• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plan Variation

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Residential design on characteristics of formative expression in the contemporary residential architecture (현대 주거건축의 조형적 표현특성을 적용한 주거 공간 계획)

  • Park, Hae-Ri;Mo, Jeong-Hyun
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2009
  • The meaning of the characteristics of formative expression in contemporary residential architecture is flowing elements as important means to inbreathe emotional feeling of movement and as automatic and positive wats of expression. So the purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of formative expression in contemporary residential architecture, and to plan residential design linked with this kind of concept. For this study, analysis of case studies were used and the cases were selected in contemporary residential architecture which were represented having formative expressions since 2005. The major results found that the characteristics of formative expression were ex-center, reiteration, dispersibility, diagonality, plasticity, non-linearity, and deconstruction. In addition to that, we derived various methods expressing the formative characteristics, which were mass transformation, plan variation and composition element transformation. Summing these results up, the various characteristics of formative expression in contemporary residential architecture are understood as the results of the free modeling will of architects fulfilled with the spirit of inquiry and experiment to escape from the standard architecture in order to differentiate themselves.

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Effect of new tunnel construction on structural performance of existing tunnel lining

  • Yoo, Chungsik;Cui, Shuaishuai
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.497-507
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents the results of a three-dimensional numerical investigation into the effect of new tunnel construction on structural performance of existing tunnel lining. A three-dimensional finite difference model, capable of modelling the tunnel construction process, was adopted to perform a parametric study on the spatial variation of new tunnel location with respect to the existing tunnel with emphasis on the plan crossing angle of the new tunnel with respect to the existing tunnel and the vertical elevation of the new tunnel with respect to the existing one. The results of the analyses were arranged so that the effect of new tunnel construction on the lining member forces and stresses of the existing tunnel can be identified. The results indicate that when a new tunnel underpasses an existing tunnel, the new tunnel construction imposes greater impact on the existing tunnel lining when the two tunnels cross at an acute angle. Also shown are that the critical plan crossing angle of the new tunnel that would impose greater impact on the existing tunnel depends on the relative vertical location of the new tunnel with respect to the existing one, and that the overpassing new tunnel construction scenario is more critical than the underpassing scenario in view of the existing tunnel lining stability. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.

Marina Development Impact on the Tranquility of Small Coast Harbor

  • Lee, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Joong-Woo;An, Hyo-Jae;Kim, Kang-Min
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.673-681
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    • 2014
  • Due to the increased demand for safety and security requirements on the port infrastructure, the harbor tranquility is one of the important parameter in the mooring basin of harbor. It relates keenly to berthing/unberthing and cargo handling works but also it is an important indicator to get the minimum water area as the safe refuge. Hupo harbor is a national coastal harbor located in east coast of Korea and a development plan for a new marina near the entrance is being carried out including berth layouts, breakwater extensions, 300m marina berths, dredging and land reclamation works. The new plan will impact on calmness of the existing port. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze in complex the variation of wave height and direction caused by wave refraction, diffraction, shoaling and reflection from the incident waves from outside the harbor. In order to check the calmness inside a harbor, the numerical models are being used currently need fundamental reviews according to the difference of results which depend on their respective features. In this study, hence, it was introduced the validity of numerical models by comparing the computational results with the hydraulic model experiment. The current investigations contribute to the existing development recommendations and provide further solutions for port planning.

A Study on the Characteristic of Space Recomposition and the Change of Operation Method of high schools in the Rural Area (농촌지역 고등학교의 운영방식 변화와 공간 재구성의 특징 연구)

  • Yang, Kum-Suek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2014
  • This study is to clarify the actual condition of the plan of high schools in the rural area. Recently, many high schools are remodeling the buildings and facilities based on departmental system. This study, through analyzing on 5 remodeling cases of high school in gyeongnam area. This article discuses about the basic characteristics of the plan composition and the education program of 5 high schools. This study is showing the variation before and after remodeling and space organization types. The results of this study are summarized as follows; We studied 5 high schools in 2012~2013 of them, which located in the rural area. We studied the location of department classrooms, teachers' labs and home bases of them. 1) Most of them take horizontal zoning system in the department classrooms. 2) The number of teachers' labs were increased in most of floors. On the other hand, most of Labs' area were decreased. Every department classroom zone has one teachers' lab. 3) Sample schools took much more spaces of home-base and media-space than before.

