• 제목/요약/키워드: Piezoelectric Thin Film Sensor

검색결과 47건 처리시간 0.024초

압전필름센서를 이용한 복합재 평판의 저속충격 손상개시 모니터링 (Monitoring of Low-velocity Impact Damage Initiation of Gr/Ep Panel Using Piezoelectric Thin Film sensor)

  • 이관호;박찬익;김인걸;이영신
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2001년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.174-178
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    • 2001
  • The piezoelectric thin film sensor can be used to interpret variations in structural and material properties, e.g. for structural integrity monitoring and assessment. To illustrate one of this potential benefit, PVDF film sensors are used for monitoring impact damage initiation in Gr/Ep composite panel. Both PVDF film sensors and strain gages are surface mounted to the Gr/Ep specimens. A series of impact test at various impact energy by changing impact mass and height is performed on the instrumented drop weight impact tester. The sensor responses are carefully examined to predict the onset of impact damage such as matrix cracking, delamination, and fiber breakage, etc. Test results show that the particular waveforms of sensor signals implying the damage initiation and development are detected above the damage initiation impact energy. As expected, the PVDF film sensor is found to be more sensitive to impact damage initiation event than the strain gage.

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에너지 하베스팅용 압전 캔틸레버의 위치에 따른 파단점 분석 (Analysis of the Failure Position in the Unimorph Cantilever for Energy Harvesting)

  • 김형찬;정대용;윤석진;김현재
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.121-123
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    • 2007
  • Energy harvesting from the vibration through the piezoelectric effect has been studied for powering the wireless sensor node. As piezoelectric unimorph cantilever structure can transfer low vibration to large displacement, this structure was commonly deployed to harvest electric energy from vibrations. Piezoelectric unimorph structure was composed of small stiff piezoelectric ceramic on the large flexible substrate. As there is the large Young's modulus difference between the flexible substrate and stiff piezoelectric ceramic, flexible substrate could not homogeneously transfer the vibration to stiff piezoelectric ceramic. As a result, most piezoelectric ceramics had been broken at the certain point. We measured and analyzed the stress distribution on the piezoelectric ceramic on the cantilever.

PZT 박막의 압전특성에 미치는 공정변수의 효과 (Effect of Process Parameter on Piezoelectric Properties of PZT Thin films)

  • 김동국;지정범
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제15권12호
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    • pp.1060-1064
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    • 2002
  • We have studied the effect of crystallization temperature, composition and film thickness, which are the fundamental processing parameters of lead zirconate titanate(PZT) thin film fabrication, in the respect of the piezoelectric properties by our pneumatic loading method(PLM). A great deal of research has been done in the field of characterization for piezoelectric thin films after the first report on the measurement for the piezoelectric coefficient of thin films in 1990. Even though the piezoelectric properties of thin films are very critical factors in the micro-electro mechanical system(MEMS) and thin film sensor devices, a few reports for the piezoelectric characterization are provided for the last decade unlikely the bulk piezoelectric devices. We have found that the piezoelectric properties of thin films are improved as the increase of crystallization temperature up to 750$\^{C}$ and this behavior can be also explained by the analysis of dielectric polarization hysteresis loop, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of Zr/Ti composition has been also studied. This gives us the fact that the maximum piezoelectricity is found near Morphotropic Phase Boundary(MPB) as bulk PZT system does.

소형 압전 에너지 하베스터 구현을 위한 세라믹 크기 변화 (Investigation of piezoelectric ceramic size effect for miniaturing the piezoelectric energy harvester)

  • 김형찬;정우석;강종윤;윤석진;주병권;정대용
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2008
  • Energy harvesting from the vibration through the piezoelectric effect has been studied for powering the small wireless sensor nodes. As piezoelectric uni-morph cantilever structure can transfer low vibration to large displacement, this structure was commonly deployed to harvest electric energy from vibrations. Through our previous results, when stress was applied on the cantilever, stress was concentrated on the certain point of the ceramic of the cantilever. In this study, for miniaturing the energy harvester, we investigated how the size of ceramics and the stress distribution in ceramic affects energy harvester characteristics. Even though the area of ceramic was 28.6 % decreased from $10{\times}35{\times}0.5mm^3$ to $10{\times}25{\times}0.5mm^3$, both samples showed almost same maximum power of 0.45 mW and the electro-mechanical coupling factor ($K_{31}$) of 14 % as well. This result indicated that should be preferentially considered to generate high power with small size energy harvester.

센서용 piezoelectric film의 형성 및 특성 평가에 대한 연구 (Studies on Formation of Piezoelectric Film for Sensor and its Characteristic Estimation)

  • 이성준;김철주
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1998년도 하계학술대회 논문집 G
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    • pp.2509-2511
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    • 1998
  • In this study, we formed the piezoelectric film and estimated its characteristics for sensor application. The $Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3(PZT)$ was chosen as piezoelectric material and we used Sol-Gel method to form film. To increase film thickness, the multiple coatings were performed, and the good characteristics obtained in thick film compared to thin film. Because PZT film showed fine etching property as well as other good characteristics, it was thought that it was appropriate material for sensor fabrication.

