• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plan Variation

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Effect of corner modifications on 'Y' plan shaped tall building under wind load

  • Sanyal, Prasenjit;Dalui, Sujit Kumar
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.245-260
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    • 2020
  • Wind load and responses are the major factors which govern the design norms of tall buildings. Corner modification is one of the most commonly used minor shape modification measure which significantly reduces the wind load and responses. This study presents a comparison of wind load and pressure distribution on different corner modified (chamfered and rounded) Y plan shaped buildings. The numerical study is done by ANSYS CFX. Two turbulence models, k-epsilon and Shear Stress Transport (SST), are used in the simulation of the building and the data are compared with the previous experimental results in a similar flow condition. The variation of the flow patterns, distribution of pressure over the surfaces, force and moment coefficients are evaluated and the results are represented graphically to understand the extent of nonconformities due to corner modifications. Rounded corner shape is proving out to be more efficient in comparing to chamfered corner for wind load reduction. The maximum reduction in the maximum force and moment coefficient is about 21.1% and 19.2% for 50% rounded corner cut.

A Study on the Application of Departmentalized Classroom System in High School in the Rural Area (농촌지역 고등학교의 교과교실제 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Kum-Suek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual condition of the plan of high schools in the rural area. Recently, many high schools are remodeling the buildings and facilities based on the departmentalized classroom system. This study, through analyzing on 2 remodeling cases of small high schools in the rural area of gyeongnam. This article discuses about the basic characteristics of the plan composition and the education programs of 2 small high schools. This study is showing the variation before and after remodeling and space organization types. The results of this study are summarized as follows; 1) Most of them take horizontal zoning system in the department classrooms. 2) Number and area of teachers' laboratory ware increased in most of floors. 3) Sample schools took much more spaces of homebase than before. 4) Consideration is given to the main subject spaces before the other subject spaces.

Strategic Plan for Revitalization by Analyzing on Current Status of Public Using Facilities in Rural Village (농촌마을의 공동이용시설 활용실태조사를 통한 재생전략)

  • Bang, Se-Ra;Park, Jun-Mo;Park, Gil-Bum;Kim, Ok-Kyue
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.22-23
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    • 2014
  • An infrastructure has been expand with government-initiated series of supporting business in the country rural village. However, there has still been a shortage of it compared to the city. it needs the infra-improvements that making international competitiveness for agricultural competitiveness securing and improving for housing condition. In particular, Public using facilities in rural village are not function as communal identity but life as enjoy culture for farmer. Therefor it is hot-issue that changed rural economy recently is innovated suitable. This study suggests the customized revitalization strategy for the variation of inside and outside of rural communities, after analyzing and classifying on current status of public using facilities in rural village, in chungcheong area.

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A Study on the Analysis of Water Waves and Harbor Oscillations due to the Development of Pusan Harbor (부산권개발에 따른 파괴분석과 해면부진동에 관한 연구)

  • 이중우;김지연
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1991
  • An accurate estimation of water level variation when thewaves propagate to the coastal regionis very important for the port and harbor development plan. This study describes the application of a hybrid element model to harbor oscillation problem due to the construction of shore structure and implementation of shore boundary. The site selected is Pusan Harbor area with the third development and the Artificial Island plan. The observed water level changes at the site are compared with the result of the numerical experiment. The model gives a very important prediction of water level changes for navigation and harbor design.

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An analysis and their improvement plan on the inquiry activity contents presented at a chapter on natural environment and our lives in science textbook of Middle school investigated in viewpoints of environmental education (환경교육 차원에서 검토된 중학교 과학 자연환경과 우리 생활 단원의 탐구활동 내용에 대한 분석 및 그 개선방안)

  • 이창석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Environmental Edudation Conference
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    • 2002.12a
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2002
  • Inquiry activity contents presented at a chapter on natural environment and our lives in 6 science textbooks of the middle school were analyzed based on kinds of the inquiry Loaming classified by textbook. The number of inquiry activity subjects showed severe variation as mean value was 8.3${\times}$3.7 ranged from 4 to 15. Moreover, textbooks had little common point among each other as the percentage of subjects appeared together in the textbooks more than 3 kinds, 50% of total ones investigated, was just 26.3%. Data interpretation occupied significant position in the inquiry activity as 42% of total activity contents, whereas observation and experiment (or survey) did slight part of the activity as 10% and 16%, respectively even though they are main factors of science education. A model for field education based on the reasonable common subjects was prepared in the Gildong ecological park located In the eastern fringe of Seoul as a plan in order to solve the problems.

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A study on the physical security market economy revitalization plan (물리보안 시장경제 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Min Su Kim
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2023
  • In the domestic physical security (mechanical security) market, there is an increasing variation in the expansion of security areas due to the infrastructure of large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises. In other words, problems related to on-site dispatch between companies are constantly being raised due to the limitation of physical security service s to the scope of dispatch according to the dispatch time. Therefore, in this study, based on the results of the criteria for the scope of dispatch as a criterion for dispatch time through simulations related to on-site dispatch, we propose a plan to activate the physical security (mechanical security) market in the future.