A Study on the ESS Integration Plan with Inner PCS of Wave-Offshore Hybrid Generation System for Maximizing Power Profile Stability (복합발전의 공급전력 안정성 극대화를 위한 파력발전 PCS의 BESS 연동방안 연구)

  • Jung, Seungmin;Kim, Hyun-Wook;Yoo, Yeuntae;Jang, Gilsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2014
  • The combined generator system by integrating several renewable energy sources can share the electrical infrastructure and therefore have the advantage of constructing not only the transmission system but also the power conversion system. Among the various combined renewable system, the wind power and wave power has a high possibility of future growth due to the economic feasibility in offshore environment. This kind of large-scale combined systems might be follow the determination by the transmission system operator's directions and control the output profile by focusing at PCC. However, both renewable energies are depend on the unpredictable environmental variation; it is needed to do the compensation devices. In this paper, the ESS compensation plan is proposed to do output determination of the combined generator system by paying attention to active power of utility grid with the analysis of the controllable elements of the wind and wave power generator. The improvement of the new application technique of the combined system is confirmed through using the PSCAD/EMTDC. The entire simulation process was designed by adopting the active power control according to the reference signal of TSO.


  • Hoon-Ku Lee;Yoon-sun Lee;Ja-Young Yoon;Jae-Jun Kim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2007.03a
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    • pp.711-720
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    • 2007
  • Apartment housing in the Korean domestic construction industry has had various and high-quality finishing work since the enforcement of price deregulation in 1998. Before the enforcement of price deregulation, feasibility studies of housing projects have not had particular difficulties as uniform description of finishing work items were reflected and finishing work cost also was equalized. However, the recent distinction of finishing work based on the same floor plan brings about project cost variation, along with many effects on construction management due to project cost increment. Accordingly, this paper suggests the improved plan of cost management to control the feasibility study result consistently during the life cycle of a project through an analysis based on cost management phase due to cost blackout, appearing at the commencement of a project, cost gradation caused by high-quality finishing work item, and cost reduction due to the degradation of finishing work after analysis of current apartment construction process focused on finishing work using the IDEF process analysis technique.

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Dosimetric Comparison of Left-sided Whole Breast Irradiation using a Virtual Bolus with VMAT and static IMRT (좌측 유방의 세기변조 방사선치료 시 Virtual Bolus 적용에 따른 선량 변화 비교 평가)

  • Lim, Kyeong Jin;Kim, Tae Woan;Jang, Yo Jong;Yang, Jin Ho;Lee, Seong Hyeon;Yeom, Du Seok;Kim, Seon Yeong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Radiation therapy for breast cancer should consider the change in breast shape due to breathing and swelling. In this study, we evaluate the benefit of using virtual bolus for IMRT of left breast cancer. Materials and methods: 10 patients with early breast cancer who received radiation therapy after breastconserving surgery compared the VMAT and IMRT plans using the virtual bolus method and without using it. The first analysis compared the V95%, HI, CI of treatment volume, Dmean, V5, V20, V30 of ipsilateral lung, and Dmean of heart in VMAT plan made using the virtual bolus method(VMAT_VB) to the plan without using it(VMAT_NoVB) in case there is no change in the breast. In IMRT, the same method was used. The second analysis compared TCP and NTCP based on each treatment plan in case there is 1cm expansion of treatment volume. Result: If there is no change in breast, V95% in VB Plan(VMAT_VB, IMRT_VB) and NoVB Plan(VMAT_NoVB, IMRT_NoVB) is all over 99% on each treatment plan. V95% in VMAT_NoVB and VMAT_VB is 99.80±0.17% and 99.75±0.12%, V95% in IMRT_NoVB and IMRT_VB is 99.67±0.26% and 99.51±0.15%. Difference of HI, CI is within 3%. OAR dose in VB plan is a little high than NoVB plan, and did not exceed guidelines. If there is 1cm change in breast, VMAT_NoVB and IMRT_NoVB are less effective for treatment. But VMAT_VB and IMRT_VB continue similar treatment effect compared in case no variation of breast. Conclusion: This study confirms the benefit of using a virtual bolus during VMAT and IMRT to compensate potential breast shape modification.

