comprehensive community home health care delivery system can be constructed in view of the long-term health care insurance system for elderly people.

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교통정책평가에 있어 Logit모형의 한계 : Logit모형에 있어서의 기대효용 (Limits of Logit Models in Transportation Policy Evaluation : Expected Utilities in Logit Models)

  • 조중래
    • 대한교통학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1987
  • This article shows that, in the logit models, the(conditional) expected utility of the decision makers choosing an alternative is invariant across all alternatives. This property of the logit model implies that the logit model can not explain the distributional wealfare effects of a transportation policy (or transportation investment) among different alternatives, and thus the logit model is not proper for evaluating transportation policy in equity aspects.

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공공 및 방송주파수의 효율적 이용을 위한 정책 과제 (Policy Agendas for the Efficient Use of Public and Broadcast Spectrum)

  • 연권흠;김용규
    • 한국전자파학회논문지
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    • 제24권8호
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    • pp.849-859
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    • 2013
  • 최근 각국은 무선 광대역 서비스용 주파수 확보를 위하여 공공주파수와 방송용 주파수의 효율적 이용을 도모하고 있다. 본 연구는 해외의 공공주파수 및 방송용 주파수 관리 정책 동향을 살펴보고, 이를 참고하여 우리나라의 관련 현안에 대한 정책 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 공공주파수의 효율적 활용을 위한 정책 방안으로, 공공주파수에 대한 이용실태 조사, 공공주파수에 대한 기회비용 부과, 주파수 효율성 기금의 설치, 군주파수의 효율적 이용을 위한 유인 제공, 공공주파수에 대한 공유정책 도입 등을 제안하였다. 그리고 방송용 주파수의 효율적 활용을 위하여는 단기적으로는 방송통신발전기금의 부과기준 변경, 중장기적으로 상업용 방송주파수에 대한 할당방식 변경과 행정가격 부과를 제안하였다.