• Title/Summary/Keyword: Police Role

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Improvement plan for Recruitment of Private Police Guards (청원경찰 채용 개선방안)

  • Kim, Sangwoon;Shin, Jaehun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2016
  • This study has to improve the recruitment of Private Police Guards. Secure fairness on recruitment of Private Police Guards has secure excellent Private Police Guards. Under the request of requesting entity, private police guards perform police tasks at the relevant area. Recruitment takes a pivotal role because they take unusual characteristics as they perform police duties at key national institutions, unlike private security. However, problems have continuously arouse due to issues like closed recruitment, interview-based recruitment, and composition of interviewers. Accordingly, this research suggested arranging mandatory regulation to recruit publically, adaptation of physical or written exams in view of characteristics of guarding facilities, and obligating external members when consisting interviewers as solutions.

A Study on Effective Peacekeeping Activities of Korean Police in International Conflict Areas (국제 분쟁지역에서 한국경찰의 효과적인 평화유지활동에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2020
  • Peacekeeping operations (PKO), which were based mainly on military operations in the Cold War era, have become diverse in the post-Cold War era. The history of the PKO of Korean police began in 1994 as two policemen were deployed to Somalia for rebuilding law and order in this country, but the role of Korean police in PKO has been limited so far, compared to that of Korean military. At this point when global conflicts escalate does the UN urge its 193 member states to conduct diverse PKO. In particular, maintaining law and order as the primary duty of police is required strictly for law enforcement while the warring country is being rebuilt. In this regard, some member states such as US, China, and Germany have deployed police force in order to play its role in a direct or indirect manner. On the contrary, the extent of the contribution of Korean police in PKO is too insignificant to measure. To this end, here in the present study were analyzed first the trend of global conflicts and the circumstance of law and order in the conflict regions. Then the PKO of police from countries including Republic of Korea, US, China, and Germany were compared, and so was the chronological change of PKO. Last, a measure to expand the capacity of Korean police and for its active role in PKO was proposed.

Police Networks for Criminal Intelligence Functions: Based on Informal Social Network Analysis (경찰 범죄정보 수집 활동의 관계망 분석: 비공식적 사회연결망 분석을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Yeong Jin;Yang, Chang Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.448-459
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the necessities of gathering, producing, and sharing criminal information are critically important as intelligence functions of police agencies to improving public safety and national security. However, the inadequacies and barriers within which police agencies have in regard to intelligence functions impede criminal information gathering, intelligence producing within their agency, and intelligence sharing with other agencies. In this study, we analyzed informal networks constructed from a survey dataset of information and intelligence sharing among officers in police agencies. The results revealed the different structural properties of intelligence networks between police agencies. We did find that officers with high indegree and outdegree in a network played critical role on the dynamics and degree of intelligence gathering and assessment responsibilities. Finally, we could find evidence that the potential role of intermediary triggered relational dynamics for developing and sharing critical information among all police agencies.

Two Cases of Peritoneal Tuberculosis Mimicking Peritoneal Carcinomatosis on F-18 FDG PET/CT (F-18 FDG PET/CT에서 복막암종증 양상을 보인 결핵성 복막염 2예)

  • Choi, Soon-Uk;Kim, Eun-Sil;Kim, So-Yon;Yu, Chang-Min;Lee, Se-Han;Hyun, Hee-Jae;Lee, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Seung-Yup
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.499-504
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    • 2009
  • F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (F-18 FDG PET/CT) plays an important role in diagnosis of malignant tumors and adds to conventional imaging in the staging of pertoneal carcinomatosis. However, false positive cases resulting from benign disease such as tuberculosis may occur. We report two cases of peritoneal tuberculosis on F-18 FDG PET/CT which showed multiple hypermetabolic foci in the mesentery and peritoneum with increased serum cancer antigen 125 (CA 125). Subsequent F-18 FDG PET/CT showed a disappearance of pathologic uptake following treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs.

A Study on the Plan of Construction of Cooperating Crime Prevention System between Public Police and Private Security of Korea (공경비와 민간경비의 협력방범체제 구축방안)

  • Lee, Sang-Won
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.6
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    • pp.67-101
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    • 2003
  • This study presents a plan of construction for cooperating crime prevention system between public police and private security to provide positive safety, and crime prevention activity for clients. A method of this study, this paper used statistics analysis and literature study. This study, an introduction is at the chapter I , a role of public police and private security at the Chapter II, the realities of private security industry of korea at the Chapter III, the police service relating with private security and operating realities at the ChapterIV, the problems and a plan of construction for co-operating crime prevention system at the ChapterV, and conclusion at the ChapterVI. In conclusion, It is needed a public information strategy, partnership between the police and guard, establishment of special office for private security, and the improvement of the quality in security corporation.

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A study on the Role Sharing Policing Organization in Britain (영국 치안기구의 역할분담에 관한 고찰)

  • Seo, Jin-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.3
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2000
  • Not only has there been movement along the sectoral continuum, Johnston argues, but changes in the spatial balance of policing are also visible. More concretely, he suggests that British policing has been undergoing a century-long process that has gathered pace since the 1960s. Three factors have been central to this process. First, legislative centralization brought about by the Police Act 1964 - which established the tripartite structure for police governance and amalgamated forces - and the Local Government Act 1972 which reorganized local government. Secondly, the political and industrial unrest of the 1970s and early 1980s led to the establishment of new levels of national police co-operation and, in the words of one author, to the establishment of a 'de facto national police force'. Thirdly, increasing European influence has further internationalized police co-operation and organization. Johnston concludes that the spatial restructuring that appears to be taking place in British policing is indicative of a broader process of fragmentation of social structures and systems for maintaining order.