Relationship between DEA Efficiency and Management Performance of National University Hospitals (국립대학교병원의 DEA 효율성과 경영성과 간의 관계)

  • Ha, Oh-Hyun;Jeong, Woo-Sik;Jung, Yong-Mo
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2015
  • This study, an examination of the plan for effective resource management for national university hospitals, was performed to determine the relationship between the effectiveness of patient output by considering input personnel using the DEA model and Management Performance, in which 4 years of data from 12 national university hospitals were analyzed. Among the components of the effectiveness, utilizing properly imput components from the application of VRS(Variable Returns to Scale), the Management Performance of national university hospitals was found to be affirmatively influenced by PTE(Pure Technical Efficiency). Regarding the Management Performance of national university hospitals in their attempts to establish a plan for effective human resource management, the management of patient numbers on the basis of calculation level with input is more recommendable than the controlling of personnel input using patient numbers. Thus, the establishment of a strategy plan for the proper allocation of administrative staff and sickbeds, considering the variation of patient numbers, is suggested.

A Study on Development of network draft design on 16 shaft dobby loom (16종광 도비직기에서 네트워크조직의 디자인발전에 관한 연구)

  • 최영자
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2002
  • Through network draft, it′s possible to describe curve draft with main motive in a lobby loom and to fulfill draft design more conveniently thanks to the development of computer device. Network draft was introduced by Alice Schlein, who is an American weaving artist, and I had ever published research paper on "The unfolding and development of network draft using computer dobby system" . The purpose of the next study was to develop the design of network draft while do make a design network draft in a dobby loom with 16 shafts, and could reach follow conclusion as a result of designing a variety of drafts. The initial of 4-end in a loom with 16 shafts was a basic condition to describe more perfect shape in comparison with draft in 8 shafts through the development of network. The development of draft line was essential to deride the pattern of fabric, and the pattern of draft is decided according to selecting key peg plan. Thereby, could get a variety of draft patterns derive from mix key peg plan with initial selected by developing the kind of draft line and applying diverse key peg plan. As for the variation and diversification of draft line, the shape of patters varied depending col the curve extent and connectivity of draft line and the size of curve. The pattern of network draft can be changed infinitely by free round curve of draft line. In addition, a variety of draft designs shall be developed by increasing the number of shaft, enlarging the scale of draft line, and developing more creative draft line.

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A Numerical Study on the Behavior of Convex and Concave Slopes in Plan View (볼록 및 오목 사면 형상에 따른 거동에 대한 수치해석 모형 연구)

  • 정우철;박형동;박연준;유광호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2000
  • Numerical modeling of cut slope has some limits in simulating the real slopes. In the case of 2D analysis of slope stability, it is assumed that slope is simply straight even when it is concave or convex in plan view. In this study, 3D analysis in curved shape slopes has been conducted for the comparison with 2D analysis in terms of failure mode and factor of safety. For this, 3D analysis by FLAC3D was compared with 2D analysis in plane strain condition and axi-symmetric model condition by FLAC. It was also observed how safety factors of slopes were affected by the variation of the tensile strength and cohesion, which are important variables to decide whether the slope fails or not. 2D analysis of concave slopes under plane strain condition showed much smaller safety factors by 16-40 % errors depending on the radius of curvature of slopes, compared to the more realistic values from 3D analysis. In case of convex slopes, the lower values by 7-10 % has been reported. 2D analysis of axi-symmetric model showed also smaller safety factors by 6-10 % and by 2-4 %, in case of concave and convex slopes, respectively. Such results are expected to contribute to the better understanding of failure process and could be applied for improved design of slopes.

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A Study on the Plan Composition of Departmental Classroom Type in Middle School - Comparison Design Competition with Construction Design about LH in 2013- (교과교실제 중학교의 평면구성 분석연구 - 2013년 LH 현상설계안과 실시설계의 비교 -)

  • Seo, Boong-Kyo;Song, Bong-Gun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2014
  • After the introduction of the 7th education program, educational facilities have been requested to change to face new curriculums and have been planned. The purpose of this study is to fill up a gap between the study of education facilities, building planning and real educational spot and also find difference of plan composition by analyzing latest middle school floor plans. In this regard, floor plans of 8 middle schools proposed in LH design competition is compared and analyzed in this study. To sum up this analysis, the guide lines suggested from Korean educational development institute(KEDI) has not been followed in many building planning. For subject classrooms, guide lines from KEDI were ignored and support facilities did not planned as necessary space calculated through scale estimation program. To select a planned proposal in the future, demand of scale estimation, various studies, real educational spot and etc. should be reflected.