• Title/Summary/Keyword: Planning Parts

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A Study of Automated Process Planning and Die Design for Multi Former-Bolt Products (다단포머-볼트류 공정 및 금형설계 자동화 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Chul-Woo;Kang, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Jun-Ho;Kim, Chul;Kim, Moon-Saeng;Choi, Jae-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2003
  • This paper deals with an automated computer-aided process planning and die design system with which designer can determine operation sequences even after only a little experience in process planning and die design of multi former-bolt products by multi-stage former working. The approach is based on knowledge-based rules, and a process knowledge base consisting of design rules is built. Knowledge fur the system is formulated from plasticity theories, empirical results and the empirical knowledge of field experts. Programs for the system have been written in AutoLISP for AutoCAD with a personal computer. An attempt is made to link programs incorporating a number of expert design rules with the process variables obtained by commercial FEM softwares, DEFORM and ANSYS, to form a useful package. The system is composed of four main modules. The process planning and die design module considers several factors, such as the complexities of preform geometry, punch and die profiles, specifications of available multi former, and the availability of standard parts. It can provide a flexible process based on either the reduction in the number of forming sequences by combining the possible two processes in sequence, or the reduction of deviation of the distribution and the level of the required forming loads by controlling the forming ratios. The system uses 2D geometry recognition and is integrated with the technology of process planning, die design, and CAE analysis. The standardization of die parts for multi former-bolt products requiring a cold forging process is described. The system developed makes it possible to design and manufacture multi former-bolt products more efficiently.

Analysis of the Importance of Planning Elements for Healing Gardens (치유정원 조성을 위한 계획요소의 중요도 분석)

  • Jung, Myoung-Ja;Park, Won-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a system of planning elements necessary for effective healing garden. We suggested new planning parts and elements for healing garden through analyzing prior literature and evaluated the importance of planning elements through expert surveys. The results of the study are stated as follows. First, we suggested five planning parts and 19 planning elements. $\LARGE{\cdot}$ Planning parts: Physical environment, social environment, cognitive environment, functional environment, psychological environment. $\LARGE{\cdot}$ Planning elements: Plant planting, garden view, hydroponic space, shade space, work space, recreation space, community space, exercise space, landmark element, sign system, safe facilities and materials, disaster safety facility, universal design, accessible path, economical maintenance, sight openness, privacy guaranteed, variety of resting space, artistic element. Second, as a result of analyzing the importance of planning elements, the first place was the planting, the second place was the safety facilities for the disaster, and the third was diversity of rest space. In addition, the artistic elements and the landmark elements were ranked 18th and 19th, respectively. Third, we evaluated the level of importance of planning elements and classified it into three groups. The most important A group included two elements(plant planting, disaster safety facility), the next important B group included eleven elements(variety of resting space, community space, hydroponic space, universal design, safe facilities and materials, economical maintenance, accessible path, privacy guaranteed, garden view, work space, sight openness) and the less important C group included six elements(shade space, exercise space, recreation space, sign system, artistic element, landmark element). We suggest that, in creating a healing garden, the two elements in A group are essential elements and the eleven elements in B group should be importantly applied. In addition, the six elements in C group are recognized as arbitrarily selectable elements due to the relatively low importance levels.

User Interface for Unmanned Combat Vehicle Based on Mission Planning and Global Path Planning (임무계획 및 전역경로계획에 기반한 무인전투차량의 운용자 인터페이스 구현)

  • Lee, Ho-Joo;Lee, Young-Il;Park, Yong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.689-696
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a new user interface for unmanned combat vehicle(UCV) is developed based on the mission planning and global path planning. In order to complete a tactical mission given to an UCV, it is essential to design an effective interface scheme between human and UCV considering changing combat environment and characteristics of the mission. The user interface is mainly composed of two parts, mission planning and global path planning, since they are important factors to accomplish combat missions. First of all, mission types of UCV are identified. Based on mission types, the concept of mission planning for UCVs is presented. Then a new method for global path planning is devised. It is capable of dealing with multiple grid maps to consider various combat factors so that paths suitable for the mission be generated. By combining these two, a user interface method is suggested. It is partially implemented in the Dog-horse Robot of ADD and its effectiveness is verified.

A Study on Planning Aspects & Detailed Techniques in terms of Main Concept of Ecological Industrial Parks (생태산업단지 개념에서 본 계획측면과 세부수업에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Sook-Young;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2002
  • This Study aims to find out the planning aspects and detailed techniques in terms of concept of the Ecological Industrial Parks. It consists of the three parts : Firstly, according to theoretical review, this study gives a definition of the concept of ecological industrial parks. Secondly, it institutes planning aspects of ecological industrial parks based on the main concept. Thirdly, 8 case studies show us analysis of detailed techniques used each planning aspects. Ecological industrial parks mean industrial systems which make energy and substance circulated in order to reduce environmental pollutions inside and outside of park like natural ecosystem. To actualize ecological industrial parks, we have to adopt 3 planning aspects which are energy and substance recycling system, environmentally-friendly site planning based on ecology concept, constructing of ecological production and management. In case study, detailed techniques from each planning aspects are shown in table 8. As a result of case study, detailed techniques about planning of energy and substance recycling system is accommodated most. On the other hand, environmentally-friendly site planning techniques based on ecological concept is used passively. And detailed techniques about constructing of ecological production and management are very various as each cases. Finally, in terms of analysis, this study shows us appliable planning when we develop domestic Ecological industrial parks.