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The Protective Effect of Fair and Supportive Leadership against Burnout in Police Employees

  • Torhild Anita Sorengaard;Eva Langvik
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.475-481
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    • 2022
  • Background: This study investigated the association between fair and supportive leadership and symptoms of burnout and insomnia in police employees. Burnout and insomnia can have negative consequences for health, performance, and safety among employees in the police profession, and risk and protective factors should be thoroughly investigated. Methods: Data were collected in a police district in Norway through questionnaires administered in October 2018 and May 2019. The sample consisted of 206 police employees (52% males), with an average age of 42 years and 16 years of experience in the police occupation. Results: The results showed that a high degree of fair and supportive leadership was associated with lower levels of burnout and insomnia six months later. Fair and supportive leadership explained a greater amount of variance in burnout compared to insomnia. This finding indicates that fair and supportive leadership is a more important buffer factor against burnout than it is against insomnia. Stress was positively associated with burnout and insomnia, whereas quantitative job demands had no significant association with the concepts. Conclusion: Fair and supportive leadership can help protect employees from adverse consequences of stress and contribute to improved occupational health, whereas a low degree of support and fair treatment from leaders can both represent a stressor by itself and contribute to poorer coping of stressful events at work. The important role of leadership should be incorporated in measures aimed at preventing and reducing burnout and sleep problems.

A Study on the Role of the National Police Agency Library Analyzed from a Macroscopic Perspective: Focusing on PEST Analysis (거시적 관점으로 분석한 경찰청 도서관 역할에 관한 연구: PEST 분석을 중심으로)

  • Roh, Yoon-ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2021
  • In 2021, the Korean National Police Agency is facing a critical time as it meets a period of drastic changes such as the introduction of autonomous police system, the reform of its criminal investigation system, and its great transformation to a truly responsible investigative agency in keeping with the inauguration of the National Office of Investigation. This study carries out PEST analysis, which is a macro environmental analysis technique, and examines the current situation of operating the libraries of metropolitan-city and provincial police agencies and affiliated institutions, in order to suggest the role and function of the Korean National Police Agency's libraries in the fourth industrial revolution era. Based on the findings, this study classifies the essential components of a library into facilities, books, and librarians, i.e. spatial composition, book composition, and human resources, in addition to library operational governance establishment and future-oriented library services; and proposes the future-oriented roles of the National Police Agency's libraries in the fourth industrial revolution era.

A Study on Changes in Media Report of Police Assigned for Special Guard Using Big Kinds

  • Park, Su-Hyeon;Cho, Cheol-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this study is to present the academic implications and developmental direction of the police assigned for special guard system through big data analysis on the objective and macroscopic viewpoint of the media. As research method, this study conducted the analysis on 'police assigned for special guard' and the analysis of related words that would visualize the keywords highly related to keyword trend and news. Also, after dividing the period into the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s, the number of relevant articles in each period was drawn for understanding the flow. In the results of this study, the perception of media report of police assigned for special guard was about the recruitment of police assigned for special guard, and relevant events/accidents, which showed the coexistence of positive interest in the recruitment of police assigned for special guard and negative image of events/accidents related to police assigned for special guard. As a result, however, the necessity and demand for police assigned for special guard are increasing. Thus, the police assigned for special guard should be engaged in work after carefully thinking of its role in charge of ethical responsibility and safety as an axis for maintaining the national safety and social order.

A Study on the Direction of Policing for Effective Disaster Prevention and Management (효과적인 재난 예방 및 관리를 위한 경찰활동 방향)

  • Lee, Ju-Lak;Shin, So-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.51
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    • pp.317-334
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    • 2017
  • The burden of addressing the damage and financial losses caused by disaster events falls primarily on local governments. Given this reality, preparing for disasters and assessing the effects of disaster management would be more effective if both were carried out at the local level. However, disaster management in South Korea is realized at the national level, revolving around the central government. The Ministry of Public Safety and Security, which was newly established after the sinking of MV Sewol, was criticized for failing to carrying out its role as a "disaster control tower" in dealing with the earthquakes near the city of Gyeongju in 2016. The criticism, as well as deep anxiety concerning the ministry's ability to effectively respond to disasters, means that there is a need for a practical alternative plan to the current method of dealing with disasters. As such, there is an increasing call to re-examine the role of the police force, which played an integral part in past disaster response efforts, in future disaster events. Among the various activities the police force performs, this study focused on one particular role and function of the police, namely community policing. Specifically, this study examined community policing within the context of local governments. The primary purpose of community policing is crime prevention. But the police must respond to citizens' expectations and desires that the police expand the scope of its role. Thus, to maximize public safety and order, the police must be actively engaged in conducting disaster response activities. Hence, this study concentrated on the measures, including community policing, that need to be taken to enable the police to respond rapidly and effectively to disaster events, thereby minimizing losses, and to contribute meaningfully to disaster recovery efforts. Because community policing requires public cooperation, community-oriented disaster response and disaster management are closely examined. This study basically seeks to expand the scope of community policing to strengthen disaster safety. Furthermore, this study aims to assert that disaster safety can be promoted by establishing a cooperation system between the police and private security; changing how the role of community policing in disaster response activities is perceived; increasing professional manpower and establishing a comprehensive and independent department dedicated to disaster-related matters; and merging consultative organizations into one organization. Additionally, this study states that an integrated CCTV platform and police cars on disaster prevention patrol duties would enhance the capability of the police to respond to disasters and perform their community policing activities.

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