Regional variations of optical properties on asteroid (25143) Itokawa taken with the Asteroid Multi-band Imaging Camera (AMICA) on-board the Hayabusa spacecraft

  • Lee, Mingyeong;Ishiguro, Masateru
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.45.1-45.1
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    • 2015
  • Hayabusa is the JAXA's space mission that succeeded in sample-return from S-type asteroid (25143) Itokawa. During the rendezvous phase, more than a thousand of images were taken with the Asteroid Multi-band Imaging Camera (AMICA). It is valuable to study the regional variation of the optical properties on the asteroid using these images to know the generality and uniqueness of the returned samples. In addition, AMICA images are important in that they provide unique data set at low phase angle (i.e Sun-Itokawa-AMICA's angle) that have not been explored in the previous asteroidal missions. At the previous conference (2015 KAS spring meeting), we introduced our preliminary data analysis of AMICA data without considering the shape model of Itokawa and mentioned. In this study, we present a new result obtained through further analysis, taking account of the shape model of the asteroid. We thus utilized "plate_renderer" tool to derive Hapke model parameters at different terrains. It is found that the opposition amplitude (parameter B0) is consistent with those of the other S-type asteroids while the opposition width (parameter h) is significantly narrower than those of the other S-type asteroids. At this conference, we plan to describe the regional variation of photometric properties on Itokawa.

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In-orbit performance prediction for Amon-Ra energy channel instrument

  • Seong, Se-Hyun;Hong, Jin-Suk;Ryu, Dong-Ok;Kim, Sug-Whan
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.30.2-30.2
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    • 2011
  • In this report, we present in-orbit radiometric performance prediction for the Amon-Ra (Albedo Monitor and Radiometer) energy channel instrument. The Integrated Ray Tracing (IRT) computational technique uses the ray sets arriving at the Amon-Ra instrument aperture orbiting around the L1 halo orbit. Using this, the variation of flux arriving at the energy channel detector was obtained when the Amon-Ra instrument including the energy channel design observes the Sun and Earth alternately. The flux detectability was verified at the energy channel detector (LME-500-A, InfraTecTM). The detector time response and RMS signal voltage were then derived from the simulated flux variation results. The computation results demonstrate that the designed energy channel optical system satisfies the in-orbit detectability requirement. The technical details of energy channel instrument design, IRT model construction, radiative transfer simulation and output signal computation results are presented together with future development plan.

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Structural damage distribution induced by Wenchuan Earthquake on 12th May, 2008

  • Jia, Junfeng;Song, Nianhua;Xu, Zigang;He, Zizhao;Bai, Yulei
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 2015
  • Based on the reconnaissance of buildings in Dujiangyan City during 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China, structural damage characteristics and the spatial distribution of structural damage are investigated, and the possible reasons for the extraordinary features are discussed with consideration of the influence of urban historical evolution and spatial variation of earthquake motions. Firstly, the urban plan and typical characteristics of structural seismic damage are briefly presented and summarized. Spatial distribution of structural damage is then comparatively analyzed by classifying all surveyed buildings in accordance with different construction age, considering the influence of seismic design code on urban buildings. Finally, the influences of evolution of seismic design code, topographic condition, local site and distance from fault rupture on spatial distribution of structural damage are comprehensively discussed. It is concluded that spatial variation of earthquake motions, resulting from topography, local site effect and fault rupture, are very important factor leading to the extraordinary spatial distribution of building damage except the evolution of seismic design codes. It is necessary that the spatial distribution of earthquake motions should be considered in seismic design of structures located in complicated topography area and near active faults.