A Computer-Aided Inspection Planning System for On-Machine Measurement - Part I : Global Inspection Planning -

  • Lee, Hong-Hee;Cho, Myeong-Woo;Yoon, Gil-Sang;Choi, Jin-Hwa
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1349-1357
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    • 2004
  • Computer-Aided Inspection Planning (CAIP) is the integration bridge between CAD/CAM and Computer Aided Inspection (CAI). A CAIP system for On-Machine Measurement (OMM) is proposed to inspect the complicated mechanical parts efficiently during machining or after machining. The inspection planning consists of Global Inspection Planning (GIP) and Local Inspection Planning (LIP). In the GIP, the system creates the optimal inspection sequence of the features in a part by analyzing the various feature information such as the relationship of the features, Probe Approach Directions (PAD), etc. Feature groups are formed for effective planning, and special feature groups are determined for sequencing. The integrated process and inspection plan is generated based on the sequences of the feature groups and the features in a feature group. A series of heuristic rules are developed to accomplish it. In the LIP of Part II, the system generates inspection parameters. The integrated inspection planning is able to determine optimum manufacturing sequence for inspection and machining processes. Finally, the results are simulated and analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed CAIP.

A Study on the Analysis of the Water Quantity of the Rainwater Detention System based on the Planning Simulation in the Wonheungs' ecological park (모의실험에 의한 청주S(3)택지개발지구 원흥이생태공원일대 우수저류시설의 빗물저류효과 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Gi-Soo;Lee, Tae-Gu;Hwang, Hee-Yeun
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the water quantity of the rainwater detention system based on the Planning Simulation in Residential Areas. The contents of this research consists of two main parts. The first part is to calculate the supply water quantity of the rainwater detention system and the demand water quantity of the Wonheungs' ecological park. The second part is to analyze the difference between demand and supply of water quantity, based on the Planning Simulation, in the rainwater detention system. This research will contribute to the establishment of the environment-friendly site planning methods which increase the quality of residential environment in apartment housing.

The Connection System through Environmental Analysing Factor-Plan Element-Control Element-Valuation Index to Improve the Sustainability in Ecological Housing Estate (생태주거단지의 지속가능성제고를 위한 계획요소-제어요소-평가지표 연계시스템 (에너지 계획분야를 중심으로))

  • Seo, Dong-Koo;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to identify the structure and system to make close relationship among planning elements, legal regulation and evaluation index toward sustainable development in the ecological housing estate. Through these close relationships the ecological housing estate could get more sustainability. With this consideration, this study consists of following three parts. First, we review the key issues of sustainability in ecological housing which are focused on the energy-efficient planning. Second, we extract the planning elements, legal regulation and evaluation index using the qualitative system dynamics that is found out all phenomenons from viewpoint of closed loop thinking and circular feedback system. Third, we analyse the correlationship among them in terms of energy efficient planning in the ecological housing estate. Finally, we summarize the findings toward sustainability in ecological housing estate through these analysis.

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A Study on the differences of Residents' and Experts' Consciousness to the Planning Factors of the Environment-Friendly Apartment Housing in Chung-ju city (충주지역 일반거주자와 전문가의 환경친화형 주거단지 계획요소에 대한 의식차이 연구)

  • Kim, Gi-Soo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences of residents' and experts' consciousness to the environment-friendly apartment housing in chung-ju city. The contents of this research consists of two main parts. The first part is to select the influential planning factors of the environment-friendly apartment housing based on the case study of 38 housing samples and the inquiry of precedent researches. The second part is to analyze the differences of residents' and experts' consciousness to the planning factors of the environment-friendly apartment housing, in chung-ju city. This research will contribute to the establishment of the site planning methods which increase the quality of residential environment in apartment housing.

A Process Planning System Using Group Technology and Rule Base (군분류 기술과 룰베이스를 이용한 공정계획 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Kyo-Il;Lee, Hong-Hee;Noh, Sang-Do;Shim, Young-Bo;Cho, Hyun-Soo
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 1995
  • Computer Aided Process Planning(CAPP) has been emerged as playing a key role in Computer Integrated Manufacturing(CIM) as the most critical link to integrate CAD and CAM, and therefore much effort has been dedicated to the structure and creation of CAPP system. In this research, a modified variant CAPP system based on process planning rule base is developed, which generates process plans for parts automatically where GT code data are provided as input. In order to execute process planning, rules are constructed in the form of Decision Tree and this system has the inference engine that extracts the results of process planning on the basis of tree-structured rules which are concerned with manufacturing processes.

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Path Planning of Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Fuzzy Logic Control (퍼지로직을 이용한 자율이동로봇의 최적경로계획)

  • Park, Jong-Hun;Lee, Jae-Kwang;Huh, Uk-Youl
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07d
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    • pp.2420-2422
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, two Fuzzy Logics for path planning of an autonomous mobile robot are proposed. If a target point is given, such problems regarding the velocity and object recognition are closely related with path to which the mobile robot navigates. Therefore, to ensure safety navigation of the mobile robot for two fuzzy logic parts, path planning considering the surrounding environment was performed in this paper. First, feature points for local and global path are determined by utilizing Cell Decomposition off-line computation. Second, the on-line robot using two Fuzzy Logics navigates around path when it tracks the feature points. We demonstrated optimized path planning only for local path using object recognition fuzzy logic corresponds to domestic situation. Furthermore, when navigating, the robot uses fuzzy logic for velocity and target angle. The proposed algorithms for path planning has been implemented and tested with pioneer-dxe mobile robot.

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