• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plant tissue culture media

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Effects of Bulb Size, Type of Media, Depth of Planting, and Nutrient Compositions on the Growth of Tissue Cultured Garlic Microbulbs in Hydroponic Culture (조직배양 마늘의 양액재배시 종구크기, 상토, 재식깊이 및 양액조성이 맹아 및 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • 최영일;선정훈;정경호;신성련;백기엽
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of bulb size, type of media, depth of planting, and nutrient compositions on sprouting and growth of tissue cultured garlic microbulbs in hydroponic culture. Early and increased sprouting were observed when the microbulbs were transplanted into soil planted in shallow (1 cm in depth), while bulb size and fresh weight of the whole plant increased in deep planting (3 cm in depth). Bulb size have greatly influenced on not only sprouting rate but also plant growth after planting. Large bulbs resulted in high growth rate such as number of leaves, stem width, plant height, and increase in bulb size after planting. It was shown that Oriental nutrient solution (N=0.17, P=0.45, K=1.29, Ca=2.44, and Mg=0.98 me/L) was more effective in sprouting and further growth of microbulbs as compared to Yamazaki solution (N=0.27, P=0.16, K=1.50, Ca=1.36 and Mg=0.78 me/L). Microbulbs grown in mixture of leaf mould + bark + sand or Baroko showed the most vigrous growth.

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Efficient and Reliable in vitro Regeneration System for Rubus Species as the Basis of Genetic Engineering

  • Kalai Katalin;Meszaros Annamaria;Denes Ferenc;Zatyko Jozsef;Balazs Ervin
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2005
  • Factors affecting regeneration of different Rubus varieties (blackberry, raspberry and their hybrid) were examined and a reliable regeneration system was established. Media for stock plant maintenance were tested; different explants and media were investigated to find the best circumstances for the regeneration. The effect of the commonly used antibiotics was studied to determine the most suitable one for selection of the transformants. We found that both MS and LS media supplemented by $20\;gL^{-1}$ sucrose are suitable for the stock plant maintenance. The optimal hormone content for the stock plants is $0.125\;mgL^{-1}$ 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) with $0.01\;mgL^{-1}$ indole-3- butyric acid (IBA). The highest regeneration rate was observed on medium containing MS salts with B5 vitamins complemented with glucose, sucrose, maltose, $10\;gL^{-1}$ each, supplemented with benzylaminopurine riboside (BAR) ($2\;mgL^{-1}$) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) ($0.1\;mgL^{-1}$). The regenerated shoots appeared directly from the cut edges, without callus phase. Hygromycin and geneticin proved to be good selection agents for the Rubus explants, but due to their severe effect on the tissues we propose to use marker-free constructions for the transformation.

Effect of Artificial Soils and Aqueous Solutions for Plantlet Acclimatization of Somatic Embryos of Aralia elata (두릅나무 체세포배 유래 소식물체의 순화에 미치는 배양토 및 공급액의 효과)

  • 문흥규;배찬호;김용욱;이재순;이재선
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.273-276
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    • 2001
  • In order to develop effective acclimatization methods for Aralia elata plantlets regenerated from somatic embryos, various acclimatizing conditions were compared regarding both survival rate and growth of the plantlets. The plantlets were transplanted into plastic boxes containing artificial soil in the presence of either several levels of MS liquid media, distilled water, 2% sucrose or 0.1% hyponex solution. They were then cultured by spraying of distilled water twice a week and maintained in the normal tissue culture room. Perlite was proved to be better than vermiculite on survival rate and growth of the plantlets. As the size of perlite (larger than 0.2 cm in diameter) increased, both the survival rate and growth of the plantlets improved. Among the various MS liquid media and different aqueous solutions tested, distilled water appeared to result in the best survival rate and growth. MS media were also effective in increasing survival rate and supporting growth when diluted to 1/4 and/or 1/8. The acclimatized plantlets could be transplanted directly onto the nursery bed and grown normally. The above results suggest that plantlets regenerated from somatic embryos of Aralia elata be effectively acclimatized using a plastic box containing perlite with distilled water treatment.

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Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Immature Zygotic Embryo Culture of Wasabia japonica Matsum. (고추냉이의 미숙배배양으로부터 체세포배 발생과 식물체 재분화)

  • 은종선;고정애;김영선;김명준
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 1995
  • Immature zygotic embryos from immature seeds of Wasabia japonica (cv Dalma) were isolated and cultured on modified MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D, IAA, and BA. Immature zygotic embryos were classified into torpedo shape and cotyledon stage. The highest rates of callus formation were obtained of 1.0mg/L IAA(torpedo stage, 90.0%)and 1.0mg/L 2,4D plus 0.1mg/L BA(cotyledany stage,84.3%). Somatic embryos after 60 days of culture. These numerous somatic embryo could be seperated and subcultured on the same media for further propagation. After 90 days of culture, most somatic embryos were developed well organized embryos which were able to produce into whole plants.

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A Study on acclimatization culture of the tissue cultured seedings in Zantedschia spp. (유색칼라 기내배양묘의 순화재배에 관한 연구)

  • Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2003
  • This experiment was carried out to develop an acclimatization system of tissue cultured seedling in Zantedeschia spp. There was not different in percentage of leaf emergence by the media compost of acclimatization but tuber was enlarged in sand(50%)+peatmoss(50%) treatment after 6 months growth. The optimum time for the acclimatizantion of Zantedeschia spp. was from the 20th of March to 20th of April. During this time, rate of acclimatization reached over 90 percentage. However on the 20th of august, acclimatization was low to 64-70.4 percentage. Size of tuber was enlarged in planting on the 20th of March. The weight of tuber was better in 10×10cm density of planting than others.