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Sensitivity Improvement and Operating Characteristics Analysis of the Pressure Sensitive Field Effect Transistor(PSFET) Using Highly-Oriented ZnO Piezoelectric Thin Film

  • 이정철;조병욱;김창수;남기홍;권대혁;손병기
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.180-187
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    • 1997
  • We demonstrate the improvement of sensitivity and analysis of operating characteristics of the piezoelectric pressure sensor using ZnO piezoelectric thin film and FET(field effect transistor) for sensing applied pressure and transforming the pressure into electrical signals, respectively. The sensitivity of the PSFET(pressure sensitive field effect transistor) was improved by using highly-oriented ZnO film perpendicular to the substrate surface and the operating characteristics was investigated by monitoring output voltage with time in various static pressure levels.

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Miniature Ultrasonic and Tactile Sensors for Dexterous Robot

  • Okuyama, Masanori;Yamashita, Kaoru;Noda, Minoru;Sohgawa, Masayuki;Kanashima, Takeshi;Noma, Haruo
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2012
  • Miniature ultrasonic and tactile sensors on Si substrate have been proposed, fabricated and characterized to detect objects for a dexterous robot. The ultrasonic sensor consists of piezoelectric PZT thin film on a Pt/Ti/$SiO_2$ and/or Si diaphragm fabricated using a micromachining technique; the ultrasonic sensor detects the piezoelectric voltage as an ultrasonic wave. The sensitivity has been enhanced by improving the device structure, and the resonant frequency in the array sensor has been equalized. Position detection has been carried out by using a sensor array with high sensitivity and uniform resonant frequency. The tactile sensor consists of four or three warped cantilevers which have NiCr or $Si:B^+$ piezoresistive layer for stress detection. Normal and shear stresses can be estimated by calculation using resistance changes of the piezoresitive layers on the cantilevers. Gripping state has been identified by using the tactile sensor which is installed on finger of a robot hand, and friction of objects has been measured by slipping the sensor.

압전세라믹 기판과 고자왜박막을 결합한 스마트액츄에이타 (Smart Actuators Composed of Piezoelectric Ceramics and Highly Magnetostrictive films)

  • 신광호
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전기물성ㆍ응용부문C
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    • 제49권5호
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents a study on the linear compensation of nonlinear hysteric actuators using the highly magnetostrictive film pattern as a strain sensor. Elements had a hybrid structure, in which thin soft glass substrate with the highly magnetostrictive amorphous FeCoSiB film was bonded on the PZT piezoelectric substrate. The magnetostrictive film as a strain sensor detects the deflection of an actuator, and a voltage signal from the strain sensor related to the deflection of an actuator is used for the linear control of an actuator.

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Sol-gel 압전체 박막을 이용한 각속도 센서에 대한 연구 (Study on Angular Rate Sensor using Sol-Gel PZT thin film)

  • Lee, S. H.;R. Meada;M. Esashi
    • 한국재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국재료학회 2003년도 춘계학술발표강연 및 논문개요집
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    • pp.34-34
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    • 2003
  • Piezoelectric or magnetostrictive materials, known as smart materials, have been researched widely for sensors or actuators in micro system technology. In our research, thick sol-gel lead zirconate titanate(Pb(Zr$\sub$1-x/Ti$\sub$x/)O$_3$) films were fabricated and their characteristics were investigated f3r angular rate sensor applications. The thickness of the PZT films is 1.5${\mu}$m, which is required by a vibration angular rate sensor for a good actuation and sensing. The remnant polarization of the PZT flms is 12.0 ${\mu}$C/$\textrm{cm}^2$. The electromechanical constants of PZT thin film showed the value of susceptance(B) of 4800${\mu}$ s at capacitance of 790pF. The PZT films were applied to the vibration angular rate sensor structure and the vibration of 1.78 ${\mu}$m in amplitude at the resonant frequency of 35.8㎑ was obtained by driving voltage of 5V$\sub$p-p/ of bulk piezoelectric materials with out of phase signal through voltage and inverting amplifier.

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압전필름센서를 이용한 복합재 샌드위치 보의 저속충격 모니터링 (Low Velocity Impact Monitoring for a Composite Sandwich Beam Using Piezo Thin Film Sensors)

  • 박찬익;이관호;김인걸;이영신
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2003
  • 압전필름센서는 우수한 동적 감지 특성을 갖고 있어 복합재 구조의 저속충격을 모니터링하는데 유용하게 사용될 수 있다. 복합재 샌드위치 보에 대한 충격응답함수를 유도하였으며, 이를 충격시험와 비교하였따. 충격시험은 손상이 발생하지 않는 저에너지 조건에서 계측장치가 부착된 낙하식 충격시험기를 이용하여 수행하였다. 충격하중에 으한 샌드위치보의 거동을 예측하는 정방향 문제와 압전필름센서 신호로부터 충격력을 복원하는 역방향 문제에서 시험과 해석의 결과는 잘 일치하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 압전필름센서를 이용한 복합재 샌드위치 구조의 저속충격 모니터링 가능성을 확인하였다.