Enhancing in vitro Grown and Propagation of Bulbs for Cryopreservation in Lily Genetic Resources

  • Jae-young Song;Jung-yoon Yi;Mun-sup Yoon;Jung-ro Lee;Young-yi Lee
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.43-43
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    • 2020
  • Plants regenerated from in vitro cultures are associated with chromosomal variations, which have been generally found in long-term culture. Reducing plant culture age is one of the ways to reduce genetic and epigenetic changes. The present study focused on the efficient in vitro propagation of lily cultivars and has intensified to speed up bulb propagation for cryopreservation. The multiplication process applied in this experiment uses starting material, which the newly small bulb formed from bulb-scales in two lily cultivars. The adventitious bulb from bulb-scale tissue cultured on three different media following Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 1 g/L Charcoal, MS medium containing 0.3 mg/L IAA and 0.4 mg/L BA hormone with or without Charcoal, respectively. After about seven weeks, there is little change in the number of newly propagated bulbs in small bulbs of the two media. Compared to the both mediums, the number of the propagated bulbs is increased 5 times in MS medium containing 0.3 mg/L IAA and 0.4 mg/L BA hormone without Charcoal. After about seven weeks, the results of the propagation showed that the number of the propagated bulbs is increased 5 times in MS medium containing 0.3 mg/L IAA and 0.4 mg/L BA hormone without Charcoal compared to the both mediums. The number of propagated bulbs ranged from 5 to 6 and 4 to 6 with an average of 5 in Tropicalpink and Greenstar cultivars, respectively. There is little change in the number of newly propagated bulbs in small bulbs of other media. The multiplication process applied in this study may save in vitro culture period and effort.

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Studies on the Anther Culture of Rice 2. Histological observation of haploid callus inoculated on differentiation medium (벼의 약배양에 관한 연구 2. 분화배지에 이식된 Haploid Callus의 발생 및 분화)

  • 한창열
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.17-19
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    • 1970
  • Histological observation of micropore-originated haploid rice callus was reported previously. Present study was attempted to clarify the growth or development of the calli when they were transferred to differentiation media prepared exclusively for differentiation of plantlets. When the callus was transferred to differentiation medium, the cells and tissues became radially elongated. Meristematic tissues were present but few in number, and their structures were quite different from those grown in the propagaton medium. Differentiation of tracheid, chloroplast, and epidermis-like cell layer, and formation of gap in the callus tissue were more conspicuous in differentiation media. Approximately ten days after transfer of callus to differentiation medium, plantlet was formed.

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Silver nitrate and silver-thiosulphate mitigates callus and leaf abscission during Shisham clonal micro-propagation

  • Raturi, Manoj Kumar;Thakur, Ajay
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2021
  • Basal callus formation and leaf abscission is a problem in clonal micropropagation. We have described an in vitro clonal propagation protocol of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb (shisham) 'FRI-14' in which AgNO3 played important role not only in mitigating problem of leaf abscission and basal callus, but also improved shoot induction and multiplication. Best induction and shoot multiplication was obtained on MS media with 1.5 mg/l 6-BAP and 10 mg/l AgNO3 and half-strength MS media with 0.5 mg/l 6-BAP, 2 mg/l AgNO3 and 50 mg/l Adenine sulphate whereas best ex vitro rooting was obtained with 200 mg/l IBA in pulse treatment.

Effects of Medium Supplements on Seed-Derived Callus Culture and Regeneration of Orchardgrass (오차드그래스의 종자유래 캘러스배양 및 재분화에 미치는 배지첨가물질의 영향)

  • 이상훈;이동기;이병현
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.232-236
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    • 2004
  • In order to optimize tissue culture conditions for genetic transformation of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), the effects of culture medium supplements on tissue culture responses were investigated with mature seeds of a cultivar, 'Roughrider', as explant tissues. The optimal concentration of 2,4-D for the induction of embryogenic callus from mature seeds was 3 mg/L. Plant regeneration frequency was 36.3% when embryogenic calli were cultured on the regeneration medium supplemented with 1mg/L 2,4-D and 3mg/L BA. Addition of 1 g/L casein hydrolysate and 300 mg/L L-proline improved frequencies of embryogenic callus induction and plant regeneration up to 57.3 and 60.7%, respectively. Supplementation of the media with 10 mga $\textrm{AgNO}_3$ and 40 mg/L cysteine enhanced frequencies of callus induction and plant regeneration. Efficient regeneration system established in this study will be useful for molecular breeding of orchardgrass through genetic transformation.

Enhanced drought tolerance by expression of hvDhn5 gene in poplar

  • Han, Mu-Seok;Noh, Eun-Woon
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2011
  • We transferred Dhn5 (dehydrin5) gene from barley to poplar to determine the effect of its expression on the transgenic poplars. The results from northern blot analysis showed that the expression level of gene varied among the transgenic lines. During their culture on tissue culture media, the transgenic poplars formed vigorous growing callus in the presence of 5% PEG. When the transgenic poplars were growing in pots and witheld watering, they stayed much healthier than nontransgenic poplars. The transgenic poplars showed higher rates of photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance and evaporation rates under the drought stress, although there was no significant difference in soil water content within the treatments. The relative electrical conductivity of the transgenic poplars after 20% PEG treatment was lower than that of nontransgenic poplars. The results provide evidence that the expression of hvDhn5 gene conferred drought tolerance in the transgenic poplars.